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I liked Georgie, too.  He's so dim, yet is so interested in everything.  I loved the example of 'trash talk' he gave at the baseball game:  "In cricket, we might say 'that cake your mother prepared wasn't particularly moist'".  And his whole-hearted participation in the Revolutionary War re-enactment:  'Die, American scum!' (or something like that).


I'm looking forward to more Georgie.

Edited by BooksRule
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I'm not sure why, but I find Poppy to be pretty likable.  She's totally clueless, but she's not mean-spirited to people.  I like the way that she has total confidence in herself, especially in her belief that she would be successful as an actress.  I loved the scene where she was showing off her acting skills by making her 'angry face', 'sad face', etc. and they all looked exactly the same!  And her audition for the soap was hilarious!  It takes a good actress to act so badly.

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I'm not sure why, but I find Poppy to be pretty likable.  She's totally clueless, but she's not mean-spirited to people.


That's what is nice about the show, a lot of these actors posing as real people shows can get too mean.


I wonder if there was a deleted scene (or upcoming scene in a future episode) of Poppy getting a spray tan.  Getting a fake tan would seem to be an obvious gag that might have been left out of the finished show for whatever reason.

I agree, catrox14.  When I first saw commercials about the show, I planned to avoid it like the plague because I thought it was one of usual fakey-fake reality shows.  Then, I read a little more about it and realized that it was a sitcom-type show with actors.  That's when I decided to give it a try.   I didn't know until I had seen the first two episodes that it was one of the Borat-type shows where the main characters are actors and others in the show aren't in on the joke (or at least some of them aren't). 


I loved Poppy's indignation after they attended the Tea Party meeting that there was no tea served (she said she was 'spitting feathers').  Oh, and her observation of the plastic surgeon (after they had left his office) that 'he looked like a frozen cat'. 

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The speech he gave at the Tea Party meeting made me laugh so hard I started crying. I wish they'd have shown the whole thing. I loved watching the crowd looking baffled and politely tormented.

The speech he gave at the Tea Party meeting made me laugh so hard I started crying. I wish they'd have shown the whole thing. I loved watching the crowd looking baffled and politely tormented.

I am really enjoying this show.  I was a bit worried that it would be too mean spirited.  I can't watch Borat and the like because it makes me too uncomfortable when they make other people look like fools (as much as they may seem to deserve it).  I was a bit worried when they went to the tea party meeting that they were going to go there, because it is so easy to make those people look stupid.  But I was glad they didn't go there.  They are more about making themselves look like fools than others.  I giggled through both episodes. 

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I too find this show to be fun and I found myself laughing at loud at certain points. It is much more interesting and amusing than the other fake royals show "I Wanna Marry Harry" or whatever that travesty is called.  I agree with the poster above who said this show is like a merging of Christopher Guest and Sasha Baron-Cohen's mindsets.  I loved when Poppy kept talking about how she and Georgie were "friends with benefits" and refused to back down from that stance.  And their actions/comments at the baseball game were very funny.  I hope the show can keep up the pace set by these first 2 episodes.

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The Texas episode was cute.  I liked Georgie's remark after they left the taxidermy place that if they had known about taxidermy earlier, they 'wouldn't have popped father in the old oven.  We'd got him standing bolt upright in the living room, giving burglars a surprise'. 


I know they are acting, but they actually looked like they were having a good time with the cheerleaders.


The recording studio part was a little painful to watch, although the reactions of the guys in the studio were funny.  The singer was being very gracious (and patient), I thought.

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I'm Chris, the "hotel manager" from the Texas episode! To give yall some background, I am actually just a Front Desk Agent, not a hotel manager lol. The day this was filmed I had no idea they were coming and it was pretty much sprung on me at the last minute that I would be the person filming with them. I was told the story about them being royals as if it were a true travel show. We filmed so much more that yall didn't see. We filmed the entire check in process and then I had showed them a standard room prior to showing them the presidential suite. I found the stuff we filmed in the standard room to be funnier than what they aired. There was a funny bit about me giving George a "tight tuck" in bed that we had to re-film because he started laughing. 


