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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. Lolita is written in first person, so he is the "hero" of the story, and he makes excuses for himself. But it's disturbing. And I remember finding the girl annoying at one point and then she said "remember that time you raped me." And it was just a holy crap moment, where the book snaps you into the reality of the situation. (And it just got darker from there) I didn't think it romanticized the situation at all though.
  2. Exactly. They could have had Caleb and Spencer as bffs supporting each other. Instead, they wanted the sexual chemistry that Troian and Tyler have on screen for a few shows, only to destroy the characters a bit. Caleb can come back for me, depending on how he behaves moving forward. When Caleb first arrived, he screwed up..and groveled and apologized when he screwed up. That happening would help. The rest of the men in this town have years worth of disgusting behavior for me to put him in that category. Hannah and Spencer. Of course I'll still love them. But I want to see some honesty, apologies and forgiveness from all three. Act like the awesome mature characters they all are. Although I don't agree with the idea that Caleb was ready as soon as Spencer was. I think Spencer had feelings as far back as Spain. I think Caleb was sexually attracted to a good friend.
  3. Right, that's the thing. There's no longer a reason to go back for the story, so I'm just back for the characters I liked. And quite frankly, tarnishing Spencer, Hannah, and Caleb especially..just..ugh... Hopefully they return to their former selves.
  4. Thoughts.. Season 7 action has been better than season 6, but the characters..not so much. So annoyed at the Caleb/Hannah/Spencer situation. Those three were my favorite characters, and it made them all worse. I didn't think Spencer came off very well. Her best friend is kidnapped and she was acting jealous. And Caleb came off even worse. The worst part of his personality came out when looking for Hannah (brash, insulting). Then he and Hannah kissed (cheating on Spencer with her friend..) then after this, he tries to make nice. I mean, he's not nearly in the category of Ezra pedo stalker Fitz, or Toby I'm going to let you have a mental breakdown "for your own protection" Cavanagh..but he's made it to Paige's level of "Imma drown you cause I love you"..and he's on the crappy boyfriend path. (Is it cause he's a full grown man now?) Hannah came off better, other than the whole..kissing her best friend's boyfriend and telling him that she still loves him. (So not by much) She realized she still loves Caleb, tries to fix things with Jordan, goes nuts, breaks up with him, and signs her soul away to Lucas. All three of them showed a level of selfishness that just wasn't in the characters previously. (I just don't care as much about what Hannah did because I don't care about Jordan.) Meanwhile, the show tarnished three of the best relationships on this show in Hannah/Spencer, Hannah/Caleb, and Spencer/Caleb (Their friendship). I'm hoping they'll at least have the three of them act like adults to mend their relationships. But I don't trust this show to actually do that. I think they will forgive, but none of the characters will deserve it. Meanwhile, Ezra and Aria are kind of half together..Aria of course cheating. (Go Liam though. He rocks...#TeamAriam?) It's actually funny how many times this show has tried to turn fans against Ezria, and it never works. Like, it never clicks with the fans. IMO, it's just a played out fantasy in teenagers minds, and they consider it romantic. But it's disgusting. And what was even more disgusting, is that they are going through this drama and crisis while Hannah was kidnapped. Emily is the only liar that they've done right by. She didn't act like a selfish jerk. She tried to do the right thing. She's trying to actually get things done. She went looking for evidence. Her mind has been on taking care of her friends, not selfishly on her love life while her friends are in danger. So in conclusion, I'm cool with Emily.
  5. I think that's the point of her character. No she shouldn't be in jail, and no one has advocated for her. The only people who have taken care of her at all are her friends in prison. My unpopular opinion will probably always be that I really like Piper. I know she was an ass this season, but I still like her.
