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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance - General Discussion

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2 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

I have no idea if there is any CGI involved in this series, but man that teaser is bringing the wonder of the all puppet feel of the movie. Can't believe I have to wait 3 months for it.

Yes. It looks like the backgrounds are mostly CG, and same with the flying creatures early on. However, I think the muppets are 100% muppet. For a lot of people, that's a large part of the appeal.

5 hours ago, Anduin said:

Yes. It looks like the backgrounds are mostly CG, and same with the flying creatures early on. However, I think the muppets are 100% muppet. For a lot of people, that's a large part of the appeal.

The producers have said that they used greenscreen to remove the puppeteers, but the characters (and a lot of the sets) look completely practical.

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This just keeps looking better and better with every new reveal.

Just a quick question which I'll put under spoilers since it may spoil a plot in the TV series if my memory is working well.


In the movie, is the main character (as far as he knows at the start) the last remaining individual of his species until he meets his female companion? I can't remember. Cause if he is, Im guessing this will mean we will probably see a lot of deaths from our main characters in the tv series - assuming of course the tv series links straight into the movie.

So like 8 years ago I went to a Dark Crystal showing in Portland with my brother and our respective spouses who somehow hadn't seen it and we were like it's amazing you'll love it! It's one of those childhood defining movies! We were so excited.

And it was fucking boring. (Except for Fizzgig of course.)

We were like I guess it doesn't hold up.

I wish they would expand the Storyteller series or Fraggle Rock instead. Reboots of the Muppet Show never seem to work and that’ll be on Disney's streaming service... which ugh when is it all going to reconsolidate to cable/satellite/streaming packages I don’t want 12 different subscription services. 

First episode is such a callback to the movie, the Barbarella-esque hand connection dream fasting, the girls have wings, podlings have always been on drugs I guess.

It looks cool... but I don't know if I am going to venture past the first episode.

(I don’t know why I mentioned the city cause it adds nothing and doesn’t matter)

Edited by Megan

I thought it was freakin' awesome. 37 years ago I floved the movie, with all its flaws. Rewatched that Thursday and feel it holds up quite well. I enjoyed the Age of Resistance just as much, if not more. And there was nearly 10 hours of it!! Newer CGI technology makes for a smoother, more nuanced presentation. I'm not going to rip into it nor over-analyze performances. I just enjoyed it for what it is. Nearly 4 decades is a long time to wait for a sequel/prequel, but it was worth it.

I love the Gelflings and the Podlings. The Mystics (urRu) are sweet, gentle beings (not enough of them here), but I also have an odd fondness for the Skeksis (closed captioning says "Skekses" but I think that's incorrect. I hope they fix it). Especially the obsequious Chamberlain. He's such a toady! They just crack me up with their over-the-top vain, greedy, evil ways. They got really good voice actors for all.

BUT! Aughra (now Mother Aughra) has been and always will be my favorite character. I'm so glad she was still on board for this one in a big way. Although, now I can empathize more with the aging process than I did back then. (And I still want that damn orrery.)

I'll give it a few days to settle and then I'll be returning to Thra for another go around. Well done!

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I watched the movie for the first time not very long ago, and I can see why at the time of its release people didn't really know what to make of it. I can imagine people might have gone in expecting something like a high fantasy Muppets or Fraggles, and instead they got this rather dark, creepy, and strange epic fantasy story. Its a really unique and rewarding film though (even if the heroes are sort of bland and take a backseat to the more colorful villains and side characters) so I am really excited to see what this series is like, especially combining puppetry and practical effects with morn CGI. I watched the first episode, and its certainly interesting to see Thra more in its prime, where the Skeksis were already around, but were less obvious in their evil, the Gelflings are still numerous, and the world itself is still alive. It is rather sad seeing how rich Gelflings society once was, considering they will all inevitably be killed except for two and their societies will be lost. Of course, maybe some hope for them could still exist, who knows? Maybe the underground society is still there? It was so beautiful! 

It might not make much sense, being a prequel, but I hope we see Fizzgig He is the cutest fluff!

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I really liked this. The first episode kind of plodded but it picked up steam by the third episode and I was upset when it was over because I couldn’t believe I had burned through all 10 episodes. The heretic and wanderer were awesome and Deet was great.

i found it interesting watching the documentary where they talked about combining cgi and puppet characters and how it didn’t look real because my mind kept going to the Star Wars trilogies with George Lucas trying to do the same thing. No wonder the prequels were so bad.

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13 hours ago, rwlevin said:

i found it interesting watching the documentary where they talked about combining cgi and puppet characters and how it didn’t look real because my mind kept going to the Star Wars trilogies with George Lucas trying to do the same thing. No wonder the prequels were so bad.