At the start I thought it was real and so I treated it as such, but then they told me it was a mocumentary during the filming of the first room. I've done extra work on scripted shows and this was filmed much the same. You film entrances to scenes various times to catch all of the angles. In each part that we filmed you would take breaks to just film a variety of facial reactions that they could use for the reaction shot they need. Also the producer would give us notes on what he wanted us to touch on and we'd start talking. Then once you find something they're interested in they would stop you and explain what they wanted out of the scene and you'd pick up from there.


I found it fun to film and I like what they came up with, but overall I felt they could've gone so much further even without being mean spirited. Not just my segment, but overall there are so many more Texan things they could've done in San Antonio. The producers should've looked at the Real Housewives of Orange County vacation in San Antonio and copied all of that (trip to a ranch, a dancehall, bull-riding, etc.). I also think considering the type of resort I work at, they could've put themselves in more potentially funny scenarios. It's a hotel, but it's built like a mini town with office buildings and apartments, shops and a trolley that is only partially finished. Guests usually have fun trying to figure out how to catch it, not realizing it isn't there yet. 

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I caught the show last night, after many weeks of thinking, "WTF??" and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I like that they seem to be the butt of their own joke, moreso than if they were making the others look ridiculous. Then again, I appreciate wit and dry humor.


The look on Georgie's face when the auctioneer really got going was hilarious!


Thanks for the filming report, KnotsLanding! Have you heard impressions from family and friends about your appearance? I giggled at your "bedtime story." :)


This will be a DVR show for me as my husband just won't get it.

Why have they made her look jaundiced? Everyone else has normal skin color, so it's not the settings on my tv.

I noticed this when I was watching last night. It's really inconsistent about when it shows up, so I'm thinking it's just really bad lighting in some of their shooting locations. That, and the glow of those pants and the safety vests they were wearing on the bike tour.


It didn't seem too bad in the plastic plastic surgeon's office, but it was horrible when talking to both the casting director and agent. However, it depended on what angle they were shooting Poppy from, so... lighting. That's my vote.

I love this show! I've watched each episode several times and they still make me laugh.I've turned a few friends on to it, too, and they crack up just as much as I do. Poppy's comedic timing is just brilliant, I think she's a lot stronger than Georgie. I'm sad we're only getting 4 episodes with the remaining 3 to be shown at a TBD date. I hope that changes and we get all 7 in a row.


Thanks for posting about the Texas episode, Knots Landing/Chris. It's a shame we didn't get to see the bits from the standard room, maybe it'll be on the DVD?


I like how one of her consistent personality traits seems to be a delusion that she's talented.  


I wouldn't be surprised, for example, if the real actress is a good singer and just "played" being bad at singing in the Texas episode.  Certainly the "bad acting" for the audition for the Soap Opera in the earlier episode was actually a good actor playing at being bad (and fooling a casting person).


The fact that Poppy seemed to do the cheerleader stuff fairly competently reinforces that theory for me.  She didn't want to make a mess of something that could actually be dangerous if done "badly" (or embarrass a whole bunch of people, later at the game, versus the one on one embarrassment the show's built on).

Edited by Kromm

The Texas episode started out really weak.  

I dunno.  While the stuff at the hotel did go on a bit too long, I did like the general outrageousness of bullying a hotel employee into telling them a bedtime story (even if @KnotsLanding reveals he caught on...)

I love this show! I've watched each episode several times and they still make me laugh.I've turned a few friends on to it, too, and they crack up just as much as I do. Poppy's comedic timing is just brilliant, I think she's a lot stronger than Georgie. I'm sad we're only getting 4 episodes with the remaining 3 to be shown at a TBD date. I hope that changes and we get all 7 in a row.

I had no idea 3 were being shelved (even if temporarily). That's a crime, given how brilliant this show has worked out to be.


I agree that Poppy is the star here. Georgie is amusing, in an over the top way, but Poppy is far more CONVINCING (while still being hugely funny).

Edited by Kromm
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I caught the show last night, after many weeks of thinking, "WTF??" and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I like that they seem to be the butt of their own joke, moreso than if they were making the others look ridiculous. Then again, I appreciate wit and dry humor.

