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Everything posted by braziliangirl

  1. I think it was the episode about the Roy Kent effect (The SIgnal). They started a winning streak. It's the same one where Ted has his panic attack. Jamie makes the goal (after the sign to be a asshole) and Ted passes through Nate to hug Roy saying it was a nice call. Nate seems hurt. After that Ted starts having his panic attack and leaves the field. Nate takes control of things and then say the "wonder kid" (which was the wrong word and a bit embarrassing) thing when interviewed. IMHO, Nate starting having problems with Ted because of Roy. He's so jealous of Roy and has so much resentment that he's being incapable of thinking. Indeed, jealousy reared its ugly head. I'm conflicted about Nate redemption. I want him to feel remorse or something. And I do wanna see Ted being able to feel angry. Preferably toward Rupert.
  2. But i don't think Nate is reacting to his boss incompetence about the game. He's reacting to his dad and not being/feeling like a big dog. I rewatched Rainbow - the episode where he wants the table for his parents - and it matches perfectly with this one. It's the episode where Ted hurts Nate laughing about his suggestion to talk to Isaac (when Ted said they needed a big dog to talk to the captain). I think this is an important scene to their relationship and it's a mistake that Ted makes (Beard doesn't laugh because he knew Nate was serious). That's also the episode where he asks Keeley to make him famous and he sees the players winning free things. Where the restaurant lady makes it clear that Roy would get the window table. Where he spits on the mirror for the first time to make himself bigger. And it ends with Roy starting to coach at Richmond being cheered by everyone. When Rebecca and Keeley say to him: "Don't back down. You deserve whatever you want" or "be assertive" or "and no one will fight harder for their dreams than us" or "the scariest part is to go for it" they are trying to give him confidence to "try more for things" but he misunderstands that to "I'm entitled to have". I do feel bad for Nate because his storyline is about mental health as much as Ted`s. But it's not like he climbed the corporative ladder by himself and then this new boss came in and ruined everything. He was able to grow because of his new boss leadership. i think there's a difference.
  3. I sort of feel bad for Nate because he's clearly reacting and transferring his anxieties/feelings about his dad to everyone else. His trigger to derailing was Roy starting to coach, right? There's not an ounce of thought in his actions, just reactions to what his dad makes him feel. And I see his storyline also as a mental health one. But... what he did...I don't know how can it be repaired with other teammates or with anyone that has a close relationship with Ted. Also, he leaked this very sensitive information right before a very important match. I'm wondering if they'll win but with most people apart (as opposed to last season: they lost but with their bond solidified as a group). edited to say: I think he already received an offer from Rupert. That's how I interpreted him asking people if they wanted to be the boss. Maybe he was conflicted with the decision. His words about Ted (when he was speaking to Beard and Roy) could be the words that Rupert said to him to convince him to go to another team. And his scene with Keeley made him go to the dark side (to feel less of a failure or embarrassment).
  4. it's a shame that Jenny Rainsford didn't get a Emmy nomination. Her performance as Boo is such a treat, so well acted.
  5. you know what? In the end is real contact with others - and music - that saves the day. Real life has been tough enough. I'll take it this very hopeful Black Mirror episode.
  6. I think I would've liked it if it was more ambiguous: people intended - including the audience - to distrust Bran and thinking he manipulated things so he could be king. Or Jon planning to kill Dany instead of doing impulsively. Dany ordering Sansa imprisonment and then Jon entering the "game", scheming, pretending to be Team Dany so he could kill her. Or Jon being King and then some hints that he would also turn crazy. Or reaaally unhappy. At least some kind of acknowledgement that things weren't solved ( AS IF Jon would've survived, Don't even mention Tyrion.) and the disputes would still continue. That it would always be some kind of war because power is power.
  7. I hated it. Can't find a reasoning for Tyrion and John being alive.
  8. It reminded me of The Good Place. How we need to connect to people even if it causes us pain. How we have to be able to feel not only pleasure but also displeasure so we can feel responsability for our actions and have the power to repair things, It's about the hardships of having relationships and how vulnerable they make us feel (if we have something we can lose them, right?). And also understanding that being involved with others it's the best solution to sustain this very hard task that we all have: existing. I loved it. I'll take all the optimistic (but not delusional) takes about humanity that comes my way.
  9. Aw. I loved what Janet said in the end. It could be about all of the relationships of the characters, not only the romantic ones. Is it close to what Albert Camus believed or am I seeing things because I like a lot of his books?
  10. 1000 times by Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam is on repeat since I've seen the show.
  11. IMHO, Marcus is worst than Courtney. She did awful things but she was motivated by fear ( a powerful tool for making very stupid and awful things). She was scared and I felt from her a bit of remorse. He was just an asshole. I think Ryan believed his arguments. I think he felt his magazine was extremely important and that he, as an artist, had to publish her work. Was he right? No.
