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Everything posted by Mabinogia

  1. So many terrible people are "sorry" after they face consequences for their bad behavior. I'm pretty sure he's only sorry that he got called out on it.
  2. I have a feeling they knew what kind of guy he was, what he did, but willfully ignored it because he was good to them. I mean, they knew he dared Ashton to stick his tongue in Mila's underaged mouth without concern for if she'd want that, so they knew he wasn't exactly clear on boundaries and consent. That they both think it's a cute anecdote and actually ended up together makes me think they are also not entirely clear on boundaries and consent either. As to Kurtwood and Debra, they knew him in a very different way. I seriously doubt they "hung out" with the younger crowd after filming ended, they likely weren't at parties where Danny showed his true colors. I think they might actually believe he wasn't as terrible because they didn't see it. They are still dicks for defending him when they don't know what he was really like, but not quite as dickish as his actual friends, who did see what he was really like and still think he was a great guy.
  3. Remember: Hitler was a vegetarian and a dog lover! Those two tiny credits don't even begin to counter the grosses of debits! He was also probably smart enough to "read the room". Bake Off is a kinder, gentler kind of show. If he was trying to broaden his appeal, it would make sense to tone down is asshollery. There have been moments I thought he wasn't too terrible, but overall, I find him mildly repulsive, so I'm sticking with the ick. Now, maybe the allegations against him are false, but given his personality, his history and my instincts I'm leaning towards them being true. I feel like his bringing it up points to him being afraid she has proof and he's trying to discredit her before she can present it. Of course I'm already biased against him based on his horrendous personality, so take it with a grain of salt.
  4. I think they are trying to hint at Spoon having been saved by Bat Lady's group. Thing is, it looks like the photos are taken at the time they are saved, Baseball kid is still a kid in his photo, Octoface is also a kid, so is it saying Spoon was just saved? So he's not who he says he is? Obviously they couldn't put a photo of him as a child or we might not realize it was meant to be Spoon, unless he had a spoon with in in the photo lol. It was a hell of a cliffhanger. I'm enjoying the show. The only bit I don't care for is the Nazi angle as I feel like that is lazy shorthand to make us sympathize with Bat Lady, like, sure she kills people who get in her way and dicks about with her "oh so mysterious" schtick, but she fought against the Nazi's so she's good.
  5. There's a book I won't be reading. The Masters aka White Guys are Best, by Racists Misogynist, esq Hard pass. I'm female, so I'm probably not smart enough to understand it anyway. UGH
  6. I'm more surprised that it's taken this long for allegations to have come out about him.
  7. I feel bad for anyone for whom high school was the best time of their lives. It's such a short period of your life, rather towards the beginning of it, and for most people you really don't have that much freedom. If you peak at 17/18 the next 50-80 years are going to draaaaaag. One thing I do think shows get right is the idea that, if you felt alone, stiffled, trapped in high school, college really does open up your world in a major way. The idea that you are no longer stuck with all the same people you've known most of your life. What I don't think is necessarily true is that if you were popular, a jock, the big fish in your small high school pond that you will automatically be lost in college. I find that the popular kids, at least in my school, had damned good social skills that lead them to be pretty popular in college and beyond as well. I get they are trying to make us loners, outcasts and "weirdos" feel better about how shit high school was for us, by saying that our time will come, which is great, but it isn't a seesaw where the balance shifts and the outcasts triumph while the popular kids plumet.
  8. I never thought I'd see that headline. They always seemed so perfectly suited for one another. I suppose if there is anything good about it, they are smart enough to end things before it gets messing and ugly for their children. There seems to still be love there, and it's just that their lives are taking different paths now. They both seem like such solid, decent people that I'm sure they won't be tearing each other apart like some other couples have.
  9. I actually flunked gym because I refused to take a shower. The showers had no curtain/door/whatever, they were just open for anyone to point and mock you (middle school girls are the worst!) So I just didn't participate. I wasn't about to spend the rest of the day (had gym sometime before lunch) all gross from unshowered sweat.
  10. I think it is pretty telling that they wanted to support their friend enough to write the letters, but they didn't want anyone to know they did that. Clearly they knew how bad it would look to support a rapist, and they did it anyway because he never raped anyone that mattered to them so he's a "good guy". They should support him through the jail time he 100% deserves, not try to get him off because he's a good friend to them.
