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  1. I hope that was the end of the series, for everyone’s sake. Matt and Caryn, Amy and Chris, even the adult kids and their children all deserve to live happy lives, doing what makes them happy. There’s no need to be on tv anymore. Matt, Caryn, Amy and Chris all seem content and have come to terms with all the layers of their shared histories. They have clear thoughts on what their next chapters will be, and all of them appear to have made peace with the past. I hope Jeremy, Jacob and Molly and their spouses keep lines of communication and their homes open to each other. I won’t include Zach and Tori in that hope because they are stubborn, immature and lack the emotional IQ to ever reconcile. Zach keeps waxing poetic about his childhood, and believes he can recreate that “magical experience” for his kids. Maybe it can happen, but for all Matt’s control issues and grand plans, at least he had the drive, ambition, vision, know-how and access to resources to make his dreams come to fruition. Zach lacks most of those qualities. Tori is a dou, entitled, pessimistic, selfish brat. She has hair-trigger mood swings, especially when it comes to Lilah*. The two of them are probably content to continue to isolate from the rest of the Roloffs, and that’s their choice. It’s very sad for Jackson, Lilah and Josiah and their grandparents. * Tori doesn’t let any opportunity to belittle Lilah go by. When they went shopping for Josiah’s bday gift, making fun of her before and during Lilah’s dance class and recital, prepping for the sleep study, the backyard camping night…the little girl is mocked all the time. In the last episode, everyone was having fun picking and eating berries. Then Lilah sat down too close to a pile of sh**, and Zach and Tori acted like it was Lilah’s fault for entire event. You idiots live on property with wild berries, stream, trees, etc. you claim to love the untamed nature you bought as a knee jerk reaction to not getting the farm for free. You know what comes with all that nature you love? Wild animals that eat and sh**. It could have been your own dog’s poop that Zach was too lazy to pick up. But Tori gets all pouty that her idyllic romp in the meadow is over because a 4 year old got too close to poop? She stomped off all grumpy, muttering, “Why is it always Lilah?? EVERYONE gets a bath now!” What a bitch.
  2. Amy has a reputation for being disorganized and clueless about timelines, but TLC ahead to have some manufactured drama. That event would have been setup and completely ready in a few hours if managed by any non TV people. But we as an audience were tortured with WEEKS of talk and inaction over something that should have been 2 partial episodes worth of air time. I’ve planned and executed several PTO events- food, games, entertainment, awards - for 150 guests with a committee of 3-5 people in 3 weeks’ turnaround time. It isn’t that hard if everyone pitches in and tasks are assigned. That event should have been set with tablecloths, auction stuff, chairs, games laid out THE DAY BEFORE! Normal fundraising things don’t start cleaning stuff 3 hours prior to show time. The only stuff that is as last minute as possible is food. Amy should be embarrassed and kissing Deb, Matt and Caryn’s butts for doing all the work she was in charge of. She is a bad friend. Tori asked the question I have been asking about that workshop…why do they need a 2nd house sized building? Do the kids not have a playroom in the main house? Zach and Tori both need “offices”…for what? The social media and kids schedule stuff they do can be done from a laptop at their kitchen table.
  3. I have rewatched both episodes aired so far on PBS. I still don’t understand what the programmer guy at Fujitsu was showing the former P.O. guy, Michael, when he went on site. The IT a guy was showing him how to manipulate the data, but WHY?? What was the point of showing a P.O. employee how easy it was to f*** with the system? IT guy was almost giddy showing him, but then got pissy when Michael was surprised/horrified that IT guy made a deliberate error and was hesitant to fix it. I get that from that point on, Fujitsu started the cover up, erased Michael’s visit, etc. Why would the guy do that in the first place?? And why wouldn’t Michael have reported it ASAP? What am I missing? Did PBS chop out a scene (or 5) from the US version?
  4. Liked the bike seat, glad they got a deal. I knew the wedding package couple wouldn’t get a deal. There are definitely companies out there doing same thing. Not unique or patent-able. Don’t understand muscle scraping soap, but Mark is good partner for it. Did not like the bling thing or the mom who invented it. Call me a skeptic, but I don’t believe God has time to tell people what the world really needs is a Dollar Store gadget to adhere plastic gems on hair. Aside from pageant toddlers, sororities, and attendees of bachelorette parties, are there really other consumers for this thing?
