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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Final Countdown


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I find it weird that KC is doing press (or at least that outlets are running their interviews with her) now instead of waiting for before her directorial debut of 803.  Nothing too spoiler-y in here (and weirdly no questions about the spinoff), but there's lots about how close she and SA are so... sure.

The Final Season: Katie Cassidy Remembers the First Time She Put on Her Arrow Costume

8 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I find it weird that KC is doing press (or at least that outlets are running their interviews with her) now instead of waiting for before her directorial debut of 803.  Nothing too spoiler-y in here (and weirdly no questions about the spinoff), but there's lots about how close she and SA are so... sure.

Maybe she talked about directing in this interview but they're holding back those quotes for next week?

8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Maybe she talked about directing in this interview but they're holding back those quotes for next week?

It sounds like an old interview. And seems to be part of their series about ending shows. Wouldnt be surprised if this happened during SDCC.  She even mentions the dont f- this up quote she also said at SDCC.

Edited by Velocity23
5 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

It sounds like an old interview. And seems to be part of their series about ending shows. Wouldnt be surprised if this happened during SDCC.  She even mentions the dont f- this up quote she also said at SDCC.

I thought it might be old too, but she talks about the spinoff in definite terms - IDK that she would've done that then, or maybe they added some new quotes. 

12 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I thought it might be old too, but she talks about the spinoff in definite terms - IDK that she would've done that then, or maybe they added some new quotes. 

I didnt see her talking about the spinoff and she mentioned shooting a scene with David and Stephen and that is really unlikely.  The spinoff part i guess i skipped that which i am asking myself how with how many times she says spinoff. 

But its most likely not a recent interview, most likely from when they they were shooting ep. 7. 

Edited by Velocity23

From SDCC 2019...

Fangirlish video of Katie Cassidy interview at San Diego Comic-Con International 2019 (Jul. 20, 2019):
-- KC: "I remember when we - before we shot the pilot - or during the pilot, it was one of his earlier - uh, I think, acting jobs? I think he had done a couple things before. I feel like I was 100 going into Arrow. I felt like I had been in this business for so long, which I'm so grateful for. Uh, but I remember saying to him, 'hi' - should I try to keep this PG-13? ... I was like, 'Hi, Stephen, if you f*ck this up, I will kill you. Please don't f*ck this up. Please.' And he was like, 'O-kay'... Also, I also have to say, by saying that early on, he - I earned his respect. Like, he was like, she's not afraid of me. Some people are, you know? But I'm not. He's like a brother to me. I'm like, 'This is on you. And if you ruin this for us... Please don't.'  ..."

ETonline's Leanne Aguilera interview with Arrow cast at San Diego Comic-Con International 2019 (Jul. 20, 2019):
-- SA: "Another thing I remember from the pilot is, you and I shot the scene in front of the globe in the convention center downtown. And one of our executive producers texted both of us afterwards, and the text just said, 'you were both born to play Oliver Queen and Laurel Lance.'"

And now compare to recently published article...

Eonline article (Chris Harnick) titled "The Final Season: Katie Cassidy Remembers the First Time She Put on Her Arrow Costume" (Oct. 22, 2019):


The moment I realized that the show was a hit was …
*  *  *
"After we shot the pilot, David Nutter, he took me and Stephen aside, and he said those exact words, ‘The two of you, you were born to play Oliver Queen and you were born to play Laurel Lance. Just immediately, you are these people.' I thought that was pretty cool I even remember saying to Stephen when we were at Comic-Con the first year, I basically said, ‘Don't f—k this up. This is going to be a big show and a part of something special.' And it really has been. I'm so, so fortunate to have gotten the opportunity to be a part of it…It's almost a decade, it's eight years, but as it continues."

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‘Arrow’: David Ramsey on Finally Addressing the Green Lantern of It All in the Final Season
Christina Radish   October 22, 2019


Collider: Does it feel different, when you know you’re shooting the last season and that this will be the end?
Yes, it does. I’ve done a show and thought we were continuing to go, and it’s been cancelled. This happened a couple of times, so I do know what that feels like. This feels better. It’s still bittersweet ‘cause there’s still some sadness to it, obviously, but to have an idea of when we’re ending and how we’re ending, and to know where the characters are going, it’s a lot better, in that way. There’s still some sadness, but it’s better than the alternative.

