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S02.E02: Chapter Thirteen: The Passion of Sabrina Spellman

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Disappointed that Salem the cat has almost no presence in these first 2 episodes.

Disappointed that they spend a lot of time in the Comic Book shop/Restaurant and Hilda  doesn't appear to be working there anymore and the shop's owner hasn't been seen either. They seemed to be having a romance and he was acting very shady at the end of last season, I hope they haven't dropped those story lines.

The 3 witches that seem to have run the school in season 1 have faded into the background now, very disappointing.

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I am so glad that Salem's okay!  Having lots of kitties (real ones) myself, his plaintive meow really got to my poor heart.

Glad that Sabrina and Harvey are off again, I much prefer her with Nick, and Harvey has a ton more chemistry with Roz.

Loved Miss Wardwell's tears at seeing herself in the play (which by the way had fabulous costumes).  There's a lot of history there.  Wonder what she's going to do now what I assume is her familiar is back - I always saw her as the corrupter in the first half of the season, so it's going to be interesting seeing her trying to keep Sabrina on the straight and narrow - even if it's self-serving.

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11 hours ago, pootlus said:

Glad that Sabrina and Harvey are off again, I much prefer her with Nick, and Harvey has a ton more chemistry with Roz.

I agree! But I think that chemitry is is more thanks to the actress who plays Roz, not to 'Harvey' actor...

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I would have thought a play performed at a witch's school would have better special effects!  I mean, I'm not talking about the show's special effects or lack thereof, but the fact that everyone watching the play seemed to expect normal "muggle" props (for lack of a better term) and no magic enhancement.

Salem is very sidelined and I don't like it.  I realize it's supposedly due to the star actress' allergy, but c'mon.  I don't expect it to be like the MJH version with a talking animatronic cat, but I do expect them to show the cat hissing more often when there's danger afoot or turn into a goblin every once in a while.  He could be an interesting aspect of the show!

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On 4/5/2019 at 2:08 PM, AnimeMania said:

The 3 witches that seem to have run the school in season 1 have faded into the background now, very disappointing.

It kind of feels like Sabrina, Nick, Harvey, and Roz are being positioned as the Core 4/Love Quad.

I really don't know how I feel about the show positioning Sabrina's virginity as this big important thing. I mean, one hand, it IS a big deal, and having sex is something that no one should get pushed into if they're not ready. On the other hand, it's giving me uncomfortable flashbacks to how 90's and early 2000's t.v. were really prude about sex in terms of how only the "bad" girls had it, and if the lead "good girl" had it she was always punished in some way. Brenda Walsh lost it, then soon after had a pregnancy scare and dumped Dylan while they listened to REM. Julia Salinger got pregnant, thought she'd get an abortion, but then miscarried and basically went on a three-year downward spiral after that. Buffy's boyfriend Angel literally turned into psychotic demon after they had sex. Joey Potter had sex with Pacey and her best friend Dawson throws a hissyfit even though they were no longer dating at that point.

I just get this bad feeling that Sabrina's virginity is going to play out like what happened on Buffy or something similar, and I don't like that. I really like how a lot of current teen shows like Riverdale are just treating teen sex as a matter-of-fact thing, not like an after-school special the way teen shows used to.

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One of my favorite moments of this episode is when the students of the Academy teleport Sabrina back home because none of them know how to do the Heimlich. It very much reminded me of when Ron, Hermione, and Harry apparate into London during the Deathly Hallows and Ron is scared shitless because he really doesn't know much about the muggle world.

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Its interesting that the Dark Lord apparently just shows up to his followers and asks them to do seemingly random stuff just to prove their loyalty. And that Zelda might be the only member of the family who didnt get a visit from the Dark Lord! She is going to be so disappointed!

The Satanic Passion Play was pretty great, and I love how DIY it was. No matter what, school plays are always the same! The costumes were so great! Miss. Wardwells tears were very interesting as she watched her own past.

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19 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

 And that Zelda might be the only member of the family who didnt get a visit from the Dark Lord! She is going to be so disappointed!

