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Everything posted by Mabinogia

  1. The only way one of the main ghosts is getting sucked off is if the actor has chosen to leave the show. The show runners know that it is the ensemble that made this a hit. They won't elect to get rid of any member of that group if they don't have to. So either, a) an actor wanted off, in which case diversity or character story resolution has nothing to do with it, b) it is one of the lesser ghosts, like Stephanie (the most likely IMO) or Crash, or Nigel's former shed mates (we haven't seen them in a while have we?) or c) whoever it is decides to come back. (if that's the case, my money is on Nigel or Isaac, as they got their "unfinished business" finished, but might decide that it isn't enough, they actually want to have the ever after part of happily ever after, at least for a little while. Unless they can go together, I don't see either of them wanting to go moments after getting engaged).
  2. See, I totally buy that he would be the kind of asshole who puts a different set of standards on young women than on himself and would totally punish a young woman for daring to do a "smutty" film and then get pregnant when her character isn't meant to. If I've learned anything about The Cos, it's that he is a controlling, domineering asshole who doesn't believe in the rights of young women to live how they choose.
  3. I hope none of our main ghosts go, but they did a good job of not making it obvious who it would be. Alberta got her murder solved, Isaac was finally able to commit to a relationship with the man he loves, Nigel's now the happiest ghost in the house, you could argue that Hetty has finally become a strong, independent woman, Stephanie got her 80s romcom ending, maybe Crash has been able to keep his head for more than a week lol. The least likely would be Pete, Thor, Sass and Flower. They have all had "moments" but not recent enough for it to likely be them. I do wonder if whoever it is, if it is one of our core ghosts, decides they don't want to go and half way through next ep (oh, the wait is going to be agony) decides to come back. Like, if it's Nigel or Isaac I could see either of them saying "thanks, but I just got my Heaven (kind of like Woodstone at the strip club) and comes back to their fiancé. I was giddy when Isaac got down on one knee. Such a huge step for him, and I get that, being from the era he is, that "shacking up" wasn't really something he was willing to do without a commitment. I love that the ghosts pushed Alberta's hand by giving Hetty a ridiculously harsh sentence so Alberta could realize that, while she wants Hetty to suffer a little, she doesn't want her out of her life because, though the lie was bad, Hetty means too much to her to let it ruin their friendship. Also love Alberta's alternate punishment. Hetty and Flower as roomies has so much comedic potential. I'm so sad the season is over. :( But I can't wait for my rewatch.
  4. It was the only thing I had left that I liked on Netflix so....bye Netflix.
  5. Ghosts (US version) just had an ep where some of the ghosts sat around discussing tea for hours (they can't drink it because, well, they are ghosts, but they can sure discuss it lol). Other than that, I only ever see it on British shows, like Midsomer Murders, they are always offering up a cuppa. And there was another, with Michelle Gomez, and I can't think of the name, Anne Dudek was in it too... The Book Group! (I should have known that since it was about a book club) where there was this American and they had a whole running gag about "putting the kettle on" and the American (Dudek) couldn't figure out why they kept wanting to put the kettle on.
  6. Oooh, jealous! I love tea. I can't stand coffee, the smell of it actually makes me ill. Tea, OTOH, the smell makes me swoon. I'm having iced tea right now. lol But other than British shows, where everyone offers the coppers a cuppa when they come to question someone, I rarely see tea on TV. I see every character ever guzzling coffee (well, pretending to guzzle it out of their empty cups/mugs) like they will die without it.
  7. So much this it should be shouted from the rooftops. Stalking behaviour is NEVER romantic. It is creepy, it is threatening and it is dangerous. It is heartbreaking, and explains soooo much, that boys are taught to be persistent in romantic pursuits. Good for Auntie for telling him the right way to behave. If someone is not interested in you, find someone who is. I despise the trope that if you keep asking someone out eventually they will give in. No, and if they do, it isn't because they suddenly like you, it's probably because they are afraid if they don't go out with you, you will kill them and wear their skin as a suit. (okay, slight exageration, they'd probably just stuff you and use you as a no longer living doll. (eeeew I need to get off this train of thought before it crashes.) Boys, men, take no for an answer, and know that relationships are so much more fun when the other person actually likes you.
  8. First off, no one in their right mind would chose that has been over Helen Bloody Mirren. Hell, I'd cast her in any role ever. (I might be slightly biased. I love that woman). Second, it reminds me of this... Leading Lady Parts - BBC Very funny, but also a bit sad if you think too much about it. It does always seem to be about race with these guys. I don't hear a lot of actors pissed off because they can't get cast in a great role because it is a female character. Oh, wait, there are no great female roles. Silly me. (kidding, I know there are, but they really aren't as plentiful as the roles for men, specifically for straight, white men who can play almost any kind of character they want, sexy, funny, action heroes, villains, cops, robbers, rapists, saviours, or really anything. For minorities, be it via race, gender, sexual preference, there are far fewer options. That is what is so annoying about Dreyfuss's complaint. He has had access to a myriad of different roles. Why does he have to complain about not being able to play a black character? WTeverlovingF?
