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Everything posted by IntrovertRed

  1. Just watched "Putin's War At Home". Throughout the whole episode, I had butterflies because I was constantly worrying that the Russians showcased will be tortured or killed. I am in awe of their bravery, but not gonna lie, a [huge] part of me wishes I could yell at them, "please go hide and be safe!"
  2. Love how they show the footage of the wimps like Rubio, Cruz, Graham all hated Trump publicly initially. I bet those behind The Lincoln Project never thought they'd be running against the GOP so hard. Even though they mention the Bush administration being the GOP they believed in. Really?!
  3. Looks like I’m not the only one who is struggling with Imelda Staunton as the Queen.
  4. I agree with low self-esteem, but it doesn't seem fair to say that they aren't victims of Keith.
  5. Even though I've inhaled just about everything on this family, I still enjoyed this series. But it drives me absolutely crazy how people pronounce Alex's name. It is Alec or Alex? Is it pronounced Murdock or Murdaugh. At this point, I don't even really know. I wonder how many other towns are like Hamptons and have their own Murdaugh family running things. Eventually assholes like the Murdaughs get caught, though if the Murdaughs hadn't raised such an asshole, perhaps the house of cards would not have fallen. I can't believe he told Buster (what a name) to go shooting near the house where his mother/brother were murdered. Buster is probably an asshole, but damn, that's cold of Alex to even suggest that. I think something that worked for Alex is he looks like a nerdy guy who probably wouldn't hurt a fly. And he clearly used that to his advantage by ripping all those families off. Screw this family and those who enabled them and benefited from their relationships with them. That Jim Griffin guy can shove it.
  6. I knew this would be difficult to watch, but I felt I owed it to the victims of the shooting. The image of the guns on display in the former synagogue was just horrifying to me.
  7. Or hell, get Mo up to get it recorded somehow. Kyle is so immature, the 'poor me' mentality is exhausting. It really is ALL about how everything affects her. I wanted to puke after I saw Andy hugging her. I don't think Kathy is Innocent by any means, but anyone looks like an angel next to Rinna. I even think Erika might be easier to take if Rinna is gone. Rinna is just toxic and has no shame. Someone new needs to be added, the FF5 is taking all the enjoyment out of this show.
  8. But are the Targaryeans also Valryrians technically too?
  9. I don’t think the families thought that Lori and Chad would actually commit murder. If eere pointing fingers, why not the police? If Lori had been brought into the psych ward in Arizona, and also not been told about it beforehand (by the police!), what would have happened. Or if the police had actually investigated Charles’ murder and realized the many holes in Alex and Lori’s stories, would JJ/Tylee/Tammy be alive? But Lori was attractive and knows how to charm people. I believe that Zulema, Lori’s niece, and Melanie Gibb all knew what was happening. The podcast Pretty Lies & Alibis is a good resource for this case. Lori’s mom saying they were a normal family, talk about a load of crap. Lori’s dad was/is a nut job. I bet that Chad is gonna turn on Lori. I would love to know how he did that, I tried once I became separated and was told I couldn’t do until we were officially divorced.
  10. Can she do that considering she's not even related to Jax, especially since he’s a minor to boot? The comments to her post also make me want to vomit.
  11. Kyle looked different on WWHL last night with Jenny McCarthy (bleh). Maybe it was her lips? The lighting on both Kyle and Jenny was bad as well.
  12. From my understanding of Valrya (I have not read the books), many houses had dragons and Targaryens were just a basic house during that time and only became powerful when they went to Westeros with their dragons. Wow, Daeman was super badass. Has Rhaenyra really basically pouted for two years? As someone who grew up in King’s Landing, shouldn’t she know that is not the way you go about winning loyalty to your side? if someone other than Rhaenyra had seen the white stag, wouldn’t that have made most everyone think she shouldn’t no longer be heir? *I have a hell of a time spelling all these names correct, geesh.
  13. Lori Vallow's son arrested for sexual assault.
  14. Yes, April Raymond was on Dateline. Man, it's sad how I remember all this, but can't remember where I put my car keys most of the time.
  15. Even though I feel like I know just about everything there is to know regarding this case, I will watch because I want to see what Colby has to say. I think that Lori was always manipulative and kind of evil and only became more so when she met Chad Daybell. Reading her custody documents of Tylee from Tylee's dad are pretty disturbing. Lori manipulated that poor girl from the day she was born. If only after Charles death the authorities had truly investigated Alex and Lori, perhaps Tammy, Tylee and JJ would still be alive.
