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The X-Files in the Media

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I started a new topic because I didn't see one that seemed appropriate for discussing general media of XF.  If mods think this is redundant since there's a thread for interviews and want to close this then fine.


But what prompted the starting of this thread is that Kumail Nanjiani has started a new XF-related podcast.  It's called Kumail Nanjiani's The X-Files Files.  So far I've listened to just the first episode in which the focus is nominally the first two episodes, but mostly Kumail and his guest (Devin Faraci) reminisce about the show in general and things they liked and didn't like (spoiler: they hated the second movie).  I like Kumail so it's fun to hear him talk and in general I just enjoy hearing people discuss XF.  Kumail is a big fan of the show, but not an expert on the show, so mostly he's just talking about episodes that are really memorable to him and what he likes about them and the show in general.  


Anyway, I listen to podcasts all the time and having an XF-focused podcast is very exciting to me.

More podcast (well, radio--I just listen via podcast) XF stuff, though this is just a tiny piece.  This week's Ask Me Another included a game in which an old sitcom theme song is rewritten with lyrics that describe a more recent drama series.  The name of the game was Just Sit Right Back and, as you can probably guess since I'm mentioning it here, XF was one of the drama series featured.  The whole game is fun, in my opinion, but if you just want to hear the XF song it's at 6:20.


"Meet Dana,

The one who stays detached.

Remained a skeptic 'til Fox was snatched.

But Fox believes conspiracies and coverups occur with ease,

They might seem mismatched.

But they're partners,

They're FBI partners and you'll find,

When paranormal things they sleuth,

They both are searching for the truth,

They become aligned.

When partnered,

Find threats to mankind."

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I liked this profile of Scully and her "Mulderesque" moments: 




That was great!


"As a litmus test, she was invaluable — Scully buying into an idea was the equivalent of an investigative gold star."


Such a good point.  The more I watch the show the more I realize -- Scully didn't refuse to believe anything just out of pettiness or spite.  She only refused to believe what she did not personally witness or could not scientifically observe.  That's one reason she and Mulder made such a great team, and it's why I love Mulder's hallway speech (from FTF) more and more every time I see it, because in that moment I know that he gets it.  And I think Scully knows it too, which is why she decided to stick with him.




What do you guys think about this? If the reboot happens, does that mean there's no chance for a third movie? I don't think I would be that interested if they recast Mulder and Scully... sigh.  

Edited by Hidebehind

I think I'd have to say I'm firmly against a reboot of any kind.  I would maybe consider watching some sort of sequel, b/c I actually didn't mind Doggett and Reyes outside of the overall whiny Scully/alien baby/MIA Mulder cluster that was Season 9, so it's quite possible I could come to like/love(?) two new agents.  But Duchovny and Anderson will always be Mulder and Scully to me, and I think it would annoy me to no end to watch anyone else try to play them.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I just wouldn't watch.  Or I'd watch and pick apart all the ways they weren't like Duchovny and Anderson. 

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Sadly, I think there will be a reboot in my lifetime (that I will not watch), but I don't think it will happen for another ten years or so. 


Of course, if Gillian sticks by her pronouncement she'd have to kill anyone else who tried to play Scully, we'll never have to abide such a travesty, heh.

Yea that's what I've been thinking too :(.


Do you have a link to the interview? Now I'm curious :3...

It wasn't a published interview, it was part of a discussion at a charity event.  One of the audience questions - to Gillian and Chris, as David had already left - was what it would be like to see an XF remake on TV in 20 years or so.  Gillian said she'd be jealous to see someone else play Scully, and then joked, "I might have to kill them."

Oh I see, Bastet.


Ah. Well that's cute :p.

I started a new topic because I didn't see one that seemed appropriate for discussing general media of XF.  If mods think this is redundant since there's a thread for interviews and want to close this then fine.


But what prompted the starting of this thread is that Kumail Nanjiani has started a new XF-related podcast.  It's called Kumail Nanjiani's The X-Files Files.  So far I've listened to just the first episode in which the focus is nominally the first two episodes, but mostly Kumail and his guest (Devin Faraci) reminisce about the show in general and things they liked and didn't like (spoiler: they hated the second movie).  I like Kumail so it's fun to hear him talk and in general I just enjoy hearing people discuss XF.  Kumail is a big fan of the show, but not an expert on the show, so mostly he's just talking about episodes that are really memorable to him and what he likes about them and the show in general.  


Anyway, I listen to podcasts all the time and having an XF-focused podcast is very exciting to me.