  11. But...but...she's a saint who can do no wrong!!!! Excuse me while I go take medication for an eye roll induced headache. While I did like SVU for a long time, the more it became the Olivia Benson show the less I watched. She is one of my most hated characters in a show I watched.
  12. Not a single on of the letters of support for Masterson make me think better of him, but they do make me question the integrity and morals of the writers. It is fine if they want to stand by their shitty friend, but he should not get off lightly for ruining people's lives just because he's famous with famous friends.
  13. I agree that this happened not because of some desperate plot contrivance to pull them apart, but because it is 100% in character for both of them to react exactly the way they did. That is what makes it bittersweet. That is what makes it work. And while it broke my heart to watch it, it was the good kind of heartbreak, the satisfying kind. I didn't have that moment of "wtf was he thinking?" I know why Aziraphale chose to go with Metatron. It is a dream come true for him, it is what he sees as his duty as an angel, it is what he feels he was put in this universe to do and without Heaven, he isn't sure who or what he is. It is the old, being handed everything you ever wanted only to realize that it costs you the thing you really want most. He'll figure it out. He has to, but I understand why he made that choice in that moment. Yes, my main fear with them being separated is that the whole or at least most of season 3 will be them apart building up to the big swelling romantic moment and then.. THE END. I will throw shit if that happens.
  14. It is so much easier for the "good guys" to prey on their victims exactly because they have people who will defend them and say "but he's such a nice young man". I wish that all the serial killers, rapists, pedophiles of the world were absolutely, clearly and obviously loathsome because they'd be much easier to avoid, but they are not. They are usually charming, handsome, nice guys to the world at large and only show their horrible nature when it's too late. I used to like That 70s Show and it is horrible now hearing what a toxic environment it seems to have been. I can't imagine being stuck in a workplace where half the staff were apparently in a cult.
  15. I think Aziraphale represents a very specific type of person who will blindly continue to believe is something or someone (not just talking religion here, it can be a politician, a parent, educational institution, even an actor or musician you admire) no matter how much evidence there is against them. He is the poster boy for blind faith. Something is going to have to happen to him directly, I think, to snap him out of it. Or perhaps he will be told to do something to Crowley, harm him somehow, and that will be the line Aziraphale won't cross.
  16. That is 100% Aziraphale. Despite having been on Earth for such a long time, he still seems very sheltered, unable to let go of what he's believed and known his whole life. Crowley, even when he was an angel, was more willing to question the "status quo" and it got him kicked out of Heaven. I don't think Aziraphale sees Crowley as bad. I think he sees him as "a good kid who fell in with a bad crowd" in a way. If only Crowley would come back to the angels he could finally be himself. If only he would come "home" everything would be okay. Aziraphale sees Heaven as home, as his safe place and he just can't understand how Crowley wouldn't see it that way. For as good and loving as he is, I think Aziraphale lacks empathy. Seeing things as good or bad takes away the ability to see WHY someone good would do something bad. Like with the grave robber. He wasn't able to get beyond "digging up corpses is bad" to really understand why she would be doing it, and the toll it probably takes on her. Crowley understood. Crowley was able to see that she wasn't doing it because she wanted to. It was the least harmful path she could take. She wasn't killing people, she wasn't stealing from the living and she was doing what she had to in a world that was very cruel to poor women with no families. Aziraphale, locked away in his little bookshop in his quaint little corner of London (the sets were stunning, I loved that whole old London even though it's present vibe), is very sheltered. It will be interesting to see, (if we hopefully get a 3rd season) if being the head archangel will open his eyes to how cruel the world can really be, or if it will just shelter him more from the horrors.
