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I'm not so sure. They've made a point of telling us repeatedly that Danny isn't very good. Tucker and Bonnie were betting against him just a couple of weeks ago because even they knew he kind of sucked. He may have had one good game but I find it hard to believe another team would want to steal him away on that basis alone, if they looked at his stats. 

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On 7/23/2015 at 1:50 AM, kwerkee said:

I thought Danny knew Riley was in love with Ben since they were in high school. How did I miss that the reveal only took place in season 1?

I think they changed history on that.  In the pilot episode, he seemed to be newly discovering her crush, but in all subsequent episodes it's felt like something he's always known--and the reason why he stayed on the sidelines.

On 8/8/2015 at 0:11 AM, kia112 said:

I mean...I guess?  All of these seasons (and storylines) run together for me, but how long has Ben actually been interested in Riley?  A season.  A season and a half?  The rest of the time that Danny was in love with Riley and didn't act on it had nothing to do with Ben; it was his own cowardice.  Which, no shade, I get it, but how was Ben supposed to know?  We've all seen that Ben is clearly the kind of person that needs to have things definitively spelled out for him.  I think I like Ben more than most, and I know he's a jerk, but I seriously doubt that he would have gone after Riley if he knew how Danny was completely into her from the start.  I just don't think Ben should be made to feel guilty for something he had nothing to do with.

I agree that Danny's lack of action is not Ben's fault, but it seems very strange that he did not pick up at all on Danny's interest in Riley.  The brothers are close, after all.  

On 4/6/2016 at 10:12 PM, wayne67 said:

Riley is so frustrating. It's one thing to be upset about your boyfriend having had sex with your highschool nemesis but she didn't even give him a minute to tell his side of the story.

Having sex with someone once does not equate to having feelings for them. Has Riley not heard of a one night stand ? 

At this point I think Danny is far better off away from Riley and her melodrama. 

I think that Riley overreacted big time.  However, it makes more sense if you think of her history.  She seems to still be haunted by her childhood weight issues.  I get the impression that her belief that she didn't deserve to be loved by someone as great (popular, kind, good-looking, etc.) as Danny is a big reason for her blindness to his affections.  When they finally got together, I believe that Riley couldn't quite believe it was real and was waiting for him to decide that he liked someone better.  Finding out about Sam played into that fear, especially since it happened while Danny was supposedly in love with Riley.

That being said, I am a total Riley/Danny fan.  I adore love stories that are a long time in the making. Although it's frustrating they dance around each other for so long, I do think it's necessary for Riley to experience a relationship with Ben and realize that her idealized version is not reality before she can recognize that she's really in love with Danny. She also has to learn to love herself before she can truly accept Danny's love.  I believe that her crush on Ben is more about seeking approval from someone who mocked her than about true love.  Disposing of the fantasy of Ben and gaining some success as a lawyer puts her in a position to have a real relationship with Danny.


On 4/9/2016 at 3:08 PM, TwistedandBored said:

I don't even think Danny lied. The way it was telegraphed was weird. It looked like Danny was shocked to find out he hooked up with Sam back in High School after she stopped the video and told him, "you are welcome." He immediately played the video just to see if it was true. He looked shaken and didn't know how to correct his previous words to Riley. 

I agree.  Memory is selective. We tend to remember things because they are somehow significant to us.  That's why 2 people will have completely different recollections of the same event or situation.  I think Danny genuinely forgot about the hookup with Sam because it meant nothing to him.  Similarly, Danny overreacted when Riley didn't immediately profess her love for him after hearing the voicemail.  He forgot that she did come to him right after hearing it and he chose to go to his room with Milena, his girlfriend at the time.

On 6/21/2016 at 6:21 PM, miracole said:

They keep saying Danny and Sam hooked-up 7 years ago. Are they really trying to make Riley and Danny like only 23 and 24 now?

Riley sucks. Danny should tell her where to get off and really move on.  I used to want those two together but they're just writing Riley as a sanctimonious hypocrite now so I'm over it.

