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S04.E22: The Gang Gets Gone

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A few minutes into a power outage and there is already fighting and chaos (and that's just Reade vs Weller). The rest of the world will be behaving peacefully until the power comes back on.

Nash got appointed very quicky. I guess Congress didn't mind!

How did the lawyer obtain ballistics reports from a shooting that happened earlier in the day?

So this was Madeline's and Dominic's ultimate plan? Spending months setting up the team because the FBI killed her father (my goodness!). She couldn't set her villainous goals higher and steal from a baby or get free streaming service?

Poor Bethany has to learn her father, Jane, and Patterson are dirty.

Why didn't Ice Cream just ask Rich for the paintings from the start?

What the HELL! Madeline went from walking in the NYC office chained up/wearing a prison jump suit/with bad hair to now appointing herself to lead the oversight committee (wearing a new suit/makeup/hair done/conducting a press conference/receiving cheers) to kicking Weitz out of her "office" to requesting drone strikes. Again What the HELL!

The Iceland authorities probably sent their best people to get he New York style pizza. 

I'm sure the team will walk out out the destroyed cabin/fire and with minor cuts and NO burns! If Reade could survive no burns last week, this is a piece of cake.

This was some wacky end to a season!

I guess it will be up to Weitz and Briana to redeem themselves next season.

Did Tasha bring extra leather pants for the trip? Ice Cream may have to do some clothes shopping for her.

Edited by mxc90
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Okay here is what's going to happen next season, Briana is going to save Rich.com and they are both going to go find Patterson. They are going to form a new hacker group called the "Super Cyber Friends". They are going to out hack Kathy and decrypt Dominic's phone and send Madeline back to prison. 

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7 hours ago, mxc90 said:

A few minutes into a power outage and there is already fighting and chaos (and that's just Reade vs Weller). The rest of the world will be behaving peacefully until the power comes back on.

I'm sure the team will walk out out the destroyed cabin/fire and with minor cuts and NO burns! If Reade could survive no burns last week, this is a piece of cake.

Where is the power for all the CCTV and broadcasting of riot scenes coming from in a blackout zone?

There is a secret bomb shelter under the hut....Weller heard the incoming Hellfire and saved himself....

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1 hour ago, paigow said:

Where is the power for all the CCTV and broadcasting of riot scenes coming from in a blackout zone?

There is a secret bomb shelter under the hut....Weller heard the incoming Hellfire and saved himself....

They have no clue how to write scenes with no power or add any suspense. There were no panic from the background actors, phones still working or a feel a crisis is currently happening. Also, the plane was able to take off in the dark with no problem.

I think they are either hiding in a basement or we'll see a scene of them getting tipped off (maybe Weitz) of a strike coming and they ran out the back door to safety.  

The White House, DOD, and the CIA have no problem sending a drone strike to Iceland for this group?

7 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Okay here is what's going to happen next season, Briana is going to save Rich.com and they are both going to go find Patterson. They are going to form a new hacker group called the "Super Cyber Friends". They are going to out hack Kathy and decrypt Dominic's phone and send Madeline back to prison. 

I could see Boston added to that group.

Next season (I think it's the last season), I wouldn't be surprised if we see the show age Bethany by 20 years, she's an FBI agent and fighting with daddy to bring down Madeline. 

Did Patterson's hair get darker these past episodes?

Jane: What if we promise you zero body count this time.

Weitz: That's expected all the time.

It will never happen on this show Weitz!

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4 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Weitz: That's expected all the time.

I have not watched in a while..but he looks like a cousin of Scott Bakula.... so I can easily imagine Archer saying the same line in his sanctimonius / condescending tone.....

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5 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Did Patterson's hair get darker these past episodes?

In the finale it was b/c she had to evade the Icelandic SWAT team. It's a long story so we don't need to get into it (at least that's what she told everyone).

5 hours ago, mxc90 said:

I think they are either hiding in a basement or we'll see a scene of them getting tipped off (maybe Weitz) of a strike coming and they ran out the back door to safety.  

It's likely that Weitz called them. And, Ice Cream told them that there were smuggler's tunnels in all the cabins, so they probably escaped that way, provided that the drone strike didn't collapse the tunnel. 

Patterson was able to make new passports rather quickly. Possibly while she was on the run from the Icelandic SWAT team (I like writing that - for some reason I imagine Iceland to be like Mayberry). It was funny how the team was busting on the names she came up with. Did Weller say that she used her real first name on her new passport?

I swear that Weller mumbled more than usual in these two episodes. I could only get like two or three words each time he spoke. 

