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Everything posted by IntrovertRed

  1. I think Danielle being there is a good balance for Lindsay though since there are clearly two different girl groups.
  2. Totally agree. I didn't think Carl was being unreasonable at all. And I will bite my words if it blows up, but I think Carl and Lindsay can make it as a couple, especially if they get off this damn show. So Ciara hooks up with Austen on Winter House and that's okay even though Lindsay had a "history" with him. But Lindsay is being an asshole for doing the same. And Ciara asking Austen about in Winter House isn't the same as talking to Lindsay about it to make sure it's okay. So it's Mya, Ciara and Paige against Danielle and Lindsay with Amanda in middle but more towards Paige's harem. Maybe Paige can convince the other girls to like Lindsay/Danielle if they can all lay in a big bed for hours together. I mean, she even managed to be in a bed during Amanda's wedding. Paige is very petty and I wonder if Craig has anything to do with it. Wasn't impressed with the bitch face the entire time. Luke needs to get off this show, he's the most normal of them all. I was glad he brought up some points too. He and Andrea are so gorgeous. Mya - love you except you seem to be firmly planted under Paige's crown. You are better than that. Lindsay - you looked good but lose the extensions. I wonder if Ciara hanging out with Hannah last summer made Lindsay steer clear. She has always irritated me, but I think that everyone coming at her was ridiculous. Amanda - girl, you are married to a baby man whore. Maybe you should stop worrying about Lindsay. And your body is banging. How much do these idiots get paid to party in the summer?
  3. Just wondering how Russ was able to pay Joel Schwartz? Did his family have money or did Joel do it pro bono? This story is just so wild, and it truly makes me wonder how many people have gotten railroaded like Russ. And Pam hadn't murdered Louis, would she have gotten away with Betsy’s murder? Or did they open the Betsy Faria investigation already by that time? And why was she crying broke when she had all that money in her safe?! And is it true that someone anonymously sent Schwartz the crime scene photos? And that Askey ordered the evidence to be destroyed? If that’s true, that should be enough to disbar her. Hope she loses every client and goes broke!
  4. You should listen to the podcast from Brian Baumgartner, he has some good interviews with the showrunners. One episode is with Phyllis and she discusses her career in casting and then the Office.
  5. Took me a while because that always bugged me, but then I figured that Dwight inadvertently picked up baby Halper's diaper from the garbage because he was in the office for pictures too.
  6. Wow! She and I are about the same age but she looks twice my age. I hope she hasn't had children, what a horrible thing to continually be exposing future generations to. And the older I get, the more I remember the saying, "chose your ass or your face." Crude, yes, but so far, I'm choosing my face.
  7. From that last link, "Loverboy’s Cosmopolitan is $49 for an 8-pack, now available in 44 states for direct purchase on drinkloverboy.com. These craft cocktails are best served when shaken and poured into a chilled (martini) glass and garnished with orange zest." Holy shit - $49 for an 8 pack? I'm not a drinker, but that seems crazy expensive. The article also refers to Loverboy having merchandise that sells out almost immediately. Has got to be Bravo fans, right? How did Kyle come up with Loverboy? I always though it was a dumb name, but it seems he either lucky with timing or was smart and saw the need for such a product.
  8. That is one thing that I didn't know, that Phyllis worked with Fuisz. If only they had video of that. I'm surprised the deal with Safeway and Steve Burd was never mentioned. He was another guy taken in by her and Safeway sunk millions towards their own wellness centers. Burd is referred to often in the Bad Blood book.
  9. I've seen them in Illinois. I wouldn't mind trying them, but I absolutely refuse to spend my money on any of their shit.
  10. I had no idea Bridgerton was a romance series until I finished the show. I happened upon it on Neflix one day and loved the actors. While I do agree with your points, it's not what drew me back for season 2. I enjoy the family dynamic and also wanted to see what happened with Penelope. I'm sure the pandemic helped when so many people were home and streaming, right (for first season)? In my younger days, I used to read romance novels, but got tired of the monotony, but I might read this series because of the show. And I much enjoyed the second season compared to the first, Rege aside.
  11. Did Mya say that Oliver said that Ahmed is totally in love with Lindsay or that Lindsay was saying it with Ahmed? I was totally confused. Then they agreed not to tell Lindsay. I watched that scene twice, but maybe I was too tired to understand.
  12. Lindsay - having fun and being happy can be two different things. Protest much? However, Amanda, is this really the best way to go about being "concerned" about Lindsay? Take her aside BEFORE you question her in front of everyone because she's going to automatically get defensive. Because it feels like a pile on, especially since you are super close with Ciara/Paige, two people who hate Lindsay. By the way, we see why Ciara hates Lindsay, but why does Paige? And also, are YOU happy, Amanda? I can't believe Austen got brought up AGAIN. What the fuck people! This muppet mouth is not worth all this screen time! I hope to god that Austen/Craig are not on the reunion. A podcast said yesterday he in NYC recently. I also had no idea he and Craig had a podcast together and were touring. Tickets are $40 for the show near me. I wouldn't mind seeing Craig, but not Austen. Plus I don't know who I'd go with because I'd be too embarrassed to ask someone to go with me and would only hear, "who are they?!" Paige - did you really think Andrea wasn't playing you? Come on, I thought you were smarter than that. I don't like her as much as I used to either. I never understood how she and Hannah could be friends. But I see it now. Is it Alex or Alec? Sorry guy, but you're too normal, go away. Kyle - shut the fuck up about the prenup already. Why are you telling everyone, even the parents? Are you hoping Amanda will change her mind? Way to beat her into submission. I thought you were long-time friends with Lindsay, but you couldn't resist joining in the mean girls session with Paige and Ciara. I thought Lindsay did look pretty with the pink hair. I missed the first part of the episode, but I saw Mya on WWHL. She looked so pretty and still seems so normal. She is still dating Oliver who was in the audience. Hope Bravo fame doesn't go to her head and send some cookies to Ronnie of Watch What Crappens podcast already! lol
