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Can someone give a brief Kiriakis family rundown? I was watching when Justin and Adrienne got together and I remember when he was having the affair with Angelica Devereaux, but I dropped the show in the late 80s. At what point were all these children born (Sonny, Alex, apparently there are also twins?)

Justin and Anjelica Devereaux were having an affair and they had Alexander Neil Kiriakis. Justin named him after his beloved father who was Victor's brother. It was hard for Adrienne to accept the baby because she was having problems conceiving and even had a miscarriage.. Adrienne was also having a affair with Emilio and Justin even took a hit out on him....The Fraternal twins Joseph and Victor jr were the sons of the housekeeper that worked for Anjelica Devereaux, her brother was hired to kill Adrienne by Anjelica, he died instead...When the plot was discovered, Anjelica ran away with Alex and they were believed to be dead in a plane crash...Once discovered, Justin took custody of his son and Adrienne agreed to raise him with Justin..In the interim, they decided to adopt the twins,  the parents were unable to raise them;then Adrienne discovered that she was pregnant with Sonny her miracle baby...Justin and Adrienne decided to leave Salem with their brood for Texas...Sonny was born offscreen..She named him after her beloved brothers Jackson Steven Kiriakis..If I missed anything, other people can fill in....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Justin and Anjelica Devereaux were having an affair and they had Alexander Neil Kiriakis. Justin named him after his beloved father who was Victor's brother. It was hard for Adrienne to accept the baby because she was having problems conceiving and even had a miscarriage.. Adrienne was also having a affair with Emilio and Justin even took a hit out on him....The Fraternal twins Joseph and Victor jr were the sons of the housekeeper that worked for Anjelica Devereaux, her brother was hired to kill Adrienne by Anjelica, he died instead...When the plot was discovered, Anjelica ran away with Alex and they were believed to be dead in a plane crash...Once discovered, Justin took custody of his son and Adrienne agreed to raise him with Justin..In the interim, they decided to adopt the twins,  the parents were unable to raise them;then Adrienne discovered that she was pregnant with Sonny her miracle baby...Justin and Adrienne decided to leave Salem with their brood for Texas...Sonny was born offscreen..She named him after her beloved brothers Jackson Steven Kiriakis..If I missed anything, other people can fill in....

You pretty much nailed it.  I forget how complicated/interesting Adrian and Justin used to be.


To think that the last time I was excited about the Kiriakis family as a unit was when Kate, Lucas, Austin, Billie, and babies Phillip and Will were all members and living in the K mansion, and Bo was more integrated into the family because of Billie.  Or my favorite Kiriakis family scene is still Kate and Lucas comforting a stroke ridden Victor in the hospital and promising to kill Sami for what she did to him, all while holding Victor's hands.

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You pretty much nailed it.  I forget how complicated/interesting Adrian and Justin used to be.


To think that the last time I was excited about the Kiriakis family as a unit was when Kate, Lucas, Austin, Billie, and babies Phillip and Will were all members and living in the K mansion, and Bo was more integrated into the family because of Billie.  Or my favorite Kiriakis family scene is still Kate and Lucas comforting a stroke ridden Victor in the hospital and promising to kill Sami for what she did to him, all while holding Victor's hands.

I loved that scene as well...I always wanted Will and Sonny to have met as kids when Kate and Victor were married...They knew about each other via Abigail, they had never met until that day at the pier....Once Sonny laid eyes on Will, he was the one for him..It  is sad what has been done to them...Now that I think about it, Sonny was always trying to ingratiate himself with Will and Will was so oblivious to that....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I loved that scene as well...I always wanted Will and Sonny to have met as kids when Kate and Victor were married...They knew about each other via Abigail, they had never met until that day at the pier....Once Sonny laid eyes on Will, he was the one for him..It  is sad what has been done to them...Now that I think about it, Sonny was always trying to ingratiate himself with Will and Will was so oblivious to that....

