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S01.E12: There's a Mummy on Main Street

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When the urn goes missing, Alaric, Hope, Josie, Lizzie, Kaleb, Dorian, and Emma hit the road to locate the artifact before the next Malivore creature arrives. Meanwhile, Lizzie takes aim at Hope for all the past spring breaks she's ruined. Finally, the group bands together when a town-wide quarantine threatens to expose their supernatural identities.



Original air date: 2/28/19

Hope Dorian decides to come back to work... Loved kaleb this episode.. Don't think they planned for him to be so impactful.. But they gotta keep him around... Liked that everyone knows triad ( or maybe its just Clarke)  are at best a lily shady.. Looking fwd to next week unless it turns into a jealous Raf thing... Or hope blaming him Cuz Landon gets hurt.. I ain't tryna tune in for that mess

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Yeah not sure why Dorian would be made at Aleric except maybe for not saying something about the kiss to him. Aleric didn't know that Emma was involved with Dorian till after the kiss. 

Interesting development with Aleric and Kaleb. Seems like they both have come to understand the others' position which is a nice change without the show trying to tell one is completely right and the other is wrong. 

Don't know about Josie admitting to having a crush on Hope was necessary especially if nothing ever happens with them. Just seems like something to tease people who may ship them. Though I had to laugh at Josie's line about how could she not have a crush on Hope considering she already has two other people in love/crushing on her. 

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I get carsick and I can assure you that listening to music does not help at all (and everyone knows that you let the carsick person sit shotgun), but if Josie wants to use that as an excuse to ignore Lizzie, then I'm all for it.

The music was totally cracking me up. Neon Trees, Iggy Azalea - I really want to believe that this was what Alaric thought was cool new music appropriate for a road trip with teenagers.

Ahhh, the old gas leak cover story! Between that and the music, this episode was making me nostalgic for TVD. And is it just me or did Maple Hollows, South Carolina, resemble Mystic Falls?

I totally get Alaric telling Kaleb not to use his vampire powers so they can keep a low profile, but another way to keep a low profile is not to loudly remind your student about using his vampire powers when you're walking around in public. I totally cracked up at Kaleb's explanation: "I can't turn my ears off."

I am so tired of Lizzie blaming Hope for every fucking thing that's gone wrong in her life. I get that Hope can be annoying and obnoxious and that Lizzie is jealous of her relationship with Alaric, but blaming her for "callously" giving Lizzie the flu when someone else had pneumonia? Give me a break. She loves acting like a victim.

For the record, I had mono in high school and no one else I knew got it, not even my sisters or my boyfriend. I had several people try to catch it from me too. They asked me to cough on them, lick their forks, drink out of their sodas, etc. and despite my cooperation, no one else got mono. It's kind of hard to try to get someone sick. Ironically, I caught it from a friend of a friend with almost no contact at all. He was home sick with mono so we went by his house to drop off his textbooks. We didn't even go inside. He opened the door, he took his books, and we left. You just never know with germs.

The fact that Lizzie blamed Hope for purposely giving her the flu is just a sign of how Lizzie has made Hope into her own personal scapegoat for everything that she thinks has gone wrong in her life. I'm all for taking responsibility, but many of the things that Lizzie blames Hope for (like ruining every spring break) aren't her fault.

I laughed my ass off when Lizzie had the nerve to accuse Hope of doing anything to get attention. Pot, meet kettle!

I knew something was wrong because there is no way that FEMA would show up that quickly.

For someone who has done a lot of lying, Alaric has a terrible poker face.

OMG, I loved that Kaleb used his assignment to compel the locals to forget about the swarm of hornets to give them pep talks and encourage them to do things like ask for a raise at work and quit smoking.

I was cracking up at the mummy's rave necklace. Is it wrong that I hope that Triad agent guy ends up taking a dive into that Malavore pit?

