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Just got passed the jury house meeting. I can't believe so many of them think Anthony was the best player!! Damien is the only one talking any sense!

Loved Sam and Adam sticking up for Kyra. 

LOVED Sam's expression when Mark went on about how awesome his alliance was. She didn't actually do an eye roll but you could actually tell that she was thinking it. 

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I found the finale pretty entertaining, and was happy Dane won. I knew he would, because Anthony made the fatal mistake of not admitting to anything but loyalty, which lots of them knew wasn't true. Dane totally owned his game, and I think they appreciated that. 

I'd forgotten that Dane's father died by suicide. Losing a family member to suicide is uniquely traumatizing to the survivors and leaves behind so much guilt. 

Despite that, I laughed a lot during the finale and appreciated the rather unbitter jury. 

I think I might check out Ika's season next. 

Edited by Melina22
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And now I've gotten to rhe part where Dane evicts Kyra and I just have a sinking feeling now Anthony is going to win. I haven't read any comments yet so I'm not spoiled. But for some odd reason the jury thinks Anthony is the best player ever and Dane has gotten so much blood on his hands. Even Dane said loyalty over money so he must think he's going to be 2nd place. 

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26 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I'd forgotten that Dane's father died by suicide. Losing a family member to suicide is uniquely traumatizing to the survivors and leaves behind so much guilt. 

I didn’t realize that it hadn’t even been a year. Obviously you never really get over something like that but this was so recent, I’m glad Dane had BB to bring some joy to his life this year.

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28 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I think I might check out Ika's season next.

Check out both of her seasons! Even the times when I was rooting against her, she’s still a BB goddess. 

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Yes yes yes! I'm so glad I was wrong. 

I think Anthony's extremely smug and egotistical speech left a bad taste in everyone's mouths. 

No Canada's favorite player? Is that just the US show?

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Anthony is so full of himself he busted right out of his jacket, I wonder if they brought those outfits themselves or if the show provides them, they looked like the sort of thing kids wear to proms nowadays. 

Almost felt bad for Kyra, should have gotten rid of Dane when the chance was there, hindsight and all that..

I fast forwarded through most of it, boring and predictable, and two of the most unlikeable final two members ever, for me anyway, tho the choices were slim.  Love Damien, and lost interest once he was gone, great sense of humor, his comment about being glad that Dane had his teeth in had me laughing out loud. 

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I took the advice of one of the posters here, and just started watching BBCAN season 2. I recognized Ika from her cameo in season 7. I also saw John and Neda, whose names are always mentioned together so I assume they become a couple? Too bad there isn't a forum for this season, but I'm looking forward to seeing it, since people say it's good. 

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On ‎5‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 2:12 PM, Melina22 said:

I took the advice of one of the posters here, and just started watching BBCAN season 2. I recognized Ika from her cameo in season 7. I also saw John and Neda, whose names are always mentioned together so I assume they become a couple? Too bad there isn't a forum for this season, but I'm looking forward to seeing it, since people say it's good. 

Ika and the letters might be one of the all-time funniest things I have ever watched on any reality TV show.  It was so glorious!

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I stalled halfway through the season so haven't seen this yet. I need to start watching it again. On a side note, I was watching a YouTube clip about Ika the other day. I know everyone loves her, but she could be pretty scary! I wouldn't want to cross her! 

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I just saw Peter Brown from BBCA Season 1 on a rerun episode of Let's Make a Deal that aired on March 6th, 2019. He won a trip to Puerto Rico then gave that up near the end to go for it all...

The start to his first part in the show starts at  around 11:14 - 17:05, his second goes from 27:40 to 27:58 and lastly since he chose to go for the Big Deal which starts at 30:30.

Edited by Jaded
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Brain Transformation Specialist? Female Lobster fisherman? No one can accuse BBCan of not being extremely diverse! 

I'm really looking forward to this season, but seriously... what is a Brain Transformation Specialist? 

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On 2/26/2020 at 10:03 PM, Melina22 said:

Brain Transformation Specialist? Female Lobster fisherman? No one can accuse BBCan of not being extremely diverse! 

I'm really looking forward to this season, but seriously... what is a Brain Transformation Specialist? 

By the way he's dressed, I'm guessing brain transformation specialist = magician. 

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Wow! Fantastic house. Extremely colourful guests with very strong personalities! (I don't want to say more till the episode is over). I'm expecting a great season. 