  5. The more I think about Jill’s behavior, the more convinced I am that she didn’t even know the other guests. I think she was on vacation with GAHH-ry because she knows Below Deck is filming. She met up with (aka - stalked) these unsuspecting Bravo invitees at dinner, and just talked her way on to their charter.
  6. For whatever reason, Fraser is not ever going to get along with Barbie. He takes everything personally, and gossiping with the other crew about her is a horrible thing for a manager to do. I feel so bad for Anthony. He was put in a shitty position with all these guests and their ridiculous, mostly made up for drama food restrictions. To make 3-4 different apps, entrees and desserts for 8 people is just setting up a chef for failure. Jill just cannot shut her trap for 2 seconds. She thinks she needs to be involved in every conversation, and that her opinion on everything is of the utmost importance. How can any stand to be around her? I hope after watching this, the primary guest (whoever she was- she wasn’t ever on screen long enough for me to remember her) feels bad about the low tip. For all the hoops the crew jumped through for their food issues, and for having to deal with Jill, that tip was not commiserate with the service provided. They should get a bonus for not keel hauling Jill for attempted mutiny.
  7. I loved the Matt Damon-Jude Law movie, and the book. So glad to see this interpretation with Andrew “Hot Priest” Scott. I agree the black and white is beautifully done. I also like the director’s camera angles. All the sharp angles of the villa’s stairs plus the B& W make it feel “Hitchcock-ish”, but not in a derivative way. My only complaint is this version of Tom and Dickie look 10 years older than the “post-grad” 20-something’s in the book. So believing Dickie is still running from his dad (and his dad still chasing him) as a mid-30 something is a stretch. But Johnny Flynn and Andrew Scott are making the most of their characters.
  8. Jill Zarin needs to fall down a well and never be heard from again. What an obnoxious twit. She hasn’t changed one iota since her first season of RHONY. How and why she came to believe the Earth revolves around her I will never know. I think she just has such low self esteem that makes her treat people as if they are beneath her. She is only “Bravo Famous”, yet acts as if she is Mother Theresa, Oprah, Beyoncé, Madeleine Albright and Cleopatra all rolled into one supreme being. How is anyone friends, or God help them, a romantic partner with this harridan is just beyond my understanding. She is so damn annoying. I wanted the captain to tell her to STFU and take many seats because she isn’t the person in charge of the charter, the boat or the crew.
  9. Amy is such an Eeyore about everything… Looking at the house and grounds with Chris, she was her usual sour puss. When she asked to see Caryn’s ring, she couldn’t have been more disgruntled or disinterested. Telling Matt there’s no violins for him because he got up so early was just unnecessary. Although, I personally hated that house! Looked like the movie set for a B-list 70’s “ABC Movie of the Week”….or a ‘70’s porn film. She keeps talking about this fundraiser as if she’s planning the next Met Gala, but it’s a small group of local friends, right? Tori was so annoying when she was talking about all the spring birthdays coming up…”Everyone’s birthday is April/ May….except Lilah’s.” I swear she sounded bullshit that Lilah was born in a different season. Is that why the poor kid is treated like a forgotten dishrag? Every time I see Lilah or Jackson frolicking in that godforsaken, wanna be ‘farm’ of theirs I just hope emergency services are close by. Have they taught the kids to swim? I hope there’s never an incident with a scooter or mini car in the drainage ditch with a topheavy, unbalanced, non-swimming, child under it. I don’t think the glasses are helping Lilah’s eye, and we know for sure Lilah isn’t getting speech therapy she needs. She speaks some one word responses clearly, but I don’t think her longer sentences (of 2-4 words) are very intelligible. Is Josiah’s nickname name pronounced “Sigh-Sigh” or “C-C”? Either way, I don’t like it. Man, that kid looks just like Matt!
  10. I am not a tea-totaler, I have been drunk many times in my younger days. As a 50-something now, I have an occasional cocktail, and honestly, very well made Mai Tai or French martini gets me a little loopy. I can’t remember the last time I ordered/finished 2 drinks over the course of an evening out with friends. I am just blown away by the depth of plastered some of these guests can get to! Are they technically alcoholics, so their tolerance is just sky high? How are people like Eileen not dead from alcohol poisoning? Or cirrhosis? (Or from someone just murdering her from her mean drunkenness?). And Tina and the ‘husbros’ were equally repulsive.
