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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. I love all of this discussion between us here on this board, and I’m really glad that the mainstream media picked up this story, because I think it’ll really hold the writers accountable to do this story justice. I’m hoping, anyway. My main takeaway so far, is this is actually a believable secret, which I didn’t think would happen. In today’s world, with the internet a fingertip away, it’d be unbelievable for “Maya” to hide a life-altering secret, like being a murderer or having a 2nd child, IE Nicole, born when she was way under-age or something of the sort, because someone would remember her and blast it on the interwebs, since she’s a world-famous model. However, “Myron” could pretty easily disappear, and “Maya” could realistically just appear in a different part of the country without any baggage (besides familial-baggage, but I could see family members not drawing attention to the situation entirely, especially since it didn’t seem like the parents were accepting at all). At least this part, so far, is pretty believable to me. I’m kinda loving this storyline and the potential it has. Please don’t disappoint me, writers.
  2. I'm an admitted Brooke-hater, which may make me hate her storyline more than I rationally should, but at least we finally, finally, finally got some forward movement today. Watching her pour drink after drink, then try to act composed to whatever guest happened to be at her revolving door over the last few hours (she’s seriously had that shirt on for like 2 actual weeks, but it’s obviously the same day on the show) has been excrutiating, probably because KKL seems to have left her mojo on the dance floor. I'm hoping when she wakes up, she thinks she's gone back in time to a decent storyline (I can't think of one to insert at the moment, but anything is better than this drivel). Bring back CaRidge, or even more Forrester Creations-drama, the drunk Brooke stuff is painful to watch. Artsda, I think Maya is definitely Nicole's mom. Wait until Caroline gets ahold of that!
  3. I was so irrationally mad at Brooke for size-shaming Quinn's ring that I almost hit a cat on my way back to work after I saw the show at lunch (I didn't, cat is fine)! Um, Brooke, the size of Quinn's ring has far more to do with what Deacon, you know, the guy who purchased it, can afford than it does to what Quinn can afford. If you feel that your money and status entitles you to judge the size of the ring, perhaps as you’re looking down your nose, you could browse the “help wanted” ads for Deacon so he could afford something more to your liking. No matter if it was a Kimye-sized ring (gag), or a red string of commitment, you are the last person who should be judging another person’s commitment or symbol of said-commitment, considering you slept your way through the often-married-at-the-time Forrester men and a good chunk of your sister’s/daughter’s men. Ugh, I wish she'd dance right on back to wherever she was on her much-welcomed-by-me sabbatical. Yeah, I’m kinda ragey today; lack of sleep for several days with a teething baby has set me right into bitch mode, and she earned my ire today! Happy Friday!
  4. I truly hope it's not Austin that dies, not because I love him, but because I can't bear the thought of Summer not only being on every day, but wailing every.single.day. Team Bug over all of those Summers' women.
  5. My all-time favorite is "The Tangerine Factor ", IE Schroedinger's cat. Love everything about it. Really, the whole first season is just great Tv.
  6. First off, props to NinjaPenguins, as I think I might be falling in love with you! Seriously, you are my MVP poster in both this forum & the Y&R forum! Please don't ever leave me for my dirtier-yet-hotter, more artistic non-sibling-but-kinda-sibling. Now, to the show at hand…I don’t usually condone violence, and I rarely like the caveman thing, but Liam was hotter in that knock-Rick-to-the-floor scene than he was in every second of every Hopeless scene they could ever mash into a montage combined. I keep repeating this, but KM leaving just gave this show such a breath of fresh air! Everyone is so much better with Hope gone (again, my condolences to Wyatt & DeaQuinn, who fail to exist out of the Hope-vaccum). Bill snapping pix of Maya's matriarch-esque pic was just so classic Bill. DD was just such a grab for this show and is so much better than drippy Brad Carlton ever was.
  7. I just want to chime in and say that I'm so glad we all have a forum where we can air our opinions in a civilized (grammatically-correct!) manner, without getting pounced-upon for said opinions. Even though I'm 1,000% Team CaRidge, I really enjoy reading all of the anti-CaRidge comments, and actually find myself agreeing with at least parts of them (Caroline really was awful to Maya in Part 1, but I think her smoking-hot chemistry with Ridge made me sorta forget that). Can we all agree that this is the best B&B has been in years? I don’t know or care what KM did or didn’t do to get off the show, but it’s done wonders for everyone else.
