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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Marwa, Derrick, and The Baron were in the Rosemary’s Baby scene. Love it. I was wondering why they showed their names in the credits for the previous episode. I figured it had just been a quick flash back scene that I missed.
  2. The guy in Thailand was so concerned about his sons having a place to stay, yet he picks out the smallest place with no second bedroom. I get the appeal of hotel living but how does that work long term? If the boys make multiple visits, where are they storing their stuff in the meantime? Also, could they not call an exterminator for the bugs?
  3. This was a really nice character study. I wanted to see if the awards hype is justified, and while it is, Dominic Sessa really impressed me more than any other performance. I know he wouldn't win many awards since the best supporting nominees are stacked, but he still deserved a nomination. I also thought it was weird to flesh out the other boys' characters only for them to leave so quickly, but I get that it made Angus having to stay behind at Barton sting that much more. Why did the little boy throw his mitten in the lake? Angus' mother has a right to move on, but you don't just bail on your only child during the holidays with no contact. You could tell they didn't put any thought into the Christmas card, either. Knowing Paul's history with Harvard and why he got kicked out explains why he's so hard on the students. Most of them will never have to truly struggle to get where they want to be and he knows that. Danny (the janitor) clearly liked Mary a lot. They would be a nice couple. For Mary, seeing her very pregnant sister had to be a bittersweet experience.
  4. I can see why this episode was divisive because of the major time jump. The real purpose of Tim’s letter was to show that Lucy knew about him and Hawk; the letter didn’t say anything that we (and Hawk) don’t already know. I’ve seen people online call Lucy a monster for burning it, but I can’t blame how she feels, especially now. She’s allowed to feel some type of way about her husband’s lover staying on their cabin and he’s on the run from the police? The acting remains top notch. I don’t hate Hawk but he was wrong to bring Tim to the cabin. At least Tim realized that it wouldn’t work. Him quietly shaking his head at Hawk’s suggestions was so sad. Tim can pray all he wants, but he can’t escape Hawk. The scenes with Tim and Jackson were my favorite. It was nice to see Tim in a guidance position instead of the other way around. Jackson looks like Lucy, but he’s definitely Hawk’s son. Frankie and Marcus needed more time. Have they just been broken up all this time? It’s been 12 years at least. I’m guessing Marcus has just been writing for Jet and Frankie has been performing.
  5. That was how I felt, too. Despite of his selfish ways, I can understand why Hawk has done most of the things he's done. But this was too far. It's bad enough that Leonard has to suffer through electroshock therapy, but he'll be completely isolated while doing so. Why did Hawk request no visitors? Was he worried that someone would try to smuggle Leonard out? Poor Tim really got hit this week. Dealing with Cohn and McCarthy was one thing, but hearing about Hawk's engagement had to be devastating. You could actually see his eyes filling up with tears when he heard the news. Still, Tim showed some real growth this week. It's true, he's not a natural liar and he doesn't want to be. He finally realized that he won't survive the corrupt climate in DC. And with Hawk getting married to Lucy, Tim needs a new direction in his life. I'm excited to see next week, because all of the characters are going in new directions; Hawk getting married, Tim joining the army, Marcus writing for Jet magazine (what a throwback, lol) and Frankie going on tour.
  6. Last week was better imo. I don't mind the procedural vibe, but the on-the-nose musical cues and hammy dialogue are not working for me. I sympathize with Zeke and why he can't leave his apartment, but he could have ordered takeout or something and asked the driver to hand him the package when Zeke went to the door. And how long was he lying unconscious on the stairs for him to just jump up and be walking around like that? The ending was an obvious way to get Dhan involved to help him and blah blah. It was so predictable. Then again, I'm not really caring if these two become friends. It's OK if they don't. Figured Lacey was going to come into the picture when young Gabi said that she was lonely. Sir really is a monster and you can see how his actions have impacted Gabi and Lacey.
  7. That's basically how I felt. I like the premise of the story, but some of the dialogue and vibe felt like it was lifted right out of Scandal. I actually thought the best scenes were the flashbacks with Gabi and Lacey during their time when Sir captured them, brief as they were. The girl playing Gabi was really good. Felt more genuine than the present scenes. I did like showing how each member of the team is coping with the PTSD of their abduction history. I'm wondering if Sir being in the basement is a figment of Gabi's imagination due to the trauma.
