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Everything posted by lucindabelle

  1. Sharing the love for Murder she wrote. Had it on DVr series until it just kept filling up. Do have to laugh at ho wherever she goes there is always a handsome and age appropriate bachelor for her to hang out with.l. But enjoy it. It's a rather sweet world, the murder and awful clothes aside. And Angela Lansbury is a heroine, no doubt about it. Had the chance to see her in blithe spirit on broadway just a few years ago and she was really wonderful.
  2. Oh I like that theory, because really Tara on a cd cross with a snake babbling is otherwise ... Pointless. Did anybody else laugh when Willa recovered her demureness? The abruptness of the shift just cracked me up. I didn't find Eric and Jason hot. I was ... Bored. Actually a lot of this episode was kind of dull, although miss harris won't eat us was amusing too. Where the heck can this be going?
  3. I love Harry, And it's absolutely as valid for him to want to keep his promise to his mother and marry within the faith as it is for Charlotte to want her husband to want children. Harry told Charlotte about it when it was still very early in their relationship... At a wedding where he hadn't even met her friends yet. And they were just falling in love, it's not as if he'd been stringing her along, she'd made it clear she barely wanted to be seen with him. If she didn't want to convert, she could have bailed then. Just as a man who didn't want children with her can bail early on. They have different deal breakers but they are deal breakers. In addition, Judaism is not just a religion, it's tribal, and heritable, and goes through the female line. Harry was not a jerk, just honest, as he was throughout. This was his deal breaker. Now, if he'd stayed with Charlotte for years never intending to marry her, that would have been very wrong, I agree.
  4. Also, that was a bad date, not a relationship she was dumping. His bringing her carnations was a sign that it was a clueless guy, but as Carrie pointed out as I recall, none of that really matters when you like a guy. The china pattern thing was beyond stupid, though. She should have known whether she liked him or not by then.
  5. Oh, Mozelle, I feel you. I hate that attitude so much. For one thing, it makes women responsible for the actions of reasoning, adult men. Which is ridiculous. And for another, we all know stories of couples who found each other when they were with someone else (I know of at least one where both were married to someone else, although admittedly that's a little unsettling). So in the end, the problem or lack of it is in the relationship. If it's secure, all is well. If not, not. This does not apply to long-distance situations, in my opinion. I think proximity is a big big thing in all relationships, friendships, family, anything, and love too. I meant to stay in touch with my best friend from college and I'm sure if we hung out we'd pick up where we left off, but she lives 2,000 miles away and is not in touch with me on all the little things. But that's off topic.
  6. Thanks, that clears that up. Because the people at the high school graduation which was only 14 years ago didn't look like they could be senior citizens 15 years later. I wonder if they originally conceived of her character as older, so her parents would be too. I mean, she's only in her early 30s. Do we know what she did to go to jail?
  7. Hah! How adorable! Sophie has learned chewing in cords gets our attention too. She also likes not only to lick water from glasses but to lick the side of the glass and sometimes chew it. Don't know what that's about. Was your departed villain orange too? I've heard orange cats like water. Thank you for the nice word about Lucy. She was one of my foster failures. The other was Finney, so named because the kill shelter told me she was a boy. Heh. Lucy was devoted and adoring. Sophie is loving but wants to play! Play! Play! She's her own self and I love her. I did exactly what it said to do in the post and it still didn't embed. :( I'm on an ipad so don't have full editor but thought square brackets should work...
  8. I seriously believe it is the best show on television. Writing, so original a nd also so good, direction, acting, everything. I love it way more than game of thrones. I cried and cried at last years finale. I got way too excited at Amy's heating up. Serious brilliance. And it has made me want to go to northern England. Isn't it funny how that works ? After titanic all these people wanted to go on ouxury cruises.we know how it ends but still...
  9. Marnie in Little Women was pretty awesome. The parents in father of the bride. Also the parents in its a wonderful life.
  10. I'd like to live in Windy corners in Room I with a View. Especially if I get to have. Helena Bonham-Carter's hair, and Julian Sands. Camelot. my Man Godfrey.
  11. Glamour shot... http://m.imgur.com/cbu55SU Sorry I tried to embed this following how to embed image. What did I do wrong?
  12. I think it's very important when you go away to tell your cats (or pets) how long you are going for and when you will be back. Is wear they understand. My late cat Lucy, who died suddenly a few months ago (she is my avatar and namesake, she was part british shorthair and as soft as a bunny) once knew when I was trying to get home from Brooklyn to New Jersey and missed the train, she ran to the front of the house and looked out the window, then the back and looked out at the driveway. Then the front again I. Then she went to my parents with whom I was living and got up I their faces and me owed. I ws running for the oath train, running for the train in. Hoboken, while she was running too. Like she could feel it! Other times though we figured she heard the train whistle from our house. Here is Sophie, an orange female we adopted from a shelter a few months after my sweet beloved Lucy died. Sophie has all of her claws but you would not know it because when she walks on you they are amazingly in. She's dying to play with our senior tortie, little. Girl, but. Little Girl is uninterested. Sophie would groom her if allowed. She loves to leap up at the cat dancer and she loves the smell of coffee.shes also a little too interested in water ...
  13. Charlotte and Harry. I cried when he proposed! Paul and Jamie Buchman Dharma and Greg (but not those will they cheat plots) Paul's mother and father on Mad About. You. When his heart beat faster when she came into the room... So cute! Roger and Mona on Mad About you. The couple are married in real life and it shows. Sean and Beverly Lincoln on episodes. Great actors and totally believe they are a married writing pair. Least: Don and Megan. Hopefully that's over now. Emma and Neal. Please be dead, Neal. Carrie and Aidan. Yuck. I preferred Carrie and Big (please don't throw gum at me). Cersei and Jamie Lannister. Not just the incest but the couple seem so up attracted to one another.