The showrunners play fast and loose with timelines, in my opinion.  In the pilot, Danny makes a comment about Riley finally being in law school after failing the LSAT.  But she takes the bar in season 2, which is normal (not untraditionally late) for a 24 or 25 year old.  Then they made comments in season 5 about "7 years ago" which would make Danny 25 or 26 (he started school a year late).  It's either sloppy writing or a desire to retcon.

On 6/23/2016 at 0:36 PM, iMonrey said:

She looks good in the sense that she's had her face stretched, lifted, pulled and injected six ways 'til Sunday. The lengths women on TV will go to not to show any age never ceases to amaze me. Especially since it typically has the opposite effect.

I gotta give Loni credit that any work she may have had done does not look terrible!

On 8/3/2016 at 9:03 PM, Aliconehead said:

Glad some one called Riley on her selfishness and never thinking of Danny.

Exactly!  I really like Riley, but she has been consistently selfish with regard to Danny.  It's good that they didn't just brush it under the rug and had Danny notice it and hold her accountable.  One of my favorite moments of character development for Riley is in the pageant episode when she realized that her desire to win was hurting her.  


I recently watched this show on Netflix and I love it!  It's fun and the actors interact so well with each other.  I love how much they include Emma in things. Often times, children are forgotten on television and are props to be occasionally trotted out (I'm looking at you, Downton Abbey!). 

Bonnie-Tucker was an unexpected gem of a relationship.  They play so well off each other with their scheming, antagonism, and occasional loving moments.

I also love Bonnie-Danny -- it feels so genuine and affectionate and is one of my favorite parent-child relationships on television.  Her role as his manager adds another dimension to the "teen mom/first child" relationship.

I enjoy the fact that Danny is shown to be the least intelligent character, but is actually the wisest one. 

Ben is interesting as a focal character.  I like the way he has shown maturity since becoming a father, but has not completely changed and is still a bit of dog.  Much more realistic!

And most of all, I really like the fact that although Ben is the title character, it's truly an ensemble show.  In that way, it reminds me of How I Met Your Mother because the non-title characters were so essential to the story.

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It would be cool if Tia and/or Tamera guest starred in an episode as Tucker's sisters.  So far, only Tucker's dad has been included in the series, but it would be nice to see more of the Dobbs family.

Edited by Avatar19
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The show definitely has some flaws, but it's also a casual TV comedy, which is probably it lasted so long.  The producers seem to be fans of Friends and modeled the episode style from the series, making it easy to start and stop watching as the series moves forward.  Continuity and reality is always an issue with TV series, but for a show that's been on 5 seasons, the story was well spread out and hit all of the marks it set out to achieve in Season 1 - Ben matures as a dad, Tucker found his career path, Danny and Riley ended up together, and Bonnie got to explore who she was after being a teen mom.

I'm not sure why the writers teased the single mom with Ben story, then put him with Sam.  The two never got the chance to date, but I suppose it was only meant to show that even though Zoey seemed right for him, she actually wasn't.  The mystery girl story is definitely reminiscent of HIMYM, and I'm curious how it will play out if the series continues after Season 6.

I was originally more invested in seeing Danny and Riley's story play out, and while it could've been handled better, this is also where I expected them to end up.  Having a kid together will open up a new can of worms for their relationship and there's also so many potential plotlines - does Riley's mom and mom/aunt return? Will Riley's sister finally be introduced? How do Danny and Riley cope with being parents?

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I have a feeling Freeform is losing interest in the show; they usually have a special Halloween and/or Christmas episode on after the summer season ends but they didn't do either in 2016. Probably doesn't bode well for the show continuing past the upcoming season (starts March 13th), although it did just win a People's Choice Award, believe it or not, for "Favorite Cable TV Comedy."

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It won a People's Choice Award?!  It beat It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?! 

Honestly, I think the series really ended with Season 5's finale.  It has jumped the shark since everything has been wrapped up, and I'm not sure if I like what I hear from the Season 6 spoilers.

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21 Things You Never Knew About Chelsea

20. So, the band The Summer Set wrote that song about you called “Chelsea.” What was that like?

CK: That was really cool. We all grew up together in Arizona, and yeah, Brian wrote the song. And I heard it for the first time live, and couldn’t believe it, and it totally worked! We dated for like two years (laughs). Note to guys: The band thing does really work sometimes.

