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Everything posted by Mabinogia

  1. I do wonder about how time passes for ghosts. Would she really be counting the rising/setting of the sun with a stick in the mud to figure out how long she'd been down there? Or is she going by vibes, like it FEELS like a month? Flower doesn't strike me as the ticking off the days type. Hell, she may have been sucked off, asked to come back because she wanted to be with Thor since they just started their relationship, was sent back, but the coordinates were wrong and she got zapped back into the well. Show runners lie in interviews about what their plans are for the show all the time though, so I never pay much attention to interviews. I think sometimes it is purposeful misdirect and other times they had a plan when they gave the interview but something made them change it. But if they said something like "it has to be a main ghost to really make an impact" that doesn't necessarily mean that is what they planned on doing. It would be like saying "dinner has to be vegetables to really be healthy, (but I'm having pizza)". Of course if they said "a main character is being sucked off" full stop, then who knows what happened. Maybe they lied, maybe they thought about it but realized the cast work too well together to lose one and tossed the idea, maybe Sheila was going to leave then asked if there was a chance to come back and they like her enough to say sure. Personally I don't care as, like I said, I don't pay much attention to what they say as it might not be the truth. lol
  2. Oh, I'd love it if Jay, fed up with being left out of the ghost stuff, ended up making up an invisible to others alien friend. He could convince Sam the light was really an alien beaming down who now lives in their barn and only Jay can see him.
  3. I think forgiving her was easier when he assumed he'd never have to see her again. But it wasn't exactly closure. I think now that she is also a ghost, they can hopefully just sit down and talk to each other about what happened. Pete never got the chance to tell her, face to face, how badly the news of her affair hurt him. And she never really got to tell him to his face why she did it. I believe that they did truly love each other so their healing can really only happen when they talk to each other directly. Not through letters, not through Sam but sit down, alone and really just open all the old wounds so they can properly heal. I hope that is the route they go. I think it will be and that this healing will lead to Carol being sucked off while Pete, assuming he'd go too, ends up staying on Earth. (I don't want that for Pete. If he were real I'd want him to get his closure and the peace of moving on, but he's not, and he only exists for my (our) entertainment, so I hope he sticks around. While not my favorite ghosts, I do adore him and would miss him if he left.) Though it would be pretty epic of the whole Flower got sucked off was a misdirect and the real suck off is Pete. (It wouldn't explain the light we saw in the cliffhanger, but I am wondering if we ever will get an explanation of that. Maybe it was something other than a suck off. Oh, maybe someone got abducted by aliens lol)
  4. My thought is, she was sucked off. When they held the séance it actually worked but, Flower being Flower, she came back to the wrong spot. NVM I forgot the "been there a month" thing. :( So we still don't know who was sucked off, which is interesting. But I am glad the answered the Flower question so quickly rather than drawing it out. I thought this ep was hilarious. I think it's interesting to have Pete's ex around (but only for a short time) just for the affect it will have on poor Pete. It will give a new dynamic as we've not really seen two ghosts who hate each other being stuck together. Oh, and imagine the rage if she then gets sucked off while they're all still there. But I don't want her around for long. She and Nancy are way too much. I guess Pete has a type. lol
  5. So, wait, we're the reason they are stuck here? Awe, now I feel bad, but not bad enough to let go so they can be sucked off. Sorry ghosts, you must stay here for my amusement. Muahhahahaa
  6. I just finished a show where up until the final ep, the show was amazing, writing was sharp the actors were on pointe, but then the entire final ep was basically what you said and I spent the whole hour shouting to just forking tell him why you're pissed!!!!!!
  7. This was a great episode, very funny, but I don't see much of a future for Bella and Eric, and not just because he lied for an extended period of time to her, but because she needed him to pretend to be someone else (the hot motorcycle neighbor) to be into him. That is not a healthy relationship. I am very happy that Isaac and Nigel's conflict was resolved. I really, really don't want the show to find some contrived reason to split them up in order to keep up some "will they/won't they" kind of thing. Those two have waited long enough to be together. I want them to get their happily ever after. Poor Alberta. Solving her murder didn't even make Jay's list of things that happened. :( Hetty's de-aging was... weird. I couldn't actually tell if it was extremely heavy make up (her face looked as white as Margot Robbie in Mary Queen of Scots) or CGI effects. Thing is, Rebecca Wisocky has this great rich, silky voice that doesn't read "young" to me, so seeing them trying to make her look younger but still sounding like current Hetty was more distracting than if they hadn't de-aged her and just styled her hair and makeup "younger". I mean, between the year title card, the change of clothes and the fact she was talking to her father we knew this was a younger version of Hetty. Still, this season is getting better with each episode. I wasn't that thrilled with The Owl, but this and the last ep reminded me why I fell in love with this show. And this is an example of how to use Nancy. She's best when she's just walking past in the background dropping a snide comment as she passes.