  8. I was a huge Rick & Maya round 1 fan – JY really seemed to sparkle around KM like he didn’t do with anyone else that I saw. I couldn’t stand Caroline, who was a petulant brat, and when she broke them up, I was furious. She was so horrible to Maya that I thought I’d never like her. I was still irate when they got engaged & married (in front of Maya, no less!). Then, Caroline slowly started softening up a bit, and when she & Ridge started working together, she really grew into herself (in my eyes, anyway). Both LG & Caroline completely changed from a background character/actor, into a must-see character/actor. I was never a Caroline/Rick fan, as I much prefer CaRidge & Rick/Maya, but even as a fan of those two pairings, I can clearly see that Rick is acting out because he’s still in love with Caroline. I’m hoping that he’ll let it go eventually (although, there is a lot of enjoyment to be seen in his acting out!), and that both couples will move forward. Having said that, the fact that they’re showing old clips of nice-Maya/bitchy-Caroline tells me that they’re softening Maya’s golddiggingness up, and showing that she & Rick really did love each other way back when, and dare I say, even showing that Caroline was worse than Maya back in the day. Even Liam told Ivy about it. Finally, because it can’t be said enough, every single thing about the show is so much more enjoyable with Hope gone. It has completely changed the show for the better. Small voice: Sorry, Wyatt & DeaQuinn, who don’t seem to matter without the Hope-albatross around their necks. This show is SO good right now! I can't wait for my lunch hour to run home and watch it!
  9. Oh, I love follow-ups, blubld43 - thanks for the info! Not surprised at all. The only surprise is that he allowed himself to be filmed, because other women might see that and realize that he's not the wonderful guy he's convinced him that he is.
  10. I know the Annika show was a different show altogether, but I have to chime in on it, too. That was really the trademark episode of that series. She was the exact definition of what I would expect of a "prison wife" who met and married someone that was already incarcerated for life. I know this sounds harsh, and I'm not judging her as I’m no model myself, however she's not someone society would consider conventionally-pretty, but her husband, incarceration situation aside, is conventionally-hot (at least, if I just saw a pic of him and didn’t know the situation, I'd think he was hot). In the real world, she probably wouldn't get a guy like that, assuming he was a contributing member of society and not a criminal. However, with him incarcerated, she can have the “hot” guy, which I’m sure makes her feel good, and he’s attracted to her at least some of the time, judging by their phone call, but not have to worry about other women. When she was on the phone with him, and knowing that she was being filmed at that very moment, he was going on about wanting “nookie”, I was mortified. She, however, thought it was cutesy, and was holding the phone out for the cameras and all of America to hear how her hot husband wanted “nookie” with her (and the mental images that conjured up of what “nookie” consisted of for them are nothing too pretty). Never mind that her children were nearby (possibly in the same room, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the episode), and are probably to this day made fun of at school for that. My husband and I are in our 30s, married for 5 years and have a biological child, so I’m fairly sure people know that we’re not virgins, but I’d be humiliated if he spoke to me like that for the world to see, and I’m no prude. Her judgment was a bit unconventional, anyway, because: 1. It might not be a good idea to uproot your children repeatedly to follow your incarcerated husband around the country 2. It might not be the best idea to let a convicted murderer, who’s doing life in prison without the possibility of parole, adopt your children 3. If you’re on a very limited budget in the outside world, and your husband has a chance to take a job and help himself, thus, alleviating some of the burden you feel to provide for him financially, it might be a good idea to support the job, rather than worrying about “family time” If that dude ever sees the light of non-prison day, he’ll never speak to her again. I actually wouldn’t be at all surprised if he had several women taking care of him. He just reeked of a guy who wanted to be taken care of and paid attention to, and he didn’t care whom it came from. I didn’t get the feeling that he thought Annika was anything special, or that he had any deep fairy-tale Tori & Dean-type love for her.  Back to this show, I saw a lot of Annika in some of the women on this version of the show. The whole “it sucks that our fairy tale love got interrupted by the silly justice system – he didn’t mean to kill/beat/rob/rape anyone, he told me himself, so I’m sticking by my man” syndrome. Both shows are just fascinating, and I wish both of them would get revived. I know Jhemini was a straight-up snobby bitch, but I kept watching her, trying to figure out how someone with that healthy self-esteem she was sporting, who was actually a very pretty girl, would settle for someone who was incarcerated. I’m sure that until other guys got to know her wretched personality, they’d be all over her, buying her stuff (which I’m sure she’d consider important) and giving her whatever she wanted. I’d much more see her being a trophy wife than a prison wife, and I never could figure out what it was that made her choose that life. Just fascinating all the way around.