  17. I just finished my nearly 6 hour marathon of season 2. Loved it as much as but in a different way than season 1. As a lover of the book I loved Season 1 for bringing the story to life. Season 2 I loved for focusing on Aziraphale and Crowley not just in present day London, but throughout history. Honestly, I often prefer the flashbacks to the current story. Mostly because Maggie and Nina's story was boring to me because they just didn't click for me, either separately or as a pair. That ending though... woof. That was rough and beautiful and unexpected but completely what I should have expected of these characters. My heart broke for both of them. Crowley finally puts himself out there, and you could see how hard that was for him, but he was finally ready to take that leap of faith and his faith was shattered. Aziraphale is finally handed the chance to possibly change the world for the better, to really make a difference as a leader but it costs him the demon he loves. If we don't get a season 3 I need that book. If we do get a season 3 I still want that book. My hopes for Season 3: I hope that Crowley doesn't turn out to be some "famous" archangel. Just let him be Crowley. Not everyone has to be a big name. I hope Muriel is back. Loved her blend of ineptitude and enthusiasm. I think I'd be fine if Gabriel and Beelzebub stay away. I actually quite liked and even got a little misty eyed at their pairing (I'm a sucker for that forbidden love stuff) but I'm fine without them. I also hope Shax is back. I worship and adore Miranda Richardson and she was great as a bumbling demon with delusions of grandeur. Overall this was a great way to spend my day off.
  18. Same. The whole 'mystery' aspect is so confusing that I have kind of checked out on it, but I adore the three leads and their friendship. Was genuinely surprised by Ema's living situation. It is a very interesting take on societies obsession with fame these days.
  19. Of all the times I wish RL was more like TV, this is the big one. That and having a massive apt in Manhattan on a low paying job I never actually have to go to.
  20. Honestly, kids should try on all different types of hats in figuring out who they are. That is the beauty of being a child. The argument that a guy can "pretend" to be transgender to get access to the ladies' room to harm women and children, please, I am pretty sure millions more women and children are hurt by men outside the ladies' room than in it. It is disgusting that anyone in this day and age still uses that ridiculous argument. I learned about furries watching CSI. Shockingly, given how many people think that media influences us to do whatever it is we see (which is part of the argument people like Candice Cameron Burr make to keep queer representation off the screen), I have not become one myself.
  21. I am always jealous of this. I never have the right amount and have to wait for change before I can toss the cash on the table and storm out in a huff. By the time I've calculated the tip, my huff is nearly expired. It is so hard to be dramatic when you have to do math.
  22. I think, if I saw a guy alone that I thought was attractive and he wasn't wearing a ring I'd flirt with him, so in that sense, yeah, I'd assume he wasn't married until he said, "Sorry, I'm married". Then I'd back off. What I hate is the assumption that if a married person isn't wearing their ring they are looking to cheat. Because this... Sometimes rings just aren't practical, or you just don't like wearing one (that would be me. I'm not married but I'm not sure I'd want to wear a ring even if I was because I hate things on my hands).
  23. yes, and I agree that I think his comments are more from ignorance than from malice. Unfortunately, ignorant people tend to be the loudest. Sometimes I wish celebs would just think a bit more before they talk about topics they don't really know enough about. While they have every right to their opinion, the reality is that their opinion holds far more weight than it should. I find myself often disappointed when a celeb starts talking about social issues, politics, anything beyond entertainment. I have gotten to the point where I really only read/watch interviews that are light and frivolous lest I discover someone I adore is secretly a puppy kicking, supremacist lunatic.
  24. It is sad and kind of scary that there are so many people out there who, because they like someone's music/films/looks, that they will believe and follow everything that person says. Call me crazy, but I am not going to turn to an aging rocker who used to style himself like a walking corpse for as an authority on anything outside of making music and being showy. Maybe they are the 100 people who bought those imaginary Frye tickets. I feel like, at this point, Britney needs professional help. Unfortunately, she has been hurt so often by people she was supposed to be able to trust, that I don't think she would trust anyone who offered it. I really don't know what it would feel like to not be able to trust anyone around you. She must feel so alone, and also so desperate to find anyone she can put her trust in.
  25. That is interesting. Haven't read the books so wasn't aware of what is different but I will say, having Mickey as biracial really made certain police scene's very uncomfortable to watch. I have watched first three eps now and really like the show. I like the characters (and actors who are portraying them) enough that if the overarching mystery ends up falling flat (I have no idea where it is headed/what is going on at this point so I have no clue if I'll love it or hate it) I won't feel I wasted my time because it was enjoyable hanging with these characters.
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