I was always surprised that they never referenced or brought up the fact that Sonny and Will were for most of their childhoods part of the same family.  Maybe because Phillip or Bo aren't around anymore to act as a binder between them. 


Ironically when I see Sonny and Kate interact there is so much warmth and comfort in their scenes it is sort of like the actors are playing out the history that for most of his life Kate was his aunt.  The idea that if Sonny was so close to Victor growing up, most of those times would include "Aunt Kate" as well.

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Plus Sonny and Will have so many shared relatives between them....They have Philip, Brady, Bo, Chelsea, Abigail, JJ, Joey, Stefanie, Jack, Jennifer, Steve, Kayla...I am hoping that Arianna their daughter will bring it all together....If the show were to continue into the future,,She would be a force to be reckon with....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Thanks everyone!! awesome summing up. Isn't Philip also a Kiriakis? Who are his parents and what happened to him?

Phillip is in Chicago with Rex and Cassie, Kate's twins with Roman.  He moved to Chicago to co-parent Parker with Chloe until it was revealed that Parker was actually Daniel's son.  Last we heard Phillip is still living in Chicago.

Phillip is in Chicago with Rex and Cassie, Kate's twins with Roman.  He moved to Chicago to co-parent Parker with Chloe until it was revealed that Parker was actually Daniel's son.  Last we heard Phillip is still living in Chicago.


Do Rex and Cassie even still exist? I haven't heard anyone mention since they left town almost a decade ago.

Do Rex and Cassie even still exist? I haven't heard anyone mention since they left town almost a decade ago.

They were mentioned a couple of years ago.  Kate made a reference to visiting Rex, Cassie, and Phillip in Chicago after Phillip made the move.  Outside of that, they did kind of forget that they exist.  Hell, Kate and Roman aren't even allowed to mention them it seems.  For a new viewer you wouldn't even know those two have children.


Last time they were mentioned in the soap press is when the rumors circulated that Jordan was originally supposed to be Cassie in disguise and that she had a whole other storyline planned out, but then they changed it and gave her the fugitive storyline.

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Wait.  I thought Dr. Tan was only tangentially and unnecessarily attached to the Kiriakis family through Maggie and the whole egg baby nonsense.  But he grew up with Brady, Victor, et al?  So who is his father?  It never occurred to me to ask until now, given my general disinterest in/dislike of the character.

Daniel is the son of Victor's oldest friends.  When they were trying to conceive and couldn't Victor stepped in and stole a "donor egg" from the hospital, that donor later turned out to be Maggie.  Not sure, but were those fertility treatments even around 48-50 years ago?  I digress.


Daniel came on the show as Victor's godson, that is his relationship to the Kiriakis family. 


Honestly the only reason that Daniel is Maggie's son is that TPTB wanted to make Maggie and Melanie related and the only way to do that was to make Daniel Maggie's biological son. 

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Couldn't they have found a way to make Carly related to Maggie?


They could of which would of been interesting, but I don't think they wanted to put Maggie in the middle of Hope and Carly or tie Carly to a main family.  Hell, Lucas was sacrificed for Daniel. 


I also think that Daniel's past was a conceivable opening to make Maggie his mother, without a retcon.  On theory I don't object too much to Maggie being Daniel's mother I just don't like how it is played out.  She is incredibly overprotective of him and not in an interesting way like say Kate is with her children.  I will say I like it more now that Melanie is back, which is where the real chemistry is, between Maggie and Melanie.

Edited by JBC344
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Rumor has  it the actresses who play Maggie and Melanie went to the producers and asked to be related by blood and Voila, Maggie's egg baby known as Dan was created....I  hated the fact that Carly and Dan had a child....Another retcon..Carly and Bo should have had a child together..They could have said that Carly left pregnant under duress by Lawrence and she  came back to Salem so that Bo can help her find their son who has been kidnapped by Lawrence....That could have been a storyline that involved many people on the show...