I just started listening to The X Files Files today and I'm already in love. I've downloaded all of them. At least I have 3 hours in the car every day so I'll catch up fairly fast. I also think I'm going to start watching along with them. I love this show so much. 

Fox Confirms ‘X-Files’ Reboot Talks



Following the success of Fox’s 24 limited series, the network is looking to bring back another iconic drama series, The X-Files. Fox TV Group chairman Gary Newman today confirmed chatter that the network is in talks for a new installment of Chris Carter’s cult supernatural drama, which starred David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. Carter hinted at a possible reboot in the summer, acknowledging he had had conversations with Fox and 20th Century Fox TV, the studio behind X-Files. The series already spawned a movie franchise, and there also has been a fan campaign to extend that franchise with another movie.


Probably worth pointing out that both Anderson and Duchovny are regulars on NBC shows right now.

I am "physically shaking" right now.


(I'll be physically shaking with anger if they get new actors though :()


I saw it mentioned on Tumblr that they'd like to get Duchovny and Anderson back. 




Fox TV Group chairman Gary Newman announced today at the channel’s TCA presentation that they’re in talks to revive Chris Carter’s classic TV series, “The X-Files.” Newman added that they would like to bring back David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, but that’s not confirmed. No further details were given about the discussions.


Running from 1993 to 2002, “The X-Files” ran for 202 episodes with a feature film set between seasons 5 and 6 and a second movie hitting theaters in 2008. Starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, “The X-Files” garnered 21 Emmy nominations while on the air, featured a spin-off series “The Lone Gunmen,” and debuted countless comics, video games, and other merchandise.



Do you believe? Fox still does!

At the 2015 Winter TCA Press Tour, new Fox bosses Gary Newman and Dana Walden revealed the network is open to bringing back two beloved series: The X-Files and Prison Break!

Following the success of 24: Live Another Day, both series are being eyed for potential returns as limited-run events.

"I think it's been reported and it's true that we've had some conversations on X-Files. We're hopeful we'll bring that back at some point," Newman said of the David Duchovny-Gillian Anderson cult series.

And after their panel ended, Newman elaborated on Fox's plans for The-X Files, should it return. "If this happens, it will be with David and Gillian reprising their roles. Chris [Carter] is interested, both David and Gillian are interested. Scheduling it is very different. David has his shows and Gillian is doing something in the UK, so it's a little hard. I really don't know how fast it can happen because of that. But there are ongoing conversations happening."

When we recently spoke with Anderson about a possible X-Files reboot, she was hesitant about it returning as a series and not a movie. "I need to wrap my brain around what that would entail," she said. "I live in London. I've got three kids, it's not a small proposition and it would take a lot longer to shoot than a movie would. I need to think about that."

It's very confusing when they say "reboot" while at the same time mentioning this years 24 (not a reboot) and wanting David and Gillian back, which wouldn't make it a reboot. Or will they reboot it if they won't come back? Or is my understanding of the word not correct?


It varies. People call the upcoming Heroes series a reboot too, even though Jack Coleman is coming back.

They're looking at bringing it back, as a series, and are at least giving lip service to their first choice being to do so with GA and DD reprising their roles, with a new cast reboot being their second choice.  But the studio doesn't do itself any favors convincing GA to sign so much of her life away with this nonsense:


David has his shows and Gillian is doing something in the UK,


Yeah, raising a family and starring in one series, while commuting to yet another country to shoot another one in which she's to play an expanded role.  And picking up awards for her stage work back home.  And writing.  She's not exactly sitting around sipping tea.


To get her to do a weekly XF, I imagine it would have to be a limited run.  (To have this be any good, I imagine it would have to be a limited run, so that's a nice coincidence.)  Like the nine-episode modern-day check-in with Twin Peaks that will air in 2016.  That's on Showtime, so for network TV, it would probably be 13 episodes, but if they could work the scheduling so GA and DD could do it, that sort of TV series would probably come out a lot better than a third movie.  Especially if some of the old writers got to contribute an episode.  (Vince Gilligan!)

Edited by Bastet
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As long as G.Anderson/D.Duchovny/C.Carter are on board, I'm carefully hopeful; whereas I was foaming at the mouth at the idea of a reboot -with tweeners, in my worst nightmare.


