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S07.E05: Holly's Story

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On 2/1/2019 at 2:55 PM, toodles said:

IMHO, if you changed mortified to relived, I think you would be right on the money.  Holly is too busy to cook or make a food plan!  She has to shop online for sugar free jam all day, everyday.

Holly reminds me so much of Penny.  Penny was the Bestest Mom Ever right from her peepad bed.    They both are creative lying liars that lie.  Holly is just a Poor oLittle Girl that needs a babysitter 24/7.  Penny didn't know how to lose weight because no one told her how.  Holly didn't know she popped her staples until three years ago, even though that must have hurt like crazy. 

I think they are both waiting for the magic pill that would allow you to eat 10,000 calories a day and stay a size 8.  None of that pesky diet and exercise.  It could be at the end of Penny's Yellow Brick Road.  Since she never found it, I guess we'll never know.😢

                                                                                 I had to laugh when I read part of your comment.  It reminded me of something I read a little while ago.  It said,  'I need to start a diet, but I'm not gonna fall for any of that eating healthy, and exercise  crap this time'.    Lmao.  😂     

Edited by suev3333
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Holly's rerun is on.    I can't believe how much food she shovels in, and it really is shoveling with her fork clutched in her hand like a shovel.   Her mother trained her to eat huge quantities, all day long.       Huge breakfast, then 'brunch' at the fast food place, and then her mother's huge lunch, plus Ray's late night two bag fast food dinner.    I'm actually surprised she never went over 1,000 lbs.       

The only way she will ever keep the weight off is never moving back home to her mother the enabler, and her father the spineless jelly fish.  

It's so bizarre how childish Holly is, gives into all of her cravings, looks for someone to tell her what to do.   Turns Dr. Now into her father substitute, and is only losing weight to please him.    

Don't even get me started on her boyfriend Ray, who is an absolute feeder.    That routine where he says he'll marry her when she loses the weight is a crock, especially since Holly is smaller than Ray, or Holly's mother at the end of the episode.    I see little hope of long term improvement, after Holly's previous stomach stapling, where she lost about 200 pounds, and then blew out her staple line, and regained even more.    My guess is dumping her parents, and Ray will be the only way Holly has a decent life. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Holly seemed like a petulant child to me. She hoped to come across as helpless due to her weight. She is a very demanding, manipulative complainer. Boyfriend gets her food, supports her and does what she asks and then she decides he isn’t emotionally available. 

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 1:09 AM, Barbara Please said:

I was astounded by the amount of food Holly could eat. That isn’t normal. Since she was this way since childhood it Is possible there’s more going on medically. I don’t think it’s entirely a psychological issue. 

Also, Holly facial expressions, and childlike demeanor reminded me of the snotty nosed kid in Bad Santa. All she needed was blonde curly hair!


Did you see the ginormous slices of bread Ray used for his sandwich? He has a problem with food too. He’s just not eating nearly as much of it as Holly was. 

Yes I noticed the huge slices of bread.  If he wanted to help he could fix open-faced, un-mayonnaised  sandwiches.  Like many family members/enablers on this show they are overweight too, just not as much as the pounticipant.  They could all stand to do the diet and get healthier.

When 300-400 pounder family members sit with their pounticipant in the exam room (usually #5) on the initial intake I wish Dr Now would jam them up more.

You are all overweight and the whole household needs to change your eating habits.

It's sometimes painful to watch the "normal" family members who are clearly obese scold and ration the pounticipant.  Family counselling would help a lot, as well as info about food and nutrition  So many seem truly clueless.

I agree that Ray is probably a "feeder".

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I couldn't stand how Holly stuck her tongue out every time she took a bite out of her food! If her parents hadn't appeared on the show, I'd just assume she was raised by lizards.

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On 6/2/2020 at 9:41 AM, mmecorday said:

I couldn't stand how Holly stuck her tongue out every time she took a bite out of her food! If her parents hadn't appeared on the show, I'd just assume she was raised by lizards.

Holly's perpetually flicking tongue was one of the most disgusting things I have seen on this show, and that's saying a lot! She even moved the tongue automatically in concert with whatever bite of food she had lined up; if the food moved away from her mouth, her tongue moved the same distance, etc. I could not believe my eyes; where did she learn to do this? Why did no one correct this disgusting mannerism while she was still small? (Or, egads! did it arise as an adult? If so... why? Do I even want to know?) I couldn't watch her eat because of the way she moved her tongue and I eventually had to fast-forward through her episode.

Not just because of the tongue thing - which truly was rage-inducing and made me feel sick to my stomach - but because she and Ray were such a bizarre, senseless, ridiculous couple. The scene where they both glide ponderously down the disability ramp so that Holly can go have second breakfast made me laugh my ass off; they looked so hilariously awful together, like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Huge. Someone on Reddit mentioned that Ray looks like a Blobfish and he TOTALLY does. The way he wears his comically tiny shorts hiked up makes me think of elderly men with prolapsed anuses. I don't know why, but it does. He came across as gay to me and Holly clearly had eyes (and tongue) only for food, so I don't think they were together for sexual reasons. I think Holly wanted a dad replacement - after all, Ray looked to be the same age as Holly's father! - and I think Ray wanted a mother-cum-daughter, which Holly was; she would switch from demur, submissive, and childlike to Madame Commando in a trice.

