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Outlander In The Media


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This is a great interview/article of Sam, with some new information that he hasn't shared in the myriad of other interviews he gave at Comic-Con. Head's up for the usual spoiler-esque preview stuff of Season 2. http://entertainment.inquirer.net/174400/outlander-star-stands-out-at-comic-con


But this is my absolute favorite part. It makes me so giddy! 

Further down, it’ll be interesting to see a character named Fergus who comes in and becomes like a surrogate son. He’s a French orphan boy. We have a great little actor named Romann Berrux (playing Fergus). He’s 13 years old. I turn into a 5-year-old when we play games together. We talk about silly things and hang out. I’m really enjoying that dynamic. Romann lightens up the mood on the set. When he walks in, everyone enjoys their jobs more.


I'm so looking forward to watching those scenes. Some of my favorite parts in DIA, and it sounds like they nailed the casting.

Edited by Dust Bunny
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This is very, very curious:


Terry Dresbach, Ron's wife, tweeted this 9 hours ago, and be warned this article does have big spoilers for book 3, so don't read if you're trying to remain spoiler free:



Then she tweeted this 5 hours ago:


Terry Dresbach ‏@draiochta14 5h5 hours ago

Cooking and listening to Voyager today.Need to start thinking...


Edited by Nidratime
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Terry had a bad day yesterday when everyone reacted to the tweet above thinking she had inadvertently spilled the beans that season 3 had already been green-lit.  She followed up that tweet with one basically said "Everybody calm down, I'm just re-reading the book and thinking ahead IN CASE it gets green-lit.  Sheesh!"  Then she tweeted this:



Subjects I will not discuss.
1. too much Frank
2. How Ron has destroyed the show with bad writing
3. Jamie kicked to curb
4. Season 3


I understand item 1 (and let's not re-start that discussion).  I didn't know item 2 was a thing but yeah, let's not discuss that either.  Item 4 is clearly a reaction to the kerfuffle about her Voyager tweet above.  But what the heck do you think she means by item 3?  I'm guessing she's just harkening back 2 years to when Sam was first cast and some people weren't happy because they preferred the idea of <<insert actor of your choice>> in the role or thought his 21st century IMDb photos didn't match their mental picture of Jamie (no kidding.)


What do y'all think she meant by item 3?  I was going to tweet Terry and ask but that seemed rude since she just said she didn't want to discuss it.

Edited by WatchrTina

WatchrTina posted: What do y'all think she meant by item 3?    


IMHO I think item 3 is related to item 1.   I also speculate that she may be referring to the addition of men ,,,handsome young men,,, to Season 2 cast. 

On the Comiccon panel , Sam didn't allay those concerns by joking ( very funny pouting) over being jealous of the French men. 


When I read her tweet last night, I cringed.  I thought there are such things as "trolls" on Twitter too.


Edited to correct the use of the Bold feature

Edited by cypfan
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Don't know if this is old news or new news, but it is a new article quoting Caitriona on the next series; some location spoilers, but no big plot revelations.  Also says that this season is "not a literal adaptation" of the book structure.




I couldn't get the link to work but I found on Youtube a slow-mo very very rough video of the Season 2 preview that was shown at Comic-Con.  It's super fuzzy but it's slow-mo so you can get a slightly better look at the scenes.  If you go onto You Tube and search "Outlander Season 2 Slow-mo" it will come up.  


Also, on Youtube, I watched an Outlander behind the scenes video and there is a cute bit with the actors who play Rupert and Angus talking about Sam, lamenting that he is "far too good looking, devastatingly handsome actually" and Angus says "you feel ok about yourself until he walks in the room" or something to that effect....it was cute...


Happy Droughtlander, guys...:(

Edited by Summer
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Who knew there was a book inspired by Jamie Fraser ... and Gabaldon doesn't mind!


Novelist makes trip to P.G. with comedy



For what it's worth to Outlander fans, Gabaldon is well aware of Finding Fraser.


"Jamie Fraser would be deeply gratified at having inspired such a charmingly funny, poignant story - and so am I," said Gabaldon.




Here's a link to the actual book:


Edited by Nidratime

Who knew there was a book inspired by Jamie Fraser ... and Gabaldon doesn't mind!


Novelist makes trip to P.G. with comedy





Here's a link to the actual book:


I think she is probably okay with it because it's not fan fiction.

Good news Nidratime.  The more publicity the better.  Wish the "blurb" had included Starz.  


This makes me wonder how Starz or Sony should publicize the return of the series.  


Maybe I am/was the only obtuse tv viewer out there in the public. I am thinking that I should find a more appropriate thread to post why 

I did not tune in to Outlander until the night of the finale May 30th?? and then fell madly in obsession with the show and now book one. 