  8. What got me was that he kept talking about the importance of resale, but ignored his wife when she mentioned that the interesting stylistic choices of the second house wouldn’t appeal to all buyers. I know I wasn’t feeling them. Dark green cabinetry mixed with light brown, one bathroom had an all black shower, another bathroom had multicolored tile floor, etc. Even the curb appeal wasn’t working. Part of the house had a smoky gray exterior, the rest was white. Very trendy, but no cohesion.
  9. Yeah, this show is very hit or miss. I want to love it, but some of the writing is just bad. Hope the rest of the season is better. On the plus side, it looks like they finally got rid of the apocalypse plot. Good. It just wasn't funny and just got more nonsensical every season. It doesn't help that the cast changes every year. I knew Ashley was leaving, but I still miss her. No more Trinity the invisible spy. 😭
  10. I tried watching, but it was so boring and silly. And not the “fun silly” like ATHF is known for, just random stuff thrown together. It just wasn’t funny to me. I turned it off after 20 minutes.
  11. Malia has some real talent if she helped to write this one. Wow. This may be the first time we’ve seen Dre truly lose since the pilot. Bad as she is, how painful it is to be told that you were nothing more than a meal ticket, by the people who adopted you, no less.
  12. Good catch with the ending, @Cranberry because I was wondering why they did the detective episode just to end it this way. They didn’t stick the landing but not a bad ending. I would have liked to see Detective Greene talk to Dre, but how much would she actually get out of her? Rashida’s accusations were correct, but I thought it wasn’t executed well, because it a virtual mirror of the final conversation/argument between Dre and Marissa, so that just told me that Rashida’s time was up, which it was. But there was a noticeable lack of buzzing bees, and no binge eating afterwards, showing that this murder was different for Dre. Unfortunately, Dre made the mistake of thinking she could bypass her own true nature by living a normal life. And Rashida’s parents welcomed Dre with open arms and encouraged her, only for Dre to kill their only child in a fit of rage. I feel really bad for her parents. Inconsistencies aside, Danielle absolutely carried this show. Everything was ride or die on her performance and she killed it. Look forward to her future work. Honestly, I thought Dre was going to try to pry the tickets off of Rashida’s smoking corpse. That would have been creepier than her killing the ticket scalper.
  13. Love how the sound of buzzing bees implies that Dre is going to kill soon. There’s a discordant note that plays sometimes, too. Nice effect. Good episode, but not as strong as the others. Excellent opening scene though, with Dre fully in “kill” mode while happily mopping up the blood. But Dre has committed several homicides now, with zero police involvement. She must be good at flying under the radar. I’m glad Dre spared George. Dude just seemed too pathetic and lonely and while trapping him in a freezer (with his vice no less!) was cruel, it’s a kinder fate than the others experienced. I know Dre is pretending that Marissa is alive and texting her, but it doesn’t explain the mysterious “follow the jacket” text in the elevator. Wow, she really bit Na’jah.
  14. The ending definitely didn’t go the way I thought it would. I figured she and Khalid would hook up and live together. Danielle did a great job, especially in that final scene. You could see why she was so shocked by her own actions.
  15. I liked the bailiff too. Good catch on her similarity to Bull. However, the clerk and ADA characters were so boring and vanilla, so any kind of cheer looked good by comparison.
  16. I was wondering all of this myself. I missed the scene when the husband was admitted, but did this very pregnant woman just stumble away from the accident? Plus, she was in labor, suffering from a head injury, then Asher sees that she had placental abruption. The whole plot looked like an excuse to show off Liu’s combat training, but it was still far fetched that everything worked out fine in the end.
  17. That had me laughing too. Louis’ reaction was so incredulous and Lestat is all “whatever, let’s go to the opera” lol.
  18. This adaptation is so good. They're really fleshing out the details of Louis and Lestat's romance. Jacob Anderson is doing an excellent job. Were the priests still alive when Lestat buried them? I heard groaning, but I couldn't tell if that was just Louis. This is the first time in vampire lore that I've seen vampires able to eat regular food or go inside a church. So used to them bursting into flames the moment they set foot inside. And was nice to see Louis able to go in the sun for a bit, even if it did start burning him immediately. I think Sam is doing a good job as Lestat and balancing his cruelty with his love for Louis. Interested in his obvious disdain for religion. Is anyone else having issues with the closed captioning in this show? They're awful. Misses entire sentences or worse, misquoting.
  19. It wasn't bad. I thought the leads were pretty, but lacking in charm or personality. Hope that improves. I'm guessing that the big secret of Ben's is to find Sam. A good way to link the old series with this one. It would also explain why Al's daughter is invested in the project. I thought the exact same thing.