  16. I totally forgot this was back on as On Patrol Live until this weekend, and was so happy to see it all again. It still blows my mind how many people don't pull over for cops or don't listen when being told what to do. And the drugs or car or liquor is never theirs, it's someone else's. One guy ran until he ran out of gas because he didn't have insurance and didn't want to go to jail. I was thinking, why would you think running would be a good decision? Do people think they can outrun the cops? Or they are hoping the chase gets called off due to high speeds, etc.? What disturbed me about one call on Saturday was when the cop went to a domestic disturbance call. When the cop talked to the couple, they both said everything was fine, that her brother just heard their argument while she was talking to him on the phone and he called the cops. The guy of course was super chatty and saying he would never do that, etc. While watching it all, I felt like I was watching the Gabby Petito traffic stop all over again. Three hours later, the cop ends up back at the house because the woman called 911 saying that the man was threatening her with a hammer. This time the guy was arrested. While talking to each other, one of the cops said something like, "why didn't she tell us the first time we were here". I couldn't believe it. He absolutely should have talked to the man and the woman SEPARATELY to determine what happened. The chances of an abuse victim saying in front of the abuser what truly happened are rare, I'm sure. I've seen that happen from a family member who went through it, she denied anything happened in front of her spouse because of fear. During calls like this, the cops need to separate the couple!! I hope that the cops in question learn or are told about this at some point. I can't remember what department it was, maybe Richland? Am I the only one that caught this?
  17. Paige is full of herself, but I like her, especially when she's not laying in bed all the time. Seriously though, I do think she and Craig make a good couple. I also don't know how long she's gonna put up with Craig's childish outbursts. Paige is not one to beat around the bush and can more than handle herself during confrontations and arguments. And Naomi had no idea how to handle her lol. Taylor - your "bantor" is Shep being an asshole. Don't cover for him. And if he's on raya and talking to girls, fuck him. My family loves the meatballs recipe that Kathryn prepared, I personally thinks it's gross but it's quick and easy in the crockpot. Damn, Austen's aunt's house is amazing! How much does a house like that go for there? Millions? I suspect I'd be wearing summer clothes in that weather. Thanksgiving by me is usually freezing. And the way the "I don't like that" comment came out was messed up. Paige was in one spot and then suddenly by the fridge. Come on producers, really. Maybe I'm a party pooper, but I don't wanna eat Thanksgiving outside in the sun,.hot or cold. Why does Leva look so different. Also? Now I can't for Thanksgiving and turkey.
  18. Bet it leads to drama with Amanda and Lindsay being jealous of the new girls and any attention paid them. So weird that it is only 3 guy sand the rest girls? I will be happy for them until we see the dysfunction of their relationship once Summer House begins again. Though I do hope I'm wrong!
  19. It's a mess for sure, Maybe I could feel for her if she didn't act like such an asshole.
  20. I've never even heard of the Honey coupon app and had no idea coupon apps were so lucrative! Why couldn't I think of a freaking coupon app?!!!
  21. Agree 100%. Ar least Charles does seem to be a better parent than his parents, but it's an extremely low bar. That was so cringey. Who jokes about someone being injured? As an American, I do remember being at a friend's house and learning about her accident and death. I think it was announced on the radio (I'm so old). Back then I didn't follow the royals much except thinking Prince William was hot (I no longer think that). I think people always believed in the fairy tale until seeing what happened with Diana. You couldn't pay me to be in that family.
  22. Totally sounds gross, but we make it for holidays and the meatballs go fast! My kids love them.
  23. I'm not sure why I watched this since I feel that I've already watched almost everything that has come out on Princess Diana. But it was definitely effective in showing how overwhelmingly intrusive the cameras were with her. She was clearly flawed as a person, but when she did try to give the press what they wanted, they would get pissed if they didn't consider it enough. Yes, she used the press to her advantage, I don't fault her for that at all, but she was damned if she does, damned if she doesn't with the press. Watching the footage of her as a 19-year-old is sad because you wish that you could yell at her to get as far away as possible from the royal family. The coldness of the royals comes through in spades for sure in this program. Prince Philip seemed to be pissed when they were told by onlookers to take care of the boys and he replies something like, "of course we are."
  24. I felt very uncomfortable and also thought maybe Venita did it to get her mother to feel pressured to talk about something she hadn’t before. It just was not a topic for TV. I’ve gone through what her mother has and worry that I’ve done a bad job by fighting with my ex. I would have never though NOT fighting would be just as bad. I was just a little confused by the whole thing and felt bad for her mom. The dog wedding was ridiculous. Would Naomi be fine with her new boyfriend hanging out with his ex, especially an ex that he had just hooked up with? Get over yourself Naomi. I think she’s very pretty, but she looked much prettier before the surgery. It’s so sad because this show used to be so much better. Paige has said she would move to Charleston for Craig. Can’t see it though. Best thing about the episode was not as much Austen.
  25. You have described why I have been so afraid to get veneers even though I really want them. Too many people seem to look like Madison. I'd be pissed to spend all that $$ and then look like I have huge teeth like that.
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