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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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I think this is a legit great initiative. The idea behind the award is not only bring awareness to Mental Health issues themselves, but to celebrate portrayals in all kinds of media of people with mental health issues seeking help. It says right so in the release:


Like -- if anyone watching Arrow S2 felt moved by seeing Laurel go to AA, and decided themselves to attend a meeting? That's worth an award in my book.


I agree. It's not a freaking Emmy. It's an awareness thing, good for her. 

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From what I can tell from the website, Elementary has won three years running, but JLM has not won a Performance award.

That's disappointing because I think he does a great job. However, I know his performance is rather understated, it's really all the little things he does with his body/face that blows me away. Edited by Morrigan2575
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It might legit be because Sherlock's views of AA are controversial to say the least. The show itself endorses it, Sherlock? He goes to the meetings and then put them down in the same breath, so.


If the Prism awards didn't like that portrayal why would they award the storyline? Sherlock's issues with AA are part and parcel of that arc. That would be a writing issue not a performance issue.

That's disappointing because I think he does a great job. However, I know his performance is rather understated, it's really all the little things he does with his body/face that blows me away.


I agree. It's a masterful performance.,

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I would rather they gave the Prism award to Willa Holland for her performance during Thea's drug arc in s1 since the awards seem to go back in time. I actually could tell when Thea was intoxicated. Thea freaking drove whilst intoxicated and was on the verge of going to jail for her behavior. I got more out of that then Laurel's entire arc.

Linda Gray was fabulous. Sue Ellen didn't usurp her reputation as most famous alcoholic on TV.

Johnny Lee Miller was excellent, too.

But Joel Kinnaman on The Killing was nothing short of stellar.


Good call on Kinnaman too.  He was terrific.

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Yeah even for just an awareness award that arc and performance doesn't deserve it.It was just glossed over until needed by plot.Her AA meetings were used for her BC arc this season so she can find a guy to beat up to feed her other addiction.

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I would rather they gave the Prism award to Willa Holland for her performance during Thea's drug arc in s1 since the awards seem to go back in time. I actually could tell when Thea was intoxicated. Thea freaking drove whilst intoxicated and was on the verge of going to jail for her behavior. I got more out of that then Laurel's entire arc.


It's an award for stories and characters that seek help for their mental health issues. Thea never did that. I'm only guessing on Sherlock, I have no inside info here. But he goes back and forth on actually getting help, so it's probably a good guess? They're obviously awarding POSITIVE representations of people seeking help. Laurel fits that bill, because she stopped abusing substances, and still goes to AA. That's a positive representation of a substance abuser seeking help. That's what they rewarded.

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I understand what the award is for and disagree that Laurel's arc actually helps show that she was seeking help in an appropriate or positive way.


She only went to AA because a cop pulled her over and did her a favor by calling her dad instead of taking her to jail.  She went grudgingly at all. And then when she did go she used the AA meeting to beat up a guy with a baseball bat to take out her own rage. I can't remember her ever making amends on screen for what she did. 


Detective Lance and Paul Blackthorne deserve a spot in this discussion. The character reached out to his daughter to help her. He couraged her to get help. He dropped the hammer when he needed to. And he had his own substance abuse issues that were better portrayed as well.

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I understand what the award is for and disagree that Laurel's arc actually helps show that she was seeking help in an appropriate or positive way.


She only went to AA because a cop pulled her over and did her a favor by calling her dad instead of taking her to jail.  She went grudgingly at all. And then when she did go she used the AA meeting to beat up a guy with a baseball bat to take out her own rage. I can't remember her ever making amends on screen for what she did. 


These are things that happened this season, not last season, which is what the award was presented for.


And the fact that she was reluctant to seek help actually is a good representation of an addict's first steps to recovery. Several still-sober people in my family were court-ordered into rehab. I know very few people who happily attended their first AA meeting - it's always a struggle. And family members of addicts often do what they can to keep them from facing consequences throughout the course of their addictions. Those people are called enablers - that's what Quentin was doing. He was enabling her (until he stopped). Laurel is a person successfully dealing with addiction on the show, so in that respect, based on the intention of the award, it's deserved. 

