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  1. I can't understand why he's set his sights on Janae and now has to promote polygamy If he simply talked to women already interested in polygamy he couldn’t show off how magically alluring he is. He is a predator, the manipulation is part of the appeal for him ETA: I ended up quoting too much of a thread
  2. Robyn is stringing Meri along and telling her there is still hope w Kody as she does not want to be left alone with him. She wants his love and to be Mrs Brown but she wants to be able to ship him off when she needs a break. Jenelle is a flight risk and Christine is out. She needs to keep Meri in her pocket to be a Kody-sitter when she wants alone time She just needs to convince Kody of this
  3. He liked the big family dinners so he could hold court. I am agreeing with other posters when I say this reminds me of Jim Bob Duggar. They love to hold their families captive as an audience while they pontificate about nothing. Without the entire family being forced to listen to him (or watch some crappy presentation he threw together) Kody doesn’t get his narcissistic fix
  4. I think Robyn wanted to remind us that she was once thin and goiter-free.
  5. I am Meri’s age and have a thought on her desires. She seems to be insinuating wanting an intimate relationship with him. Thanks to peri menopause my libido is that of a fifteen year old boy. I have a high drive now but I have an understanding husband who is invested in helping me feel…satisfied. Even though she is legally divorced, Meri sees herself as spiritually married. If she can’t get any from Kody she can’t get any. I don’t think she wants a husband but a FWB
  6. My vagina actually sealed shut when Garrick asked Bert if she wanted “another round” before getting out of bed for the day. I will send him the bill to have it fixed
  7. Truthfully, if I were starving and freezing to death and Garrick’s house was warm, full of food, and the last house for 100 miles I would decline his invite That is how repugnant he is.
  8. Two things: 1. BrookS saw Jen’s labia, not her vagina. Women, please learn what your own body parts are called. If he had a speculum, he could see her vagina. 2. I often like what Meredith says but hate how she says it.
  9. Or to say Shannon called Gina’s house “sad” 🙄
  10. I'm thinking now that Braunwyn probably has some sort of personality disorder. Maybe Borderline Personality Disorder? I would like to present my armchair diagnosis: histrionic personality disorder https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder
  11. She is juggling a husband and a lover. But she is keeping things “private”. I just can’t with this one https://apple.news/AUw1WPoC5QLm0FQAovY8rDA
  12. Just watching now. The part where Brownie says she doesn’t know Sean after 25 years because he doesn’t talk about his emotions: the camera is on him and the look on his face is fear. I was raised by a woman like Brownie (she even did the sobriety journey for twenty years. But guess what folks? She decided she is no longer an alcoholic even after I had to spend years taking a back seat to her sobriety). Anyway I recognized that look. He knows he is doomed no matter how he responds. It is Brownie’s world: she makes the rules but those rules are ever changing. If he expresses emotions tomorrow, she will say he is too sensitive. If he lets her ramble on about her feelings and needs (safest bet, trust me) he is “cold” or unfeeling. I know I don’t have to explain how much I dislike this woman. I agree with other posters: she is the worst that has been thrust upon us by far
  13. According to Reddit, some of the Bates boys were in DC today joining in on the havoc/festivities (depending on your feelings about the news).
  14. https://apple.news/Ay5wWHrokSLGtGcz7cHiydA just leaving this here. (Article says she would be upset if Sean dated). At times, I fear I have bitch eating crackers issues with Brownie but then she opens her mouth and I feel justified
  15. A few of us guessed this! Great job think tank 😊
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