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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. I actually think Gaga's presence is amazing. I think she has chemistry..and whatever "it" is..and it's perfect for her role. It's just then she talks. And sometimes she's okay. (When she's monotone) but other times she's too theatre and it doesn't work in tv.
  2. I'm gonna give the rest of the Glee cast some credit here and say that I doubt it would be a running joke if they knew he was hooking up with Children. (Granted, they might not have known..) I'm sure we'll hear pretty quickly if that was the case.
  3. Absolutely disgusting. I had no idea about the sexual battery claim either. Just gross.
  4. I think it's extremely biased..and actually sexist, to suggest that a career as a scientist is more challenging than a career as a teacher, or that liberal arts is not as important or challenging as science and math. They're considered harder and more difficult disciplines because they are so male dominated.
  5. But that doesn't make her evil. That makes her a flawed insecure person. Which despite the snark, she obviously is. But even when Regina does things that aren't nice, a lot of times it's for the right reasons. (Trying to get Emma to talk for instance.) I don't think she's finished on her journey to really being redeemed, but she's at a point where she's always on the good guys side.
  6. The kids that they get to play younger versions of these characters are amazing. Kid Snow was scary.
  7. I just love Captain Swan. You know Hook is coming back, and yet those two sell it. I'm easier on Regina than most here. She has her faults, but for the most part she's trying to be a better person On the other side, I hate what the writers have done to Rumple. Robert is amazing, and sells Rumple well, but there's no connecting to the character any longer. He was sympathetic when you saw his backstory and he consistently tried to fight the darkness, but consistently failed. There was some sympathizing with the guy. But he's just embraced being a dick now.
  8. I actually got what Henry was saying. Emma is a dark one. And she hasn't proven she can be trusted yet, in that scenario. Regina has actually changed from villain to hero, and Rumple got a reset. The idea that Hook wants to destroy the dark one is probably my favorite theory.
  9. Perhaps his cruelty to her is a way to get her to be willing to let him go.
  10. I like that theory, and it could be why it's the "darkest path for emma" because she forced darkness upon someone. Even if it was for good reason.
  11. Meh, it's all them but it's not. If you think of dark magic as an addiction it makes sense to me. People don't act like themselves when they are addicted to something. So it's them, but it's often..someone else. I also think the darkness brings about the worst parts of people. Nimue was vengeful. Rumple power tripped because he had been a coward. Dark Swan isolated herself. And Hook had a cruel/bully streak too him. As for Belle, she originally broke up with him, and I don't know that we ever saw her change her mind on that. To me, she said "I have to decide what I want on my own." And that's fair..and one of the more rational things she's done. She was already through with Rumple, but now she's thinking about whether she wants to try or not. They need to do a better job in showing Hook's motivation and what actually happened. But he's hinted at it. He said a few times he still had feelings for Emma and he sees her as an anchor. So snuffing out the light is his plan. But I'm hoping we see more of it because Emma knew what Hook was planning on doing so something must have happened before the curse.
  12. I don't even have a problem with Hook. I mean, really..what has he done so far? He's said some really mean things to Emma. Okay, I didn't like that..but Emma hurt him, so we can call that even. Killed Merlin? Merlin's vague self had that coming. Brought back a bunch of dark ones? Okay, that's more trollish than evil (so far..) I think I liked that episode because of how much hook we got in it. Obviously, they'll redeem him at some point..so I'm just going to enjoy the Hook centric plots while we've got them.
  13. Totally possible for Ali to be teaching if she got hired out of college. (4 years bachelors in education and English - as apparently that's the class she's teaching.) It always strikes me as funny for what people find unrealistic about these shows. It's nice to see the behind the scenes, but I would have preferred an actual episode. (And a different ending to last season..) Also..is it just me..or are they setting up Toby to be big bad?
  14. Not my favorite episode. Love Lady Gaga (for some personal reasons, and for some talent reasons) and I didn't think she was too bad, but there were certainly cringy moments. I do think this show shed some light onto why Countess doesn't share. Most importantly, are we seriously just going to forget about the vampire school children?
  15. I always thought he should be all the girls boyfriends. Except Ali and Emily, who can go off together. :P
  16. Definitely. It's almost a shame that they are mashing Vampires and serial killers into this one season, where serial killers could have been another season. But I suppose a cult situation would be different than simple serial killers.
  17. So the new preview.. There's a scene where it looks like Caleb is pulling up his pants. There is also a scene where it looks like Toby is punching Caleb. Are they going where I think they are going. #Spaleb. (I kind of like them better as bffs, but if Hanna can't have him, might as well let Spencer have a great boyfriend..)
  18. I'd like to know how she died. Rumple was tricked into killing the dark one. I wonder how Nimue died. In fact, I think I'd like to see a whole series of the history of the dark one.
  19. My theory is that Merlin was the first to be gifted with magic, from the grail. Once Nimue took a sip, she became immortal and full of magic herself. I thinks he was the first to pull a heart, and I think she was the first to do evil with magic. That's why she's the dark one. Sure, others have done dark things, but she's the origin of dark magic. I also thought that it was pulling from the stone that caused turning to dust. Once someone worthy pulled it, anyone could touch it. Similarly to how Merlin was the person worthy of the grail, but once he had it, anyone could drink from it.
  20. Great episode. The vampire children is a great twist, and I can't wait to see where it goes. It made me wonder how the child knew how to infect others though. Alex is gonna be in trouble.. Can't help it, shipping crazy man and weepy girl. I'm assuming everyone was happy when the Hipster couple died. (myself included)I think the best part of that was that it wasn't exaggerated for comical purposes hipsters..no..that was actual snobby hipsters. I thought I read that Criss would be around for multiple episodes though, so I wonder if he's going to haunt poor Iris. Liz Taylor's story was a little generic or expected, but they sold it so well I loved it. Overall strong episode. It takes the story in a different direction. Also poor Scarlette
  21. That AIDS bit is interesting, I didn't get the "all my friends died" reference Gaga was making. It's interesting that Ryan is essentially combining Zombies and Vampires mythology.
  22. My first time ever watching AHS. Ryan Murphy was campy, and I expected blood and gore in an almost silly fashion (Sweeney Todd), and that's what I got. So that side didn't bother me. I am conflicted about the rape stuff. But as someone else said, if there's a reason for it, I can live with it..and there's a clear metaphor..so..(it's just at the same time, I know Murphy's tendencies..) I am surprised people didn't think there was a plot. To me, the plots were slowly introduced, but there were two pretty clear cut ones introduced. (A detective/cop trying to solve a serial killer case, who has family issues, that are likely to be resolved - that's original...and the Vampire/drug/Bates story.)
  23. Seems like the girls are really not happy about some of the directions the show is going in. Which is a shame. (Or the way the show completed itself...)
  24. Looks like he's in a lot of scenes with Spencer. It wouldn't surprise me if they remained friends regardless.
  25. The DC green screen thing is so terrible it's amazing. I understand what the show is doing with the ships. Breaking people up so they can get them back together..a new beginning. But at some point it's a little stale. Why not concentrate on telling a good story for the last two seasons instead of rehashing the same story. Haleb not being together is just stupid.
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