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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. Matt just seemed like he wanted to avoid the question. I think it's obvious that Matt wasn't very close with Lea or Naya too. Yes, they're both working..it takes a half a second to text and usually people don't answer that question with a "no." It's "occasionally" or "We're busy but sometimes.."
  2. Yea, I thought CeCe was a reasonable choice...but the motive and Charles story was last minute, stupid and in ways offensive. But CeCe was awesome in those campy moments that were hilarious "But are you dead?" Like..parts of the reveal could really work.
  3. Yea, that's what I thought they were doing with Caleb too. Because not only were they continuing to say how wonderful Caleb is..they had him do some very unCaleb things like tracking Hannah without her permission (and then we immediately learn the girls have trackers in their necks) and he stopped being involved in the mystery..disappearing like Toby did. But logically they couldn't do that because of Ravenswood. So I think it was their final red herring. I thought Spencer's graduation speech was about Ali, and I wish they had gone that way.
  4. Christina did one too, but I actually think Ariana's were a little better.
  5. That's just pure sales, streaming counts as sales now too.
  6. She actually sold over 40,000. And I'd say that gives her the best debut of any Voice Artist (sales wise) because even though Cass and Danielle were around there, sales are much worse now a days.
  7. Demi Lovato can sing though. And Lindsay has acting talent.
  8. She never caught on to A's "framing" tendencies. Which I think was my biggest problem with Spencer. The first few times, when people looked guilty as heck..okay..I was with Spencer..but by about Paige, the girls should have known better..and yet Spencer would be ready to go after someone. All of the other girls, even if they rushed to blame someone, pushed back on people being A because they looked guilty. Spencer never did. Now, I think some of that was personality. But for "the smart one"...
  9. Yea, I struggle with Spencer as the smart one too. Ali and Hanna are the smart ones. Spencer's the neurotic one. Actually, a good way to tell who is guilty is to have Spencer flat out state they are good. Nothing made me more suspicious of Caleb as when Spencer said she wanted to bottle him up and sell as "perfect boyfriend"
  10. unfriend everyone from the show? Only if everyone had a problem with what he did?
  11. Melanie Martinez will debut at #6, selling a little over 35,000 (Including streams). That's a great start for her. Her album is great, too.
  12. Meh, I was even able to forgive that because there are towns that are considered to be haunted. It was just kind of like the same thing. I wish though..that they had kept the supernatural stuff outside of PLL. Like, there's no reason why Caleb couldn't have said "Miranda died, and I needed to know what happened to her.." or something like that..for why he was all traumatized.
  13. I thought it was already confirmed that it was Toby?
  14. Society pits men against each other for achievements. (Although there is also definitely an old boys club, where they help each other out too.) Society pits women against each other for the attention of men.
  15. I mean..the Thailand one... But I think once again, that's why the Ezra bothers me less than Toby now. I know Troian says she plays Spoby like there's something broken between them, but the show makes like he's a good guy. (I was proud of him for not blaming Spencer for his stealing of her gummies..) He's not Caleb, Mike, or Mr. Fields. GTFO with that.
  16. Let's just say Mr. and Mrs. D are horrible individuals..bordering on psychopaths and it's amazing Jason, Ali, and CeCe aren't more screwed up. :P
  17. Yea, I think it's all about execution. Personally, for a lot of reasons..if they really wanted to tell this story, I think it might have been a good idea to maybe..do the reveal at the end of this season, then spend the entire next half of the season on CeCe's story..instead of rushing to explain it in 40 minutes. In order to do it right, it needed more time. They also made a lot of careless mistakes. Like the ages..they didn't HAVE to screw that up for the story to work, but because of their laziness they did. I think CeCe was meant to be A..or was at least a possibility since there are tons of clues..but this story..something about it seems off.
  18. I especially like Heather's recaps when she goes into how things are filmed (which is something the bros do a bit too..but I'll be honest, I don't listen to them too much because that's a lot of listening time..)
  19. Wasn't that the scene where they were playing the "Every Breath You Take" song...if so..it just made it creepier.
  20. I apologize, I don't meant Ted, I mean Ella's ex..whose name I really don't remember but thought was Ted. (Was it just me or do they all look the same?) "At its core, Pretty Little Liars is a story about the way men assume ownership over women’s bodies, strip away their agency, deprive them of their of autonomy, deny them subjectivity, and silence them. It’s a story about how female victims are blamed for the crimes perpetrated against them by men. It’s a story about existing for the male gaze." This is what A does to the liars, and this is what the patriarchy does to all women. Yes. All women. Yes. In 2015. It is symbolic...it's not literal.
  21. Haha.. I've always thought Caleb should just be all the girls' boyfriend. Even Ashley Marin. For the longest time, Caleb was the only boy they did right. Although I have to say, Mike Montgomery ended up being a good boyfriend too. So good for Mike. (Although I kind of liked Heather's theory there..that these two weren't grown men so that's why.. :P ) I'm still all for Emily and Alison...so sorry Hanna. edit: I know what Hanna did for Caleb wasn't quite the same thing, but I think the show was going for the mirror thing there. I also think..Hanna is going to an ivy league..and it's PLL so she'll land her dream job straight out of college..she'll be able to pay him back. Just...don't let either of them cheat.
  22. To be fair, "A" was the Villain that people could vote for. It's totally possible A won, and now A we know is CeCe.
  23. I never minded that because Hanna could be just as maternalistic. They had the same faults..which was..they kept secrets to help and protect each other. And then they'd get mad when the other person did it to them. The "paying for college"..I thought it was sweet. Hanna took Caleb in and took care of him when they first met. And Caleb's also not the type of guy to think that Hanna will owe him anything. But at the same time, that really only seems appropriate for a married couple (where at times, Hanna will need to help Caleb out financially)..which it seemed like it was the obvious route they were going. If they are going with a needless love triangle...it just damages the relationship that these two had. But I don't even know that I believe those rumors. Caleb is back in Rosewood, and the only reason he ever stayed in Rosewood was for Hanna.
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