I wouldn't mind if Jane was the only one to survive (well, along w/ Patterson), and she goes full Terminator against Madeline and Nash next season, of course backed up by Patterson and Rich.

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5 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Did Patterson's hair get darker these past episodes?

Always have a box of Miss Clairol in your go bag.

I thought this show was cancelled so I "sort of" watched last night to see how the series ended. I can't watch this show seriously, it's just too whack. So I don't know who Ice Cream, Briana, Weitz or Bethany are. Not that it matters. I did get some things done while the tv was on.

The head of the FBI guy is so OTT like he's trying out his stand-up material on, well, everyone.

What's up with Weller being so touchy about the word "family." He's such a dickweed, he's the brother I'd forget to invite for Thanksgiving if he were in my "real" family.

Jane's hair continues to make me stare at it full time, which might be why I miss most of the dialogue. It's like a plastic wig that doesn't move.

The best part of this show is coming here to read the snark. And sort of figure out what each episode was about. Even though I still don't know what last night's two eps were all about. Not that that matters either!

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18 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I thought this show was cancelled so I "sort of" watched last night to see how the series ended. I can't watch this show seriously, it's just too whack. So I don't know who Ice Cream, Briana, Weitz or Bethany are. Not that it matters. I did get some things done while the tv was on.

The comedy train will continue for one more season (Last stop... Whackyville) and the theme should be "It doesn't matter"!

If this season was the last and it ended with them being blown to bits. That may have been a fitting end!

36 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

What's up with Weller being so touchy about the word "family." He's such a dickweed, he's the brother I'd forget to invite for Thanksgiving if he were in my "real" family.

Too bad his "family" can't pass some advice/encouragement about shaving.

Last week, he was advised to spend more time with his daughter and now Patterson's speech. Poor guy is getting reflective on life.

1 hour ago, Loandbehold said:

Did Weller say that she used her real first name on her new passport?

Yes. I don't think we'll ever get to know it. 

Reade suggested they should all get matching tattoos after this situation pass. Jane said: Nope! (Reade is so forgetful).

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On 5/31/2019 at 9:43 PM, mxc90 said:

Nash got appointed very quicky. I guess Congress didn't mind!

How did the lawyer obtain ballistics reports from a shooting that happened earlier in the day?

So this was Madeline's and Dominic's ultimate plan? Spending months setting up the team because the FBI killed her father (my goodness!). She couldn't set her villainous goals higher and steal from a baby or get free streaming service?

I'm half convinced that Blindspot is actually in the Stargate universe because there are sort of weird bits of almost time travel and future science where shit happens way too fast and results arrive with lightning speed. 

J. Edgar Hoover an unbelievably manipulative, autocratic, and malicious head of the FBI ruins her father's life and her thought is that she needs to destroy the FBI instead of J. Edgar Hoover and his cronies. In what universe does that make sense? It's complete overkill. It's also weirdly delayed. Hoover ruined her father's life and Madeline decided to wait 40 years to get her vengeance. So all of this working with shady individuals and companies is all for this cartoonishly long con. How many thousands of lives did she ruin or end just so she can bring down the FBI? Madeline's relativism and narcissism are dialed up to 11. Girl please. Had she said that after 9/11 and seeing people like Weitz, self-interested POS, she realized that the whole system had to go down, I would have thought her reaction was overblown, but supported by the facts in the show. But this shit was some left field nonsense.

This show gets dumber every year.

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4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm half convinced that Blindspot is actually in the Stargate universe because there are sort of weird bits of almost time travel and future science where shit happens way too fast and results arrive with lightning speed. 

J. Edgar Hoover an unbelievably manipulative, autocratic, and malicious head of the FBI ruins her father's life and her thought is that she needs to destroy the FBI instead of J. Edgar Hoover and his cronies. In what universe does that make sense? It's complete overkill. It's also weirdly delayed. Hoover ruined her father's life and Madeline decided to wait 40 years to get her vengeance. So all of this working with shady individuals and companies is all for this cartoonishly long con. How many thousands of lives did she ruin or end just so she can bring down the FBI? Madeline's relativism and narcissism are dialed up to 11. Girl please. Had she said that after 9/11 and seeing people like Weitz, self-interested POS, she realized that the whole system had to go down, I would have thought her reaction was overblown, but supported by the facts in the show. But this shit was some left field nonsense.

This show gets dumber every year.

They did drop the name "Dr. Rodney McKay" last season. I don't think he, Sam and Eli would have an answer to what has been going on. 