The look on Georgie's face when the auctioneer really got going was hilarious!

Thanks for the filming report, KnotsLanding! Have you heard impressions from family and friends about your appearance? I giggled at your "bedtime story." :)

This will be a DVR show for me as my husband just won't get it.

That scene was hilarious in the Texas episode, because Georgie was so thrown by it all. This show is great.

I didn't enjoy the improv much either but it was because of the other over-the-top improv actors, especially the main woman in green. Talk about chewing the scenery--yikes!


I hope this show gains some traction with an audience. At first I wasn't sure (mostly watched just because it was in OB's time slot) but I've grown to like it more and more each episode. I think the deadpan, dry humor they're using with Georgie and Poppy takes a while to really appreciate. It's like the more you get to "know" them, the funnier they become. I'm also really impressed by the way both of them are so quick on their feet--much harder than they make it look, I'm sure.

I didn't think that this episode was as funny as the other two, but I did like the 'fashion week' part where Poppy was having such a good time walking the runway and George was so proud of her.  The 'WTF?' expressions shown by the audience members was hilarious. 


My one problem with the fashion show was it looked so low rent.  I know that they probably had to go to lower tier designers to find someone willing to let the show hijack their moment a bit.  But then again it was funny seeing people who were trying to heighten their fashionista cred with a third or fourth tier show, maybe notice the cameras and sit up a bit straighter only to get the Carlton.  The guy next to George seemed to be a nice guy.  



I didn't enjoy the improv much either but it was because of the other over-the-top improv actors, especially the main woman in green. Talk about chewing the scenery--yikes!


I hope this show gains some traction with an audience. At first I wasn't sure (mostly watched just because it was in OB's time slot) but I've grown to like it more and more each episode. I think the deadpan, dry humor they're using with Georgie and Poppy takes a while to really appreciate. It's like the more you get to "know" them, the funnier they become. I'm also really impressed by the way both of them are so quick on their feet--much harder than they make it look, I'm sure.


I actually find their improv to be the best.  Some of the stuff seems like it was thought out in general and it falls flat (I thought the story telling bit in Texas fell in that category). 


I actually thought playing the improv striaght man moments by both in the improv show were hilarious.   The woman was incredibly bad.  I have to wonder without the Carltons what kind of show would normally happen.  I'm guessing not very funny.

I thought this one wasn't as good as some others partly because there was very little about the various activities that had much to do with New York.  That said, it was interesting to see the first time anyone has (on camera) treated them with anything but bemused tolerance -- that barista was really becoming quite angry with them.  (Which also demonstrates, I think, that some people are clearly not in on the joke when they're being filmed.)


However, even a weaker episode is still a joy.  I love both of these characters.  And their meeting with the social media guy made me think to follow them both on Twitter.  Which is totally worth it. 

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However, even a weaker episode is still a joy.  I love both of these characters.  And their meeting with the social media guy made me think to follow them both on Twitter.  Which is totally worth it. 

Oh my goodness, that whole thing about selfies? Hilarious! If I had a cat, I would have scared it as I laughed at Georgie taking selfies at the nail salon.


I loved the barista getting angry. I think you're right, Ltg.jon. Not everyone realizes the joke of it.


Or else she was just that much better at hiding the fact that she knew.


I'm so glad to have found a forum to discuss this show on.


I had fully expected it to be a pile of poo when I saw the premiere episode commercial. Out of curiosity, I decided to watch it. I actually enjoyed it and have laughed a few times during the episodes. The way this show is executed is done in an intelligent way. Poppy and Georgie are funny. The actors/comedians have pretty good timing. I love watching people's reactions to them. The Boston episode is hilarious.

Edited by Surrealist

Here's an interview with Amy Hoggart.  The one flaw?  It's entitled "'ALMOST ROYAL'S POPPY CARLTON IS MUCH MORE LIKABLE IN REAL LIFE AS AMY HOGGART",which is a weird position to take, since Poppy is actually EXTREMELY likable.  



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