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I think if Chelsea didn't exist I would be ok with a Bo/Carly child but I think Bo has enough children now.  The storyline was done a lot better with Bo and Billie finding Chelsea. 


But I did like Carly around, that was before they turned her crazy for Daniel.  Why the writers have this weird fascination to make all their interesting female characters lose themselves when they date or marry Daniel.  He should have a warning sign.  Seriously Nicole, Kate, Chloe and Carly were all sacrificed for Daniel of all people.

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I think if Chelsea didn't exist I would be ok with a Bo/Carly child but I think Bo has enough children now.  The storyline was done a lot better with Bo and Billie finding Chelsea. 


But I did like Carly around, that was before they turned her crazy for Daniel.  Why the writers have this weird fascination to make all their interesting female characters lose themselves when they date or marry Daniel.  He should have a warning sign.  Seriously Nicole, Kate, Chloe and Carly were all sacrificed for Daniel of all people.

Don't forget that Jennifer, Jack, Lucas, Philip were also sacrificed for Dr Tan...

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Justin and Anjelica Devereaux were having an affair and they had Alexander Neil Kiriakis. Justin named him after his beloved father who was Victor's brother. It was hard for Adrienne to accept the baby because she was having problems conceiving and even had a miscarriage.. Adrienne was also having a affair with Emilio and Justin even took a hit out on him....The Fraternal twins Joseph and Victor jr were the sons of the housekeeper that worked for Anjelica Devereaux, her brother was hired to kill Adrienne by Anjelica, he died instead...When the plot was discovered, Anjelica ran away with Alex and they were believed to be dead in a plane crash...Once discovered, Justin took custody of his son and Adrienne agreed to raise him with Justin..In the interim, they decided to adopt the twins,  the parents were unable to raise them;then Adrienne discovered that she was pregnant with Sonny her miracle baby...Justin and Adrienne decided to leave Salem with their brood for Texas...Sonny was born offscreen..She named him after her beloved brothers Jackson Steven Kiriakis..If I missed anything, other people can fill in....

Why is Justin considered one of the good guys?  When EJ and Sami doing just that are considered bad guys. 

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I was talking about Justin putting a hit out on people.

I know I was lumping that in with a destructive marriage.  Outside of a crazy marriage that has mellowed over thirty years Justin and Adrienne are decent people otherwise.  Sami and EJ's issues are not just contained to their own destructive marriage.  Sami and EJ's issues predated them tying the knot.


I see your point but if EJ had lived and he and Sami continued to live a relatively normal life for the next 20 years, it can change the perspective of them. 

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Why is Justin considered one of the good guys?  When EJ and Sami doing just that are considered bad guys. 

The difference is that  Sami and EJ  have displayed the characteristics of sociopaths..Justin and Adrienne were both flawed people with dark pasts..Especially Adrienne who never felt that she was good enough to be with Justin, coupled with Victor constantly undermining their relationship..Justin put Victor on a pedestal, since he was the only family that he had left..Justin and Victor had an us against the world relationship.It took a toll. Plus Adrienne had problems conceiving, then her rival Anjelica gave Justin his first-born son...Justin got involved with Victor's shady dealings, her disillusionment in Justin, pushed her to have an affair with Emilio. They were close friends before their affair. Her continuous affair with Emilio  pushed Justin over  the edge..It was a very complicated situation written wonderfully..Everybody had a point of view...It is not like now where the writing is heavy-handed on who we are supposed to like....

Edited by Apprentice79

You bring up a good point.  Bo being Zack's father was a complete retcon when it was between John and Stefano.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the issue with Ciara's paternity was that Hope had been sleeping with Bo right up until they broke up but then slept with Patrick a few weeks later making it too close to be sure?  That is why they had to wait for the amnio to be sure who the father was, then of course Patrick paid off the doctor to lie and say Ciara was his, before he eventually came clean.