Does it feel weird to be doing the last season without Emily Bett Rickards, after having her there for so many seasons? Did you think you’d all be going to the end together?
: We did. When Emily announced it, and she told us that she was going to be leaving, it was sad. The first day on set of Episode 801, we were in the area where Emily normally is, and it was different. It had changed, and Emily was not there. You immediately feel it because Felicity’s presence was so big to the show. When that’s not there, particularly in the space that she normally inhabits, you feel it. It just speaks to how fortunate we were, in the show, to have everyone really gel. That doesn’t happen a lot. That’s what I’ll miss the most. We’ve worked on the show for eight seasons, and you form these relationships. That’s what I’ll miss, more than anything else. Like any other job, when you’ve worked at a job and you like who you’re working with, and you’ve worked there for eight years, and then you have to leave the job, you’re gonna miss the people you worked with. 
*  * *
When you were at the helm of it all, what do you feel you learned about yourself, as a director?
: That my greatest strength is as an actor. I forgot that for a moment. But then, I remembered that, with the directors that come to set and direct us, the ones I really connect with are the ones that either love actors, or were once actors, because ultimately, that’s their approach. Their approach is storytelling, the way an actor would tell a story. That’s what I learned, as a director. Just communicate your vision and let the people do the jobs. The DP is awesome. Let him do it. The first camera operator is fantastic. Let him do it. The focus puller is great. Let him do it. The actors are great. Let them do it. You tweak it, here and there, but for the most part, you watch the process, you communicate your vision, and that’s it. And when other directors have come to the show and done that, that’s what I appreciate the most. I had to learn to be that director.

Once the show is done and you have some more time, have you thought about another show in the Arrow-verse that you’d like to go director an episode of?
: All of them. Why not? [Greg Berlanti] has 250,000 shows on television. I think I would have to work hard to miss a Berlanti show, if I threw a stone. He has so many shows. But the immediate ones that come to my head are obviously The Flash, which is right next door, Supergirl, Batwoman, and Legends. Riverdale would be fun. Those are shows that come to mind, and directing is on the table, so we’ll see. I don’t have a thing where it’s like, “Okay, I’m going right to this, right after.” I’m just gonna see what the landscape is. Arrow has allowed me the latitude to be able to look to see what’s next and make some decisions that are right for me.

What’s it like to take the journey with Stephen Amell, on this last season, and know that you’ll be closing out this experience alongside him, just like how you started?
: I couldn’t ask for anything better. Stephen’s just as passionate now as he was on day one of the first episode. To be able to close it out with him, I’m sure it’s probably much of how Jared [Padalecki] and Jensen [Ackles] feel [with Supernatural]. It’s how this should be. It’s one of those things that’s never gonna happen again. You’re never gonna have a show and all of these integrated spinoffs again. CSI did, to a certain degree, but not with five or six spin-offs. That’s unprecedented. So, to be able to close it out with Stephen, it feels like it’s the right thing. This is how it should be.

What can we expect from the dynamic between Oliver and Diggle, this season?
: Again, it’s as it should be, finally. Their differences have been laid aside. Diggle is at Oliver’s side, exactly where he should be. They’ve worked out some of those issues, so now it’s about the mad rush to our crossover and facing this cosmic being, which Diggle doesn’t blink at, for one second. He remains the absolute stalwart and confident partner that he’s always been to Oliver.

What can we expect to see with Diggle’s family?
: Lyla Michaels (Audrey Marie Anderson) is a big part of the season. She’s the leader of Argus. She’s the new Amanda Waller. So, where that is with the relationship that she has with this very virtuous guy, in John Diggle, we work that out. We find out where that’s going. Their child, JJ, who’s into a lot of the nefarious stuff, in the future, and you’ll find out more about their relationship with him, and their adopted child and their rivalry. There’s a lot of stuff in the Diggle family that has to be worked out, in these 10 episodes, and will be. And ultimately, I think we have to find out what’s going on with Green Lantern. We’ve been teasing that since Season 2 or 3. It’s been a crazy amount of time, so we have to put a button on that, and from what I’m hearing, we will.

Have you been dying for those answers, yourself?
: I would have been if Marc [Guggenheim] and Greg [Berlanti] weren’t incredibly forthright with the process and some of the politics. By the time any show is up on television, there have been literally thousands of hoops that have been jumped through. It doesn’t happen arbitrarily. There’s been a tremendous amount of logistics and moving parts that have come together, to make this one show happen. How Greg has duplicated that, over and over and over and over, and 18 times over again, has just been incredible. But he and Marc and Beth [Schwartz] have been very forthright about what they want to do with that whole possible mythos, with Green Lantern. So, if it had not been for them, yes, I’d probably be pulling my hair out, what little I have, and saying, “What’s going on, guys?,” but they’ve been very honest about it.