  14. Our table is getting full! Whee! I love he original Star Wars and while I agree about the actors I also think it's a more satisfying story, a proper arc, with great WWII tropes too... And we hadn't had a Fairytale fun movie in so long. In 1977 it was mostly dog day afternoon wannabes... Pink panther yes... But nothing like the captain blood stuff Lucas was inspired by. I mean "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away ." It was once upon a time!it was uncynical! It was fab. I remember seeing the commercial for the swing across the chasm and being floored. Her hairstyle was just like the woman on the front of my book "the treasure is the rose." So many great characters introduced in such a short time. And the score! The final walk up to the medal ceremony,, how the melody changed and then with a whoosh it ended and the credits rolled. Just thinking abiut it gives me chills, people cheered! I didn't see it until the end of the summer because I was away at camp. Everyone else had already seen it so I was a hard sell. I cheered when he hit the Death Star! And again at the end! It ws before you could own it so my best friend and I snuck a tape recorder in and recorded it on the 7th or 8th time. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3lr55_star-wars-iv-a-new-hope-throne-room_shortfilms I hope this embeds the video. Sorry to go off the UO thing but had to step up for this.
  15. I liked the girl too and the sort of sweetness of that relationship. And that jump into the pool at the end... Swoon.... I guess "if you asked me too" belongs in that songs were embarrassed to have on our mo3 player thread...
  16. I think On Golden Pond is beyond boring and trite. Watched it with my mother when it came out and she thought so too (I was a teen) so it isn't strictly age related. I lost friends in college for hating it. I don't mind shclubby guys with pretty women if the actors sell it, because it happens in life. I thought the first Bat Man movie was dark and boring and never bothered with any of the others. I infinitely prefer the first Star Wars to the others in the trilogy and was so offended by jar jar Binks and so bored by the whole thing I didn't make it through the others (should I try again?) Chef is the first film in which I thought Scarlett johanssen looked pretty. Agree about how the extra celebrity info affects you because I'm much more inclined to like her now that she's gone out on a limb for her beliefs. Oh. And I never, not for one second, found brad Pitt remotely sexy.
  17. License to Kill is my favorite Bond movie. For years I'd watch it religiously in my birthday. Please don't hit me.
  18. I used to dance to that blancmange song in many soma clubs in the 80s!
  19. Oh how fun is this. I am in my late 40s so I'm there with the 79s stuff: Amy (artist?$ Wildfire!!!! Makes me cry. I used to sit in the rec room on an extra square of pink shag carpeting left over from my room playing superfection or simon by myself until my stupid brother came in to play ping long with a friend of his and ruined it all. That's where that song takes me (but not why it makes me cry, I just see mark Hamill pining for pretty girl with long hair and the horse! The horse!) Sorry I can't bold song titles from. My ipad. Word up. (Slinking away now...) I'm only human (human league) (with the immortal line, "while you were away, I was human too") It's not on my iPod, but I did just write a column riffing on the title of seasons in the sun. (We had joy, we had fun ...)
  20. I think because Big was on the rebound, and when on the rebound, people often do things drastically different than they would otherwise, in an attempt to be a different person who isn't feeling pain. Drastic haircuts. Quitting jobs. Being the marrying kind.
  21. Good point. If I didn't know for a fact that the actor didn't know I might question it but wouldn't be so irritated by the false direction.
  22. Do we know what suzanne is in for? I watched last year and thought her parents were old people. Am I misremembering? Also don't remember hearing about a sister then. Larry continues to annoy.
  23. That's not how I took it. Natasha is a wealthy young girl who wouldn't stay in a relationship that wasn't heading somewhere seriously. She does not want to end up in her 30s, un married etc., like Charlotte. She's 27, not 22. She probably didn't expect to become engaged that soon but if she sensed that he wasn't the marrying kind, she was going to be out of there. I sense a ruthlessness, or, just goal oriented ness, that was not going to allow someone to play with her emotions and her timeline. I didn't see it being about Carrie so much as a reaction to the bad breakup that he was with Natasha. It made sense to me, and did remind me of the way we were, which cd arrive quoted at him.
  24. Correct. I have taught acting and I object to tricking anyone over the age of three because you don't trust him to portray the role. The actor was showing us a response not based in the character because he didn't understand the character, because the writers didn't trust him with the information they insist hey knew all along. It's the essence of false. I see no reason why this random teen should be in addition to a swimmer, apparently as talented as Olivier. I do understand the reasoning whine it but I think it stinks. It feels like retrofittingl they not only tricked the actor, they tricked the audience, and I very much object to th at, as a viewer. I don't want to watch and discuss a show where the deck is that stacked and as I said, this may well be the deal breaker for me.
  25. I understand why they did it, you missed my point I think, which is that the actor reacted from a false set of circumstances, circumstances the character did not have, which was then misleading to the audience, There's no defensible reason the character Jared wold react like that with nobody watching. The actor playing him did only because the show runners withheld crucial information so that we were not watching the character Jared at all, really, but Jared as he would have behaved without the knowledge the character would actually have to have had. Iow, character Jared knows damn well what he did, and his reaction would take that into account. To play that character without knowing it is like playing Claudius without knowing you killed your brother. Is a stupid cheat and I resent it, despite the "result" the show runners got. It's like having an actor eat something sweet and say yummy, only to tell us later that the character was eating something covered in salt. It only makes sense if the character too is supposed to be a great actor, and it's a cheat. For me, the show jumped the shark with that reveal. Not sure I'll be back.
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