I don't know why Dorian was so mad about Alaric kissing Emma. Alaric didn't know Emma was dating Dorian when he kissed her so as far as I'm concerned, he didn't really do anything wrong. Maybe if Emma or Dorian had, I don't know, told him that they were dating (and honestly, since he is both their employer AND their friend, they probably should have disclosed that information to him), then Alaric wouldn't have kissed her. I guess Dorian is mad that Alaric didn't tell him after he found out that they were dating, but between feeling guilty and you know, having some monsters to hunt/kill, I can see how it wasn't at the top of his to-do list.

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  On 3/2/2019 at 1:31 AM, ursula said:

Wow, Josie is hardcore dark! When you think about it, the show has been throwing hints from the Pilot with her burning Penelope, and the inhibition-worms turning her into a bitch but this episode pretty much confirms it. 


They have been.. Wouldn't be surprised if she's the twin left standing.. If the show ever decided to go full Gemini... To me Josie is the spiritual baby of Bonnie and her Uncle Kai...  Most of the time she's Bonnie.. Selfless to a fault... Willing to chill in the back kinda outta sight outta mind.. But if it really needs to go down she can wreck shop.. And a little of Kai  with her burning stuff and flashes of anger.. Bonnie only got real angry after bad stuff happened.. Kai was a bit more mischievous.. When he wasn't full psycho... Also.. Damn they really short changed Bonnie in this universe... 

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  On 3/1/2019 at 12:05 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The fact that Lizzie blamed Hope for purposely giving her the flu is just a sign of how Lizzie has made Hope into her own personal scapegoat for everything that she thinks has gone wrong in her life. I'm all for taking responsibility, but many of the things that Lizzie blames Hope for (like ruining every spring break) aren't her fault.

I laughed my ass off when Lizzie had the nerve to accuse Hope of doing anything to get attention. Pot, meet kettle!

  On 3/2/2019 at 2:41 AM, UNOSEZ said:

They have been.. Wouldn't be surprised if she's the twin left standing.. If the show ever decided to go full Gemini... 


I can't stand Lizzie, I really do hope the show goes full Gemini & Lizzie is the losing twin because I hate every minute she's on the screen.

  On 3/2/2019 at 7:37 PM, Lambsilencer said:

Nice reveal in the end about the crush Josie had on Hope, didn't see that coming. And with the line "Who wouldn't?" and that final look Josie gave her, and then the smiling face of Hope, the show probably all but wanted to acknowledge how sublimely gorgeous Danielle Rose Russell is. 🙂


I assumed the crush from episode one or so.. Man this school is tangled.. Everybody likes everybody... Mg is into Lizzie who's probably still a lilac into RAF and given some thought may like mg.. Speaking of RAF he's into hope but fighting it and if he thought abt it may be into Josie who's into him a little but also into hope and Penelope who's definitely into Josie.. But I could see he accidentally falling for a dope like mg.. Speaking of hope she's gaga over Landon for some reason Me obviously the idea of Josie being into her didn't bother her at all then there is RAF who given some thought I think she'd be into those are all possible the one thing I could never see happening is Lizzie/Landon not even on some bizzarro opposites attract move... 

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The show really IS throwing a whole bunch of potential pairings in to this season. I'm having trouble keeping track of who likes who and who might have a chance with who. Josie likes Penelope and Rafael and did like/still likes Hope. Lizzie likes Rafael. MG likes Lizzie. Landon and Hope like each other. Rafael likes Hope. Penelope likes Josie. Then there's the Emma/Dorian/Alaric triangle. Who's next? Lizzie liking Landon? Landon liking Rafael? Hope liking Lizzie? 

I'm impressed, I will say. They're not just committing to the same three pairings. They're providing some actual possibilities if things change next season. They've basically set up any pairing to realistically happen, even for just an episode. I'm here for the craziness, especially with the two previous shows in this universe having such set pairings and not much else. At least there are a few major pairings here but also some minor pairings set up. It also provides more opportunities for characters to interact. Plus, it really is fun to watch. 