OK, it's over. I'm looking forward to my daily Taran podcasts again, which I've missed since BB ended. I know he was pretty excited about this season of BBCan. 

It does seem sort of unfair to pick 4 people to be in danger, just based on their online profiles, but I suppose early boots are never really fair. 

I'm just guessing, but I can picture the supply teacher and the infantry man hitting it off. On the other hand, it's often the most unlikely couples who get together on these shows. 

Ming Li (I know I spelled that wrong) put in a really impressive performance, but I don't think I'd ever want to trust anyone who seemed complimented by her ex calling her a narcissistic manipulator. Several of this season's houseguests appear to have massively oversized egos. 


Edited by Melina22
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I think some of the huge egos will annoy me after awhile but right now no one stands out to me as "I can't stand them". Yet. Lol. Actually I take that back, the guy in the Chuck Bass gold suit was annoying. 

I love the duo that's starting between Vanessa and Minh-Li. Such an unlikely pair but they work. Vanessa: I'm a lobster fisherman, what do you do for a living? Seduce people? 

I liked that the 4 in danger wasn't determined by Canada voting who they want to go but determined by Canada voting who they liked best and these 4 got the least votes. Anyone else find it ironic that in their intro interviews they're like, I don't care if everyone hates me. I'd rather win the game. And then they're upset when they get the least votes.  Hahaha

Out of the three still in danger I have to root for the woman (can't remember her name). Girl power and all that. Hopefully the two on the block are the men and the one going home is Nico. Only because he seems way too cocky and it might start to bug me if he makes it a few more weeks. 

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55 minutes ago, Samwise979 said:

liked that the 4 in danger wasn't determined by Canada voting who they want to go but determined by Canada voting who they liked best and these 4 got the least votes

I totally missed that point! I suppose that's marginally less insulting 😁

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4 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I'm just guessing, but I can picture the supply teacher and the infantry man hitting it off. On the other hand, it's often the most unlikely couples who get together on these shows.

The infantry man, did he tell the house guests that he was in yoga wear sales? Or was that another guy? 

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23 minutes ago, Samwise979 said:

The infantry man, did he tell the house guests that he was in yoga wear sales? Or was that another guy? 

Yes! I assume he was trying to appear less threatening. 

Meanwhile I couldn't get a read on John Luke (?) the guy with the hilarious cartoony suit. He's very odd. I can see myself either really enjoying him, or really disliking him. Too soon to tell. 

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I didn't watch any of the intro videos online but I wasn't surprised at 3 of the people who ended up with the fewest votes.  They were, by far, the most obnoxious people at the start of the show so I imagine their online videos were just as bad. (I was surprised  though that the Italian girl ended up in danger, she didn't seem that bad to me.  I thought Mr. "Ya Feel Me" would have gotten fewer votes.) Girl power or not, I really wanted Minh-Li (sorry, not sure of the spelling yet) to go.  There is nothing I hate more than women who seem proud that they're bitches and boast as if being arrogant and narcissistic is a good trait.  Ditto for men too, I guess.  (Also, have they never watched BB Can before? The audience always votes for something and we never vote for the assholes!) 

So far my early fave is Carol, not because I necessarily think she'll win, but so far she seems like the type of person I'd be friends with.  ("I wasn't gonna tell you my age because you assholes always vote out the old person first" LMAO)

Edited by Rachel RSL
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48 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

There is nothing I hate more than women who seem proud that they're bitches and boast as if being arrogant and narcissistic is a good trait.  Ditto for men too, I guess.  (

She did come off as someone you'd never want to know IRL, didn't she? Actually, a few of them did. Sometimes it turns out that they're just playing it up for the camera, but she was just too convincing. 

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Honestly my first impression of Minh-Li was the same, she really rubbed me the wrong way and I totally get how she was in the bottom 4 but throughout the episode she kinda grew on me.

@Melina22 re: John Luke. I pretty much had the complete opposite reaction from my reaction to Minh-Li, which is, the first few moments of his intro I really liked him but as it went on and as the episode went on he went downhill for me. 

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I really wanted to like Angela when she was talking about being a superfan and making the other superfans proud but then, in the very next breath, she talked about how she couldn't wait to get into a showmance.  Uh....isn't that the #1 thing NOT to do?  Something a superfan should know.

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One of the more annoying moments though was after Arissa announced the results and Vanessa said “I can’t imagine being in this house without you!!!”  Really? You’ve known her for like 2 hours.