With what you’ve been told about the season, do you feel like you’ll have a sense of closure, or do you feel like there will still be some questions left unanswered?
: Yes, there is some definite closure to some parts, and there’s definitely questions still laid out there and certainly lives that aren’t fully completed yet. By the time the series ends, you’ll still say, “Okay, I still want to see more of this,” without a doubt. There are situations in this show, by the time Episode 10 is done, where you will clearly say, “Okay, I wanna see more.” It isn’t wrapped up in one little nice bow. To some degree, there are pieces that are wrapped up, but this is a show that has a lot of moving parts and a lot of different characters that can live on past the show, so you’ll still wanna see more. That’s part of the strength of what’s happening, in this last season. This isn’t a situation where people are saying, “Oh, you’re still on?” It’s like, “You’re leaving? No!” That sentiment is there because there’s still a lot of life left to the show.

Is there fun in exploring the legacy of the show and getting some of the previous actors back, who haven’t been around in awhile?
: Yes. We’ll be seeing a lot of characters that you haven’t seen in awhile.

Is it fun to explore your character, in that sense, in relation to who he is now?
RAMSEY: Yeah, it is. John Diggle, in Season 2, was alongside Arrow, Arsenal in red leather, Black Canary in black leather, in a brown bomber jacket with jeans. Even in that sense, it’s great that he’s grown to this Spartan character. It’s great to see how that relationship is now interacting with Flash and Supergirl, and the other characters. By the time we’re done, you’re gonna wanna see more iterations of that character. You’re gonna say, “Great, let’s see more,” which is fantastic.
*  *  *
Are you looking forward to the fact that you also get to end on another crossover that’s bigger than ever?
: I’m a geek. I’m a comic book nerd. So the idea that we’re able to have these big, huge crossovers is exciting. I was watching Bionic Woman and couldn’t wait for it to crossover with The Six Million Dollar Man. That was my life. So, to be a part of the flagship show of these crossovers is great. I’m just a geek, when it comes to this stuff. I love being able to be part of it.

Edited by tv echo
1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

I really wish CW did 2hr finales/premieres. Lord knows Arrow needs a 2hr finale.

Yep. It deserves one too, considering how much of the season is about Crisis, one of the 10 episodes is Crisis, and the penultimate episode is the backdoor pilot for the spinoff and Oliver’s not in it. 

  • Love 1

Filming Oliver's death scene in the crossover? ...

Then SA appears to have shaven, even though he still has to shoot 810 (posted 8 hours ago)...

-- SA: "Guys. Crisis On Infinite Earths. Done. I'm done the crossover. I haven't taken off my, uh, Benjamin Button in the third act makeup yet. But I'm done. I would like to say, uh, thanks to Grant and all the cool people on The Flash. I want to say thank you to Caity Lotz and all the cool people on Legends. I want to say thank you to Melissa and her whole Supergirl family, Jesse especially. Hamish - eh, eh. Eh, eh. I want to say thank you to Ruby and everyone on Batwoman. And I think it was f*ckin' mighty cool that Cress came up here and, uh, did some stuff with us. So, uh, yeah, I'm tired. Um. Crossover done. I think that it's probably the coolest comic book thing that's ever been on TV. And that makes my heart happy. Thank you, guys."

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Arrow's Charlie Barnett Weighs in on JJ's Potential Redemption
By Lindsay MacDonald | Oct 22, 2019 


"It's hard. It's family," Charlie Barnett told TV Guide. "I think with family you can say in your head, you can play it out in your mind a million times, 'We're done! I'm never going back. I'll never allow that to happen again.' And it's a lot more difficult than you can ever imagine, because these are people that most of the time know you better than anyone else and have seen you grow and thus know who you are at your core in a way that many other people don't. I think that inlet or allowance gives way to a teeter-totter effect for JJ. I will say he was raised by incredibly good people, and that can never be lost. I think he balances between those questions all the time."
*  *  *
"I think — in my mind, my little secret — is later in life, [JJ] figures out who his parents really are and what they do, and that on top of it just makes it so much more, for lack of a better word, I want to say f---ed," Barnett said. "That just makes it so much more complicated and twisted. Because it's like you are these huge heroes and you weren't even protecting your son or helping your son. What's up with that? That feeds into the bigger picture into what JJ's whole personality and what his goals and what his moral guide is."
*  *  *
At this point, we're more interested to see who, if anyone, lured JJ to the other side of the tracks in the first place. We're not ruling out that there's a puppet master and JJ is just another one of his victims (yes, we're fully aware that we might be in denial), but as to who could be guiding his hand, Barnett is staying mum.