I'm was late too cypfan. I saw the mid-season trailer on YouTube and was intrigued. In early April I found a couple of videos on YouTube of the various panels and decided to watch an episode. Then I was hooked, watched all of the episodes up to the current one (episode 10 at the time) and when I realized  that I would have to wait until Sunday morning to find the new episode, I decided to get Starz. I then bought the first book and decided to wait to read it until my vacation because I thought it would interfere with me enjoying the show. I started with the first book on June 26 and am currently about halfway through MOBY. On the one hand I'll get a lot more done when I finish it, but on the other, I now have to wait years to see what comes next!

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NPR included Outlander in its Swoonworthy List of Romances (at #3):



I have a confession,.  If I see a book with a cover similar to the cover of #1, I automatically reject it.  If Outlander had covers like that when it first came out, that's probably why I didn't read it until 2015!

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NPR included Outlander in its Swoonworthy List of Romances (at #3):



Keep in mind. Outlander may not have been number three on this list. The list is segmented into subgenres: historicals, contemporaries, paranormals, erotica, young adult, classics, sci-fi/fantasy, etc. So, not a direct list.


Plus, readers voted, but the judges also had their input and they said they didn't place them in rank order.

I have a confession,.  If I see a book with a cover similar to the cover of #1, I automatically reject it.  If Outlander had covers like that when it first came out, that's probably why I didn't read it until 2015!


Not me. I think I've stated in the Small Talk thread, (and I ken I'm in the minority) that I am an unashamed and proud reader of romance novels. Plus, that cover looks miiiiighty similar to Johanna Lindsay's Tender Rebel, Book 2 of her wonderful Malory series. Of course, the hero's hair is black, and the heroine's is strawberry blondish/red.


I looooved those covers on my historical romances during my teen and young adult years. One because I loved the dresses, two, so I could roll my eyes at how many different hair colors they could put on Fabio. It's the tween in me. Plus, what was inside was some pretty good stuff.

Keep in mind. Outlander may not have been number three on this list. The list is segmented into subgenres: historicals, contemporaries, paranormals, erotica, young adult, classics, sci-fi/fantasy, etc. So, not a direct list.


Plus, readers voted, but the judges also had their input and they said they didn't place them in rank order.

I didn't say it was. I put the number in there so that one wouldn't have to peruse the whole list looking for the blurb. 

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I wish I did. I would've loved to have seen them.


If anyone's in New Mexico, just saw this on twitter:


Outlander TV News ‏@OutlanderTVNews 40s40 seconds ago

Santa Fe, NM: See #Outlander on the big screen with @Writer_DG in attendance! Takes place over three days.  http://www.jeancocteaucinema.com/film/the-outlander-marathon-with-author-diana-gabaldon/



It says they are showing the entire first season, but what they're actually showing is the entire first half of the season, episodes 1 - 8.

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The brouhaha on Twitter had more to do with the fact that the person who took the behind-the-scenes photos of the Outlander cast & crew in action had her photos stolen from her website.  She didn't do anything wrong (she took the photos with a long lens that allowed her to take photos from well outside the area that had been cordoned off for the shooting.)  They were shooting in a public space so they had no expectation of privacy.  But the photographer DID have an expectation that when she put the photos on her website (and watermarked them) that people would respect her copyright.  Someone took the photos and they started turning up on other fan websites. She trying to have them taken down and Terry tweeted asking fans not to post unauthorized photos.


At least that's my understanding from reading the tweets back-and-forth between the photographer and various people, including Terry.  And Terry re-tweeted several comments by the photographer, which tells me that Terry doesn't blame the photographer.  I'm sure that any costume that they REALLY want to keep secret (like the red dress) won't see the light of day and will only be worn in the controlled confines of the set.

Edited by WatchrTina
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On Pinterest I stumbled across what I presume to be one of the  leaked Season 2 pictures that caused the twitter storm.  It is picture of Claire and another woman walking across a lawn.  The costumes (dresses) are breathtaking, just beautiful, complete with hat and gloves.  I can't link it because try as I might I can't find it again on Pinterest, it was on someone else's board that I don't follow and can't remember the name of the board.  Sorry....


Also, totally random, but I rewatched the Comic Con panel again as I kind of skimmed through it the first time because I was on cringe alert :)   And as much as the pirate thing was pretty lame, I did find it funny when Kristin Dos Santos first brought out the pirate coat and Sam says "What the hell is that??"  Missed that the first time I watched....

It's a clean sweep!  Outlander won all four categories it was nominated in in Entertainment Weekly's contest for shows/actors snubbed by the Emmys  They call them the EWwys.  We not only won -- we got 80% or more of the vote in each category.  It was a landslide!  Way to go Outlander!




In other news -- the heated battle between Sam and "Pirate Boy" Colin O'Donoghue over on the RadioTimes website appears to have broken the site (they had to pause voting.)  When I went to bed last night 4.5 million votes had been cast.  Unfortunately, 2.5 million were cast for Colin (you can work the math.)  Shockingly, Cait also fell behind in the wee hours of the morning.  Clearly, somebody woke up the CloneClub because Tatiana Maslany of Orphan Black came out of nowhere to pass our Sassenach.  Here's the link in case they turn the voting back on.