  12. Clay and Hannah's scene was so beautiful. The chemistry, the song, the way he made sure she was ok with what they were doing. Minette and Langford really nailed their scenes. So sad.
  13. I liked the fact that Clay had dick moments because it showed he wasn't perfect. He was this nice guy who was falible as anyone. Hannah hurted him too. I also loved the fact that Hannah understood some things wrong. She was dealing with so much and had been so hurt that she became defensive and coudn't see that she was loved, that there were other people she could count on (like Tony, or other kids who weren't popular, Clay, her parents, the librarian guy, Kathy). When you're depressed you feel like everyone would be better off without you. I felt for everyone but Marcus and Bryce. Props to Minette, Langford, Boe, Flynn and Heizer. Great cast. After I finished the series I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wanted to rescue everyone.
  14. I kinda get it why Clay took so long to listen to the tapes. He was scared. I would be too. and then Hannah's and then the possibility that he was responsible for her death, that she hated him...If he listened to that he could never take it back.
  15. what a great episode. I'm loving this season. I'm hoping for Marnie and Hannah being reunited and living together raising the baby. Elijah being a hit on Broadway. Adam and H. having closure and not being together. Jessa and H. having closure and not being close but being friendly. Shosh having her happy ending.
  16. I felt bad for Jessa (even though I think Hannah had the right to talk to her that way). I do think she likes Hannah or, at least, as much as she can like someone. And I agree with her: I don't buy that Hannah is over her or dettached from her. I think pseudoHannah is much sweeter than the real one (Adam is too). The real ones have an edge, a way of speaking (and also faster) that I can't see it in the fake ones. Maybe it's to show that Adam is romanticizing their relationship now that it's gone. Or a way of showing that Adam loved her, was hurt and hurted her but that his feelings were real.
  17. I loved this episode. I prefer it when I can relate to the Girls and see some development. And I don't think is that far-fechted that Hannah became pregnant and wants to keep it. I don't like Jessa but I want her and Hannah to make amends. Even if it's to say they're not going to be close again. I don't want Adam with either of them. But I'll appreciate some closure with him and Hannah. I want Adam to acknowledge that Hannah was important to him and that's it. (I'm still pissed that Carrie and Big got married. ) I think Jessa feels guilty about Adam (and resents Hannah for making her feel this way even if it's irracional). So she wants to tear Hannah apart (and her relationship with Adam) to feel less conflicted. That's why I think she couldn't read the script: because it would make her miss her friend and face the fact that she let a guy come between them, a decision that is very far from the image that she built for herself.
  18. I want Marnie and Hannah together at the end being real good friends. Still hate Jessa and Adam.
  19. William = MIB makes sense to me. He was always looking for something real. That was what Dolores represented to him in the beginning and what, ultimately, broke his heart. Having the sense that he was nothing to her, that Logan was right: he wasn't the hero, the protagonist. He wasn't even a random person to her. He didn't existed. He was nothing. Nothing of what he was with her was real. The Maze was kind of what he was always searching: it made hosts real (by having free will). That's what I took from "not being for him". It was for the hosts to gain conscience, not for humans. That's why I think he was happy when he got shot. I don't think he was that attached only for the game. He wanted to see something genuine. I also think Logan kept going with William (and didn't ask for help or something like that) because he was mesmerized by William as much as William was by Dolores.
  20. Rory and Logan - sometimes is hard to let go of someone but it's harder to let go of what you once were. I took their thing as a misguided attempt to hold on to a piece of themselves that they're not anymore. And that's a good thing. People change, evolve. But it's also kind of sad. Rory has to let go of the vision of being Christiane Amanpour, being the role model and, you know, the girl everyone puts on a pedestal. And Logan has to let go of the idea that he's not like his father.
  21. I actually loved Rory's storyline. First: being a journalist these days is hard (at least in Brazil). And she did have some success but it didn't pan out. One thing that always made me disconnect from Rory is that she always got what she wanted and was great in everything she ever did. All the guys loved her, all the schools wanted her etc. So I liked her storyline with Mitchum and the one in the remake. I always liked Dean so I was happy that he moved on but they were sort of friends. I hated Jess in the show but I really liked him here. I actually wanted more of him. Who would've thought? And even though Rory was wrong being with Logan while he was engaged, I understood why she was with him. The Paul thing I didn't take that seriously because, for me, it was just a joke that didn't work. I like Christopher. I liked his scene with Rory and the different feelings I got from both of them: love, disappointment, I wished he had a scene with Lorelai and showed them being friends (also missed him in Richard's funeral).
  22. I think it's not intended but I'm actually rooting for Dylan to be with Abigail.
  23. Westworld UO: I like William. I also think he's kinda hot.
  24. I find the notion of Jo and Delucca together kind of tacky. I don't know if it's because I don't like her but if seems weird to me.
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