"I can say that, at least for the personal effect of it, he has been guided by what he thinks he needs to do and what he personally thinks he needs to do to get his brother — I don't want to talk about his father necessarily and his mother — to listen and understand where he's coming from. And also to take a second to see that what he's following is not the right answer either — this hero squad may not be what he needs," said Barnett.

So, this life of crime was really just a cry for help to get his baby bro back on his side? Now how could a kid like that be beyond the point of no return?

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JDJ says that "the initial idea is that the future Team Arrow is still going to be a part of" of the spinoff, but that the spinoff is "still evolving and being developed"...

Exclusive Interview: Pop-Culturalist Chats with Arrow’s Joseph David-Jones
BY KEVIN    OCTOBER 20, 2019


P-C: What can you tease about Connor’s arc this season?
: This season, we’re going to dive a lot deeper into his backstory, the people in his family, and his relationships. We just touched the surface last season, but now we’ll see that fully fleshed out. I feel incredibly proud and I can’t wait for people to see!
*  *  *
P-C: Which of Connor’s relationships has been your favorite to explore this season and why?
: I would say J.J.—in Connor’s history, he’s probably the person that he has the strongest bond with; he’s the person who has meant the most to him. It’s been so much fun to play and work out those scenes with Charlie Barnett, who plays J.J. It’s been the most challenging and rewarding part of shooting this season. We’ve put in the work and I can’t wait for people to see it!
*  *  *
P-C: We also know there is a female-led Arrow spinoff in the works. Will we see Connor make an appearance?
: They’re still trying to figure out the show. They want it to be different from Arrow but still do justice to its legacy. I don’t know how much I can give away about what’s going to be happening in the show, but the initial idea is that the future Team Arrow is still going to be a part of this. They’re still figuring out the dynamic and where everything will fit, so we’ll see. It’s still evolving and being developed.

P-C: If this is the last that we see of Connor, what parting words would you share with him?
: Oh, man! It’s tough without giving anything away. Connor inherently carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He blames himself for a lot of things. I want him to realize that a lot that happens isn’t his fault, and that he shouldn’t be too hard on himself.

Edited by tv echo

You can also listen to podcast here:

-- KM: "So my role [of Mia Smoak] is a surprise to me just as much as anyone else. Um, when I first auditioned, I had no idea that I was auditioning for the role of Oliver and Felicity's daughter. Total surprise to me. But, honestly, it's been the greatest journey to take the best parts of both of the characters and weave them into her story. And, you know, last season we got to see Mia really in her element and got to know her a bit and her past. And now this season she has to be on a team for the first time. And being raised by Felicity in isolation, being trained by Nyssa al Ghul, who's an assassin... she doesn't play well with others. And, uh, having to learn how to operate on a team and listen to other people and do all of that, it's sort of creates a new scenario and puts her out of her element in many ways."

-- On how S8 is different from S7, KM: "Well, it's a really special season and that's why I think the fans are going to love it so much. The writers had the opportunity to know that it was the last season. They were able to think, okay, we have 10 episodes, how do we want to close up this story? And they've done that in such a beautiful way. Each episode sort of pays respect to an element that has made Arrow Arrow. So, for example, in the first episode that we saw the other night, it's the pilot and it goes back and brings back Colin Donnell and Susanna Thompson and John Barrowman, who were so iconic in the first couple of seasons. You get to see them again, to see the origins of the story happen all over again in a slightly different way. We start to see that throughout the season. You know, there's - every episode highlights something that's been so instrumental to the journey and, um, adding new people into it and new situations. It's all building up to the Crisis, which is the crossover this year."

-- On whether she does any "crazy stunts," KM: "Oh, yeah. All the time." When asked if she does her stunts all by herself, KM: "A lot of them." She then talked about how her fight training for Shadowhunters helped her on Arrow, although she said that the stunts on Arrow are a "lot more intense." She said that she "loves" doing the stunts.

-- On fans hoping that Mia gets to meet her father, KM: "Are they? ... I think that if that were to happen - and I know it's been rumored, and I can neither confirm or deny - all I can say is, if Mia and Oliver ever did meet, it would rock both of them beyond - beyond comprehension. Just because - especially for Mia, she's had kind of a difficult relationship with her father because she's never had a relationship with her father. You know, he disappeared when she was a baby. And she's grown up living in the shadow of his legacy and living with the fact that he gave up seeing her grow up to save strangers. And that's kind of a thing that she gets it, because growing up the daughter of a vigilante, you understand the concept. But until you live that life, and until you understand the person, you can't really be - come to terms with that. So she's harbored a lot of resentment for her father her whole life. And even though she respects his legacy, it's still difficult, um, because those things are so deep within her very being. Uh, so if that ever did happen, there'd be a lot of - lot of baggage to go through."