  8. The trouble is, once something is a huge hit, all the studios try to make their own version of it. It oversaturates the market. It seems like maybe 5 people in Hollywood have the ability to come up with fresh new ideas and the other 500 or so just steal those ideas and grind them into the ground until there is nothing left.
  9. Yeah, I rarely go directly to Freevee to watch anything but will often watch Freevee shows when I'm looking for something to watch on Prime and it shows up so I don't technically know what I watch on Freevee vs Prime other than Leverage and I think Murder She Wrote is Freevee not Prime but I could be wrong.
  10. Isaac definitely has an inflated sense of self importance, so it is completely in character for him to claim to have helped "invent democracy". As much as I love Isaac, I very much love when his self important balloon gets deflated and Sass's little throat clear was perfect.
  11. I found the ep okay but not one I'll probably rewatch when I want a laugh. So I'm not the only one? While I don't mind the concept of the basement ghosts, I can't forking stand Nancy. Whenever she or attic ghost are on I feel my interest wavering. This is one of very few shows I give my full attention to... until one of those two show up. Also, I am so indifferent to Flower that, other than the fact the episode was about her being sucked off, I didn't really notice her absence. Of all the Main ghosts, I was hoping she was the one sucked off because I do think I'd have missed Thor, Sass, Isaac (and Nigel as Isaac's partner), Hetty, Alberta, Pete or Trevor. While I don't want the actress to lose her job I would be fine with Flower being gone. I'd also be fine with her not being gone. That's how indifferent I am. lol I would happily have her come back and have Nancy sucked off in her place if that were an option.
  12. New conspiracy theory! Hetty got Flower sucked off! Flower will at some point come back in order to confront Hetty. "But why? We were going to braid each others hair and sing songs" Hetty's response "You just answered your own question. I'm not needed here." Walks out before any of the others can attack her.
  13. That could be interesting. Especially if Flower does want to go back to the other side but either Thor does something that prevents her from going back in time, or, being Flower, she forgets to go back in time and ends up stuck back as a ghost. Personally, I'm okay if Flower doesn't come back. I do think that is had to happen eventually and will move the story forward. While we've seen that they want to move on, we also see how they are a family (and seem to have gotten far closer with Sam and Jay around) so there has to be some serious conflict . I'm just dreading how long we'll have depressed Thorfinn. It is bad for his character to "get over it" but I also don't want him moping around or lashing out for a whole season. This show is my escapism.
  14. We never did see that woman's husband or whoever she was there with. I'm pretty sure she said "we" not "I" want my money back or whatever. So maybe she murdered her husband and is hitting the bricks. I am going to assume that Sheila wanted some time off to be with her new baby and not that she was basically fired. Unfortunately she has one of the few costumes that doesn't really allow for hiding a baby bump. Unlike Rose she can't actually just wear different clothes and her look was pretty bare mid-drifty. So the writers wrote her off but are leaving it slightly open ended because they don't want to fire Sheila and hope she'll be back. I think an interesting idea would be if she did get sucked off but for some reason came back. We know from Elias and the Maid that it is possible to come visit from either direction and so either she'll become more of a guest star who keeps coming back because she can't quite leave Thor or she decides to come back for good, again because she wants to have her chance at love with Thor. As for this ep, it was good. It was wonderful having my little ghost family back, but it wasn't one of my favorite eps. I'm not a fan of the basement ghosts. That said, it did make me laugh and cry and feel all warm and fuzzy so it did it's job and I can't wait to see what happens next.
