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  1. This is what I cannot stand and why I can't watch the show anymore. It's all just so light and breezy and meaningless. They could so easily put fangs in this thing and for some reason they won't do it.
  2. It definitely could be. Maybe not this one, but in general, media portrayals and depictions matter.
  3. ruby24

    Superman (2025)

    The Superman movies were before my time but my mom loved them and I grew up watching them on video, so Chris Reeve was the perfect Superman to me as well. I think he worked so well because he was so believable as two different people- it really wasn't just the glasses that disguised him. I also watched Lois & Clark, Smallville, and the animated shows. I loved Superman & Lois and I love My Adventures With Superman, which is on right now. I'm a huge Superman fan. I hated the Zack Snyder Superman movies, it was just a terrible take on the character. I think this guy looks pretty good in the trailer but I want to see some shots of him smiling, because I think that's the other thing about Reeve's Superman- he was so friendly and happy to be helping people. I remember one interview of him where he said his basic take on Superman was that "he's your friend." And that's perfect, imo. He has godlike powers, but he's not a god, he's your friend.
  4. The part where Keira fought that girl who was going to replace her, and she said "before we do this I just want to tell you I'm a huge fan," felt like a meta moment to me.
  5. That guy was lying through his teeth. Terrible man and totally unfamiliar with the facts of the case.
  6. I've always wanted to see this movie and I haven't been able to find it! I'm so mad I didn't know it was going to be on TCM, I would have DVR'd it.
  7. I had mixed feelings on the show overall. I think there were far too much of the Gotham cops in this. It seemed like what they wanted to do was split Gordon's role into three different people- Gordon, Barbara, and Renee Montoya, but that means all these people get a lot of screentime and I thought all of them were very dull. It sort of made Batman feel like a supporting character on his own series. I liked the last three episodes with the ramp-up of the Harvey/Two-Face story, but then I realized they were just going to kill him, which ends the whole thing and any investment you had in it. But overall I thought it was well done and it kinda made me think the show should be more serialized instead of the old style villain of the week thing. I think Catwoman should have been a recurring character- not just a one off. For me she was the only woman on the show who really popped onscreen, she was fun and you want to see more of her and the dynamic with her and Batman. The villains were okay, I didn't love any of the reinterpretations of them, including Harley.
  8. I didn't like Maya's Kamala before. She just didn't resemble or capture her at all imo.
  9. OMG- I cannot WAIT for Season 3!!!
  10. ruby24


    I think it can win.
  11. So I guess Jon does not care at all about the many sexual assault and harassment settlements against Bill O'Reilly. Because I know he knows. And this means he clearly doesn't care. Horrible.
  12. It's corporate media revealing itself. That's all it is. They're not even airing the show tonight? Absurd
  13. Ridiculous. No need to change anything.
  14. That's a really good point. I kind wish there would be some flashbacks to that time from Lestat's point of view just to see how it is that he saw their relationship. I know in the books he really was devastated and haunted by her death, which they showed here. But also during their trio years (which was much longer in the book- like 65 years), he was shown as taking her under his wing just as much as Louis, in terms of them being the two dads, and how they had much more in common with each other, their violent nature, etc. That would be interesting to have seen more of.
  15. They definitely dragged the theater stuff out to fill the whole season with it. I never liked that stuff in the book either but I enjoyed it on the show for the most part. But when you think about how many years spanned in the first season (30) compared to this season (5), you can see it was dragged out. I mean, all the Paris stuff only took place from 1940-45.
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