  13. I know she is released, does she have to undergo mandatory counseling? I hope so.
  14. She absolutely did! Usually I still see the actor when they are portraying a real-life person. But here, Amanda just completely becomes Elizabeth and was freaking amazing. I have no sympathy for real Linda, she knew what she was doing. Plus she went back to the Boies firm after Theranos when she worked prior, though she recently left. The actor portraying John Carreyrou is pretty cute. Does Elizabeth really go by Lizzy now? I also wondered if the Uber driver let her ride with that beautiful dog. And that poor dog was scared shitless by the screaming too, poor thing. Maybe 'Lizzy' pretended that she needed to be rescued or something and her now husband bought into it. She certainly married well, financially at least. I hope she gets at least five years in jail. I worry it will be less. I have also read that men who were heads of start ups have been accused of lying and fraud, but didn't receive much punishment. I wish who I could remember who Elizabeth was being compared to. They brought up the question if Elizabeth was a man, would she have been found guilty. From what I understand, an insurance company is paying for her legal defense, so she's not paying for it out of pocket. I'm not sure if they cover the appeal although it sounds like if not, she's certainly got the wealth to pay for it. I wonder how she is as a mom. I hope people watch out for her daughter, because I truly think Elizabeth is psychotic and I fear for her daughter. Erika Cheung is a badass. Tyler too, because it can't be easy to stand up to his grandfather. Both David Boies and George Schultz sullied their name with their association with Elizabeth/Theranos.
  15. In my experience, the employees hate HR much more than the management :)
  16. Now that I'm older and going through a divorce, I WISH I had done a prenup. It didn't even occur to me because we were younger and really didn't much to our name. By the way, what kind of investors ask about a prenup? It seems more like to me that Kyle really does want a prenup but doesn't have the balls to say it himself, so he says 'others' keep bringing it up. And Amanda? Listen to what Carl said, he said it makes sense. If you get a prenup now, Kyle doesn't have the ability to try to screw you out of profits, etc. later when you inevitably divorce. I totally forgot about Alex. He just seems too normal and has a lack of confidence. Will he be a one seasoner like Jules? I think that was her name right? It didn't take long for Carl to lose interest in McKenzie. While I think waiting a year until he's sober one year is wise, it seems like a cop out, especially since we know he starts dating Lyndsay a month or so later? Or did they start dating after one year sobriety? Either way, he looked horrible with the mustache while playing volleyball. Speaking of volleyball, I felt so old watching because I wouldn't be in either group, I'd be in the 70s group. Although Kyle is pretty close to the 70s group too since he was born in '82.
  17. In season 9, when Jim gives Pam her Valentine's gift of what appears to be a framed drawing. She says, "wow, I didn't know you kept this." What is it? It's not something that she drew, is it? It drives me nuts because I feel like I should know, but I don't. I also like later Pam again in later seasons. I think she was a little insufferable in seasons 5 and 6. I think it's funny how she gets her new title and steamrolls Gabe.
  18. I love Season 9 especially after the Robert California season. Pete and Clark were great additions, especially Clark, because they both fit right in. And I thought that the realism of Jim/Pam having issues, while it did seem out of left field a bit, was nice to see. Soulmates do fight too. Oh I forgot about Nellie. I was not a fan at first, but she did fit better in season 9. I do not like Andy at all in season 9.
  19. When they had them stacked on top of each other they got too hot and overheated. So at some point they stopped stacking them, although not stacking seems like that would be obvious anyway.
  20. The reporter in the show said that he wonders if Sarma was going to use Anthony because she thought he was wealthy and in fact she was the con until it got away from her. True or not, I felt like she was lying through some of it and they deserved each other. I think she liked that he took over the restaurant because it was too overwhelming for her because she was in way over her head. The only people I feel sorry for are the ones who worked for her and were hurt by her actions. Oh and her mother too. Way too long! They probably could have done this in one episode that was two hours. It felt way too repetitive.
  21. I was so-so after the first episode, but now I'm invested to see how Travis gets taken down because I hope/suspect it will be glorious. I also don't mind Uber/Lyft, had good/bad experiences with both.
  22. Travis sure thinks he's smarter than anyone else in the room, doesn't he? Can someone please explain the meeting with Larry Page? Was Larry just not interested or is he just weird? I didn't get it.
  23. It's gotten a little better in later episodes. Yes, I agree. I didn't know that Uber was considered luxury and had town cars. By the time I used Lyft/Uber, the drivers were using their own cars. I generally use whichever one is cheaper at the time. My work also pays for my Uber to/from train, most drivers are nice but many seem to be former cab drivers. So Uber was Garrett's idea, but Travis sort of took over the reigns with Garrett's permission? Kyle Chander is aging VERY well.
  24. Obviously I’m not sure, but my guess is that abuse was not shown or really considered as a factor because the alleged abuse wasn’t really known until right before/during her trial.
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