  6. I thought this was..incredible. The decision making and writing and everything was so deliberate in getting their message across. I understand the argument from the queer community, that queer women are disproportionately killed off (as opposed to a happy ending.) The want (and need) for queer couples with happy endings. But from a writers perspective..from someone who wants to make a statement about society, where we are now in society, is not at the happy endings. It's at the "message" aspect..it's at the calling attention to the dehumanization of different groups of people. Here was a clear message. Black Lives Matter. The dangers of corporate prisons and the systemic issues that go along with that. And it had to be Poussey. It had to be the character that is universally loved..both on the show and off the show. The gentle spirit, the character that the most people would cry over. On show characters weren't going to rebel for Watson. The fandom wouldn't have this reaction to Black Cindy. The only other option was Tastie, and let's be honest..she would have kicked that little guards butt. And speaking of the little guard. It had to be him too. Why? Because the issue isn't about singular racist monsters, murderers or rapists infiltrating the prison/police system. It's systemic. The Piscatelli thought process..treat them like animals..the power tripping..that was the commentary. IMO, this show..and the show after..are so well done and so thought provoking..and the creative choices were what they had to be to make this statement/message that wanted to be made by the writers. But I'm still going to miss my favorite character. A lot.
  7. Honestly, I thought Hanna's handhold and Caleb not instantly putting her hand down (although he did) was supposed to seem instinctual for the two of them. And I don't think Spencer was upset about the action, but rather the fact that it was instinctual. By the end of the episode, she seems to have accepted it. I think we're going to see Spencer be the one to make the couples "right." (Bleh..can't they just share Caleb.) Had to catch up on this show, as I missed it last week. Last week's episode was better.
  8. Well, Toby is certainly good at dating up. I like his girlfriend. First new character I've liked in a while. Ugh..Caleb had to have the talk with Toby. Granted, it came off a little as "I've moved on from you.." but you know...still bothered me. Him and Spencer are cute though. Great chemistry. Also, Troian looked awesome in that Red button down and pants. Also liking the new blonde for Emily. We can keep her, I like her too? Although Emily might have already blown it. I think A's costume has reignited my love for the show. First episode this season I really liked. Although we need to get rid of a few people..(Hanna's boyfriend for one..Shower for two..)
  9. Here's my theory.. It's Mona. Ezra's book is called "Ostinato" which is "a continually repeated musical note or rhythm" which describes the beginning of this season. The girls have regressed to who they were before they were friends. We've got a new murder. The girls are similar. We've got the same scenario. The show has always mirrored Ezra's books, and the title is a pretty good clue. First season, they read "To Kill A Mockingbird." with Toby playing the role of Boo Radley, essentially. Well it's Ezra this time. He's the suspected murderer. It's not him. Who was pulling the strings the last time? Mona. Who orchestrated the release of Charlotte. Mona. Now the question is, is she Uber A or is she the killer. (Because she was both Bethany Young's killer and original A.) I'm going with Mona is uber A though. The Killer? unsure, but guessing it is a man given the "He's coming for you."
  10. Right, I doubt Hanna knew she still had feelings for Caleb. It's likely she just didn't see him, feelings faded..she fell for another guy..and now Caleb is back in her life, and there's still some residual feelings. I don't think that makes her a crappy person.
  11. That's what makes good guys good and bad guys bad though. That whole..empathy and compassion and the ability to forgive people who might not deserve it verses "look what you did to me. Die asshole."
  12. It actually parallels the Jenna thing pretty well. They weren't the ones to throw the stink bomb into the garage. They just did nothing. And although they didn't owe Sara anything, to leave her there after she has been shocked would probably leave the liars with the "I did nothing" guilt again.
  13. I think they are addressing the "Love triangle" in a way that makes everyone look okay, even if there are lingering feelings. Hanna was mature, and told Spencer to go for it. Spencer got permission for it. Caleb let Spencer make the move first. It's also totally realistic that Spencer and Caleb would stay friends after running into each other (that part isn't realistic). They were the closest friends of the non PLLs (Yes, even including Mona/Hanna. Because Caleb was never A). My only hope though, and they've always handled Caleb well, is that this is resolved one of two ways. Spaleb decides they are better off as friends, and Caleb ends up with Hanna. Or we watch Hanna fall in love with someone else and she is clearly over Caleb. With good story tellers, I would say Caleb and Spencer won't last because we didn't watch them fall in love. They told us they had a great night, and then we watched them have a great night. (Similarly, Hanna and her Fiance won't last because we didn't see that.) But it's the PLL writers, so I won't swear too it.. And I also love that Caleb didn't ask Toby first. Caleb and Toby went fishing a few times during the summer. They don't have the same relationship the girls have. They're "high school friends who keep in touch on website page and see each other every once in a while" essentially. There's no reason to ask there, and doing so would have just made it seem like Spencer was Toby's property.