  11. Dear Linsey Godfrey, Please wear that awesome red lipstick (but please not the hair) that you're wearing today when you win your 1st Emmy this summer. Your exceptional performance today made you a shoo-in for the win. Sincerely, Daytime Fan
  12. I could not love this show more! I was so, so, SO obsessed with Whitley, and Whitley/Dewayne were my first ship! When the show first came on, I WAS Whitley. I was so obsessed that if Whit wore her hair down on the show, I wore my hair down for the week. If hers was up, mine was up. I think I was probably 10, so at least I chose a great role-model! On topic, I love all of the quotes you all mentioned. However, one of my faves is when Ron sends Whitley flowers, and she goes over to Dewayne's thinking they're from him. She finds out they're not, and he asks her to hang out because since he'd been dating Keecoocala (tm Whitley!), "I miss my friend". Whitley, totally out-of-character says "I'm busy, you're busy, life bes that way sometime". Obviously, "Will you? Will you Whitley take me to be your lawfully-wedded husband? For richer, for poorer, in sickness & in health? Baby, please!" followed by "I do!" are probably the best lines in the history of television, in probably the best wedding in the history of tv, too. I also love the quote when they're getting ready for the aborted Walter/Jaleasa wedding. Whitley is walking away after the decorating is done, and she says "I guess we're finished here". Dewayne says "no we're not", and grabs her and plants a kiss on that her that still gives me goosebumps all these years later as I'm typing this! I also think their first "I love you"s are sweet. I love them so much!
  13. You're probably correct that she was irritated with him by the end of that trip. I honestly can't remember the whole thing (although, I do have a clear recollection of the earring-situation, and Kourtney telling her "Kim, there are people dying", IE, 'shut up about your ridiculously-expensive earring, which you shouldn't have brought on vacation anyway.'), but from the few minutes I saw, Kim truly did look happy with Kris (the guy, not her mom). Wasn’t that trip also when he found out that she’d been married before? How had he not Googled her for basic info? Isn’t that the joy of dating someone famous? They definitely knew each other well enough to get married a few months later. I think the Hump got treated horribly, especially how he was made out to be the bad guy because he wouldn't divorce her fast enough so that she wasn't married to one man when her baby with another man was born, but I could see how he would be fun for a while and then really annoying. He seemed like a nice guy, but he's also one of those guys who doesn't really know his own physical strength, and he would haul her around like she was nothing. He was always roughhousing with her, and I think he sometimes forgot that as huge as her ass is, she was still infinitely smaller, physically, than him. There were a few times I thought he might accidentally hurt her. Back on topic, though, watching the show from that time period, that was the last time I saw any semblance of happiness or light in her eyes; she doesn’t have it at all when she talks about Kanye (even in her pre-wedding show, when she was talking about how he’d been obsessed with her for years, she didn’t look happy, or the night he rented out PNC Park and did that lavish proposal and gave her the huge rock, she just looked like she was there), and sadly, she is vacant when she talks about North (again, even when she talks about how North was a miracle-child, and she wasn’t supposed to be able to conceive, or when she tells stories about North saying ‘bye bye’, etc., she just looks like she’s there, not like a parent who has truly been blessed with a perfectly-healthy, beautiful miracle-child they were told they wouldn’t have). I’m sure part of that might be the excess of plastic surgery, but there it appears that there is just no love or happiness in her life anymore. And now, I’ve spent far more time processing Kim’s relationship feelings than she has. Happy new year! ;-)
  14. Ugh, I almost hate myself for commenting on this, but I feel I must. This morning, E! ran some old episodes, and they were from Kim was dating the Hump. I must've blocked it out, but she truly appeared crazy-in-love with him. In the clip I saw when I was getting ready this morning, she greeted him in the hall, and she ran and jumped into his arms. She was flirty and smiling and laughing with him, and was really happy to be around him. Then, when I was at lunch, they were showing the Bora Bora one, and I saw where he surprised her with a boat ride. If I didn't know any of the aftermath, I would swear that she was truly in love with him. Then, because I like to torture myself, I was trying to think if I've ever seen her that excited to see Kanye, and I really can't. I don't doubt that she used the Hump for her fairy tale wedding, but I genuinely think she had true feelings for him (I also definitely see why he bought into it, because she really seemed to care for him and happy to be with him, although, she was way more into Reggie than anyone I've seen her with). I think angry, morose, sullen Kanye has worn off on her more than just her monotone wardrobe, and has changed her personality more than she realizes.