-- On the "pretty big character departure" of EBR and how the "set atmosphere" has been without her presence this season, KM: "Emily is such an iconic part of Arrow. Even just on set culture, Emily is the life of the party, always, and just such a light. Um, I had such a wonderful time working with her, and it was such a privilege to get to spend so much time with her last season. Um, and I know Stephen loved working with her as well. So it's - we do feel her absence. Um, and it's felt both in character and in - in social life on set. But what's great about it is that, because she did have such an influence and she left such a mark on it, her absence is almost a character in and of itself. And you see these characters dealing not only with that but the things that they're facing moving forward. And you feel her presence, even though she's not actually there."

-- On "being at the center" of the new spinoff, KM: "Yeah, we're doing a backdoor pilot. (Interviewer asked her to explain what that meant) ... A back door pilot is basically - Episode 9 of Arrow is the first episode after the crossover this season. And what they're doing is showing - it's the beginning of the epilogue of the series. And they're kind of showing the next chapter in Mia's story. And kind of what happens." She then confirmed for the interviewer that that backdoor pilot could then become a spinoff series, "if they so choose." When interviewer then said that it would be a "female-driven" spinoff, KM said: "Yeah, it's really interesting to see what they're going to do. I honestly don't know much yet about it, because it's such a brand new kind of concept. But we're going to see what happens, and it'll be really exciting."

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'Arrow' Star Joseph David-Jones Teases Rift With Villainous Brother J.J. (EXCLUSIVE)


Fans can expect to see many familiar faces return in the final 10 episodes of the series. “It’s going to be about bringing back people from the past, bringing back all of these different elements in the story,” Joseph David-Jones, who plays Connor Hawke, exclusively told Distractify. “They really want to give fans, especially the ones who have been watching religiously from the beginning, an enjoyable experience as a way to sort of send off the show.” 
*  *  *
Joseph David-Jones talks about Connor’s relationship with Mia and his brother J.J. on Arrow.
*  *  *
“With her being raised in isolation, I was kind of the first person she opened up to and then finding out so much that she didn’t know about me (aka that he knew her identity), so much of my backstory that was sort of hidden, she sort of closed off,” he explained. “She’s having growing pains, working as part of the team and still trying to figure out who is going to lead this team.” 

The actor added, “But, it’s still like a love-hate thing going on between us, so we shall see how fans respond to how we grow closer together.” Another relationship that fans will get to see develop on-screen is between Connor and his brother John Diggle Jr. aka J.J. (Charlie Barnett), who we know is the leader of the Deathstroke Gang. Joseph teased that fans will get to learn more about Connor’s backstory and the rift with his brother. 
*  *  *
“Losing [JJ] is something that you instantly feel is still weighing on Connor and weighing on his family,” he told Distractify, revealing that episode 2 of Arrow will have “some pretty heavy scenes” between the brothers.
*  *  *
Joseph David-Jones teases upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths in Arrowverse.
*  *  *
“It’s our Endgame,” he said, referencing Marvel’s 2019 Avengers blockbuster film. “Shows are going to be different. Main characters are going to be different. There’s a lot that’s going to change in the Arrowverse.” Well, we surely can’t wait to watch it all unfold. 

Edited by tv echo

Could be some sort of reset. KM, JDJ and KC have all said variations on "I don't really know what's going on and everything could change with it". So either they've been given the same party line or they really know very little, which is strange. 

With Future Team Arrow at least being in the backdoor pilot they at least survive COIE and it would seem more likely to be set in the future or a merged timeline. A merged or reset one would give them a chance to re set things they didn't like or weren't working. It's also possible that Arrow 8x6 will do this. A couple of the cast have talked about different types of story telling, which was also mentioned for 8x6.

They can't even answer straight if it will be predominantly female, presumably because of the FTA involvement. But they might not have locked the boys down into contracts yet. 

Only problem with a re set is I will need to know  specifically Felicity didn't get wiped out and Mia become an anomaly protected from disappearing by shenanigans. 

‘Arrow’ Star Joseph David-Jones Talks Connor And JJ’s Confrontation, ‘Crisis,’ Mia’s Spinoff
By Nicole Massabrook



IBT: That's what you have to do when you're on a superhero show! Here's a slightly easier-ish question. What has been your favorite episode of the season so far?