  14. I think Hanna will return to her old self. She was my least favorite at the start of the first season too, but then she grew into lovable Hanna. Spencer and Caleb is hot. But I'm still only in it for a fling. (especially because it has Hanna's blessing..and not Toby's which is even better.) Hanna still clearly has feelings too. I don't know why on earth the girls feel guilty about Shower. And was I the only one thinking that I wish it had been Shower that was killed this season? I mean, we'd still have Vanessa Ray's acting.
  15. Ali and Aria's relationship has always been the most interesting to me. Because in some ways, of all the girls Ali has been the best friend towards Aria. I always wondered if it was because Ali saw Aria as a threat or Ali actually genuinely liked her. (Maybe saw her as someone she could turn into a mini Ali, in the same sort of relationship that CeCe and Ali had.)
  16. Shower is not, and will never be milk. #NeverForgetIan She's more like lemon juice. On another note, I'm listening to a bit of the BrosWatchPLL podcast..and they had one of the best lines about this show ever. "Let's turn to our favorite literary sad sack of shit - Ezra Fitz." You can't find a better description.
  17. Ezra was loaded and was promising to write a story about her. I can get it.
  18. I'm hoping that Caleb and Spencer just have a "Get it out of their system and become BFF's afterwords" thing. The two actors have great chemistry, but Caleb is Hanna's, kaythx. Speaking of, I actually don't think it's that unlikely that Alison would invite him to dinner as well. First of all, she knows he's staying with Spencer..and I also don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that they have a better relationship than they did in the beginning. Don't forget, those two, Officer Toby, and Ezra created a plan to help the girls escape. And given that the other two were Toby and Ezra, we know who the brains of that operation was. So they've at least worked closely together and probably have a better relationship because of it. Plus, it's Ali. I can imagine the kick she'd get out of Hanna's ex meeting Hanna's fiance and Hanna's ex possibly being Spencer's new dude. That's drama just waiting to happen, and she didn't have to do anything but put them in a room.
  19. So it kind of looks like Caleb and Spencer are going to get Hanna's "Okay" before they do anything. Which is all I want. (And I want Hanna and Caleb to end up together.) And also not tell Toby. Which makes it even better. I liked Aria's dude. Didn't like Hanna's. Don't know what accent that is supposed to be. Emily. :( I can't even. WHAT DOES SHE HAVE SHOW! Ali's prayer was PLL at it's best. As for the mystery..don't forget..CeCe was our first suspect in season 3. So there's hope guys.
  20. I also think that Lucy meant that her and Ezra hadn't seen each other in five years, not that the girls haven't seen each other in five years.
  21. God I'd love that. I won't hold my breath..but maybe with the show ending Season 7, they can finally go there and make him the creep he is.
  22. Also conflicted on Caleb/Spencer. Those two actors are fantastic together. Their chemistry is great. But I always loved them as friends, with Hannah as the girlfriend. I also don't want to girls switching guys trope to come in. (Of course, I always thought Spencer/Aria/Hannah should just share Caleb. #only1goodguy) Still, I'd absolutely love it if they both asked Hannah for permission, but didn't give a shit about Toby.
  23. Really disappointed in Marlene right now. Made fun of the mentally ill, and finished off her trans tropes with a trans murder. Awesome. I'm sure I'll continue watching this show because I love the friendships, and lets face it..two years left, might as well. But it's amazing how someone who was so spot on in some ways is absolutely oblivious in others. The issues with Charlotte could have been resolved with a Mona like redemption, but I've always been bothered by the way she handles mental illness. This one though, takes the cake.
  24. I like Shay an Ashley's dresses. Lucy's is very...Aria..and Troian is frumpy Spencer..
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