  15. It just means that, like me, you have excellent taste. 😉 OMG same. It's great because I often rewatch eps of Midsomer Murders and there are so many that I forget who the killer was so it's like watching for the first time. I can't stand this trend of "explain the ending" videos. like, 1) I'm not a moron, 2) if the ending needs to be explained then the show wasn't very well written so I don't care, 3) let people watch and determine for themselves what it all meant. We don't all have to get the same thing out of our entertainment. Clearly not Netflix then LOL That is sadly unusual, execs actually realizing that just because every single person on Earth doesn't watch something the second it drops means the show isn't successful (Netflix, I will NEVER get over the loss of Lockwood & Co, no matter what you do!), but it is smart, businesswise. I get not jumping into a second season right away and waiting to see if the show does get more of a following, but don't just ax it weeks after you released it just because it wasn't "as big as Squid Games". I am evil as I secretly (not so much so that I'm unwilling to post it on a public internet forum lol) hoping the second season bombs just so maybe Netflix will get the hint that flashes in the pan might burn brightly but they also dwindle quickly while some shows that take longer to ignite end up having a much longer flame. (That metaphor was a bit forced. If I were on Netflix I'd have been cancelled before I even got to this paragraph. lol) haha, that figures. I do prefer to binge watch something that has a continuous story while sitcoms, procedurals, your one mystery per ep type shows I prefer not to binge. Trouble with the continuous story shows is that, like a book, I finish one chapter and think 'just one more, I need to know what happens next' and one more ends up being 8-10 more and then my entire Saturday is gone.
  16. I have been burned so many times by what creators think is a "shocking twist", or that they have to constantly "surprise" the audience that I seek out spoilers before watching something I'm unsure about. While I love a good mystery, so much of what is out there is more shock value driven and I'd rather know that going in. If the characters are engaging and the way the story is told is entertaining it doesn't matter if I know how it ends. Hell, I can quote Clue word for word and I still enjoy the hell out of it every time I watch it. I have gotten to the point with television that I would rather rewatch a rerun I've seen 50 times than try something new as there is so little new content that appeals to me. I'm sick of Marvel, I'm sick of Disney, I'm sick of "prestige" shows, or "fake" historical dramas, I'm over anything "distopian". I think I'm officially old now, because I'd rather watch Murder She Wrote than any new drama show. I now live for CinemaSins and TVSins because they allow me to know what people are talking about without having to commit to watching crappy shows. All that said, when I watched the first season of The Good Place NOT knowing the big spoiler, that was one of the greatest tv watching moments. I literally got chills, in the literal use of literally, not the one the kids these days use to sound extreme lol So I really could go both ways. If I really love a show and its writers have built up enough trust, like TGP, I don't want to know what happens. But if I just kind of like the show, or I'm unsure, or it's from someone I am hit or miss on, I would rather find out if it is worth investing my time in.
  17. Netflix cancels pretty much anything I would pay to watch so unless they offered a free, ad financed tier, I have zero interest in getting into any of the shows they offer for a week before cancelling for some crap show that is cheaper to make. I have been toying with getting youtube as it seems the closest to actual cable, which I cancelled and no matter how many times Comcast sends me mail (2-3 times a week, sometimes multiples daily) I am not going back! I have never had as terrible a customer experience as I've had with Comcast. They are DEAD TO ME!!! For a couple years now I've gotten by nicely watching reruns on PlutoTV and whatever Amazon Prime has to offer. There is very little I miss from back when I had cable or Netflix. TV always seems to go through phases and the current phase of reboots and franchises isn't my jam.
  18. The funniest part of the promo to me is that they cut out "sucked off". Can't let the kiddies know about ghost death. HAHAHA
  19. I actually had one occasion where I wrote a speculative fic between seasons and one of the "scene's" I wrote actually did happen on the show. It wasn't anything major but it felt so awesome that I thought the way the show writers did. As a writer I found it very affirming. Probably never happened again, but at least I'll always have that moment. lol
  20. I felt the same. I felt like I knew the creators didn't intend their story to end that way, this was just the second act conflict, but I have had unfinished stories get cancelled on me so was holding my breath waiting for the renewal announcement. That said, the season 2 ending is absolutely perfect for a fanfic writer. It leaves so many possible directions one could go. I would love to try my hand at a Good Omens fanfic, but I just don't know that I can do the characters justice. Coincidentally, I am almost done with my third re-read of the book. Maybe after that I'll try something.