Edited by Avatar19
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Emma doesn't look like she's aged a year since last season ended, so I have a suspicion these episodes were filmed not long after they finished filming the last season and this will probably be the last batch of them. I hope I'm wrong because the show is still funnier than 90% of the crappy sitcoms that air on major networks. I got several good chuckles out of this one, like the scene cutting to Brad telling Tucker "and believe it or not, that's how Bonnie and I found out we were allergic to latex" with Tucker looking mortified. 

Ugh on Riley's new haircut though - what was she thinking?

The only part that didn't make sense was Ben not knowing Elle's name. Didn't they share a cab at the end of last season's finale? Wouldn't he at least have asked her name? The show seemed to be pretending that scene never took place. My understanding is that they filmed that scene as a contingency in case the show wasn't picked up for a sixth season so maybe that's why they decided to ignore it.

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On 3/13/2017 at 11:09 PM, Avatar19 said:

The premiere was consistent with the series.  I loved Emma and Danny!  But Riley's haircut? Not so much.


On 3/14/2017 at 2:04 PM, iMonrey said:

Ugh on Riley's new haircut though - what was she thinking?

It's not just the haircut.  There was also something off about her face.  It's like she had some kind of work done or something. 

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I think it's just the way it frames her face in an unflattering way. We've pointed out often before she has sort of a muppet face and this cut really emphasizes the roundness of her face and her wide mouth.

Edited by iMonrey
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On 3/14/2017 at 2:04 PM, iMonrey said:

The only part that didn't make sense was Ben not knowing Elle's name. Didn't they share a cab at the end of last season's finale? Wouldn't he at least have asked her name? The show seemed to be pretending that scene never took place. My understanding is that they filmed that scene as a contingency in case the show wasn't picked up for a sixth season so maybe that's why they decided to ignore it.

Maybe not. There have been plenty of times I've had conversations with people and we've never exchanged names.

What's up with making Brad a pussywhipped wuss? He was never like that before. I noticed that he was in sweaters and long-sleeve shirts the whole time. Does the actor no longer have the rockin' bod he once did? 

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Maybe not. There have been plenty of times I've had conversations with people and we've never exchanged names.

Maybe, but Tucker pointed out that Ben had only seen her two or three times. There was no mention of sharing a cab ride, it seemed more like she was just someone he spotted more than once but had never spoken to. I really think they decided to pretend that cab scene never took place since they ended up getting another season to explore the story.


 I noticed that he was in sweaters and long-sleeve shirts the whole time. Does the actor no longer have the rockin' bod he once did? 

He does, and he still models. Baby Daddy is just a recurring gig for him - he's never been a series regular. I'm waiting to see what kind of contrivance they come up with to write him off the show for most of the season like they did last season. It's too bad because I think his cartoon goofiness plays well against the other characters.

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I'm pretty sure the cab-sharing scene was the alternate ending filmed in case the show didn't pick up a renewal. They didn't share a cab in the aired episode, it was more like two ships passing in the night as one of them got out and the other got in (I can't remember who had the cab first).

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I thought this episode was hilarious. Loved the hijinks with trying to prove Tucker's date was a hooker. And Brad is in jail? For real estate fraud? I wonder if we'll see him again any time soon. I really like the actor in the role. He and Bonnie are hilarious.

Riley's hair continues to be tragic.

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Well I called it RE: Brad being written off the show again. I don't get it. Do they not have enough money to pay him to be a regular? Or do they just think Bonnie is better when she's alone? If so, why did they have her marry Brad in the first place?

There was a continuity problem here because last week's episode ended with Bonnie telling Brad she didn't want to go around the world with him and at the beginning of this episode they're leaving for their trip around the world. Huh?

Anyway, I loved Danny's lame attempt to pick up the hooker. "I'm so lonely. I wish I could find someone to have sex with." Also pretending to be a business man from out of town. All the stuff with Danny and Ben was hilarious. And Bonnie called Riley out on her terrible haircut!

