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Everything posted by JeanJean

  1. I actually like Andrei. The problems between he and Libby mostly came from his family. And I do agree that his voice is strong and it can be mistaken as aggressive. Also, for some people on the show, English is a second language. and they may not have the nuance in speaking that born-here Americans have. In fairness, Kimberly is barely out of her teens. And Jenny was unnecessarily aggressive with her, which surprised me as I don't think of Jenny as aggressive. I would rather see Sarper and Andrei end up as friends than fight.
  2. Gotta say, I like Danielle after this season and I feel sad for her. There is still the matter of her going back on bringing Yohan to the US but I'm letting it go for this season. It's nice having a tell-all without Ed or anyone else being an attention-hogging brat.
  3. Yea, I like it better when she sings her own songs that her brother writes for her. I didn't think her cover of Merry Little Christmas was anything special. (Also, I hate that singers always do the rewritten version and not the original.) As a singer, I don't think she's in the league of Linda Ronstadt.
  4. I think she hosted once. It was a fun episode when she did. I felt bad for the guinea pig.
  5. I found it pretty meh until the cat sketch, which I liked. (But the self-effacing mom sketch was mostly funny-ish.) Even WU was surprisingly meh -- even the joke swap except for the widows bit. The joke swap has been much edgier and hilarious in prior years. I think the "Meet Me in St. Louis" sketch would have worked better with Chloe and Kate swapping roles. Kate just didn't seem to bring it in this one. I am always pleasantly surprised at how powerful a singing voice Chloe has. I wish she and Billie E had duetted.
  6. I actually believe Pedro. We know for a fact that he didn't sleep with Coraima. I think they're setting up next season: The Reconciliation.
  7. So Kody's thinking for David? How nice of him.
  8. Robyn's crying-sobby voice starts before there are any "tears."
  9. I missed the first 20 minutes but I thought this episode was okay, although not great. It had a fun energy throughout, though. I liked the Bowen and Adam trying to have a baby sketch, and the pranking the elderly sketch. I thought the latter had a very unique premise. I just am not a fan of Olivia Roderigo's lyrics, although I did like the "selling me for parts" line.
  10. This season definitely seems 100% fake and scripted by the producers. Ed and Liz of 90 Day? Although the only thing that makes Liz seem crazy to me is her inexplicable love for Ed.
  11. I'm team Chantel all the way, but you can't get away from him??? You're doing a TV show with him!!
  12. I thought the Question Quest sketch was really fun. But it went downhill from there for me, although WU was good. Not great, but good. The cigarette bit was funny. The pottery sketch was a snooze. I actually missed the musical guest both times. Wish I hadn't, sounds like he was good. The song was meh, too predictable, didn't build. I really like Chloe T's singing.
  13. I will. (Or a la Treesa, Oh my God. Oh my God. I will.)
  14. I wouldn't trust those figures. I just looked myself up and it says I have $100 million dollars. I WISH.
  15. Plus they can milk their "fame" for years. Ah. They made it sound like she's the Good Will Hunting of Wall Street.
  16. They might be contractually obligated. I can't imagine any other reason they'll be at the wedding.
  17. The market will crash, Theresa will lose everything, and Gerry will go back to Leslie.
  18. I'm really glad Leslie called him out. I wish she had told him not to hug her.
  19. Those seemingly friendship hugs he gave Leslie (pat, pat, pat on the back) don't bode well for her.
  20. I think Gerry should pick Robyn from Sister Wives. They can (fake) cry all the time together. And it will be fun to watch them battle to make everything about them. And yes, Theresa, he said "I love you" to Leslie. He said "I love you" to most of the women, the sound guy, and a chair.
  21. I think Gerry should pick Robyn from Sister Wives. They can (fake) cry all the time together. And it will be fun to watch them battle to make everything about them.
  22. I can understand her crying, though. Losing a parent, even if it's not to death, brings out the child in us. Even when we're grown, there's a certain safety we feel in life if we still have a parent. We may not even realize that until they're gone. It's like they're a buffer between us and all the things the world and life can do to us. I realized that when my second parent died. She's feeling grief on top of grief. That's a lot.
  23. I know! I was worried about that. I wanted to tell him, don't take the cake home. There may be bugs on it that will multiply.
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