Meredith Quill April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 I always imagined weekends to be easier for most people because, no work. Speaking for myself, I'm around on and off, whether it's a weekday or the weekend. #Bringiton :p 1 Link to comment
egavasc April 15, 2016 Author Share April 15, 2016 I always imagined weekends to be easier for most people because, no work. Speaking for myself, I'm around on and off, whether it's a weekday or the weekend. #Bringiton :p I would think that too and that's the way it is for me, but it does seem like there's less going on. If enough of you want to have Day this weekend that's fine by me. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Yes, please! Day this weekend! Link to comment
Drogo April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Veto. It's so boring watching Day happen on the weekend. Like a waste of a good story. Link to comment
MarkHB April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 I vote Harold Stassen. If that doesn't work, I vote Aquaman. (Some of you ladies may appreciate that video, btw. It's impressive.) 2 Link to comment
Hanged Man April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 If that doesn't work, I vote Aquaman. That looks like a lot work Happy Birthday Mark! 1 Link to comment
Jesse April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 How about Sunday evening? (FWIW, I'll probably miss the whole Day if it starts on Monday, out of town for work. Not that I am overly necessary, but I am always paranoid about not participating in votes and being seen as villainous for it!) Link to comment
Drogo April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 1 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Hey, I haven't posted an unboxing video in a while! Can't have THAT, now can we? And hey, who wants to watch me eat lunch? 3 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Weekends or weekdays either is fine for me. Link to comment
Athena April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 I'm usually busy on weekends, but I can check in knowing if it's going to go up. :) Link to comment
egavasc April 15, 2016 Author Share April 15, 2016 Okay, the people (or at least a bunch of people) have spoken. The story will go up as soon as I finish writing it (so hopefully sometime in the next hour). Let's just keep the ball rolling on this game or it'll never be over! (Hopefully everyone is still enjoying themselves! I apologize to the dead for having to be dead for so long). And happiest of happy birthdays Mark! 6 Link to comment
MarkHB April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Thanks, boss! :) Link to comment
egavasc April 15, 2016 Author Share April 15, 2016 (edited) For Mark's birthday, a story in which he doesn't die! But someone does! Spoilers! Day 10 “Good news everyone!” The Professor said while snacking on peanuts, seated in a chair shaped like a peanut. There were many peanuts is what I’m saying. “What is it now? Also, not everyone is here. Has anyone seen Zoidberg?” Fry asked. “You’re worried about Zoidberg? Ha! He’s probably asleep in his dumpster,” replied Bender. “No one cares about Zoidberg, I told you I have good news! I was able to find some of Leela’s DNA from a clump of hair in the ladies locker room. Turns out that purple hair is very easy to find. We should have her out of the Rebirth machine in an hour.” A loud plop was heard as a body clearly dropped out of the machine. “Or possibly now! Let’s go look” The Professor said as Fry ran over to the pile of pink goo on the floor. “Leela! Leela my love is that you? Oh you’re back, you’re back!” He yelled, hugging his love and getting pink goo everywhere. “Fry, get off me! I’m not wearing anything! Also, how did I even get here?” “Oh, sorry.” To Bender, he whispered, “I’m not really sorry.” “I heard that!” said Leela. “And why are there so many peanuts?” The crew was reassembling, one by one. Maybe they would all live to see another day. Unlikely, but perhaps. Meanwhile with Zoidberg. Someone had informed him about the secret bakery factory on 73rd and he had gone hoping they might have some day old scraps he could have. Have I mentioned that Zoidberg is poor and pathetic? Because it’s true. Anyway, Zoidberg had made the long journey to the bakery only to find, of course, that it was closed. “Hello? It’s Zoidberg! I came for the trash. Is there anyone there?” He asked as he knocked on the doors. Getting no answer, he pounded on them more aggressively. With a crash, his claws burst through the cheap glass. “Hooray! It’s open!” He cried as he entered through the now broken door. Zoidberg made his way through the factory, looking for anything edible. Nothing was on, nothing was running, of course all of the robots had left for the day. Eventually he found a strange contraption with a conveyor belt and a strange red button. “Others would push the button. Why not Zoidberg?” He pushed the button and out popped cookies and cupcakes, one after another after another. “What joy! Food! For Zoidberg!” He exclaimed excitedly as he plopped himself at the end of the conveyor belt, jaws open and mouth flaps up in the air primed to catch the falling baked goods. One by one, the cookies and cupcakes fell into his mouth rapidly. He ate and ate and ate and ate until he was completely full and his stomachs hurt from all the sweets. But, much like a college student, Zoidberg was not one to turn down free food. So he kept eating. And eating. And eating. The next morning, the robot bakers came into work and found pink goo and ink everywhere. The decapodian had finally overeaten and had in fact burst. “Oh man, and on the day the Health Inspector is due to arrive. Fred, go get me a mop. And some gloves.” Still Alive and Well in New New York MarkHB CuriousParker SilverStormm Machiabelly saoirse SVNBob Firearcher Lady Calypso Dougal The Crazed Spruce caprice The Onion Knight Jesse TJTrack99 aquarian1 Now in Robot Hell HangedMan - Scruffy - MagistrateWhat else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused. Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blockerYou are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night. Lisin - Hermes - TrackerYou are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player. Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-TradesYou are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful! MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - VanillaYou are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game. OinkyBoinky - Officer URL - investigator pairYou are Officer URL, the robot half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL (pronounced Earl). Programmed to be a cop, you have many features to employ in the capturing of bad guys such as a siren, a megaphone, and a violations printer. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticably duller. You may communicate with Officer Smitty outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate. Spiro Agnew - NPC BizBuzz - President Nixon - 2 killYou are President Nixon, President of Earth. The head of the 37th US President kept alive in a jar, you are carried around by the headless body of Vice President Spiro Agnew. You won the election for President of Earth by one vote and proceeded to enlist the people of Earth into pointless wars. Typically you can be found playing poker with the Robot Devil. Any attack against you will first kill the headless body of Agnew. Athena - Zoidberg - Doctor (weak)You are Doctor John Zoidberg, alien from the planet Decapod 10. The only member of the original crew of Planet Express, you are the staff doctor. Your medical knowledge is suspect; for some reason they allow you to treat humans with absolutely no understanding of their anatomy. As such, you are incredibly poor and despised generally by the rest of the crew. Your skills may allow you to heal one person per night, provided the odds be in their favor. Heads, they’re safe. Tails, well, you snipped them in the wrong kerjigger. There are no clues in the story (really I promise. I was in a hurry). Please allow 12 hours for discussion before voting. Day will end at 6:30pm EDT on Sunday. And h/t to Drogo for the death part of the story. *edited for formatting* Edited April 15, 2016 by egavasc 4 Link to comment
Athena April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Avenge me, friends! No one loves me. ;_; Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Zoidberg! Athena! Noooooooo! And no clues. Okay, fellow Heroes. Time to put our noggins together. Link to comment
caprice April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 We lost ANOTHER investigative role...really?! GD it, sigh you will be missed and avenged A1! At least we got another hero back in exchange :) Nice job (see what I did there) TJ! I too, have some important info to contribute toDay. So, I have news that potentially could throw everything we think we know so far up in the air...I started this game as a vanilla hero but that changed a couple of Nights ago when I surprisingly 'acquired' an enhanced ability from one of the dead players...and given what Biz is hinting at in her post, it seems that at least one player has been seduced by the powers of darkness and changed allegiance. I'm revealing this now only because I have some info that seems to tie into Biz's hint. At first I was a little confused and hesitant to say anything about what I discovered because I knew Firearcher had been 'cleared', but now it seems to add up and make sense. I can tell you this much, mostly because of his strange cryptic posts, (and having no clue who else to look at?!), I decided to work surveillance on FA - who I now know is Calculon - last Night and followed him to a shady part of town, suffice to say that I know he is now a part of the protection racket and he visited Mark. Which means we could be looking at another FOUR villains in play still with TWO protectors...scary. [snip] TL:DR I think we need to vote for either Biz again, FA or TCS? because reasons. What do people think of this?The list looks good...but if you are asking people to identify, then I have a long history of not letting the villains know who I am. I figure that if I freely claim a vanilla role, then don't claim the next game it is because I am hiding from them...and become a target.No, definitely not asking people to identify their characters, I was more interested in knowing which show characters might still be around and where people thought they might stand in terms of good or evil. Link to comment
Guest April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I say we do to Mark what we did to Biz: keep shooting until he's dead. So my vote will be for Mark 12 hours from now. Mark, look at it this way, you'll still get to dance on your birthday. Link to comment
Jesse April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Yeah, agreed -- I'm on board with going for Mark. Sorry, Mark! Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Didn't want to say it on his birthday, but it's after midnight, so... Die, Mark, die! 1 Link to comment
TJtrack99 April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 So do we think there is anything significant to the fact that this is our second food-related death? First was Scruffy and the bad eggs (dibs on that as a band name), now Zoidberg and overeating. As somebody who eats a lot, I am nervous. I do, however, think Mark is evil, and that there is also probably at least 1 other Villain out there. Link to comment
Drogo April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Floats in Dies of boredom Doesn't float out, because twice-dead 1 Link to comment
