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The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson - General Discussion

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I enjoyed the interview with Dick Cavett. Didn't get to see most of his his talk shows when they aired except for the one that was on CNBC and didn't know about the TCM show he had until I just read about it on his wiki page. I love it when I catch him being interviewed because he seems like such an interesting guy. I also love catching him on old episodes of The $25,000 Pyramid on GSN. 

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I enjoyed the interview with Dick Cavett. Didn't get to see most of his his talk shows when they aired except for the one that was on CNBC and didn't know about the TCM show he had until I just read about it on his wiki page. I love it when I catch him being interviewed because he seems like such an interesting guy. I also love catching him on old episodes of The $25,000 Pyramid on GSN. 

I have so much admiration for Brady showing Cavett all that well deserved respect. (Giving him the seat behind the desk for two segments?  On his last night? What a secure, thoughtful, non-threatening ego Brady possesses)  Cavett has literally seen it all, John & Yoko, on-air fist fights and a guy who actually died on his show. (Look up the story on why he didn't say "Is there a doctor in the house?")  Cavett used to do essays for the New York Times and they where always tremendous reading.


Brady did a fine job on his run, frankly if the hefty English kid tanks they could do a lot worse than giving Brady the gig full time.


So who's the next host in the parade? 

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Last Saturday, Mr ebk and I went to see Craig at the Warner Theater.  Josh opened the show.  Secretariat was there (he ran on just before Craig came on and then came out for the bows).


This is the third time we've seen Craig in concert and this show was definitely the best of them all.  And they've all been great!  I so miss him on my TV.

Pretty good piece.  I'll admit it's been a real box of chocolates at 12:35 on CBS.  If there was any way it could be sustained, it makes for an interesting premise to fill the time slot.  Oprah-esque. "YOU get a talk show ! ... YOU get a talks show ! ... EVERYBODY gets a talk show !!!!" 

Edited by kib

That ew.com piece was nice, indeed. Even though I don't totally agree with the "and noone's plugging anything" part of it.


Speaking of "pluggin something", Lennon's run was... okay. I didn't care much for his sidekick character, and it was mostly "Odd Couple" promotion, but Lennon is likeable & dynamic enough that it wasn't too annoying. Contrary to some of the past guest hosts, I probably wouldn't watch "The Late Late Show w/ Tom Lennon" on a regular basis, though.


Intrigued by Lauren's show tonight.

Arnett's episode was very enjoyable. Turning the whole thing into a spoof of late night finales was a clever touch. I also liked that they acknowledged Peter Lassally (something that was curiously missing from Craig's final episode) by giving him that funny cameo at the beginning and stating that this was the final episode of television he'd ever produce (all the remaining guest host episodes were pretaped weeks ago).

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You win, you lose and I'd put Lauren Graham in the lose column. Ray Romano is usually pretty funny on talk shows but it was like he gave up. Or maybe Lauren asked him not to do his bits so they could just chat. The opening bit when they were pretending to be awkward was better than their actual interview segment.

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Arnett's episode was very enjoyable. Turning the whole thing into a spoof of late night finales was a clever touch. I also liked that they acknowledged Peter Lassally (something that was curiously missing from Craig's final episode) by giving him that funny cameo at the beginning and stating that this was the final episode of television he'd ever produce (all the remaining guest host episodes were pretaped weeks ago).

I think that's an excellent point you bring up about Craig not mentioning Lassally.  Noteworthy by omission.  Here's a 2005 piece from the New York Times about "The Host Whisperer" featuring none other than our favorite Scotsman.


Edited by kib

Craig Ferguson to star in ABC’s comedy pilot The King of 7B



Craig Ferguson is returning to primetime.


The former Late Late Show host has landed the leading role for on ABC’s comedy pilot The King of 7B, EW has learned.


In this ensemble comedy, an agoraphobic recluse (Ferguson) ventures outside for the first time in 20 years when he spies what could be his soul mate moving into the building across the street.


Ferguson, who previously starred on ABC’s Drew Carey Show, joins the already cast Carla Jimenez and Kirby Howell-Baptiste.


Not what I expected.

Same here. It's not what I was hoping for either. I'll give anything Craig does a chance, but I'd much rather see him in something that isn't scripted. I love hearing his unique take on things, not the words of sitcom writers.

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We were discussing Craig last night over dinner, and we still miss him terribly.  He had the best guests, authors even!  Got to see all the new books, new comedians, plus the wit of CraigyFerg.  We have tried a couple of times to watch his replacement, and it thoroughly sucks.  Musical guests are terrible, and it just looks like a spoof show.  It is like a death in the family, still. 

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I heard about this and meant to post it here.  The Variety article doesn't say what channel the show will be on - it's channel 94, Comedy Greats.  Love this from Craig:

It's like Game of Thrones in your car without pictures.


Damn, I miss him.  This is something to listen to on my way home from work.  Yay!!

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First it was Letterman, now Craigy Ferg is tackling serious topics at length.

Daily News: Former late-night host Craig Ferguson wants to know life's secrets


The former “Late Late Show” host and his wife Megan star in a new, six-part interview series called “Couple Thinkers” where they discuss deep and nuanced topics with experts involving life, society and the state of the planet.

Promo for the Youtube mini series:

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I used to love this show, but caught it only intermittently. I've recently been watching compilations on YouTube, and the experience has turned me from a mild fan of Craig and the show, to semi-obsessed. 

My favorite guests were Kristen Bell, Jim Parsons, Neil Patrick Harris, Mila Kunis, Desmond Tutu, Lauren Graham, Matthew McConaughey, Isaac Mizrahi, plus the ones you could tell were people he's close to in real life, like Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen, Emma Thompson, Hugh Laurie, Alfred Molina, Michael Clarke Duncan, etc.

The show was such an exuberant, strange, wonderful weird, fascinating, brilliant mix. Kristen Bell and Craig were like something out of a 1940s screwball comedy. And meanwhile, Neil Patrick Harris was my favorite guest with Secretariat because he always was SO excited and danced right along with Craig (Katie Couric was another who patently adored Secretariat)! And I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Mila Kunis (who brought out something almost fatherly in Craig), and I loved watching Craig flirt with Isaac Mizrahi and Jim Parsons (and NPH). He was just so comfortable in his own skin.

I've really enjoyed the show, and YT compilations are great because you can watch a single guest evolve and get more comfortable over repeated visits. I also adored the Sid the Bunny and Wavey the Crocodile so it was awesome to see them back dancing with Craig, and while I wasn't a fan of Geoff's in the beginning, by the end I thought he was hilarious. 

And it wasn't just the humor, it was the heart. Craig's tribute episode to his father still moves me to tears, and his tribute to his mother was equally lovely. His tribute to Michael Clarke Duncan after his passing was heartbreaking, and I'll never forget his famous monologue about his sobriety and why he would not be mocking Britney Spears... to this day I think it's a milestone in late-night television for its eloquence and humility.

And that cold open to his final episode was one of the most wonderful, joyful, exuberant things I've ever seen on TV. 

Edited by paramitch
Because I am a big enough fan that it irks me I couldn't remember Sid or Wavey's names when writing my OP ;)
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Aww... now I"m missing Craig again (fiercely). 

On 1/16/2018 at 1:02 AM, paramitch said:

and I'll never forget his famous monologue about his sobriety and why he would not be mocking Britney Spears... to this day I think it's a milestone in late-night television for its eloquence and humility.

And that cold open to his final episode was one of the most wonderful, joyful, exuberant things I've ever seen on TV. 

Absolutely.  2 of the best things I've ever seen on tv. 

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