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S06.E04: The Pawnbrokers

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Episode Description:

Red acclimates to his new surroundings in federal prison, where he is challenged by an old rival. Samar goes undercover to stop a black market organization that fronts cash to criminals. Meanwhile, Liz and Jennifer continue their investigation into Red's past.

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No wedding for Samar/Aram until maybe finale?

Aphasia - It affects a person's ability to use language. It often results from a stroke. Individuals with mild or even moderate aphasia are sometimes able to work, but they may have to change jobs.  Aphasia does not affect intelligence. If symptoms persist more than two or three months, a complete recovery is unlikely.

Edited by VinceW
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1 hour ago, preeya said:

Dialing nine one one.


1 1 9 (2)


At least viewers won't have to wade through the usual amnesia BS when it comes time to get a wedding. How long before she tells someone or just keeps it from Aram? If Samar doesn't tell somebody, she's going to put herself and others in danger.

Edited by VinceW
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No way she'd tell Aram because that would make too much sense just like telling her doctor at the exam that something was off...  She'll be involved in some big case and blow it big time with someone on the team probably getting hurt and then she'll admit it (insert eye roll here).

Red training a rat to bring in champagne defies the laws of probability but who the heck watches this show for logic?

Liz and her half-sister are in for a frustrating time me thinks...

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The Pawnbrokers were really underwhelming as Blacklisters of the week -- even compared to the Kings of the Highway.

Here's a question -- how did Red know that the rat would make it outside the walls, let alone to someone who could easily bought ?
Plus, I somehow doubt that the pipe went directly from Red's cell  to outside the walls -- and what are the odds that the easily tangling string wouldn't snag on something.  It all seems a little rat-iciulous.

Are they seriously going to drag out the 'Samar has aphasia' thing all season -- until the final episode when she accidentally shoots Eizzil ?

How inept are the FBI that they didn't have all the entrances/exits blocked in that parking garage ?  That is just sloppy.

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1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How inept are the FBI that they didn't have all the entrances/exits blocked in that parking garage ?  That is just sloppy.

VERY INEPT!  In any show where the FBI is involved in a shootout with perps, and a car is nearby, you can bet the farm that the perps will get away. Just once, I want to see them shoot out the damn tires.

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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How inept are the FBI that they didn't have all the entrances/exits blocked in that parking garage ?  That is just sloppy.


57 minutes ago, preeya said:

VERY INEPT!  In any show where the FBI is involved in a shootout with perps, and a car is nearby, you can bet the farm that the perps will get away. Just once, I want to see them shoot out the damn tires.

At least Ressler didn't order the other agents to "set a perimeter." Jack Bauer always directed CTU to do it and the bad guys always got away. Here, we know why the bad guys could escape. Ressler's an incompetent agent. 

2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Here's a question -- how did Red know that the rat would make it outside the walls, let alone to someone who could easily bought ?
Plus, I somehow doubt that the pipe went directly from Red's cell  to outside the walls -- and what are the odds that the easily tangling string wouldn't snag on something.  It all seems a little rat-iciulous.

Also, how did Red know how long to make the string that knotted so easily? Did he count the paces by walking along all the prison walls? I mean, I know Red knows all and sees all, but yeah, rat-iciulous. 

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A small part of me liked seeing Red receive a beating because I knew at the end of the episode he will be on his way to running the prison and back to his arrogant ways.

Weren't there cameras watching Dembe and the exterminator or Dembe placing bottles and notes?

I wonder if Ray will remember Vontae after his eventual release from prison? He sure knows how to find his minions.

Edited by mxc90
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1 hour ago, mxc90 said:

Weren't there cameras watching the Dembe and the exterminator or Dembe placing bottles and notes?

Yeah, Dembe tells the exterminator to get back to work, citing all the camera watching. Then he does his thing with the Messenger Rat.

I know this show exploits realism but anyone who tries to reach down to pick up a wild rat will get bitten if that person can even get a hand close to a wild rat. Then to tie notes to it like you are passing messages in grade school ... ha ha. And the Messenger Rate ends up in the live trap? Right, like a rat is walking around outside in broad daylight and says, "Hey, I think  I'll go in this out-in-the-open trap." Dembe reaches in the trap and extracts the WILD RAT THAT DOESN"T BITE HIM and ties another note to him and sends him down the exposed tube directly to Red's cell.

Okay, so I've had a lot of experience with rodents. What about it. Reality aside, it was pretty cool, and sort of Green Mile-ish.

Vontae hanging with Red after the Gen Pop King declares Red will die? Yeah, I don't think so.

Vontae hanging with Red after Red manipulates the death of Gen Pop King? Yeah, I do think so.

Sort of a good episode if one removes it from any glimpse of reality.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Yeah, Dembe tells the exterminator to get back to work, citing all the camera watching. Then he does his thing with the Messenger Rat.

I know this show exploits realism but anyone who tries to reach down to pick up a wild rat will get bitten if that person can even get a hand close to a wild rat. Then to tie notes to it like you are passing messages in grade school ... ha ha. And the Messenger Rate ends up in the live trap? Right, like a rat is walking around outside in broad daylight and says, "Hey, I think  I'll go in this out-in-the-open trap." Dembe reaches in the trap and extracts the WILD RAT THAT DOESN"T BITE HIM and ties another note to him and sends him down the exposed tube directly to Red's cell.

Agreed.  The rat was familiar with Red -- and that was the only person.  I was surprised that lawncare specialist or Dembe didn't lose a finger.

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Okay, so I've had a lot of experience with rodents. What about it. Reality aside, it was pretty cool, and sort of Green Mile-ish.

Sidebar -- A lot of experience with rodents, you say.  Would you call it an enor-mouse amount of experience ??  :)
End Sidebar

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On 1/18/2019 at 10:16 PM, VinceW said:

Aphasia does not affect intelligence. If symptoms persist more than two or three months, a complete recovery is unlikely....