  15. Ding dong the twit is gone! My Christmas wish has come true!! Laters KM & Hopeless!!
  16. Amen to this whole post. Quinn had the best reaction of anyone, I thought. She was fabulous when she was trying to get it out to Wyatt, then she was even more fabulous when he told her via phone (I deleted it after I watched it, wasn't her reaction silent as in music playing over it?). Literally, she could not get the words out to him, because she sold her shock so well. She's got the crazy, but she truly loves Wyatt, and Hope & Baby Wype by association to Wyatt. That doctor's reaction was every woman's worst nightmare, but luckily, our dream is that if God forbid we have to have a misstairrage, please let the guy that we really love, but can't be with because "we wus robbed" be there to comfort us, rather than our husband, who we tolerate. Well-played Bell. Finally, bring on the Ridge/Caroline/Rick/Maya quad. Isn't it funny that when we all talk about that quad, Katie never figures in? What's a girl who ties a red string of commitment on her finger every morning from her millionaire (billionaire?) boyfriend gotta do to get some love on these boards?? ;-) Last thing, there were more people there for Hope's misstairrage than there were at the hospital when I actually gave birth. I thought there were a ton of people there for us, but Hope's fan club outnumbered mine. I actually really bought $Bill's reaction, though. He doesn't like her & never will, but his face showed that he truly has sympathy for her. There are SO many great actors on B&B, I'm hoping that with drippy Hope leaving (in 2 shows!) they'll focus on the more-talented actors.
  17. It's clearly late-in-the-day, because I read "MJ" & thought about how cool a lunch with Tatum, Candy, black-winged Tori & Michael Jackson! Don't tell Tori, though, she'll be crying because he died and didn't leave her enough.
  18. 2 quick things...first of all, I see that "Operation Redeem Quinn" is in full-effect. Not that I'm complaining, I love RS as Quinn, and I hope she's redeemed so she can stick around. Of course, she'll get blamed for causing the fall, but when everyone finds out that it wasn't her fault, and she goes above-&-beyond to save Hope, which I'm assuming she will, she'll be in like Quinn (hee hee, totally just came to me!). Side note, but Hope really is the dumbest dummy in the world. I just had my 1st baby this summer, and from very early on, I wore flats or a very small heel. Why is she traipsing around in Kardashian-like heels climbing stairs around a (misguided) psycho when she's carrying a child? Maybe that's just me, because I also waited until my 3rd trimester to have my shower, so she & I have a different Mommy-style. Second, at this point, haven't Wype been married for around 3 months? Isn't that longer that Hope/Liam have been married collectively in all of their 651 attempts at wedded bliss?
  19. It’s so interesting reading everyone’s comments like “Liam & Deacon had great chemistry yesterday.” Add that to previous comments like “Liam & $Bill are so believable as father & son because they have ‘it’”, “Wyatt & Liam have great brother-chemistry”, “Liam & Quinn have great ‘hate’-chemistry, they should hook up”, “Liam & Ivy sparkle together”, “Steffy & Liam, AKA Steam, are smoking hot together”. I don’t recall ever seeing a “Hope & Liam light up the screen together”. Take note, TPTB, no matter how many sticky sweet montages you shove down our throats, drippy Hope completely brings SC/Liam down. I fully agree with a previous poster, the best part of KM leaving is no more montages to that mopey song! On the other hand, I’d love to see a Caroline/Ridge montage. A year ago, I hated Caroline. I was a Rick/Maya shipper, and to me, Caroline was a brat. Also, a year ago, I couldn’t get behind the new Ridge, not that I ever got behind the old Ridge (cardboard, meet scarf). However, they completely stumbled onto chemistry-gold with TK & LG. I can’t imagine the show without either of them now. I actually have wondered if they didn’t expect so much chemistry between the 2. I think that if they’d seen it, this storyline would’ve drawn-out longer. I still think Ridge & Caroline will wind up having a white-hot affair, it’ll just be the scenic route to get there.