As for the episode, I've been catching up on some episodes I've missed. I thought this one was one of the weaker ones for me.

I do like Lizzie but this episode was not a good one for her. Yeah, she was being ridiculous all episode. She didn't need to be so hung up on Spring Break three years ago. However, her thinking that Hope calling her witch bipolar behind her back does make sense as to why she's partially pissed at Hope. She didn't need to bring it up every single scene, but I guess her being blunt beats her being passive aggressive about it all episode. I'm not used to that kind of reaction being so in my face all episode. 

However, the revelation that Josie started that rumor so that her secret wouldn't come out and pitting Lizzie against Hope definitely adds to the darkness that Josie has. It's not as in-your-face as Lizzie's darkness, but it's there under the surface. Even though she was trying to protect her secret crush and how she accidentally caused the fire to grow bigger in Hope's room, it was still something she let happen and didn't tell anyone for three years, which seemed to lead Lizzie to hate Hope. I think Lizzie would have resented Hope because of their father's attention being on Hope, but it might have been lessened if Josie had come clean when it happened. 

I think it further cements my theory that Josie is going to be the stronger twin and that, if the merge does happen (or we get confirmation of what happens during the merge), it'll be Josie to come out victorious. She seems to channel her darkness through her magic. 

Either way, I am hoping that this mends at least a chunk of Lizzie/Hope's relationship. I'd like to see them become more like frenemies. 

Dorian punching Alaric out made no sense. Hey show, do you remember the last episode when Alaric was shocked when Emma kissed Dorian after they had already kissed? Apparently they did.  

Also...I never thought I'd say this but I think I'm liking Kaleb more than MG now. I don't hate MG but....Kaleb's becoming a much more interesting character for me. 

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  On 3/3/2019 at 1:07 AM, Lady Calypso said:

Also...I never thought I'd say this but I think I'm liking Kaleb more than MG now. I don't hate MG but....Kaleb's becoming a much more interesting character for me. 


I have to say this may be the best thing about the show.. The TVD universe has up to this point been horrible for black folk.. Starting with the Martyr of Martyrs Bonnie.. To the constant nerfing of Marcel on the originals..( even after turning him into the "Beast")  The seemingly endless supply of black females brought on to be witch/vamp/wolf tech support and then die to further the emotional sting for our whiter heroes... To the clusterfudge that was Keelin... The show had a small course correct with Vincent... But this show came out the box with Two main black guys.. In their promo materials and then in actual stories.. They have since kinda put MG on the back burner  but have given Raf a bit of his own agency and SL...those most of his is still reactive to whatever is happening with Landon and how he can help him.. But Kaleb is like the spiritual sonbof Vincent someone with hia own opinions and issues that don't really have much to do with the other stars.. While also not being altogether separate.  

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This episode totally bored me. Everyone was more concerned with arguing over relationships than fighting evil (except for Kaleb who was too busy making weak people stand up for themselves). Dorian passively hands over the urn to the Mummy without fighting or even running (just gaping), Hope supposedly being the most powerful supernatural being of all barely manages to use any magic to stop the evil, only one witch Josie being any good against the Mummy, Alaric passively hands over the urn they tried so hard to get to Clarke without a fight (despite him having hostages, there was no distraction so said hostages (also passively accepting being captured despite one being a powerful witch) could get away. I want action, not tears and sarcasm and people with powers doing nothing.  the only real bit of action was Dorian punching Alaric but the scene was not built up enough or explained well to be justified.  Really weak episode! Was the usual writer off sick because this one didn't seem to know the characters very well at all. Disappointing!!!!

"Hero 101, Ric: you don't give the bad guys what they want, especially if we don't know what it does. I mean, this thing could spawn Armageddon.”

