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  1. I just started the series. I enjoyed the book and movie. I keep getting distracted by the former D.A. because that actor is also the new voice/narrator of Forensic Files II.
  2. Yes! So painful to watch this woman not understand that she was the catalyst for her own nightmare. And her mother doubling down on the Karen-ness of it all.
  3. All I got out of Restaurant Wars is that I want my curls to look like Stephaine Izard's. Gorgeous.
  4. Wasn't sure how all the threads would come together, but this was a very interesting doc. How do I find out the if Tabitha's murder was solved?
  5. Latest episode of American Monster, "Success at any Cost", the storyteller is the older brother (Robert Jr) and he does not come across well at all. I doubt that he ever really loved his brother or treated him with any basic kindness. Not at all excusing what his brother (Richard) ultimately ended up doing, but clearly the kid had a lonely isolated childhood and an older brother who clearly disliked,resented, and was jealous of him.
  6. What gets me is that Dorit thinks Garcelle owes her an explanation. Garcelle had every right to walk the fuck out of there.
  7. Doris doesn't get it. She doesn't understand that there are certain words that are problematic when they come from white person to a black person. Sometimes you aren't due an explanation you just accept it as a part of life, as a part of living in a society. Even though Garcelle didn't owe her explanation, she gave her one and Dorit still argued the point. Fuck you Dorit.
  8. The one who burned down the Colorado? home because she was burning sage? I think she had her kids taken from her. Dumbass. What was that gadget that was giving readings from the corpse but zero readings for the living?
  9. We watched it last night and really enjoyed it. I laughed out loud when the Selena was making the cheese sticks and taking them right from the oil directly to the prepared plate, instead of placing them on the tray with the parchment paper to drain. Alex's face to the 4th wall (us at home) was hilarious! And I have to try to make that roast beef. This season is definitely going on our DVR. I have never seen the prior episodes and man, did I curse out Gordon Ramsay at the flashback. He's such a donkey (to use one of his favorite terms).
  10. When *everyone* fails a test, it's the fault of the test, not the participants. I kept shouting at the telly (when the bakers said they had disappointed Paul), "its *his* fault! Not yours!"
  11. I can't believe the Defendant whose dogs kept getting loose and killing his neighbor's hens had the gall to make a joke on the exit interview. Also I thought Acker and DiMango analysis of the recoup for raising new hens was wrong. Judge Levy is the best. Better version of his mom (at least in her later years).
  12. Good for Heather but we don't know how leveraged she was. $55MM is a shitload of money but if she owed $50MM on it, well that net is not that impressive. And for clarity, I mean relative to Orange County, because that's life changing pie-in-the-sky money to me.
  13. The baby? I yelled at the TV. And then he sat there, in the interview room....answering questions, sleeping soundly? Knowing that your baby is dead. I was yelling the whole time. More than a monster.....I can't even.
  14. Clearly the writing of Nate the character is problematic for a lot of you. Understood. I find Nate more relatable because he is so flawed. Maybe he doesn't deserve the no-strings-attached redemption. However, no amount of onscreen punishment will equal how much Nate has subjected himself to. Nate is a complicated character and clearly "pleasant" or "sweet" are not the first (or even fiftieth) words you would use to describe him. But there is Ted..out there in Nate's world, as this saving grace. I receive that message loud and clear; and find it hopeful. Perhaps I am rewarding lazy writing. I am okay with that if just for the idea that second chances really are a thing.
  15. Here's the thing about Nate. He's the type that has punished himself so much more than any of "us" ever could. I truly believe that although the writers aren't hitting us over the head with that....Nate has suffered internally so much more than any outward punishment could be portrayed. Even though this is fiction, I am surprised there are a large number of us who can't find any good in Nate. I feel like you might be missing a really big part of the message of this show.....
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