  21. This is what Fanfic, and fandom in general, should be about. It's what it was when I started. A group of strangers from all over the world coming together to discuss a common interest. Fanfic should be fun, fun to write, fun to read and fun to discuss. When it stopped being fun (for House, as the shipping wars between House/Cuddy and House/Cameron could get pretty nasty) I left the forum, though I didn't give up writing, I loved writing them and only stopped when I didn't love it anymore and had moved on. Yeah, the "binge model" has been brutal for fandoms. I weep for the collective attention span. Lockwood & Co was one of the best new shows Netflix put out, great acting, great story, beautifully filmed, but it didn't "break out" with instant Squid Games level of viewers and was cancelled. (yes, I will die on this hill!) It is a shame because it could have gone on for years, unlike your flash in the pan Squid Games type bemouth. The days of building a strong, dedicated fandom slowly are gone. Now fandoms are more like locusts, latching on to the latest "hit" devouring it quickly and moving on to the next. Warning: I'm about to sound real old now... I pity this generation of fanfic writers because, the collective Fanbase has so much being thrown at them so fast, and most of it doesn't last long, and now everyone watches at different times (some binge, some watch ep by ep, some as soon as the show drops, some wait) that it is hard to build up that community.
  22. It is impressive how badly they botched it. House and Cuddy had a decent backstory to play off of, a past might have been, the actors had great chemistry, they had the somewhat forbidden boss-employee dynamic. I played a lot with that dynamic, how Cuddy was House's boss, but he had a sort of hold over her, so there was so much push-pull there. Why the writers couldn't get it right is beyond me!
  23. I wrote House fanfic for years. My pairing was House/Cuddy because my specialty is banter (and admittedly my stuff got pretty raunchy lol, but I mostly loved the banter and the sexual tension stuff). I also rewrote the ending of Sherlock because the cannon ending was TERRIBLE! Again, what I liked most was writing the dialog and banter between Sherlock and Mycroft, and Sherlock and Watson (this was not a shippy fanfic, nor was it a published one, though I shared it with my friends who also hated the way the show ended). I am working, still, on my epic Remember WENN fanfic but I might never finish it. It's more complex than my usual stuff, being a historic show, set in late 30s, and I'm going with a WWII spy theme for it. Even if I never write it, I am enjoying the research. These days I mostly enjoy ensemble comedies, Ghosts (mostly US but also UK), The Good Place, Parks and Rec, B99, thing is, I just think those are all perfectly written so there is nothing I can improve upon. I do love Lockwood & Co. (I will never forgive Netflix for ending that one). Actually, if I can come up with a good storyline I might do a fanfic for that as I love the characters, their banter and the whole concept of child ghost hunters. I don't know if I'm different, if television is different or something else. Being Queen Houddy was an amazing time in my life. I LOVED everything about it, and yet I've not really been able to capture that feeling again. There are certainly shows I love far more than House, far more than I loved House at that time. There are pairings I love more, writing I love more, shows I love more, but there was just something about that pairing at that time in my life that just clicked. When you find that, it's magical. I do think "fan" engagement had something to do with it. (I put fan in parenthesis because it feels funny saying I had fans.) Knowing that, if I didn't post something almost daily (and I was posting daily, and writing more than one fic at a time across different genres, erotica, humor, drama), I was going to disappoint people pushed me more than writing for myself does because, when doing it for myself, I don't technically have to write it down. Full disclosure, most of these characters are acting out stories in my head almost all the time. It's probably why I never get anything done. lol I think fanfic as a genre of writing has changed. It used to be about fans who were passionate about a show/characters/pairings wanted to take those characters to fun new places. Now it's mostly about getting views/likes/subscribers or becoming the next EL James. Social Media moving from being a place to connect with people with similar interests to a way to make a living has changed a lot of entertainment.
  24. That is actually how I first got into fanfic. The couple I liked wasn't cannon on the show so I just wrote it myself. I got lucky in that back then there was a pretty strong interest in the pairing and I had quite a following. Sadly, I've not been able to get that into a pairing since. I also no longer like the show so not going back to write more fic there. I do miss it, and I get @ESS's frustration at not having that engagement. One of the best things about writing my fics was the back and forth with my readers. I would often incorporate ideas they came up with into the fics and it was a lot of fun, but in the end I was writing for me, and as long as I held onto that, it didn't matter if anyone was reading or what anyone else thought. I've always enjoyed storytelling so for me having "fans" was just icing on the cake, but without them, the cake is still pretty yummy. If only I could find a show I like enough, but that is frustrating enough for me to want to rewrite it. lol
  25. Agreed. The Royal fashion threads were my favorites. The only bright side is, it will help my ween myself off this site (I spend way too much time online and want to cut back. With the lack of current shows I watch and now that loss of the royal threads I can finally cut back... eventually. It takes me quite a while to make a change).
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