I can see Madeline being a Goa'uld. Only thing missing during her angry speech was her eyes lighting up. And she must have put some spell on Nash because I don't know what his motivation/reward is for joining her ridiculous campaign.

The team must be the Furlings we never got to meet.

Jane must have a tattoo of a gate address.

So much for project Helios! How long was the power out? Maybe 3 or 4 hours.  

Edited by mxc90
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I don't know if I can anymore. Madeline going from handcuffs to basically running the FBI. A new Citizens Committee that no one at the DOJ or Congress or anywhere set up is an idocy to far.

Next season might happen without me.

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48 minutes ago, edhopper said:

I don't know if I can anymore. Madeline going from handcuffs to basically running the FBI. A new Citizens Committee that no one at the DOJ or Congress or anywhere set up is an idocy to far.

Next season might happen without me.

I know Gero is Canadian, but this is literally not how the American government works. Even super fast actions by congress take 30 days. The Patriot Act took 5 weeks to get written, passed, and signed. You might be able to get something a little faster if Congress is in session and you've been playing a crazy long game by moving legislation along that has a caption broad enough that at the 11th hour you can add your own bill as amendment. I've done this before. It's not that hard and it's much less work than any of the shit Madeline has been up to for years, but this show has never been interested in those types of political stories when they could feature Jane knowing how to do some new type of martial arts and speaking Finnish. One of my former colleagues pulled a bill out of the queue to be signed in order to amend something into it; I've never seen that happen before.

So if Madeline had been doing what I described above, she could easily get a new legal citizen's committee in a week. Lesx if she has the president in her pocket. The problem is that this dumb show doesn't really understand government or politics. It also needs a couple of politicians to explicitly be aligned with Madeline. But handcuffs to running a civilian commission in hours, is unrealistic even by tv standards.

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This show is so stupid for so many reasons.  This whole episode was dumber than normal, and that's saying a lot.  I thought it was cancelled and didn't realize there's another season, but did expect it to end on some ridiculous cliffhanger since the episode would have been already filmed, so I laughed when they all apparently blew up because that's an amazing series finale.  I didn't really read any of the articles, just looked at the headlines, since I was expecting it to get cancelled, that will teach me, now I need to go read and see what's up next season.  I hope next season is a short one because I'm not a quitter, but I don't know if I can hang in there for 22.

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This season should have ended with a bullet in Madeline’s head, but now we have to deal with her smirking ass next season calling the shots? No thanks.

Edited by twoods
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On 6/4/2019 at 10:17 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

This show is so stupid for so many reasons.  This whole episode was dumber than normal, and that's saying a lot.  I thought it was cancelled and didn't realize there's another season, but did expect it to end on some ridiculous cliffhanger since the episode would have been already filmed, so I laughed when they all apparently blew up because that's an amazing series finale.  I didn't really read any of the articles, just looked at the headlines, since I was expecting it to get cancelled, that will teach me, now I need to go read and see what's up next season.  I hope next season is a short one because I'm not a quitter, but I don't know if I can hang in there for 22.

'...dumber than normal...'

I think they've been winging it the last couple of seasons. Every episode seems like they're filming around 3 on a Friday afternoon and everyone is literally rushing to get done by 5 for happy hour. They might think they're projecting high energy but I see people running late for work and/or that can't wait to use the bathroom.

Talk about shark jumps. Went from a drama to apocalyptic sci-fi. I don't care if they're cleared I can't see them returning to the FBI. They committed criminal acts. They can be pardoned and made somekind of black op contractors but you can't have criminals arresting people.

Nash should be considered acting head, not permanent head without a formal process. And if Madeline  is cleared does she have the proper security clearances to work in a high secure federal facility? And taking hostages in a foreign country? PUH-LEASE. Story is shakier than the camera work.

More Brianna.

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Finally got around to watching the last two episodes.  I'm assuming the team went into those underground tunnels.

So the final season will be spent taking down Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and that new corrupt DNI guy?  I have no idea how or why everyone is so quick to believe her.  The FBI at least should have considered that the evidence against the team (thanks Brianna!) was fake or planted.  Instead, they are so quick to believe that MEM was wrongly persecuted.

For the final season, I want a return to the focus on the puzzles.  The best episodes the past season or two were when Patterson and Rich solved the puzzles.

Also, they MUST reveal Patterson's first name.  Whatever it is, it probably won't be worth the payoff.  Much like how on "Sex and the City" viewers wondered for years what Mr. Big's first name was and it ended up being the very common "John".

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