halgia April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Well, it's been 12 hours.... 1 to DL MarkHB (Dougal) 7 to slowly, slowly march towards a conclusion Link to comment
Jesse April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Same. 2 to DL MarkHB (Dougal, Jesse) 6 to slowly, slowly march towards a conclusion But also, I really think there is at least one more villain out there, and have no idea who it is, given the results of recent investigations. There's apparently a clue in the Day 9 story, so maybe someone can look for that? I don't see anything, but am terrible at clues. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 3 to DL MarkHB (Dougal, Jesse, saoirse) 5 to slowly, slowly, slowly march towards a conclusion Agree on at least one more Villain in the game. I'm going to spend some more time with the Day 9 story and hopefully something will jump out at me. Link to comment
Guest April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 4 to DL MarkHB (Dougal, Jesse, saoirse) 4 to get rid of one more. Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 5 to DL MarkHB (Dougal, Jesse, saoirse, CuriousParker, aquarian1) 3 to just do it already. Link to comment
caprice April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 6 to DL Mark (Dougal, Jesse, saoirse, CP, aquarian1, caprice) 2 to get off the Merry-go-round Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Yeah, it would surprise the hell out of me if there isn't another villain out there, too. 7 to DL Mark (Dougal, Jesse, saoirse, CP, aquarian1, caprice, Spruce) 1 to finally finish this guy off Link to comment
Lady Calypso April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 8 to DL Mark (Dougal, Jesse, saoirse, CP, aquarian1, caprice, Spruce, Lady Calypso) 0 to celebrate hopefully in victory. I come in just before the DL finishes, so I'm happy. I also guess I am celebrating early because I just got back from my final university house party. It was fun. A smaller one, which is fine with me. Only about ten of us there. Anyway, I hope we got Mark this time around! Link to comment
Deadpool April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 Floats in I didn't realise us ghosts were allowed to join the party in the day. Floats Out Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 Floats in I didn't realise us ghosts were allowed to join the party in the day. Floats Out It's twilight. A few ghostly apparitions are fine after the final vote is cast. Link to comment
MarkHB April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 8 to DL Mark (Dougal, Jesse, saoirse, CP, aquarian1, caprice, Spruce, Lady Calypso) 0 to celebrate hopefully in victory. I come in just before the DL finishes, so I'm happy. I also guess I am celebrating early because I just got back from my final university house party. It was fun. A smaller one, which is fine with me. Only about ten of us there. Anyway, I hope we got Mark this time around! When do you graduate, and do you have your next steps lined up?Also: you were at a party? Do we allow voting while intoxicated? :) Link to comment
egavasc April 17, 2016 Author Share April 17, 2016 Welcome to twilight. Please get your actions in by 10pm EDT. Night story will hopefully go up shortly after. 2 Link to comment
TJtrack99 April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 Welcome to twilight. If I see any sparkly vampires...well.... 4 Link to comment
Jesse April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 Welcome back to the land of the living, aquarian1! So that makes Leela (you), Officer Smitty (me), and Nibbler (TJtrack) who have come back? Link to comment
Drogo April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 Floats in I didn't realise us ghosts were allowed to join the party in the day. Floats Out As Kesha once wrote of me: "The party don't start til I float in." Link to comment
Lady Calypso April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 When do you graduate, and do you have your next steps lined up? Also: you were at a party? Do we allow voting while intoxicated? :) I graduate in June officially, but I'm going to be done my last exam Monday night. As for the future, I don't even know. I'm taking a year off to make money so I can go back to school, so my next step is...finding a job to make the moolah. Partying, partying YEAH. Well, if we don't, then it shouldn't be Twilight then ;) 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 Well, the time spent on the Day 9 story resulted in me coming up with a few thousand possible clues. *sigh* I'm spending a lot of time in the Futurama Wiki today, sorting these people out. Link to comment
caprice April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 I vote Harold Stassen. If that doesn't work, I vote Aquaman. (Some of you ladies may appreciate that video, btw. It's impressive.) My thanks to whoever put that on a loop. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB April 17, 2016 Share April 17, 2016 That's actually Momoa's Instagram account, so either he or Instagram itself is responsible Link to comment