  20. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ridge/Caroline/Rick is the best triangle in all of daytime since Sonny/Brenda/Jax, which was nearly 20 years ago. I'm 100% Team CaRidge, but even I can see that Rick genuinely still loves her. He was a good husband to her up until a few weeks ago, but the chemistry that LG & TK have is just off-the-charts. B&B has become "must-see tv" for me these days! Plus, great added bonus: no Hope for the last several days! Caroline should be the next generation heroine, she is just amazing!
  21. It's official, I have my first girl-crush ever, and it's on Lindsey Godfrey. That girl can do no wrong these days! It's very rare that I feel what an actor feels on-screen, and for the first time ever, I did that on B&B today. When Caroline was nervous to go on stage at the end of the show, I actually felt myself get nervous for her, & I felt proud for her when she received the applause. I didn't like her at all when she first came on, first she was a Hope-clone (gag, one of them is too many), then she was a conniving brat during Rick & Maya part 1, but somewhere along the way, she became this truth-spouting, snarky, fierce woman, who despite all that's going on, is actually remaining totally professional when she's working. I absolutely love her & Ridge dancing around their feelings, and I've said it before, this Ridge/Caroline/Rick triangle is the best story B&B has done since I got back together with it in 2011 (because of Steffy Forrester). Add a snarky, mad, possessive $Bill to the equation, and there is no way the story could go wrong. I agree with the previous poster, B&B is appointment tv for me lately!
  22. What a great day! No Hope...that's about all I need for a good B&B show these days. Ridge & Caroline are so pretty, talented, tortured and conflicted; I adore them and this whole arc. I think this is one of the best B&B stories in several years. This is a triangle (hectagon? Not sure if I should include Katie & Maya in the mix, even though they're hangers-on in this issue.) that's actually done well, because the audience can root for and be mad at all sides, Ridge, Caroline & Rick, depending on the day. Well-done, Bell. Best part of today, though? $Bill saying "he's not going to treat the womEn that I love like that", to a smirking Katie, who looked proud of her knight in shining sword-necklace. Manipulative Katie is so much better than poetry-spouting Katie.
  23. I'm so glad someone else was mean first, because as I was watching today, all I could think of is 'Hope is kind of a butter-face'. Her body is fantastic, and for the most part, she wears clothes that flatter her (take note, Maya), but while she's fairly attractive, she really is not pretty enough to have 2 brothers fighting over who gets the joy of dating/being engaged to/marrying her that day, because it changes daily with her. In fairness, I find her personality absolutely wretched, so that makes her even less attractive to me, but when everyone goes on about how insanely beautiful she is, it always amazes me, and not in a good way. I'm honestly not trying to pick on looks, because I'm not a HFTF model myself, but if she's going to be the center of the universe for every man in Bell-A under the age of 40 that she doesn't share DNA with, her personality and/or beauty should be exceptional in my opinion (IE Brenda Barrett). Mean girl time over.
  24. I love this show, but every time I watch it, my running thought is 'how is this show, with all of the blatant sexual jokes and innuendos, appropriate for 7:00 (cst) viewing'. It's hilarious, & I'm no prude, but I honestly feel like it's way too raunchy for that early in the night.
  25. I'm so glad that I stumbled on this show (& that there is a forum!). I liked Kate from the first episode, primarily for her snark about Jhemini "if our husband's had better aim, they'd be in for murder, too." She's cute and real. Now, Jhemini...my husband (who's not in prison) and I refer to her as a Kardashian-lite, because she has that affected way of speaking like them. She's super-cute, albeit really dumb, but there is no way she will stay faithful to her husband throughout this season, let alone for years to come. Saddest of all is Ana. I'm going to be the mean one and say it, her husband is conventionally-good-looking, and probably out-of-her-league in the real world. The nano-second he gets out of prison, he will forget she ever existed (unless he needs to use her for a while so he can get back on his feet). She's not ugly at all, but he's just more conventionally-attractive than her, prison-record aside. Their situation reminds me of Annika on the Prison Wives show, where he was fairly physically-attractive, and you just know that if they had met at a party or something, rather than him being behind bars, he would've never, ever given her a second look.
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