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On 3/29/2017 at 2:11 PM, SmithW6079 said:

She kind of looks like Janice the Muppet with shorter hair.

The outfit choices aren't helping.

Danny is the only one with some character development this year.  One of the reasons I liked the show is because it felt like each character was building towards something - Ben was trying to improve himself for Emma, Bonnie was changing her life after her divorce, Riley was working on her law career, Tucker was trying to make it in the entertainment industry, and Danny was focused on hockey and Riley.  Since the season began, the characters don't seem like they have a direction.  I hope this changes soon.

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I'm not sure what's going on with Tucker; he was supposed to go to LA at the end of last season and apparently something happened to him there, and we still don't know what it is. And now he spends all his time couch surfing; how is he paying his share of the rent?

Are we going to find out more about Brad? Was there a trial already? How much time was he sentenced to? 

Is Ben still trying to find his mystery woman? 

So year, Avatar19 - most of the characters are kind of directionless right now.

I wish Tucker could get his job back working for Mary Hart, I thought she was a hoot, not to mention a good sport about playing a bitchy version of herself.

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46 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

most of the characters are kind of directionless right now.

With the pregnancy, they seem to have a good bead on where Danny and Riley are going. I thought this week's plot with her concerned with how her pregnancy affects her job was good for them, although I'd be having a talking-to with my significant other if he barged into my workplace and gave a big, dumb speech.

I laughed at Riley's line about having been impregnated by a giant (because holy crap, yes, she was, they're going to have to chainsaw that kid out of her) and the part where she barfed in that lady's purse. Yes, I saw it coming, but it was still hilarious. The topper was the phone inside it ringing right after she finished.

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Every episode

me: man Ben can not be any more unlikeable

writers: hold my beer

jeezz, it's like the writers want us to hate him.  Does he have to have sex with a different chick each episode? Is it in Jean Luc contract as some sort of ego stoke since Derek is so hot and Tahj is  adorable. Because honestly I can not root for Ben and have never been able to. 

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How on earth was Danny ever going to fit into the Prince's costume if it fit Tucker? Tucker's about half his size. 

I did laugh at Riley yelling at everyone she deserved two snacks because she was pregnant. 

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On good thing about Brad remaining in the clink is that he may get a role in that Guys and Dolls production. Fingers crossed.

When did Riley ever used to go to Ben about important stuff? Of course it was always Danny, and even when it wasn't, I feel like both Tucker and Bonnie were ahead of Ben there. It's the same thing like Ben being her emergency contact (last season?). It doesn't track with the show. Plus, weird choice on not giving Riley and Danny a scene after their worries about impending parenthood. Instead it's Ben's the perfect Dad. What? If anything, the logical message should have been that you need help. Or at least use this for comedy.

We'll see. Heh.

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Oh, I think they've been pretty consistent about Ben and Riley being best friends since childhood. She always had a crush on  him but he never realized it because he was too busy chasing after other girls. Remember when they worked together at the ice cream parlor as teenagers? I do think he's always seen her as a buddy.

Why on earth didn't Bonnie have her phone recording when her boss confessed to the crime? Dumb! 

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Danny and Riley have been best friends since childhood. All the flashbacks made it look like Ben avoided Riley or approached her so he could mock her. And they had no contact since high school until Danny called her when Emma showed up.

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Yes, their childhood dynamic was Danny and Riley were best friends, while she drooled over Ben and he largely ignored her. It was much of the same for most of the show's run, though Ben was definitely less mean. I do like that the dynamic has changed to that of Ben and Riley being mutual friends now that she's got the ridiculous crush on him out of her system.

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I like the change of the dynamic as well, I just don't get the writing casting it in light of it always being like that. Particularly when there was no need for it, since Riley confiding in Ben made perfect sense here. She didn't feel she could confide in Danny since he was freaking her out and Ben has first hand insight into parenthood.

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Boy, every episode, they're blowing Riley up twice as big as the last one. They're definitely going to have her give birth in the finale.