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You bring up a good point.  Bo being Zack's father was a complete retcon when it was between John and Stefano.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the issue with Ciara's paternity was that Hope had been sleeping with Bo right up until they broke up but then slept with Patrick a few weeks later making it too close to be sure?  That is why they had to wait for the amnio to be sure who the father was, then of course Patrick paid off the doctor to lie and say Ciara was his, before he eventually came clean.

You are right..Remember Mime sex between Bo and Hope lol, to retcon Zack as being Bo's son..It would have been better for Zack to have been Stefano's...Think about the storyline possibilities, when Chelsea killed him..Stefano  could have been hellbent on destroying Chelsea with Hope's silent approval. While  Bo, Billie, Kate, Victor and the other Bradys desperate to protect her...The angst between Bo and Hope could have been played out for years. In the interim, Bo and Billie would have gotten back together united in protecting their daughter. Stefano could have had declared a truce with the Brady's because Zack was being raised by Bo and Hope. Zack's death could have reopened old wounds and resentments on both sides of the Brady/Dimera vendetta. The baby switch with Zack and Lexie would have had another layer of complication with Lexie feeling that her actions were justified because that was her little brother...

Edited by Apprentice79
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You are right..Remember Mime sex between Bo and Hope..It would have been better for Zack to have been Stefano's...Think about the storyline possibilities, when Chelsea killed him..Stefano  could have been hellbent on destroying Chelsea with Hope's silent approval. While  Bo, Victor and the other Bradys desperate to protect her....Stefano could have had declared a truce with the Brady's because Zack was being raised by Bo and Hope. Zack's death could have reopened old wounds and resentments on both sides of the Brady/Dimera vendetta. The baby switch with Zack and Lexie would have had another layer of complication with Lexie feeling that her actions were justified because that was her little brother...

Amen.  I remember being really pissed that they retconned Bo being Zach's father, and it completely made no sense.  Stefano happened to have brainwashed Bo as a mime for one day in Paris while Hope was brainwashed as Gina, they connect on the street despite the fact that they two of them in their altered state don't know one another.  They sleep with each other and Hope is already pregnant when she sleeps with both John and Stefano the same day.


Apprentice79, I would of much rather had your scenario play out regarding Stefano being the father.  Especially with the evil Lexi storyline adding another layer. Talk about duping your audience.

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Amen.  I remember being really pissed that they retconned Bo being Zach's father, and it completely made no sense.  Stefano happened to have brainwashed Bo as a mime for one day in Paris while Hope was brainwashed as Gina, they connect on the street despite the fact that they two of them in their altered state don't know one another.  They sleep with each other and Hope is already pregnant when she sleeps with both John and Stefano the same day.


Apprentice79, I would of much rather had your scenario play out regarding Stefano being the father.  Especially with the evil Lexi storyline adding another layer. Talk about duping your audience.

Exactly! These writers lack imagination..The ones in the past were more open to going  against the grain, they are the reason why the show is 50 years old this year..Had these stupid  writers been on the scene 50 years ago, the show would not exist today...I  get tired that every big bad is tied back to Stefano..We have had other great villains in the past...It would have been good to see Stefano being a human by letting his  son Zack  be raised by the Brady's with the understanding that when he gets older they would tell him about Stefano being his biological dad...Imagine the possibilities of a Dimera by blood being raised by the Bradys and Kiriakis....The peace would all go to hell, once Chelsea kills him...

Edited by Apprentice79
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It was really stupid to retcon so many SLs to make Stefano the evil villain responsible for everything.  Victor, Toscano, Alamaine, etc. were all great bad guys who played their part in the history of the show.  It's especially annoying since JM's health means Stefano can only show up for a few minutes every couple of months talking to his idiot children who can't get jack done without Stefano's help.  Yet I'm supposed to believe that Kate, Sami, and Nicole couldn't handle these incompetent fools.  {face palm}

Adrienne was awesome back in the day...They made her into a hypocritical shrew to give Wilson angst about their relationship...Adrienne written in character would never have judged Will because of his family. She would have been empathetic towards him and encouraging Sonny to forgive Will about his lie about not being the father of Gabi's baby...To be honest, I expected Victor to be anti-Wilson in their infant stage as a couple because he has had bad interactions with Sami. Adrienne through me for a loop with her dislike of Sami.  She was not around for Sami's reign of terror..