That she pouted because Ray refused to get all up in her unwashed business spoke volumes about her detachment from reality, on so many levels - personal hygiene, what she and Ray wanted from the relationship, etc. I don't believe Holly will keep the weight off long-term. I think she is psychologically too enmeshed with eating and addictive behaviours. Anyone who eats through a WLS is probably never, ever going to be successful.

That tongue will haunt me. Eek.

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I'm watching the Holly rerun for my third time, and I'm wondering why they won't marry Ray.    The first husband was active duty military, and they were married for 10 years.   If he stayed until he had full retirement, then Holly gets 50% directly from the military pay people.    However, the ex-spouse can get 50% or less ordered by the courts, even down to the 1 year on active duty.   But that is only if they divorce in the military service member's home state of record, a divorce in any other jurisdiction doesn't grant retirement rights to the former spouse, until they hit the 10 years of marriage, and 10 years while on active duty.     If the first husband didn't do 20 years active duty, then Holly wouldn't get any of his retirement (I've heard of cases where the service member quit right before qualifying for retirement, just to cancel the ex spouse's retirement benefits).  

I wonder if Holly does have that percentage of the ex husband's retirement, and that's another reason Ray doesn't want to marry her?   Remarriage cancels any right to retirement, unless that marriage ends and it can be restored. 

Holly and her mother saying good bye when Holly and Ray are moving to Houston is ridiculous.     You would think Holly was leaving on a one way trip to Mars, never to return.    The scene where Holly tells her mother about the rape is probably not the first time that scene was filmed, but even if it's the tenth time they shot the same scene, something is really off about it,  the mother has zero reaction.     Whether Holly admits it or not, her mother knew.  

So Holly and Ray move to Houston, but can't eat healthy?    So they have enough Chinese food for a bunch of people, because they couldn't buy pans?     There are a lot of drive thrus with grilled chicken, or even burger places, and take the bun off.     That is a pathetic excuse to use for not losing weight.    Especially since Holly blew out her stomach stapling, Dr Now still tries with her.      I don't care how much weight she lost, I don't see her as a long term success. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Tonight, a WATN episode featuring her will air at 8/7c.

Holly has come a long way in her weight loss journey, but now she's trying to balance a wedding and skin surgery. Lashanta struggles to lose any weight at all. When a car drives through a wall in her living room, her weight loss is curtailed even more.

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Holly is a sad case.   Her parents don't care about her, and her mother actively sabotages her, her boyfriend Ray is a leech who pushes food on her, and her mother doesn't even care when her daughter talks about being assaulted.   

I hope Holly kept going, lost even more weight, and moved out on her own.   

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I was glad to see Holly being successful. I don't really understand Ray and Holly's relationship but even as she has become more independent, he has stuck around. I felt badly that none of their families came for the wedding and they appeared to have only 4 very casually dressed guests. Still, Holly said she was happy to be married and she loved her dress, so good for her.

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I suspect we saw more of the camera and production crew, not friends of the couple.   

I'm glad Holly is succeeding, but I hope she never leaves Houston, her mother was so ticked when Holly lost so much weight.   I wonder how long Ray will stick around?   

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Where did they dig up those witnesses for Holly’s wedding? The guy in the jacket might have been with the production crew but the other three, in jeans and t-shirts, looked like they might have been hired off the street. 

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Yes, the witnesses were obviously rounded up from anyone they could get.   Maybe the production company bought them lunch, and paid them a few bucks each to be on camera.   

 I doubt Holly's parents or siblings cared enough to come to any wedding she had, and of course it wasn't in Mommy's church so she wouldn't attend, and I bet the siblings toe the line according to what the mother says.   The mother just wanted Holly and the boyfriend, Ray out of her house, and as far away as possible.     It amazed me that the mother let Holly and Ray live in her house without marriage.      The mother was so jealous when Holly lost weight, and was smaller than her mother was. 

I hope that Holly and Ray stay in Houston, and make their own lives away from her family.  I hope Holly keeps with the program, gets skin removals, and lives her best life.    

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On 1/7/2023 at 11:08 AM, magemaud said:

Where did they dig up those witnesses for Holly’s wedding? The guy in the jacket might have been with the production crew but the other three, in jeans and t-shirts, looked like they might have been hired off the street. 

Do y'all remember Jeanine's skidrow "BF". Maybe they found these "witnesses" at the same halfway house. Just a thought. 🙄

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They're showing the WATN rerun of Holly and Lashanta, and that wedding is so sad.   

Even sadder is Lashanta's electric blue dress, lipstick, and eyeshadow.   This is shortly after she called Houston Fire to move her and her stuff to the apartment that was just down the street from her current one.   

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