Meanwhile, there's an episode pairing they haven't done much before: Riley and Tucker. I liked it, it was fun.

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Can she even make it to the finale? Or maybe the kid will come out as big as Emma is now.

Riley and Tucker are always fun. I miss him putting his head on her shoulder like he used to when they pretended to be a couple. 

I thought (hoped) that Bonnie would take both Ben and Danny on the cruise and that would be their storyline in the episode.

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I knew Tucker's ex-girlfriend had to be lying about her "husband" the minute he opened his mouth and a purse fell out. I'm just surprised they tried to play him as straight. Whatever, the whole scenario was kind of funny. And of course we got Danny's shirt off again. Danny and Ben chasing each other around the whole episode was fun too. We don't get enough of the brother dynamic lately and it was nice seeing the revert to childhood competing against each other.

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I was actually hoping that Bonnie would end up sending the boys on the cruise together and offer to take Emma for the week. She should have at least been impressed Ben listens enough to have all those answers. Also, I know job realism doesn't really exist here, but no way would a lawyer who just made junior partner, and will soon be leaving on maternity leave, take a week long vacation. 


I thought it was kind of nice that it was tucker who ended up going to the class with Riley. I also figured the ex also had a fake relationship, but didn't see the end coming with how Tucked handled it so I liked the surprise. 

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I'm oddly invested in Ben finding Elle. I don't know if it's because Jean-Luc Bilodeau does a lovestruck face well so just a general chemistry in their brief meetings. As long as they don't kill her off onscreen like 10 minutes after the get together.

Edited by JustaPerson
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I was honestly surprised at the wedding. I was confident they'd pull the Leathal Weapon 4 scenario and Riley would decide she they had to get married right before she delivere.

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Yeah, that was a surprise. Although, since I doubt a delivery in the finale will also have time for a wedding, it makes sense to do it now.

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This show continues to crack me up from start to finish. It's just so damn cute and there are so many genuinely funny moments, like Ben trying to think of a "subtle" way of getting that girl's attention and then knocking over a serving tray one of the waiters is carrying. Then Tucker just yelling "Hey! Elle! Is your name Elle?" 

I think the only problem I had with this one is that Riley was kind of a bitch to Danny about him trying to plan the wedding. And I think it's mainly because whatever conversation they had about marriage took place off screen so we really don't know what her understanding of it was.

Bonnie knocking that lady overboard (and onto Edgar) was hilarious.

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32 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I think the only problem I had with this one is that Riley was kind of a bitch to Danny about him trying to plan the wedding. And I think it's mainly because whatever conversation they had about marriage took place off screen so we really don't know what her understanding of it was.

Agreed. Throughout the whole episode, it seemed like Riley was the one blowing Danny off every time he would bring up eloping, only for the last cruise ship scene having Riley point out that HE'S the one that had been ignoring her (by running around scheming with his mother) and that they'd previously discussed and decided to get married after the baby was born. Once she said that, I was on her side, but I wish they'd established that first instead of making her seem totally unreasonable.

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11 hours ago, kariyaki said:

Agreed. Throughout the whole episode, it seemed like Riley was the one blowing Danny off every time he would bring up eloping, only for the last cruise ship scene having Riley point out that HE'S the one that had been ignoring her (by running around scheming with his mother) and that they'd previously discussed and decided to get married after the baby was born. Once she said that, I was on her side, but I wish they'd established that first instead of making her seem totally unreasonable.

Yeah, her actions made way more sense after that point was made clear.  I don't get why the wedding was rushed either - I was really looking forward to the chaos of a Perrin-Wheeler shindig.

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Bonnie's "I can keep a secret; just ask your sister in Phoenix" had me laughing out loud, even if it makes no sense. Danny is her first-born (she even said so), so when did she have a child no one knows about?

I know this show had had its ups and downs and often been frustrating, but I've been invested in Danny and Riley from when he first revealed he'd always had a crush on her, all the way back to high school when she was fat. I was happy to see them get married.

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I hate how RIley just assumed they'd move without even talking with Danny about it first. It's like she still refuses to see Danny as a partner even after their wedding. So frustrating. 

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