— Dorian to Alaric in Mombie Dearest

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Damn Dorian, that seemed super unnecessary. Alaric had no idea they were a thing, so yeah its awkward, but not some kind of friendship betrayal. Is it just because he didnt tell him right away? Because that sounds really awkward, and they are kinda in an emergency situation every other day lately, so they've been kind of busy to have that talk. Or maybe Alaric knew that Dorian would freak out, punch him in the face like a teenager, and immediately quit his job. In the middle of a crisis, leaving their students with even less adults to look out for them, and presumably making things super awkward for Emma now. Or did he dump her? I mean, even Josie handled her love triangle better, and she sets people on fire!

I liked this episode, the mummy was a cool MoTW, and I knew right away that those guys were evil, should be interesting having yet another faction in all of this. So, government sponsored anti supernatural thing that was just covering up stuff, but has now escalated with this new guy in charge? Ancient order of humans trying to get rid of magic?

I also like that they had some different character interactions this week, and wow they really ARE mixing up every pairing lately, huh? I caught a vibe between Hope and Josie a few times, especially with then flirting in the AU, but I didnt see all of that coming. They just keep throwing pairings at the wall to see what works! I have to say, its fun!

Lizzie might be the dramatic mean girl sister, but Josie has some serious unresolved rage issues, and some very real inclinations towards dark powers. I think she could be the more powerful twin who might get closer to being the last twin standing. I dont think she will actually kill Lizzie, but it could get real intense. Spend more time with your kids, Alaric! On the other hand, Lizzie was pretty annoying this week, blaming Hope for every stupid thing ever, and constantly whining at her, especially when Hope is trying to make nice. She even brought snacks! Get over it Lizzie, bigger fish to fry!

I am really liking what they've done with Kaleb, I loved all his scenes. Its nice to see him and Alaric just being honest and respectful about their differing ideas on their education, and I could see both sides of the argument. And it was hilarious and kind of sweet seeing him not only wiping peoples memories of the whole incident, but also giving them pep talks!

Edited by tennisgurl
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  On 3/4/2019 at 6:03 AM, tennisgurl said:

Alaric had no idea they were a thing or that Emma was seeing anyone when they kissed


He did know that she was seeing someone, just not that it was Dorian. After they got to the bar and started drinking, Alaric worked up the courage to ask her out. Emma said, "After all this time, now you ask me? I just started seeing someone. He's a good man."

I think Dorian's issue is that once Alaric found out that Emma and Dorian were dating, Alaric didn't tell him that they kissed.

I still think that Dorian overreacted by quitting. I mean, he's been working with Alaric for years (since the days of TVD before the Salvatore School) so to quit because of this seems a bit much. It would be one thing if Alaric knew Dorian and Emma were dating and he kissed her anyway, but all he knew was that she just started seeing some guy and then they let the alcohol (and the slug, in Emma's case) go to their heads.

Yes, it's shitty to kiss someone knowing that they're dating someone else but I think there is a big difference what Alaric did versus kissing someone who he knew his friend was dating. Intent counts for a lot.

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* Hope Mikaelson’s being happy that Josie Saltzman used to ‘crush on her’ makes little sense. She prefers that to having her painting done with Klaus burned? To having an ‘enemy’ in Lizzie Saltzman for 3 years?

Responses to the thread:

* I don’t see how Marcel from The Originals was “nerfed”. He was always weaker than the Originals until his Upgrade and he always wanted to be an “actual” member of the Originals family.

Hayley Marshall herself only became an “actual” member of the Originals family because she was the mother of Klaus Mikaelson’s child and she’s somehow the love of Elijah Mikaelson’s life.

And Hayley spent 5 years as the literal sole protector of the Mikaelson family.

* With all the discussion of the TVD ‘verse having a problem with black characters: what about the reveal of The Hollow. Native Americans are responsible for the werewolf curse, which is responsible for the vampire ‘curse’, which is responsible for essentially all the badness of the TVD ‘verse.

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