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Laurel is a person successfully dealing with addiction on the show, so in that respect, based on the intention of the award, it's deserved.


Fair point about the timeline on Laurel beating up the guy.


At this point, I'll just agree to disagree on it being deserved. 

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Yeah I see your point but to me it was in no way deserved.And I guess I'm also annoyed by seeing a bunch of her fans all over twitter and tumblr acting like she got an oscar and saying she was recognized by her peers for her performance.

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 and saying she was recognized by her peers for her performance.


Okay, that is inaccurate. It's a nationwide board of around 160 people, divided between Hollywood folks [from every aspect of entertainment, not just talent], media studies folks, and mental health specialists. They list every person on the review board in a PDF on their site.

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It's great to see Katie receive the Prism Award.  I wasn't pleased entirely by the storyline itself because I actually would have liked to see more of her recovery process in season 2, but that's just a personal preference because I like Laurel and thought that character was underwritten in some episodes in season 2.  Aside from that though, despite my criticisms of the show, the writers let the character go through some traumatic survivor's guilt and not only did she seek help, she was still able to see through Sebastian Blood when no one else believed her that season.  It was a flawed storyline, but it was acted well in my opinion and looking back on it, there were some great moments.  She's a character who hasn't been weakened by her addiction.  I'm familiar with more male character addiction storylines, so it's nice to see a female character with those problems seem to come out the other side and reclaim some agency in her life.  

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I think this is a legit great initiative. The idea behind the award is not only bring awareness to Mental Health issues themselves, but to celebrate portrayals in all kinds of media of people with mental health issues seeking help. It says right so in the release:



Like -- if anyone watching Arrow S2 felt moved by seeing Laurel go to AA, and decided themselves to attend a meeting? That's worth an award in my book.


Thanks for digging this up! That might explain it.  If it was for awareness & seeking help, than I understand why she might have won it. She did eventual seek help. No addicts story is the same & if her storyline helped people than that is good. Still congrats to KC. Some of her episodes I think were good, some were bad. But in the end, a win is a win. And most important all the nominees bring awareness which is the most important thing at the end of the day.

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I'm glad the storyline itself didn't win because it was a mess and only appeared when it was necessary for plot purposes.  When the episodes themselves aired, there was a lot of criticism about KC's portrayal that you couldn't tell if she was supposed to be intoxicated or not so winning the award for portrayal surprises me but I guess it's balm for losing the role of love interest.


Like -- if anyone watching Arrow S2 felt moved by seeing Laurel go to AA, and decided themselves to attend a meeting? That's worth an award in my book.

I think it would be more likely to have a family member recognize that they need help dealing with an addict than the person with the addiction recognizing that he/she needs help but even that is a win.

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It might legit be because Sherlock's views of AA are controversial to say the least. The show itself endorses it, Sherlock? He goes to the meetings and then put them down in the same breath, so.

In this last season he seemed to endorse the whole system. Agreeing that doing the work: going, sharing, helping others, is important. This season though is his first relapse. So he being in the recovery phase rather than going through the addiction itself and deciding help is needed, that could be the distinction being made.

I'm sure it seems like being petty to keep hashing KC's award out, but speaking for myself, the need comes from genuine confusion.

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I have no horse in this race. I don't even like KC. The nicest thing I can say about her is that she has great taste in handbags. I covet all of them.


But a handful of mental health specialists gave her an award for her portrayal of Laurel seeking help for substance abuse, so that their organization can bring awareness to an issue they deem important. I'm gonna take that at face value. And questioning their reasoning reeks of folks going HER??? on KC specifically, yeah. I'm gonna choose to believe the mental health specialists can discern way better than me which media portrayals can help their cause.


And now I'm done with this discussion, because it's not going anywhere.

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So to change the subject, apparently the GATV awards are rigged. I'm not surprised at ALL. This post explains it:



I personally couldn't replicate the results that the poster claimed. But I can confirm that I've been allowed to vote 3 times in the same categories from the same computer at various times since the polls have been open (favorite/least character, best actor/actress, favorite guest) so I keep voting Felicity and EBR for favorite. Not sure how his rigged poll is going to work unless only certain people know to keep repeat voting.