David-Jones: My favorite scene to shoot was definitely in this episode. It was the one that we worked on the most and built the most history on. I would say, that things have been getting intense with our storyline, especially in the next episode, but they really come to a head in episode 4. I would say that episode 4 was probably my most fun, and my favorite to shoot, out of all of them. I know the people are going to go nuts for episode 4. I think it's going to be crazy. I can't wait for that to drop. I love that episode. I can finally start talking about stuff.

Whatever happens in 804 better be massive given how often it's being mentioned.

15 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Could be some sort of reset. KM, JDJ and KC have all said variations on "I don't really know what's going on and everything could change with it". So either they've been given the same party line or they really know very little, which is strange. 

Maybe it's a little of both? Given the (admittedly, small) script excerpt that Katie posted with her cat the other day, it does seem like there's a "new and improved" something (Star City?) and "futuristic" buildings. Maybe they're playing dumb about the premise because they can't actually talk about what it is because it would spoil Crisis, and maybe they don't want to commit to anything even as simple as who's going to appear since the network might retool some things once they get a look at the backdoor pilot?

1 hour ago, Featherhat said:

With Future Team Arrow at least being in the backdoor pilot they at least survive COIE and it would seem more likely to be set in the future or a merged timeline. A merged or reset one would give them a chance to re set things they didn't like or weren't working. It's also possible that Arrow 8x6 will do this. A couple of the cast have talked about different types of story telling, which was also mentioned for 8x6.

Logistically, I wonder if they'd want to have the spinoff set in the present day and bring Mia (and maybe the other future kids) to the current timeline, just to make it easier for those characters to be part of the crossovers, pop into the other shows occasionally, etc. I guess they could use the Legends to handwave them into the present timeline when needed (though I'm doubtful how many more season LoT is going to last). On the other hand, the big reason I'd see them keeping the spinoff in the future is to avoid erasing all of the world-building they've been doing for the past year, but a reset would do that anyway.

4 hours ago, TwistedandBored said:

I came here hoping for some spoilers about Emily coming back but all I got was a spin off that already has fandoms being a mess. lmao

Hah, yeah. The last info we had about it was MG saying he was still trying to get her back a few days ago. Which could hint that he's hopeful about the probability or trying to not get blamed when it doesn't happen depending on your POV. Since it starts shooting in a week we might have some info in the next couple of weeks about rumours she was on set or call sheet, unless it's a secret/closed set. 

2 hours ago, Chaser said:

KC posted an IG on set with JH. They look present day. What if they aren’t displacing anyone for the spin off? FTA in the present with flashbacks to the birds.

I wonder if it was more the place they were waiting till they start shooting outside. The director said there are will be a lot of outside filming for the spinoff pilot.

It could be both timelines but wouldn't that get boring? Especially as people complained about both the FBs and the FFs as breaking up the story. It's difficult to maintain.

One group somehow finds it's way to the other because potentially bringing all of FTA to the present is less likely than just Mia. Unless she's trapped and they're looking for her or a portal takes her to 2020 whilst she's with them and that's why JDJ isn't completely sure he's in if the spin off goes to series? The Canaries start in the present immediately post COIE and go to the future because reasons? There's going to be (annoying) shenanigans whatever happens but they probably would have done that post COIE anyway.

I can't get the pic to open but I wouldn't expect them to be in old makeup whatever timeline they're in. 

Katherine McNamara teases Green Arrow legacy, the power of social media – and that Shadowhunters data request 
Rebecca Lewis   23 Oct 2019


As Arrow season eight continues, filming has commenced on the backdoor pilot Green Arrow And The Canaries, focusing on Katherine McNamara’s Mia Smoak, Oliver Queen’s daughter, along with Katie Cassidy Rodgers, who plays Laurel Lance, and Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake.

But speaking to Metro.co.uk, Katherine has admitted that although she has not been involved in the story she hopes it will continue to be as ‘collaborative’ as Arrow with a focus on the legacy of the character. 

‘I have not been as involved in the discussion as I would like to be moving forward,’ she said, ‘but as we get closer and the more info I get… the writers have been so collaborative and I can only hope that will continue as they have given such care to Mia so I would love the opportunity to continue that discussion.’

‘Not only Mia but the legacy of the Green Arrow has become important to me and it’s something I want to be part of it.’ 

She added: ‘Ultimately they have crafted such a beautiful story for Mia up to this point, and I am very attached to her and protective of her as she has been so well taken care of up to this point.’
*  *  *
The success of season seven and the current run of final episodes of Arrow has seen fans fall in love with Future Team Arrow, an eclectic group made up of Mia, William Clayton – Mia’s half-brother – Connor and Zoe. 