I just finished the documentary (The Crystal Calls) and thought it was well worth the time. Gave me a much greater appreciation for all they accomplished. 

I’m so happy they went with Lore as a puppet rather than straight CGI. What a beautiful creature! And his final hug for Brea might have left me a bit misty eyed. 

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Only two episodes in, I'm awful at binging. The first episode was slow but, that was necessary they had to remind everyone of the overall plot of the movie. At the same time they had to introduce a world that didn't exist in the movie, Gelfling clans that are all but destroyed by the time the movie takes place. We also had to get to know the main characters of the Resistance (Brea, Deet, Rian).

Simon Pegg is doing a fabulous job as The Chamberlain, he really has that voice down, which is good because Chamberlain is easily the most recognizable of the Skeksis.

Does anyone know why IMDb has 2 different actors listed for (Brea, Feet, and Rian)? 

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Yesterday I binge-watched the whole series (followed by the "making-of" documentary) and this morning I re-watched the original movie (which I had seen in a movie theater back when it came out.)  I have to say they did a brilliant job matching the original with regard to sets, costumes, and just the overall vibe. The puppetry is more "visible" to me in the original movie which goes to show how puppetry techniques have advanced.  On the other hand, some things (like the Mystics) were perfect back in the day.  They are my favorite characters and  they figure much more prominently in the original movie, which is a point in its favor. (Alas, we never hear them sing in the miniseries.)  Furthermore the new mini-series went to great pains to make the Skeksis even more grotesque and disgusting than in the original . . . so much so that I had to look away from the screen several times. Too. Many. Body. Fluids.  (Not cool Muppeteers, not cool!)  But overall the new miniseries has amazing visuals, a good story, and it was fun trying to spot the voices of the star-studded voice cast.  It was a great ride.

I'm putting the paragraph below in a spoiler box because it talks about specific things in the original movie.


The miniseries takes us back to a time when there are seven distinct tribes of Gelflings.  We get to appreciate their distinctive cultures and that is great.  But if you have seen the original movie (which the mini-series is a prequel to), it appears that one day there will be only two Gelflings left alive in the whole world, thanks to the Skeksis' unquenchable desire for "essence."  Knowing that cast a serious pall over the whole miniseries for me.  Don't get me wrong -- I really enjoyed watching it.  But I watched it knowing that no matter how triumphant the ending seemed, the Gelfling culture is doomed. <sigh> 

Edited by WatchrTina
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38 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

 I don't know how I'm going to feel essentially watching Gelfling genocide. They have to get some win right?

I don't want to spoil anything so I'll try to be vague.  In the original movie there appear to be only two Gelflings left alive in the world.  I suppose there could be more in hiding that we simply don't see but, alas, the original movie DOES suggest that a Gelfling genocide has occurred. 

But it doesn't happen in Season 1 of the prequel series.  In fact, a second season has just been green-lit so rest assured that there will be plenty of Gelflings alive at the end of season 1 to populate season 2. (And yes, they "get some win.")

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I just finished watching Episode 5 (I don't really binge shows) and I am surprising myself with how invested I am with the characters. I have found myself holding my breath while puppets are fighting and gasping when puppets die. These puppets are probably some of the most real characters I have watched in a TV series in awhile. Episode 1 was a tad slow with its introduction of the world and characters (but really what 'pilot episode' isn't?) but once they set it up this story is just going from strength to strength. I look forward to the final episodes, I feel this will be a series that I won't want to watch the last episode because it means it is over and I have to wait ages for the next season.

On a technical note, I am in awe of the talent of the puppeteers and the set designers and the costumers and the puppet builders and everything. I am so glad this series exists to employ all these puppeteers. It just goes to show with care (and money) puppets can still be realistic and you don't have to rely on CGI to create fantasy.

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

I am in awe of the talent of the puppeteers and the set designers and the costumers and the puppet builders and everything.

Then you will be happy to know that there is a behind-the-scenes / making-of documentary about the show that is available online.  (It automatically started after I finished watching the last episode, which was just a delightful surprise to me.)

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You can really see the care that went into this series, all of the puppets and the settings and the creatures that they created, it really felt like such a fully realized world. I am pretty curious as to where it goes next season, because while this is clearly a prequel to the film, I wonder if this will actually end up being an alternate universe type of situation where the Gelflings actually manage to beat the Skeksis. I mean, Aughra did say she saw many different futures and paths, maybe there is hope yet? 