Edited by Apprentice79
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Adrienne was awesome back in the day...They made her into a hypocritical shrew to give Wilson angst about their relationship...Adrienne written in character would never have judged Will because of his family. She would have been empathetic towards him and encouraging Sonny to forgive Will about his lie about not being the father of Gabi's baby...To be honest, I expected Victor to be anti-Wilson in their infant stage as a couple because he has had bad interactions with Sami. Adrienne through me for a loop with her dislike of Sami.  She was not around for Sami's reign of terror..

Yeah, that storyline never made a ounce of sense to me.  Adrienne was the girl from the wrong side of the tracks who Victor looked down on.  No way would she have treated Will the same way Victor treated her back in the day.  I always thought a more interesting storyline would of been for Adrienne to resent Sami for trying to "bring Will down" with her schemes and would of tried to incorporate Will into her family and get him to distance himself from Sami.  That would of at least made sense and taken into account Adrienne history as her "protecting Will" as she would of wished someone did for her.

Holy shit!  Hope slept with Stefano?  Ewww--Ewww---and more ewwww

At the time Hope was brainwashed into being Princess Gina when she slept with both Stefano and John in the same day I believe.  Both happened on a submarine (don't ask).  In the old TWOP boards we referred to it as "SUB SEX"

Edited by JBC344
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Adrienne through me for a loop with her dislike of Sami.  She was not around for Sami's reign of terror..




Everytime one of these idiots starts badmouthing Sami, I'm like, you weren't even in Salem then.  The people who have a right to be angry at Sami are no longer in Salem.  Sami has spent most of the last eight years defending herself or people she cares about from people that were targeting them.

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Yeah, that storyline never made a ounce of sense to me.  Adrienne was the girl from the wrong side of the tracks who Victor looked down on.  No way would she have treated Will the same way Victor treated her back in the day.  I always thought a more interesting storyline would of been for Adrienne to resent Sami for trying to "bring Will down" with her schemes and would of tried to incorporate Will into her family and get him to distance himself from Sami.  That would of at least made sense and taken into account Adrienne history as her "protecting Will" as she would of wished someone did for her.

At the time Hope was brainwashed into being Princess Gina when she slept with both Stefano and John in the same day I believe.  Both happened on a submarine (don't ask).  In the old TWOP boards we referred to it as "SUB SEX"

Adrienne should have been a fan of Wilson and I like your idea about her liking him..It would have made more sense..Victor should have been anti-Wilson because he has never approved of his relatives' wives or girlfriends in the past, why should Sonny  be any different because he is Gay...Plus, Victor would have good reasons to not want Sami's son with his grand-nephew. It would have been cool to see Sonny at odds with Victor over Will. While Adrienne runs interference with Victor because of her dark  past with him...Victor was very mean to Adrienne back in the day. This show just have  the characters  act out of character to advance the plot....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I actually really liked that Victor wasn't an obstacle with Wilson.  For as much as Victor and Sami have had their issues, Will was also a part of Victor's life and family.  Hell, he and Phillip were raised in the Kiriakis mansion and shared a nanny before Phillip's SORASing.  Victor using Sami against Will would be out of place since he was there for Will's childhood.

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So Hope is the bad guy for turning Justin down?


Will is wrong for cheating on Sonny, but it's okay for him to stab Sami and Kate in the back?


It's Sami's fault EJ cheated with Slappy, and the boring twit was a victim?


It's okay for Dan to treat Nicole like crap, but she is cheating on him when they aren't even together?


I can't wait for the scene were Brady blames Theresa for Kristen stealing her baby.


The writing on this show is infuriating.

Edited by TigerLynx
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