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Everything posted by Mabinogia

  1. Eeeew. While I did watch Family Matters back in the day, I seem to have forgotten most of it. But I do remember how repulsive I always found Urkel. I only really watched it because I loved Telma Hopkins. So while finding out that Urkel used Laura's measurements creeps me out, I'm sadly not surprised.
  2. Mine is between kitchen and the dining room section of an open living area. I do think it was a thing for a while, kind of a transitional phase between individual rooms of old and the open living concept of now. I don't mind it because it allows me to watch tv while I'm working in the kitchen. I live alone so I don't actually have to worry about being overheard sharing any scandalous secrets. lol
  3. Agree, not rigged exactly, but heavily influenced. I once worked for a network and was allowed to vote for the Emmys (I was an admin, my boss couldn't be bothered so let me vote for him), so firstly, the Emmy's are voted for by people who actually have a horse in the race and by people who are just picking whatever. I didn't watch half the shows nominated, I just picked what I liked or what was on our network. Ratings are a far better gauge for a show but even that is unreliable as not everyone watching is counted. That list of shows in the article, I've only seen two. Ted Lasso was... mildly amususing to me and there was nothing comedic about Wednesday. I wouldn't even classify it as dark comedy. It was by the books young adult drama with a name people recognize to give it "prestige". I liked it well enough, but it was not even remotely funny. Alas, the era of sitcoms is fading which I find so strange because the real world is so dark and bleak right now that I would think people wouldn't want that cynical bleakness bleeding into their "comedy" but here we are, wallowing in our collective misery. Well, not us here, we have the good taste to enjoy a hilarious show with heart, great acting, amazing writing, and a very unique concept. Ghosts has won the Emmy of my heart, not that that means much for it's success, but if all my wishes count, it will live (oh, sorry, that was insensitive to our Ghost friends) um it will thrive for a long time.
  4. This is the type of show I can watch multiple times and still enjoy, so maybe it's time for a third viewing. IDK if repeat viewings help the numbers at all but I really do think the show is worthy of a full second season. I think the story it was/is telling is one that should be told so... fingers crossed.
  5. You would be Final Girl in a horror movie. Good on you!
  6. You have more faith in humanity (and the law) than I do because I wasn't sure it would be dismissed. I am very relieved and glad it was though.
  7. Is it something one person could hold or carry?
  8. It's quite practical really. Don't have to worry about remembering your SOs name, not worry about calling out your exes name in the throws of passion, and if someone accuses you of doing something bad you can blame it on your same named spouse. It might get a tad confusing when you start procreated a bunch of mini Taylors though, might have to start numbering them. When that happens, does the ex get a number? Oh, that would be awkward. lol
  9. I can name all but 1 dog in my neighborhood (the one I don't know is new so I haven't had the time yet). I can name 3 humans in my neighborhood. Most of them I know of as Willie's mommy, Sid's daddy, etc.
  10. Yes, add to it, Joan Collins was a grown woman who could make her own choices, and it's not like she could possibly tarnish the reputation of some virginal character. I could MAYBE see him being upset if Linda Evans had done Playboy as she was supposed to be the "good" woman. Alexis was not some virtuous character so it was kind of on brand for the actress playing her to pose in Playboy. He was just using his clout and his morals to try to shame an adult woman for not making a decision he approved of. You can be a nice guy to your friends and people who act ion ways you approve of, and still be an asshole to those who don't toe the line (tow the line?, I never know which one it is. HOLD PLEASE (plays hold music...) Yay, I was right, it was toe the line. I always thought of it like putting your toe up to the line.
  11. Full disclosure, it's been so hot here these past few days that when I got home from grocery shopping I stripped down to my bra and knickers before putting my food away, though, since I don't live in a tv show, they weren't a sexy, lacy set or cute underoos, just some big ol' briefs and a nude bra. lol
  12. It really is sad, but I think she really is so broken that there is no way she can fix herself, and if she is incapable of getting help, it really is a tragedy but she also is starting to feel like a ticking time bomb and things are only going to get worse for her and anyone around her.
  13. Nooooo! Not Lionel Lockridge! I had such a crush on him in my youth. At least he lived a good long life.
  14. A medium comes to stay at the B&B. While she can't see ghosts, she can hear them. So the ghosts must stay silent during her stay, but they still want Sam to cater to their every whim, so they must get her attention as quietly as possible.
  15. I'm sure there is a joke in there somewhere about reinventing the wheel. lol For me, Ryan is the same level of blandly annoying that Pat was so he seems the perfect replacement for a show I haven't watched in ages and don't plan to watch any time in the future, so it could just be that I don't care. I just hate that Ryan is getting yet another job for being bland. It is very aggravating where there are so many better looking, more personable, smarter, funnier, more engaging people who could host things.
  16. And that is a lesson we should all live by. lol
  17. That is one of the many things that makes this show so great, the actions and reactions and acting going on in the background. I love it when actors/character don't just stand around watching the scene before them but act the way they would if they were real. This group of actors have all proven that they are excellent silent actors, and also that they really, really know their characters.
  18. Now that is the backstory I need!
  19. I want to learn more about Thor's death. We know that alive he was abandoned and alone, but when he died, where there other ghosts that helped him transition, who have, since then been sucked off? Or did he die completely alone and have to learn to be a ghost all by himself. The idea of that breaks my heart, so I hope there was some ghost around who helped him adjust. The cool thing about the way they are writing the ghost rules is that they could easily have other ghosts that we only see in flashbacks who have since moved on. In addition to B&B guests it is a great way to bring on guest stars. So far they are doing well at not writing themselves into too much of a corner when it comes to adding or taking away ghosts.
  20. I got Hardison. Yay me! I'm not nearly as smart as him, but the rest is pretty accurate. Age of the geek baby!
  21. It better have been a LOT of land because Hetty is priceless!
  22. Well, that helps to explain why this show is awesome! Any writer who is willing to allow their story to change organically rather that forcing their rigid storyline is a great storyteller. I do know that the character Trevor is based on from the UK show comes across, at least in season 1 (I haven't been able to see it further than that) had little to no nuance. I much prefer Trevor because he's more complex than just a jerk. The fact that he was a jerk in life due to peer pressure is a very real concept. I've known a guy like him who, when with his friends, was a total ass, but one on one was quite a nice guy. Eventually I stopped hanging out with him because he was getting more and more like his friends so maybe it's a good thing Trevor died when he did, before his total assimilation.
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