But given our sweep of the EWwys, I won't be too heart-broken if we lose this one fan-poll on a website I've never heard of.

Edited by WatchrTina

It's a clean sweep! Outlander won all four categories it was nominated in in Entertainment Weekly's contest for shows/actors snubbed by the Emmys They call them the EWwys. We not only won -- we got 80% or more of the vote in each category. It was a landslide! Way to go Outlander!


In other news -- the heated battle between Sam and "Pirate Boy" Colin O'Donoghue over on the RadioTimes website appears to have broken the site (they had to pause voting.) When I went to bed last night 4.5 million votes had been cast. Unfortunately, 2.5 million were cast for Colin (you can work the math.) Shockingly, Cait also fell behind in the wee hours of the morning. Clearly, somebody woke up the CloneClub because Tatiana Maslany of Orphan Black came out of nowhere to pass our Sassenach. Here's the link in case they turn the voting back on.


But given our sweep of the EWwys, I won't be too heart-broken if we lose this one fan-poll on a website I've never heard of.

Before it broke Sam was less than 100,000 votes behind Colin and gaining fast.

Edited by bearcatfan
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Hey everyone, Sam's in the final for another one of those online fan popularity polls.  He already won for the Fantasy SciFi genre.  Now they are matching the genres against one another for an overall champion and Sam beat Aidan Turner of Poldark (the "Drama" winner) in a no-holds-barred knock-down drag-out fight in which over 20 million votes were cast so, yay us!  While that was going on a very strange match-up was taking place  between Ricky Gervaise (the Comedy winner) and David Attenborough (factual champion).  Not a lot of votes were cast and Mr. Attenborough seemed to be winning by a huge margin.  Then, at the very end of the voting period the organizers reported some voting irregularities in that match-up, an adjustment was made, and suddenly the combatants were neck-and-neck. Ultimately Ricky won.  I still can't figure out what happened there because, quite frankly, of all the genres the one where I think the fans would be the least likely to cheat with robot voting would be the "Factual" category.  Maybe it was just a troll who didn't like Ricky or who thought it would be funny to have the "Factual" winner defeat an entertainment personality.


So anyway, that's the back story.  Now it's the final -- Sam vs. Ricky.  And when I went to bed last night Sam was winning at a walk -- he had 81% of the votes.  This morning he only has 57%!  WTF?  Over 5 million votes have been cast and the only thing I can think of is that while the USA was asleep all those fans of the The Office (UK version) and Extras woke up in the UK and went to bat for Ricky.  So I'm here to rally the troops.  The fandoms of Sam and Outlander have proven time and time again that they are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to social media.  We win almost every fan-poll that is put up.  It shows we are engaged and active in the world of social media and I think that's good for the show and the actors.  It helps to ensure that the "buzz" around the show continues during #DroughtlanderDeux, which I think is good for all of us.


So . . . here's the link.  You can vote as many times as you like (no annoying I-am-not-a-robot captcha codes to enter.)  Vote!  Vote!  Vote!




Click on the "Vote Now" button to get to the match-up.

Edited by WatchrTina
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The E!Online poll above will let you vote about 10 times before it starts demanding that you identify pictures of waffles and cabbage and kayaks to prove you are not a robot.  So let's all give Cait at least that many votes (more if your tolerance for clicking on photos of cruciferous vegetables is high.)

Edited by WatchrTina
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The E!Online poll above will let you vote about 10 times before it starts demanding that you identify pictures of waffles and cabbage and kayaks to prove you are not a robot.  So let's all give Cait at least that many votes (more if your tolerance for clicking on photos of cruciferous vegetables is high.)

It had me identify pick-up trucks and skateboards. I did the cabbage one once and found that difficult for some reason. It then gave me another chance with sailboats.

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I wondered if I knew any other nuts who were voting............I have been clicking for days from 6 AM to midnight when the computer goes to bed.  

I almost stop the Radio Time a week ago because, it seemed to be endless and I had never heard of it.

 Someone posted somewhere that RT is very big in Europe. So for Sam, I have continued clicking.


E Online....is a pain in the @#$.  I never want to see a waffle again. I keep reading that Cait is does not care about these fan votes.  I may join her disdain.  


So, not being a quitter I will get back to clicking with the comfort that WatchrTina, bearcatfan, Laurie, are clicking too.  

Her lead just advanced to 51% even.  Whoo hoo!  A whole extra one-tenth of a percent.  This poll is very annoying.


I know it doesn't really matter.  But Sam won the men's contest so I just think it would be nice if Cait got equal recognition.  


Meanwhile, Sam is kicking Ricky's ass but it ain't over 'til it's over.


Ricky (or should I really say his fans) came back strong, and I mean STRONG, in the final hours of his last race so no one can rest easy cause until we see Sam's gorgeous ass cross that finish line first.  Right up until the final second, it's still game on!


Sending Cait some love as well.  

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