egavasc April 18, 2016 Author Share April 18, 2016 Night 10 After the events of the Day story, Leela had asked to go home and recuperate. Being revived was a sensation she had of course never dealt with before and she needed to process. She had taken a quick shower in the Planet Express locker room, grabbed the extra tank, pants, and combat boots from her locker (thank goodness she always kept a spare for strange occasions) and headed straight to her apartment. The rush of air in the pneumatic tubes that transported her safely around New New York felt strange on her brand new body (the Professor had explained that while she was still herself, her body had been created from the DNA he had found). At home, Leela took a nice, long, hot shower. She had gotten most of the pink goo off at the office, but she still felt kinda sticky and gross. After nearly an hour in the shower, Leela stepped out and dried off. She was finally starting to feel like herself again. This new body had its perks, but didn’t quite feel the same. Having finally shampooed the last of the pink goo from her hair, she couldn't help but feel like her purple coiffure needed some conditioning and a color update. Her new body needed a new do; purple just didn’t quite feel right anymore. But with so many options what would she choose? Blue Velvet, like Marge Simpson... or You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry Green? So many choices. Leela finally settled on Pewter Fury; She had always been fond of that tempestuous one from the X-Men. Back on Omicron Persei 8, Emperor Lrrr was on the receiving end of a major tongue lashing by his dear nag of a wife Ndnd. She was berating him for yet again failing to conquer a planet. You see, in this version of the timeline there was no President Nixon to start a war with the PTV galaxy. The head of President Jimmy Carter was truly nefarious, but much less likely to start an unnecessary war. He instead preferred to bash heads with his Nobel Peace Prize. So when the Emperor set out for Earth Zapp Brannigan and the DOOP army were waiting, ready to attack. The Emperor was ill prepared and rightly had his sizeable ass handed to him by the Captain of the Nimbus. He headed back home to nurse his wounds and his ego, only to be torn into by his wife. “You said you would conquer a planet today! But here you are, sitting watching more Earth programming. We could have complete access to any Earth programming we wanted instead of waiting each night for the correct hour if only you had, you know, conquered a planet like you were supposed to. What on Omicron Persei 8 happened to my powerful husband? The pitiful fool sitting before me is nothing but the shell of the man.” “Yes, yes Ndnd. I heard you the first hundred times. ‘Conquer a planet, Lrrr. Don’t be so useless Lrrr.’ I got it. I’ll conquer something tomorrow after I fuel up on one of your disgusting egg white omelets. Now go away and let me watch Grey’s Anatomy in peace!” “I don’t even know what you see in that foolish program. It hasn’t been good since they killed off Dr. McSteamy.” “I like their realistic depictions of Earth medicine contrasted with their melodramatic relationships. The perfect blend of high and low culture. Now leave me alone woman! I’m watching my show!” Still Alive and Well in New New York MarkHB CuriousParker SilverStormm Machiabelly saoirse SVNBob Firearcher Lady Calypso Dougal The Crazed Spruce caprice The Onion Knight Jesse TJTrack99 aquarian1 Now in Robot Hell HangedMan - Scruffy - MagistrateWhat else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused. Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blockerYou are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night. Lisin - Hermes - TrackerYou are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player. Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-TradesYou are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful! MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - VanillaYou are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game. OinkyBoinky - Officer URL - investigator pairYou are Officer URL, the robot half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL (pronounced Earl). Programmed to be a cop, you have many features to employ in the capturing of bad guys such as a siren, a megaphone, and a violations printer. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticably duller. You may communicate with Officer Smitty outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate. Spiro Agnew - NPC BizBuzz - President Nixon - 2 killYou are President Nixon, President of Earth. The head of the 37th US President kept alive in a jar, you are carried around by the headless body of Vice President Spiro Agnew. You won the election for President of Earth by one vote and proceeded to enlist the people of Earth into pointless wars. Typically you can be found playing poker with the Robot Devil. Any attack against you will first kill the headless body of Agnew. Athena - Zoidberg - Doctor (weak)You are Doctor John Zoidberg, alien from the planet Decapod 10. The only member of the original crew of Planet Express, you are the staff doctor. Your medical knowledge is suspect; for some reason they allow you to treat humans with absolutely no understanding of their anatomy. As such, you are incredibly poor and despised generally by the rest of the crew. Your skills may allow you to heal one person per night, provided the odds be in their favor. Heads, they’re safe. Tails, well, you snipped them in the wrong kerjigger. There is one clue in the story. Please get your night actions in by 10pm EDT Monday. Enjoy the bar! Link to comment
MarkHB April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 For the record, I would have preferred the grapes. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 I am having some feels at the moment. A very large alcoholic drink please, bartender. Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 Time for a Boy Dance Party! 1 Link to comment
MarkHB April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 Did someone say Dance Party? 2 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 Did someone say Dance Party? Tim Gunn would have told the ladies of Chic that that's a lot of look. 2 Link to comment
Drogo April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 (Grabs all the Red Bull) Come to watch me whip, stay to watch me nae nae. 3 Link to comment
Drogo April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 Just to show how timeless Futurama's dialogue is: 1 Link to comment
MarkHB April 18, 2016 Share April 18, 2016 Ewww.... Link to comment
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