  20. I figured Queen Aemma wasn't going to survive regardless of Viserys' choice. The baby was stuck and they would have to get it out somehow. But it was heartbreaking to see that poor woman lying there in agonizing pain, with no idea what was going on. I think that she actually would have given her blessing to Viserys if he told her what was happening; if it meant the baby would survive, especially a boy. He should have been begging for her forgiveness instead of muttering that "they're getting the baby" over and over. I know Viserys would do what he wanted to anyway, but at least spare Aemma some dignity and give her decency of knowing her fate. And they lost the baby, so it all ended up a waste. Between the festering sore on his back and the Iron Throne literally pricking him til he bleeds, Viserys might want to be careful about what he's touching. He's got enough to worry about with Daemon.
  21. I've seen Amaury Gichon's stuff on IG, so was looking forward to this. It's nice to see such a kind man behind the talent. Seeing him coach the contestants showed how he really cares about his craft and how he wants the others to enjoy it as well. I felt the same way, with the bolded. There's a reason that shows like The Great British Bake Off are so successful. I think people are growing tired of the cutthroat reality series, especially since so much of the drama is manufactured. Given the last few years, it's nice to see people helping each other, and being kind. Juan annoyed me at first because he was such a braggart, but he grew on me by the end. He wasn't necessarily wrong about being cut, even if he did pout about it. Mellisa kept saying it was a competition before anything else, and her main competitor was either Juan, Daniel, or both, so why not get rid of Juan so he couldn't shove her out of the spotlight? Him not being cut for one of the challenges before was a good reason, I just don't think it was the real reason she cut him. Another reason I think Juan won was because he made an effort to get his team to try new things instead of just telling them what to do, and said that he wanted to win for all of them, not just himself. Amaury did mention that leadership would factor in the final competition. IA. Regardless of who won, those were some impressive creations.
  22. A very good series, but it would have benefited from another episode, or even another 30 minutes of exposition. Still no idea where Matilda's daughters are, and they completely ignored the consequences of them running away. Allen going to stay with Brenda's family was a kind conclusion for him, but we didn't get to see any of it. Pyre's last scene with his wife definitely should have been longer. It looks like she compromised a little since she was actually home with the girls when Pyre returned. I think Jeb will stay and try to work things out with his wife, but he's not going to blindly follow the Mormon faith anymore. The last scene with his mother implied that. And after reading his daughters journals and seeing that they could go down the same path as Brenda, Jeb really can't ignore what he's seen. Deanna and Matilda both deserved credit; Deanna for going back for Matilda, and Matilda finally standing up for herself and walking away. I don't blame Taba for confronting Jeb. Taba's dealt with racist remarks from practically every Mormon elder they met, and Jeb's remark about Taba lacking a "moral compass" was enough to finally set him off. Again, can't blame him. A well written series. Slow moving , but still very good. Excellent performances all around.
  23. The Eggplant/Peaches episode was by far the best. The cannibal astronauts sketch had me cracking up immediately. The Wayne Brady sketch was only OK, though. Loved seeing Quinta again. The mini Smart Guy reunion was really sweet. It's weird seeing Taj as an adult. Wish Nicole Byer showed up during the Trinity sketch, but I'm just glad they didn't forget the character. I hope they're done with the apocalypse plot. Did they ever mention what happened to Quinta and Laci? Didn't realize this was the season finale either. But honestly, I don't hear anyone talking about the show, so I'm not surprised. The jokes can get really corny and over the top.
  24. I thought the same thing. The way she just said OK and went along with the sex was kind of jarring. I understand why Jeb wants to postpone the ceremony, but I also understand why Becca didn't want to and how important it was. It was a weird way to demonstrate Jeb's balance of power in the household. I think the third episode was the best yet. Jeb's encounter with the bishop was unnerving. Guy went from jolly to sinister in a minute. Interesting how they devote each episode to a new Lafferty brother. Sam is as screwed up as his brothers, but it was hilarious when he forgot the booming voice and asked Jeb if Brenda really had sex with one of the other guys. It was like he dropped character and realized how stupid he sounded. I feel so bad for Brenda, because I know what's coming. Wish she would just run as far as she could from that family.
  25. It's a good story and well acted (especially by Billy Howle, he really stands out) but it's definitely a slow burn. I can see why it wouldn't be for everybody. I agree. Those scenes aren't merged in very well and just take me out of the main story. As it is, so much of the series is already told in flashbacks but at least they feel relevant to the storyline.
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