Unless you get a blood transfusion from a super rat....

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On 1/19/2019 at 12:46 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Agreed.  The rat was familiar with Red -- and that was the only person. 

And there is your answer.  Several years ago, Red saved the rat and its mother from some terrible fate, and it has been devoted to him since.  Lying in deep cover, it waited until Red called upon it for its assistance.  Look for future missions when it somehow smuggles in prison blueprints, a large stash of money, a cell phone, and maybe a bottle of good Cabernet.

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The rat thing was too much. 

Ressler is still not good at being a cop, maybe they could hire a Baltimore or Detroit felony apprehension team street cop who is used to grabbing people and cuffing them even with resistance.

Liz is being a bitch by pretend caring about Red, but is making up for it by being terrible and lazy about investigating Red

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On 1/22/2019 at 7:50 PM, Happywatcher said:

Liz is being a bitch by pretend caring about Red, but is making up for it by being terrible and lazy about investigating Red

No, she actually does care about him and feels bad for turning him in.

Now she would be content with her new sister and Red back to normal, Tom's death all but forgotten.

No way does the FBI raid the pawnbrokers' stash, find the miraculous peace of evidence that exonerates Red's prison archenemy,  and effectuate said prisoner's release in 1 day. Or 2 days, and likely not within 6 months. That bothered me as must as the rat shenanigans. What would have made sense, if one accepts that rat communications work perfectly,  would be for Red to have told Dembe to hire a top criminal lawyer to get the case against the guy dismissed for lack of evidence,  as surely the prosecution has exceeded the time they were allowed to keep him locked up pretrial. He had obviously told his own lawyer not to pursue his release.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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39 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Now she would be content with her new sister and Red back to normal,  Tom's death all but forgotten.


I don't even care about Agnes anymore, because Liz and Red shouldn't be around children, and I don't care about Tom (hated his show and his return, even though I like Famke Janssen. I even liked Hemlock season 1--2 was no bueno). But where is the dog and why doesn't she care?

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On 1/19/2019 at 1:20 PM, saber5055 said:

Sort of a good episode if one removes it from any glimpse of reality.

Enjoyed all the Red In Prison plot. When I was a kid, I read a nonfiction book about an escape expert who, among other things, escaped from prison using, IIRC, a pack of playing cards, so the trainable rat wasn't that far of a reach for me. Suspending my disbelief was worth the scene at the end when Red as the new King was sauntering through the prison. On the other hand most of the FBI plot and Lizzie was of no interest at all.

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On 1/22/2019 at 6:50 PM, Happywatcher said:

Ressler is still not good at being a cop, maybe they could hire a Baltimore or Detroit felony apprehension team street cop who is used to grabbing people and cuffing them even with resistance.

Or a Chicago cop who will shoot and kill the perp on sight. Also shot/killed will be a few innocent bystanders. Collateral damage.

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Has it been established that this is the last season?  Please say yes.

If so, why all of this Samar illness bs.  There is no time for it.  

Have the writers or show runners changed?  Did they forget about Agnes or just don’t know anything at all about writing a story.  If there is no time to include her in the story, guess what?  She shouldn’t have been introduced in the first place.


This is almost as bad as the Following.  


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2 hours ago, CaptainE said:

Have the writers or show runners changed?  Did they forget about Agnes or just don’t know anything at all about writing a story.  If there is no time to include her in the story, guess what?  She shouldn’t have been introduced in the first place.

We know that Agnes is with Grandma Famke. We don't know about the dogs. Someone either upthread or in another thread said that MB was pregnant in real life and that is why the Agnes storyline came about. It's either the character has the baby or she hides behind files, boxes, and bags for episodes on end. 

2 hours ago, CaptainE said:

Has it been established that this is the last season?  Please say yes.

No word either way according to my google search. 

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2 hours ago, Loandbehold said:

We know that Agnes is with Grandma Famke. We don't know about the dogs. Someone either upthread or in another thread said that MB was pregnant in real life and that is why the Agnes storyline came about. It's either the character has the baby or she hides behind files, boxes, and bags for episodes on end. 

No word either way according to my google search. 

Well they still need to reference the kid otherwise it’s shitty writing.  Lizzie has a daughter, and not one single mention in umpteen days/weeks.  How about a phone call?  Wouldn’t take much screen time.  Cut out one of Aram’s nonprofessional gushes for example.

Edited by CaptainE
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On 1/22/2019 at 1:11 AM, Dowel Jones said:

Look for future missions when it somehow smuggles in prison blueprints, .

Dembe will tattoo the blueprints and the escape plan on the rat.... 

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On 1/22/2019 at 1:11 AM, Dowel Jones said:

Look for future missions when it somehow smuggles in prison blueprints, a large stash of money, a cell phone, and maybe a bottle of good Cabernet.


18 hours ago, paigow said:

Dembe will tattoo the blueprints and the escape plan on the rat...

Now, y'all are being facetious, but when the rat takes down 6 prisoners, 4 guards, and forces the warden to unlock the gates, you'll be gnawing out of the palm of his paw.

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On ‎1‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 3:01 PM, CaptainE said:

…….If so, why all of this Samar illness bs.  There is no time for it....

From Jon Bokenkamp recent interview with CarterMatt Newsletter: "Those two are so fantastic. I remember when we saw Aram touching Samar’s hand in episode 205. I felt like ‘oh my God, that’s such an unexpected and great relationship.’ We’re entering uncharted waters here — he proposed at the end of the season and she has just come out of this traumatic near-death experience.

We have a beautiful and twisted and surprising love story between Samar and Aram that is going to change the dynamic of the show in a very-big way."

Edited by VinceW
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