  11. Why didn’t anyone call out Dorit for her cultural appropriation with that ridiculous outfit? She may have a mix of various DNA in her ancestry, but I don’t think there’s a high percentage of Indian in her chart. Maybe Dorit, the sole college graduate in the group (wtf?) earned her degree from the Taj Mahal Institute? Her major was Fashion!Fashion!Fashion! With a minor in Affected Accents. None of the outfits were really great. AM, Crystal and Sutton landed on the best of the Meh list. Didn’t like the hair much either. AM is not as repulsive as the most repulsive One-Timer ever, Diana. AM is just dull. She doesn’t have enough of a story or personality to carry off a segment, never mind a season of this show. She should be proud of her accomplishments as a nurse, and there is no need for embellishing or amping up her career to allude that she is a doctor. Most nurses, whether in the OR, ER or on the floor of a hospital, are the ones who do the heavy lifting in medical care. They are the people who observe patients more frequently, and can catch when something is ‘not quite right’ compared to manyo doctors. I’ve had doctors just peek in from the hall, and never really interact with me. Erica looks more and more like a caricature of an aging, D-list wanna be/never-was. Her make up is just soooo severe. She has a perpetual sneer. I will not watch her BS documentary or special episode of her train wreck Vegas show. I can’t stand her, but Andy loves her, so ErICKa is here to stay.
  12. ZZzzzz…why am I still watching this? I dislike so much about this show. The acting, the story, the characters, the pacing, the dialog, the leading men’s anachronistic hair…so much bug me. I can’t stand the sister, the Marquees, Frederick, the Vicar…I’d rather have a full time series about the couple with the epileptic son (see? I don’t even know the names of the few characters I am mildly interested in). Really hoping <something> happens soon that doesn’t make yawn, forget who’s who, or makes me say uh, why did I waste another 40 minutes this week?
  13. I know people love their pets and spend crazy amounts on them, but designer, couture doggie “pastry” is just stupid. And to come into the Tank with one boutique retail location in one of the most expensive metroplitan areas, and have no business plan for how to scale an un-scalable business is just bananas. The dog’s teeny chefs hat was more stylish than the owner’s glasses. Good for the bug catcher guy for getting a deal. I’d never buy the bug catcher thing though. I am not ever getting close enough to trap any bugs.
  14. Apologize if this has been covered, but when the “where are they now” blurbs popped up, Dorit’s said she hadn’t spoken to Kyle since December. Huh??? What tiff are they having? air is that what we’re seeing develop over the 3 ep Reunion?
  15. Where to begin… Not spending too much time on Erika and her “entertainment” other than to say while she was getting made up for her lip-synched, pitchy, out of tune, auto-tuned performance, without her glam she looked OLD and haggard. Dorit and Bubba the Hutt’s marriage will be imploding soon, but as much as a famewhore she is, I think she will keep her separation from PK as more private than Kyle. WTH was with her get up at the White Party? Did she find all the discarded hair bows from the Limited circa 1986 at a Beverly Hills Goodwill? ONE plain, unbedazzeled classic white bow could have looked elegant, but not a baker’s dozen. And her look at the reunion is bonkers. Dressing like a Hindu Rani when you are a white Jewish woman from CT would be a prime example of “cultural appropriation “, no? Or maybe she traveled to Agra and posed alone in front of the Taj Mahal a la Princess Diana, and now she considers herself Indian? Crystal’s dress and AnnMarie’s were my favorite. I’m gonna bump AM from 8.5 to 9.0, (but after deducting points for her husband’s zero-effort attire, she drops to a 8.0). Sutton is my favorite along with Garcelle. Sutton can be annoying, but unlike the majority of Housewives past and present, I think there’s a real sweetness and kindness there. Good for her and her personal growth. Kyle is a witch, and has been since Season 1. Her crocodile tears to Erika about feeling like she “let her fans down” over a failed marriage is such bullshit. Only a self absorbed twat would believe her actions would influence and have real impact on day to day lives of fans of a tv show. LVP has not been in her circle for years, yet she can’t not make digs at every opportunity. I don’t watch any of LVP’s shows, but does Lisa do this to Kyle? I doubt it. Lisa seems like she can move on and not look back, no matter how frantically Kyle is waving and jumping up and down in Lisa’s rear view mirror. The party- Kyle’s dress and styling at the event made her look older somehow. Having the guests walk such a long way from the tunnel to midfield in heels made everyone look awkward. For another $20k, Mr. ShiShiShi could have laid out a tiled walkway/runway, and canned KYLE’S vanity dance floor branding.
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