I don't know how the GATV can blame their server issues for the poll problems, since it looks like they're using polldaddy.com to host the voting. And even if their server issues are messing with the polls, why not just close the vote rather than have to deal with accusations of rigging it?

Edited by lemotomato
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So to change the subject, apparently the GATV awards are rigged. I'm not surprised at ALL. This post explains it:


I really don't think there is any rigging being done. I did hear back from Craig at GATV and from what he understands, if the poll for some reason does take essentially a revote for whatever unknown reason, it only counts the most recent vote for that IP address. No votes just went missing.

I had previously thought that closed polls were being reopened to voting but only the Best and Worst Episode categories were ever actually closed to new voters.

IF there is any glitch, it has to rest with PollDaddy, or if conspiracy theory remains the must have topic, then blame really unambitious and sloppy hackers.

Can I also say on a personal note that while I often don't agree with Craig's viewpoint on the show and do think he's a bit myopic to the subtle bias on the site,(not talking about the non subtle bias in their forums, lol) in all my MANY years of interactions, I've never found him to be dishonest or intentionally misleading (minus April Fools day). He has a lot of pride in what his built and really zero reason to fake a poll.

Edited by BkWurm1
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If they labeled it Best Couple it would only be Oliver/Felicity, Diggle/Lyla, Thea/Roy, Thea/DJ Douche, and Felicity/Ray.

Best Pairing means they can throw anything in there. And they did.

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This poll seems kinda pointless, but whatever (surprisingly - or not, the poll is almost evenly split) - poll closes on Monday, August 31st...


Do You Want Stephen Amell to Grow A Goatee for "Arrow"?
The "Arrow" star has given a firm answer on Oliver Queen's facial hair future, but would you like to see the DC Comics hero go full goatee?

Edited by tv echo
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I think it's because the poll is confusing. I don't want to see Oliver completely clean shaven, people may be choosing the facial hair because they want to keep the scruff. 


It's a badly worded poll

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I hardly think the results of that poll are accurate considering it's from a comic based website but after seeing all these manips of SA with a goatee, I'm truly confused as to why anyone would expect him to grow one. They've managed to take an incredibly handsome guy and turn him into an unattractive one. Instantly. Ew. No thank you!

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That poll was very poorly worded... when it comes to SA's face there is a big difference between clean shaven & goatee.


I like him with some scruff. So far on the show when he's been clean shaven he looked a little on the douchebag side. They could manscape it into a little more like the comics with a Van Dyke... but no goatee. That goatee is just gonna look horrible & dumb. Plus as people have said, its gonna be pretty identifying trait. I hope SA & MG keep to their word and not introduce the goatee as a permanent costuming choice.

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Team TV Supernatural Dramas is holding a poll for their Fangs Out Awards (online voting on one page using Polldaddy)...


The 2015 Fangs Out Awards are here!
6 days ago


- Oliver Queen is nominated for Best Abs.
- Felicity Smoak is nominated for Most Fashionable.
- Oliver Queen and Black Canary(*) are both nominated for Best Superhero.
- Diggle is nominated for Best Sidekick.
- Oliver & Felicity's Nanda Parbat hook up is nominated for Steamiest Scene.
- Roy Harper is nominated for Character We'll Miss the Most.


(* If you listen to their podcast (see "Talking TV" link below), they explain that 'Black Canary' refers to both Sara and Laurel. One host outright states her preference for CL, but acknowledges that others prefer KC as the Black Canary.)


Winners will be announced live on Talking TV with Liz and Lindi over on Wizard World’s Con Radio. Updates posted at https://twitter.com/TeamTSD

Edited by tv echo
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How does one prefer Laurel as Black Canary? I'll never understand that. I get liking her as a character better since that's opinion (though different than my own) But liking Laurel as a badass Canary more than Sara? I can't grasp that. I know this should be Moved? Relationships? Laurel's thread?