Kat hopes that the success of the new heroes may be incorporated in some way into the Canaries show, or even as their own spin-off. 

‘Future Team Arrow has become special and they have come so far and gone through so much together it would be a shame to lose that,’ she says. 

‘I hope it will become a part of the future, but I don’t have that much info yet but I am hoping for the best.’
*  *  *
‘I love working with Ben [Lewis] and Joseph [David-Jones] and Andrea [Sixtos] so much,’ she adds.

‘We have the best time together and what I love most is that – and why fans respond to it as well – is that it is the same trope and character types that fans love and are used to, the brooding vigilante and the tech expert and the heart, the moral compass of the team, but there are these being shown by the least likely of people.

‘So you have Mia the brooding vigilante who is the opposite of Oliver, instead of Felicity as the tech expert you have William, and then the son of a villain who has been adopted by a good guy filling up the moral compass of the story.

‘It’s interesting to see that classic set up turned on its head in such a great way.’

Edited by tv echo
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20 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Looks like Oliver is spending a chunk of the crossover on a bed or gurney

I don't think necessarily. Might be just the same episode/scene with GG with CL in it to get her coverage since she has to film other stuff while SA is off for 809. 

Plus, didn't he already shave? It has to be an old pic, right?

Edited by way2interested

Q&A Willa Holland Facts 2019
Insert Coin   Oct. 24, 2019

-- (Audio is really bad.) Fan mentioned WH's return to Arrow next week (803). WH responded that she hasn't been following what's happening on Arrow since she hasn't been on the show and that "one of the great things about being on full-time hiatus is, I don't have to read anymore." Fan then said something I couldn't make out, and WH said, "I'm dead. Spoiler. Maybe I'm back." Now I can't interpret WH's comment without understanding the fan's preceding comment. 

-- (Again, the audio is so bad that I can't be sure that this is what she said) When fan asked what kind of dying scene she'd like to play, WH said something like she'd like to take out a bad guy in a really cool, badass way and, even though she's already fatally shot, tries to ride off into the sunset for some reason: "I can't say who would, you know, want to keep me alive anymore, but he might be running a production [unintelligible words]."

-- WH mentioned that KC directed the episode that she came back for and had some nice things to say about KC's directorial debut. 

-- WH said that, even though it was her decision to leave Arrow, when she heard the series was ending and she was asked to return, she was happy to. WH: "I always wanted to leave the door open... even if they killed me again."

Edited by tv echo

Arrow star would be "down" to join Legends of Tomorrow if Canaries spin-off doesn't work out


Just a few days ago, actor Joseph David-Jones teased his potential involvement in Arrow spin-off show Canaries.

And now, speaking exclusively to Digital Spy, the Arrowverse star has discussed his future some more, only adding to the speculation as to whether or not he will be reprising his role as Connor Hawke for the female-fronted show.
*  *  *
"What is my involvement with Canaries? I can't say anything definitely, but there's interest on both parts to have Connor in the spin-off," said the actor. "I'm excited for what's going to come of that..."

That said, if it doesn't work out, he's certainly not done with the character and is even open to returning to DC Legends of Tomorrow.
*  *  *
"Yeah, honestly, that would be fun," David-Jones told us. "Legends is a show that's very, very self aware, so that would be a lot of fun to play with those guys and the two tones they have on the show. I would be 110% down for that."

Edited by tv echo

Arrow star discusses how Crisis On Infinite Earths will affect Star City 2040


"What happens in 'Crisis' has ripple effects throughout the entire universe...," Future Connor actor Joseph David-Jones exclusively told Digital Spy.
*  *  *
"Everything is different... 'Crisis' changes everything. We lose people and history is changed by that and all of the characters as a result of that are changed."

Speaking more specifically about how Connor will be affected, Joseph teased: "When people watch this episode we're filming now, episode nine, everyone's going to be reeling from all the changes that have happened post-Crisis — Connor definitely changes after 'Crisis'."

Edited by tv echo

Arrow star Charlie Barnett talks finding the new Deathstroke’s heart and soul
By Chancellor Agard October 23, 2019


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When this role came up and he, what attracted you to playing J.J.?
To be frank, I didn’t know too much about the inner workings of his personal life. If I had known more, I would’ve been wholeheartedly more intrigued. I didn’t know the dynamic between his brothers prior to going into it. The script that they had given me was kind of taken out of context when I auditioned. So in my mind, I didn’t know where it was coming in from, but I did pick up that this guy had been affected by something in his life that left him on this kind of balance point of being a villain etched from a good soul. And that’s what attracted me. I could tell that this is a person struggling with what they thought they should do to support [themselves because of] the challenges that have come their way and also to try to do what he thought was best. I love playing any kind of character that’s dynamic like that.