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So tonight was a surprise. I felt sad for Nico. Personally I couldn't last 4 hours in that house. He seemed miserable almost immediately. I teared up a bit at how kind Arissa was about it, unlike the usual Survivor "What a loser!" vibe. I feel like there was more to it than met the eye. He must feel embarrassed now, and/or regretful he didn't wait till the vote. 

Before his exit became clear I thought maybe the shocker was some kind of brawl between Minh-Li and the Hulk, followed by someone's expulsion. Is it rude to say he may have taken too many steroids? He was so aggressive. She actually wasn't that bad. 

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I know I wouldn't last a day in that house. One of the reasons being the fact that you can't get any sleep because of the loud personalities who claim they can't bring their voice down (I guess she doesn't have kids?) and getting verbally attacked by a guy saying I have no right asking people to be quiet. That was not a good look on him. I'm sure Minh-Ly rubs people the wrong way but I saw no problem with the way she asked if people could whisper when others are trying to sleep. He was super aggressive and just plain mean. 

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Ok, I guess I'm the one who's going to be a straight-up bitch lol.  I'm trying really really hard to have empathy for Nico but I just can't.  He came into the house cocky, arrogant and obnoxious and only "broke down" when he found out that Canada hadn't kept him safe.  (Probably because he was, you know, cocky, arrogant and obnoxious.)  Things didn't go his way and he threw in the towel immediately.  I'm really trying to feel bad for him but you just know that if he hadn't been in trouble this week, he almost certainly would have continued to be insufferable.  I appreciate Arisa telling people to be kind but.....GAH....I just can't.  I wish him well but I won't miss him.

Minh-Li looks so much like Chrissy Tiegen, it distracts me sometimes.  She must really be a pain to live with if Kyle is already flipping out on her.  He may have been a little loud about it but I noticed that nobody jumped to her defense so maybe she needed to be taken down a peg. 

Edited by Rachel RSL
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@Rachel RSL totally agree about Nico actually. And he was the one I was thinking about in my earlier post when I said something like it's ironic that they're all like, I don't care if Canada hates me, I'll do anything to win, and then cry about it when Canada "hates" them. 

As for Minh-Ly, like I said before, I'm sure she rubs people the wrong way but because I don't watch the live feeds I can only comment on what I see on the show.   And I know the editing monkeys screw with reality, but again, it's all I have to base my opinions on.  All I saw was a man twice her size being so aggressive toward her when all she (reasonably) asked for was some quiet at night. And then freaked out at her again when she wanted to discuss the issue in private. 

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26 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Minh-Li looks so much like Chrissy Tiegen, it distracts me sometimes. 

Thank you! It was driving me crazy that I couldn't figure out who she reminded me of! 

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I don't blame Kyle for the initial freak out because, while M.L. (just going with that until I figure out how to spell her name properly) may have had a reasonable request,  she was pretty bitchy about it.  I was very surprised though when he refused to talk to her in private.  That was kind of a dick move but also a really bad game move.  Even if you have to fake it, you always should at least pretend to get along with your housemates.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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28 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I'm trying really really hard to have empathy for Nico but I just can't.

Well, Rob on RHAP is totally in agreement with you. He has zero sympathy for him. I can see both sides. It's hard to choose a side for me, because I can never tell to what extent we're seeing the real person at the beginning, and to what extent we're seeing people trying to be the character the producers want. It's a lot easier to tell after a couple of weeks. I generally dislike almost every guest on every version of BB based on their obnoxious entry videos, but start to warm to certain ones quite quickly once I see who they really are. 

In hindsight, I think a lot of the reason for Arissas kindness to Nico is preventative. Certain guests on reality shows in the past have gone as far as suicide after public rejection, and they don't want that happening to their show. You never know how certain people will respond, especially if they seem unstable. 

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25 minutes ago, SnideAsides said:


You're welcome.

And here I thought I was finally spelling it correctly. 

I think I'm also spelling Arissa wrong but I'm just too tired to check. 

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On 3/7/2020 at 1:38 AM, Melina22 said:

And here I thought I was finally spelling it correctly. 

I think I'm also spelling Arissa wrong but I'm just too tired to check. 

It’s Arisa with one R and one S. I always spell it incorrectly at the start of every season and have to Google it. 🤷‍♀️

Edited by Rachel RSL
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