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. I know this should be Moved? Relationships? Laurel's thread?


If it's going to be a compare and contrast of Sara and Laurel, then I'd say Relationships.  If just about Laurel, then you could go to Laurel's thread safely. 


I'd go to Relationships to cover all bases.  :)

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/reads stupid poll and walks away..muttering to self...."That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.....it's a van dyke. Why won't anyone call it a Van Dyke"...#RespecttheVanDykeIt'sNotaGoatee

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Winners of the 2015 Fangs Out Awards have been announced (Arrow had 6 nominations and 4 wins)...


Posted 8/4


-- Oliver Queen (Arrow) won Best Abs [75% of votes]
-- Scott & Stiles (Teen Wolf) won Best Bromance [narrow win over Damon & Stefan (TVD)].
-- Daredevil won Best New Show [narrow win over iZombie].
-- Diggle (Arrow) won Best Sidekick [63% of votes].
-- Damon & Elena Rain Kiss (TVD) won Steamiest Scene [Oliver & Felicity (Arrow) took 2nd].
-- Elena Gilbert (TVD) won Character We'll Miss the Most [Roy Harper (Arrow) took 2nd].
-- Felicity Smoak (Arrow) won Most Fashionable [67% of votes].
-- Daenerys Targaryen (GoT) won Fiercest Female.
-- Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals) won Kickass Male [Rick Grimes (TWD) took 2nd).
-- Oliver Queen (Arrow) won Best Superhero [68% of the votes, Barry Allen (The Flash) took 2nd with 14%].
-- Kai Parker (TVD) won Best Villain [landslide].

Edited by tv echo
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RadioTimes' Sci-Fi & Fantasy Champion 2015 - Round 1 Voting Closes Aug. 6 at 16:00 BST



There are 32 match-ups.  You can vote as many times as you want.  The only Flarrow-related match-ups in Round 1 are:


Matchup 13
Andrew Lincoln vs. Brandon Routh (AL leading)


Matchup 15
Grant Gustin vs. Jennifer Morrison (JM leading)


Matchup 20
Sophie Turner vs. Stephen Amell (SA leading)


Matchup 29
John Barrowman vs. Lena Headey (split evenly)

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I'm not even going to go to that site. I'll just relish his bitterness from afar. 


But I'm sure everyone is going to be complaining about the Olicity fans in the comment sections :p I just don't understand that logic though, why would you hate on people for sticking up for what they love? Why not be disappointed that the people who are more like minded don't speak up more? Or disappointed that those people would rather spend their time hating on an aspect of the show they don't like (and giving it more attention) than actually focusing on what they love (which in the end doesn't get a lot of attention)?

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Lol those results are amazing.More proof that nothing really changed in terms of popularity since last year.

And what he wrote for Laurel winning least favorite is so biased.Like give it up with the DJ he's been in 2 eps and then he died,Laurel has been awful for 3 seasons.

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But I thought everyone hated Felicity and Olicity and they were ruining the show?! 



Maybe there just wasn’t enough Caity Lotz, maybe people just don’t like the new Count Vertigo as much as they liked Seth Gabel, maybe Oliver was missed, or maybe people just want to pick on something that featured heavy Laurel, but in any event, “Canaries” ended up with Worst Episode dishonors with 34% of the vote.


It's in the phrasing. He could have just said 'maybe not everyone is a Laurel fan' or something but saying that people are picking on an episode because of Laurel reeks of bitterness. There's no talking to that guy though. You say something to him and he thinks he's being bullied. 

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I'm not even going to go to that site. I'll just relish his bitterness from afar. 


But I'm sure everyone is going to be complaining about the Olicity fans in the comment sections :p 

I didn't even have to look at the comment section to find complaining (or at least, shade being thrown). Here's the blurb for the "Best pairing" category:



Winning for the third year in a row, “Olicity” seems to still be the #1 choice among online fandom for Best Pairing on Arrow. The win at 78% wasn’t as big as the 83% of last year, but the fans certainly mobilized to get this “ship” the top spot. (The couple also won a MTV award earlier this year, as well.)

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