  9. I have about a dozen different teas, but technically none in my cupboard. I have a tea storage unit on my counter. So you're right about the cupboard bit. lol
  10. I like that quote. I never understood the argument that you have to be the same race as the characters of the shows you love. What I do understand is that, if your race only has a handful of characters out there, that it is shitty as hell for some white dude to go around complaining because he can't take one away from you. Seriously. This should be an eye opener for him. This is how it has felt for decades, centuries for people not in the majority. Only difference is, he still has more opportunities than they do. In other words, SHUT THE FUCK UP DREYFUSS. Also, Patrick Stewart is awesome and a reverse of Othello is very intriguing. That is not trying to take from the minority. Blackfacing to portray another race is just... no
  11. That's my take. He has been a working actor long enough that if he'd wanted to play a black man he would have by now. He just doesn't want his choices taken away and given to someone else because he's used to having all the options. He doesn't get how hard it is when your options are limited due to your skin color.
  12. Maybe if it had been a bikini model stuck oversees who needed the money to come back to the US to do the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition and if he sent her the money she'd get him invited to the shoot. lol
  13. Whew, I was remembering that correctly. I thought that was the case but then I was like, that's kind of, now the kids balls are in the same knickers Trevor's balls were just in... then I realized I was thinking way too much about ghost balls and gave up.
  14. And Moana! Those are honestly the only two movies I can think of that I've seen him in, which could be why I love him. They were both fun roles. I did try to watch some horrible spy vs spy type movie he was in with Ryan Reynolds, but not even Ryan (whom I absolutely adore) could get me to watch the whole thing.
  15. If Crash died with his head cut off, assuming it was cut off and flew away from his body, then his head should never actually stay on his body in death. It would amuse me to think that every time he gets his head back whoever is in charge of the ghosts comes up with odd ways for him to lose it again, like Flower and Isaac tossing it around.
  16. He was never my type but I remember a lot of my contemporaries swooning over Uncle Jesse. I was more into Uncle Joey at the time as I like funny guys.
  17. I'm guessing not famous enough. While the name sounded vaguely familiar, but I think I might have been thinking of Michael E Knight, because when I googled him I was quite surprised. He looks vaguely familiar in a "I think I might have known who he was once". He also benefits from a lot of far more famous people being shitty humans as well and taking the spotlight of shittiness away from him.
  18. I like The Rock... but it is not for his acting skills. One thing I like about him is that he doesn't seem to think of himself as a great actor and is just having fun. Two things I like about him are his biceps. I'm shallow. They're massive.
  19. As someone who loves sleeping and gets bored easily, that would be my afterlife gameplan. Wake up once a year, get the other ghosts to give me a rundown of what went on, catch a nice sunset, then back to bed.
  20. And with one quote he just became about 70% less attractive. Even if they had feet for faces, they're babies, just say they weren't charismatic, or they cried even more, or they just didn't work out. I know that there is a contingent of people in the world who think being an ass is "sexy" but being a decent human being who doesn't make fun of children's looks after firing babies for crying too much is way hotter.
  21. Yeah, it is very odd how he's telling this story of calling kids unattractive and having no patience for babies crying as a cute anecdote. It's not cute, it's kind of horrible. Given that a hugh deal of the shows success was because of the Olsen Twins "cuteness" (I never found them cute but the viewing public in general seemed to LOVE them), he's basically sharing a story about how he almost sunk his most successful job. lol
  22. I think Thor was definitely just messing with Sass. Like he does with Pete and acting like he doesn't know specific words. I think it's how he amuses himself. After a few thousand years Thor find amusement where Thor can. I also love owls. Maybe When I die I can be Thor and Flower's third. lol I absolutely love how this show handled the whole secret sneaker/interview plot, truly cementing Sam and Jay as the greatest television couple since Gomez and Morticia. Most shows would have had them fight about it, but Sam and Jay actually talked and more importantly listened to each other. I think Sam doesn't realize how lonely it is there for Jay. She's not lonely because she has the ghosts, and while she does make an effort to include him, it really isn't the same. Jay was able to say it and she listened and came up with a solution. And now Jay has a friend!!!! I still wish he and Pete could communicate though.
  23. Do they not have taste? Or is it that they just can't eat. If they can't eat, how do they know they can't taste? They can smell because smell doesn't require touch but eating requires picking things up and ingesting them which would be tricky. I have no problem with them being able to touch each other (hehe, sorry, can't help myself) since they are made of the same stuff. With the furniture I assume it's kind of muscle memory and they are more just hovering on beds and chairs and things like their bodies are used to. The washing machine is a tougher one to get around since Hetty would not at all have been familiar with that sensation and Hovering wouldn't give one the vibrating required for what they were doing with it. But hey, maybe that's her special ghost power. HAHA
  24. Well, d'uh. 😉 I think about 90% of the time, on that last bit where they pick one celeb to match, the contestant would pick Dawson just in the hopes of getting it right so they could get their kiss. Not saying I would (but I totally would). 😚 I grew up watching Match Game. When I started watching it again as an adult I started to question some of my mum's parenting choices lol (kidding. I love that my mum let me watch a lot of funny adult shows. It is what has given me the wicked sense of humour I have today).
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