I enjoyed all of the main characters, especially cute lovable Deet (I really hope they can get the darkness out of her!) but my favorites were definitely The Heretic and the Wanderer. Every scene with them was freaking gold, especially their big "surprise" they were so proud of. It was like the heroes momentarily left their epic fantasy quest and wandered onto the set of the Muppet Show, it was just amazing. Hup being very reluctantly dragged into the show, the feeling that they were both thinking "we’ve been planning this show for the last several hundred years, you are going to watch it damn it!", the Heretic complaining about The Wanderer speaking so slowly, plus the clear love they have for each other and how much they want to be joined again, it was the highlight of the season to me. Plus, its just really interesting to meet a good Skeksis that saw the error of their evil ways and reformed. And, come on, its puppets...doing a puppet show! "The ancient and noble art of...puppetry."

"Your...a Skeksis..."


I also liked that the creepy hive mind spiders turned out to not really be evil, but it makes the wheeler monsters from the movie even more horrifying now, apparently being the dead bodies of the spider creatures and the other poor dead slaves. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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I'm still creeped out after E 2 where the scientist got his eye ripped out. 

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I mean, Aughra did say she saw many different futures and paths, maybe there is hope yet? 

Oh I hope so. There was another show that did that I can't remember that was on Starz I think. 

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7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I wonder if this will actually end up being an alternate universe type of situation where the Gelflings actually manage to beat the Skeksis. I mean, Aughra did say she saw many different futures and paths, maybe there is hope yet? 

That would be like watching the Prequels and at the end of ROTS, Palpatine dies, Order-66 never happens and Anakin doesn't become Darth Vader. 

If they want an upbeat ending, the final season can flashforward to the world rebuilding post-movie.

7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

the feeling that they were both thinking "we`ve been planning this show for the last several hundred years, you are going to watch it damn it!"

The reactions of the 4 watchers - Brea was impatient/frustrated, Rian basically said "I'm going to need drugs to watch this", Hup fell asleep and Deet loved it! was very much a "Tag Yourself" moment. (I was Deet btw).

Edited by ursula
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I'm getting a little over Seladon's tantrums.

Isn't Aughra imprisoned in the movie? I forgot what happened.

I'm still having a tough time seeing how the Gefling are going to extract any victory out of this.

I'm impressed with the queen standing up to the Skesis though.

I'm way way way too emotional over this show.

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Isn't Aughra imprisoned in the movie?

We first come across Aughra in her observatory. It is here that Jen is given the missing shard of the Crystal Later in the movie, she goes to the Palace where she is then imprisioned.

1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I'm way way way too emotional over this show.

Thank God I'm not the only one. The amount of times I have caught myself holding my braht or gasping is ridiculous for a show involving puppets. I have 2 episodes to go and I feel my emotions are gonna be tested big time.

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19 minutes ago, Bill1978 said:

We first come across Aughra in her observatory. It is here that Jen is given the missing shard of the Crystal Later in the movie, she goes to the Palace where she is then imprisioned.

Thank God I'm not the only one. The amount of times I have caught myself holding my braht or gasping is ridiculous for a show involving puppets. I have 2 episodes to go and I feel my emotions are gonna be tested big time. 

I was cheering when they defeated the Hunter. Then I had to take a break after he popped up and snatched Rian away.

Related - I can barely make it through "The Way We Weren't" when Pilot says "I wanted so desperately to see the stars."

I actually like the plot device of dreamcast because we don't have to waste time with no one believing Rian.

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The show kind of cheated a little there. In the opening monologue, the narration said the Skeksis came from the stars and gave the Aughra the whatever the thing is while they tooled with the crystal.

Now I'm depressed because I know they won't be able to do it for another 1000 years.

Edited by DoctorAtomic
15 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Now I'm depressed because I know they won't be able to do it for another 1000 years.

From a viewer's point of view I like the 1000 year requirement because it means the Gelflings I've become attached to may have ended up dying of old age (by the time of the movie) and not because of the Skeksis. 

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Yeah that's what I'm saying. I don't get the motivation for the misleading narration since we kind of know where the Skeksis basically same from.

Unless they were trying to say that the Skeksis pulled a sort of Soviet revisionist history to remove any reference to urSkeks. I suppose the Heretic being banished was the point of that.

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I've just finished the series and just WOW!! What an impressive production. I loved how so many little throwaway things in earlier episodes turn out to be relevant in later episodes (ie the burning sword pit).

I also like that the series ended in a way that it can either have a second season OR you could move straight into the movie.

My only criticism - and I don't think they could have avoided it anyway - is that the reveal at the end of the movie involving the Mystics and the Skeksis won't be as jaw dropping now.

Time to watch the documentary.

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2 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I'm interested in what they actually remember. Are they self hating? Do they know their mystic?

I've always felt that they knew who each others halves were. The 2 halves of the UrSeks play similar roles within the separated community. Plus if they didn't know who their other half was Archer wouldn't have sacrificed himself.

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