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Everything posted by wrestlesflamingos

  1. Vince Gilligan will be doing an AMA on reddit on 4/30.
  2. I think the general issue with Maci is that she's tried to be a SAM without anyone's consent. If she had maturely discussed her goals with her partners instead of trying to lock everyone down with marriage and a baby, I think she'd get less criticism.
  3. Here's a tab article about Debra's situation: http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2014/11/05/exclusive-farrah-abrahams-mother-debra-danielson-opens-up-about-teen-mom-her-granddaughter-her-new-book/
  4. I wonder if that's how Ryan finds his girlfriends. It would explain why they don't stick around.
  5. Not to excuse them - but it could be because they often borrow couture clothes that are expensive to replace.
  6. Oh Farrah made some vague accusations of abuse on Couples Therapy that was never shown. I'm skeptical of Farrah's ability to "hide her pain" however a lot of her behavior suggests abuse.
  7. It would be really nice if just once the film crew treated them like the children they behave like. I agree, once Maci quit, they should have rolled out.
  8. Eh, you can get a 3 bed co-op in the city for $650K. (Midtown/Murray Hill/North Chelsea) The maintenance will be $2K per month though. NYC condos and co-ops are fairly cheap but get stupidly expensive with the fees. Farrah's house seems to be exceptionally overpriced for the development. Even the builders model should be about $580K. I'm sure its just like the millions she got for doing porn that turned into $15K and minor royalties. (I'm not just your mod, I'm a bonafide housing expert!)
  9. Mod reminder: Novalee Reign rhymes with Novelty Fame.
  10. In case you haven't heard her say is 500 times, Debra is a christian woman.
  11. I didn't narrow down the post in the interest of sensitivity to the ongoing discussion. I'd like to throw a few points out there about human anatomy and genes: 1. Almost every human has some amount of chimera in the genetic code. These are slices of DNA that are different from our known physical characteristics. Here's more about chimera: Soft Article: http://io9.com/5911357/theres-a-good-chance-youre-a-human-chimera Hard Science: http://www.academia.edu/202539/Which_Half_Is_Mommy_Tetragametic_Chimerism_and_Trans-Subjectivity What this means is that a woman, someone who is born with a vagina, bleeds, has ovaries can be more genetically male than female. Each woman reading this probably has a Y chromosome somewhere in their body in an active cell that creates copies. It also means that the person born with a bleeding vagina, as described above, will test genetically as male. This is very rare but happens. DNA/RNA replication is not perfect, mutations occur on almost every branch of the genetic code. Some of those mutations present as physical features. 2. Empathizing with someone transgender is very difficult because cis people do not have the same kind of inner and outer conflict that trans people do. I'm cis, I've always felt 100% female. I cannot understand feeling otherwise. It's like trying to explain a foggy day to a blind person. They may feel the humidity, or even conceptualize the idea, but it will never be close to the experience of fog. 3. Grieving change is a very human thing. Cher raised her son unknowingly as a girl. However, she didn't lose her daughter, she never actually had a daughter. That kind of cognitive dissonance is very difficult to work through. 4. As little as 10 years ago, it was popular to believe being gay was a choice. We've learned from genetic research and behavior observation of animals that same sex pairings are quite common and genetically motivated. While we don't fully understand the trans person today, we probably will in the future. 5. The amount of psychological screening to qualify for surgery or hormone therapy is very intense. I find it very hard to believe that anyone would go through the very long ordeal of seeking out help for the issue, convincing educated professionals trained to diagnose this issue, just to wear feminine clothes. To me, it seems as difficult as a very thin person trying to get bariatric surgery.
  12. They get away with it a few ways - they earn enough money from clicks before the story is debunked, the target declines to pursue legal remedies, and the lack of assets of these tabloids. One of the ways we can stop it is to not post the links and generate more clicks. It's the tiniest step but its the power we have.
  13. I tend to agree. Farrah is functionally illiterate based on her use of language and grammar. I'd imagine she scores below average on most skill assessments.
  14. I'm not entirely sure but I don't think so. Perhaps a 3rd opinion will come along.
  15. Stannis is basically a traveling mercenary at this point. I don't understand the point of his character other than deus ex machina.
  16. Farrah didn't keep Sophia to spite anyone. Farrah wanted an abortion and Debra said no. Once Farrah was strong armed into giving birth, there was never any discussion about adoption. There was a lot of debate back in the day that Farrah should have sought out the abortion without Debra. If I remember: Nebraska has some laws about minors and abortion, the nearest friendly state for a minor without consent was pretty far away. I'm glad the world includes Sophia but Farrah was correct that she was not equipped to be a parent.
  17. You don't have to watch Celebrity Big Brother, The Soup will show any interesting bits.
  18. Its the page background when you view his twitter account through a full browser. You wouldn't see it using the twitter mobile app.
  19. My guess would be Leah created that twitter account and Germy doesn't know how to change the background.
  20. Has the baby been born? I did some searching. One tabloid article states that Kristina's ex has primary custody of their kid. If true, I think it's a factor into the oppsie baby.
  21. I have a feeling she's wasn't sitting in dirty pants. If she had an accident at school they generally change into another outfit. I think the kindergartener didn't describe the situation well.
  22. I can offer as someone that was in a marginal situation without the opportunity to leave: yes, Dillon probably did fantasize about an end to his indentured servitude.
  23. BOOM! Lets finally roll out the title Leah was always meant to have... (Please ignore the mistake I made in her age, it's fixed!)
  24. Cool. We'll have a book thread when released for anyone brave enough to read and report back.
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