Aside from that, I was excited to be playing a “villain.” I like being able to take characters that are, for lack of better words, pigeonholed into being bad guys or good guys, or good girls or bad girls, and kind of flipping that on its head and making an audience try to understand where they’re coming from. Also aside from that, the fights are so badass. I just wanted to fight, and Arrow’s fights the sickest on TV.

So from your perspective, J.J. isn’t a sociopath. He has an understandable reason for doing what he’s doing?
Absolutely. I went to Julliard for drama, and one of the tools that they would always offer to us is that you shouldn’t ever judge your characters, especially if you’re playing that character. That’s something that’s stuck with me beyond just being an actor, but into my own life. I have no reason to judge the people around me, especially when I don’t know the context of their entire life. And I think once you figure out more, you start to understand, and maybe not agree, but see why they may have taken the actions that they do. So from the beginning, J.J. has never been a sociopath or villain by any means.

He has been dealt, in his mind, a s–t card. He feels like he has been forgotten and left, specifically by his family, and kind of misplaced. From that, he hasn’t had a guide. More specifically, he hasn’t had his father to help lead him because his father has been preoccupied, which I think is something that a lot of people in this world, outside of the universe of like superheroes, can truly, truly relate to.

In this week’s episode, he kidnaps Mia’s brother William. What can you tease about his grand plan?
I may be wrong about this because I haven’t really [spoken] with the creators and the writers about this point specifically, but I think that J.J. is coming from a place of chaos, that he wants to throw everything up in the air so that everybody kind of sees [what he’s] been living through. You know, this like pulling family members apart. It’s almost like, “I want you to feel the pain that I’ve had to suffer and see how you result with it.” I don’t know that he has necessarily planned everything out. I think he knows that he wants to affect his brother and he knows that he can by affecting William and Mia. I know that problems will ensue.
*  *  *
Is filling that power vacuum his ultimate goal or is there something hidden behind that?
This is maybe my fault for making it too personal, but he sees that effect of [vigilantism]. With Green Arrow, he’s complicated as a person but also in his work. Throughout the seasons he’s come up, I can’t even count how many times, with [the idea that] these actions have a ramification. And from that ramification, you now have to deal with a person’s father having been lost. Maybe that kid wasn’t a villain, but now they’ve turned into one in order to stand up for what they thought that they had lost out of because of Green Arrow’s actions. With that, it gives an opportunity, in my mind as J.J., for the people of this community to see that maybe the heroes aren’t always doing the best thing. It gives [J.J.] an opportunity to allow the “villains,” the evils of the world, to have more of a voice. I know a lot of people, even myself included as Charlie, may not agree with that, but in order to not judge J.J., I feel like he actually has some sort of a stance.
*  *  *
In watching the show, did Manu Bennett’s performance as Deathstroke inform your take on the character?
Yeah, just for excitement, because he was incredible at it and so much fun, and two, because we’re so different. It’s kind of built into the show that he spans larger than just one person or one entity. This character is almost given off to other people who want to take over the helm. That’s how I’m taking it. But for that, I didn’t want to pull anything necessarily from different performances. I wanted to attack on my own, from J.J.’s standpoint. I did want to keep the strength. The strength is undoubtedly there for him on both. But I feel like my character is a little more emotional just because of the relationships to many of the leads.

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

 *  *
"Everything is different... 'Crisis' changes everything. We lose people and history is changed by that and all of the characters as a result of that are changed."

Speaking more specifically about how Connor will be affected, Joseph teased: "When people watch this episode we're filming now, episode nine, everyone's going to be reeling from all the changes that have happened post-Crisis — Connor definitely changes after 'Crisis'."

I have obviously been expecting things to change after COIE since they teased it but I hope they don't alter the history of the show(s) too drastically. It would be irritating to have the last 7 seasons as we know them meaning nothing to how the characters actually end up. If a character gets wiped out of ever having existed or reappears having died years earlier but we only see the end not the journey. Especially if EBR and other actors aren't coming back. It's frustrating enough when it's happened on LOT and they have the show continuing and the actors around to explore that.

Plus, I know it's going to change but The Monitor taking Felicity should definitely have been post Crisis logically. Unless they explain that away in a way that still gives them an ok ending even if EBR is not back for it.  And with the spin off they aren't going to have it so William and Mia have a happy childhood and Oliver gets the recognition he deserves etc. 

Edited by Featherhat
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