I assumed she just lied like Ambrose and Hilda. We just didn't get to know what she was asked for.

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Good point. I wonder what it was..

Me too. I bet in her case it could be really interesting, something that she's ashamed of OR something really dull so she's too embarassed to say. Because she's great Zelda and she's 'offended' by being asked to do something so unimportant. It could be funny 😉

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Part of me laughed at Sabrina being told to burn down her high school because it was so Buffy-esque. The other part of me was sad that she learned all too soon that she was willing to do something evil in order to protect or save the ones she loves. Then I remembered that she already learned that lesson when she signed the Book of the Beast.

So Miss Wardwell was able to sneak in to watch the play and not a single witch or warlock noticed? Even though she's done some terrible things, I felt bad for her as she watched the play. I hope she arrived in time to see the changes that Blackwood made (loved that Zelda pointed out to him that in the original, Lilith was a survivalist, not wandering helplessly).

In the previous episode, no women were allowed into Dorian Gray's special gentlemen's club and this week it was no big deal for Sabrina, Prudence, and the other witches to be there after the play.

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

In the previous episode, no women were allowed into Dorian Gray's special gentlemen's club and this week it was no big deal for Sabrina, Prudence, and the other witches to be there after the play.

That did confuse me because every other scene at Dorian's besides that one had women all over the place. So I think they meant to say for that particular event it was men only but they made it sound as if Dorian's never allowed women. 

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18 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

That did confuse me because every other scene at Dorian's besides that one had women all over the place. So I think they meant to say for that particular event it was men only but they made it sound as if Dorian's never allowed women. 

In the previous episode, these exchanges took place which made it sound like the no women policy was all the time, not just for the traditional Top Boy candidate outing with Blackwood:


Sabrina: You're meeting Nick? Where?
Luke: A club for warlocks. Dorian's Gray Room.
Ambrose: It's Academy tradition for the High Priest to take prospective Top Boys out for a night of debauchery.
Sabrina: Then why wasn't I invited?
Luke: Ah, it's a club for men only.


Sabrina: Hey, isn't there some witchy club we can go to? Ambrose mentioned one. 
Nick: Dorian's Gray Room?
Sabrina: Yeah, that's the one. Technically, it's a warlocks-only club. But who cares?


Nick: What would you like to drink?
Sabrina: I'm not sure.
Nick: Dorian, we'll have two slow gin fizzes.
Dorian: Nicky, dear, you know we don't typically serve her kind in the Gray Room.
Nick: Will you just get us the drinks, Gray?
Dorian: I'll make an exception because you're both so beautiful.

Then in this episode, everyone from the school was at the same club being served drinks by Dorian like it was no big deal!

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I would have thought a play performed at a witch's school would have better special effects! 

And better writing. Dear Lord, that play was awful. The dialogue was just too instructive, clearly written for our benefit rather than the TV audience in the theater which would have already been familiar with the story. It was laughably short, too. There should have been a dissolve or something to indicate we missed chunks of it for the sake of time.

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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It was laughably short, too.

It was definitely more of a skit than a play.

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Dear Lord, that play was awful. The dialogue was just too instructive, clearly written for our benefit rather than the TV audience in the theater which would have already been familiar with the story.

I blame it on Blackwood's terrible writing skills!

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They really made a mistake making the devil so unsubtle and so talkative. He was really just comical and I don't think he is intended to be.

It's much more interesting when Sabrina does evil of her own will bc she wants to, not bc she's being overtly blackmailed or forced. I would think that is what the devil wants too, isn't it? Traditionally? People should have free will- the devil tempts but then people choose to act or not. Not that I an expert by any means.

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Late to the party, but the warlocks' club makes little sense in multiple respects. Aside from the whole no women allowed/traditional to take (mostly heterosexual) warlocks there for debauchery dichotomy, there's also the question of how this huge, swanky-looking club would stay in business if its only customers are the male members of Greendale's witch population which barely fills a small chapel. Even if all of them drank like Harvey's dad I doubt it could turn a profit.


I about lost it when the Dark Lord told Sabrina that he'd manifested on earth to demand that she steal a stick of gum.

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