Because there's one thing I think I can trust C.Carter with, and it's not screwing-up Mulder/Scully. Even though as a finis shipper, I thought there were moments when their relationship was stalled -in S3-4 especially, I always had the feeling that their partnership came first and foremost in the writers' mind. I didn't care for the imo lackluster plot and unnecessary characters and whatnot of I Want To Believe, but Mulder/Scully still had trust and respect and their unique brand of relationship and it was still them against the world. That, only, made watching the movie worthy for me. And I still rewatch their scenes from time to time


If a limited series -and there, I can hope a self-contained, tighter plot- only gives me new, quality Mulder/Scully awesomeness? Every day an episode is broadcast will be my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one.

Edited by Happy Harpy

Because there's one thing I think I can trust C.Carter with, and it's not screwing-up Mulder/Scully.


I didn't trust him with this prior to IWTB, but after seeing that the M/S relationship was the one thing that made sense about that film (even though we still endured coy storytelling games and bad lighting), I'm a lot more confident in him in that respect.  And with a limited-run series about two people who have been romantically involved for over 15 years, hopefully the relationship is treated as something that simply is.  It can just exist as a backdrop, with some nice moments (made all the nicer by GA and DD) of teasing, arguing, sexy times, quiet times and all the rest, while they investigate.


It would certainly be nice if what they're investigating also makes sense, and IWTB did not, sadly, restore that aspect of faith for me.  But with time - not to mention the ability to undergo rewrites! - and additional sets of eyes on the scripts, this format could achieve much better results.

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How about a three or four part miniseries? I can't imagine Gillian wanting to recommit to the craziness that plagued her for so long the first time around. And I can't bear the though of recasting such iconic characters. Maybe in 50 years. But so soon? When all the original fans are still alive and are still fan squealing over every little thing?

My heart is saying "Please, yes!" But my brain is saying "oh no, please don't screw this up!"

  • Love 4

If they do it with completely new actors then you just know they're gonna amp up the romance to the maximum. They'll kiss in episode six. They could call it whatever they like but it sure as hell wouldn't be The X-Files.

The thing is that none of the fans would like this version and why would you make it for people who haven't watched TXF before or are barely familiar with it? They won't care that it's a reboot. Just make a new show that is inspired by it, but don't call it The X-Files.

My heart is saying "Please, yes!" But my brain is saying "oh no, please don't screw this up!"


My thoughts exactly.  Eeek. 


I'm glad they're talking about doing TV, and not another movie.  Most of IWTB was not very good, nor did it feel like an X-File.  10-13 episodes (see what I did there?) would be ideal.  Anything longer and I'm afraid we'd get mired in more mytharc that no one understands anymore. It's going to be hard to coordinate DD and GA's schedules, but with a limited run, that makes it more doable. 


A recast/actual reboot would be terrible. Even though I ended up liking Doggett in seasons 8 and 9, I couldn't tolerate a new set of agents after all this time. Mulder and Scully or nothing. 

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Yeah, so Tumblr has been just flipping out about this for the last 24-48 hours, but I haven't really jumped on the excited bandwagon for a couple of reasons.  One is that the word "reboot" strikes fear in my heart.  Because a reboot generally is more of a starting from scratch situation than a continuation.  So if that's even on the table--having a new XF with new cast, etc--I'm strongly strongly opposed.  But also because the idea of an actual continuation in the form of a series (presumably mini-) still strikes me as unlikely.  I think people (not people here, necessarily, but people in general) are possibly taking this news as more definite than it seems to me it is.  

They're looking at bringing it back, as a series, and are at least giving lip service to their first choice being to do so with GA and DD reprising their roles, with a new cast reboot being their second choice.  But the studio doesn't do itself any favors convincing GA to sign so much of her life away with this nonsense:

David has his shows and Gillian is doing something in the UK,

Yeah, seriously.  WTF Gary Newman.  For one thing, she's not only doing stuff in the UK given her role in Hannibal, which has been widely praised (the show and her).  For another, starring in an acclaimed series like The Fall is kind of a big deal.  And for yet another, having a starring, award-winning turn in a West End play is a bit more than "doing something".  He just sounds so very ignorant right here.  


Which is fine.  He doesn't have to be as clued in to Gillian's career as I am, as a big fan.  But it just makes me think that this is just more of the idle pondering/considering that has been talked about (re:XF3, not a reboot or miniseries) for years rather than something that's been very seriously discussed.  They've talked about bringing back XF in some way, but only "hope to" have DD and GA involved.  As far as I'm concerned, it shouldn't even be discussed without first confirming that they're be on board and making sure it would work around their schedules, and that's why I'm not responding the news as enthusiastically as I otherwise might.  Because it sounds like they'd go ahead with it even without GA and DD.



I mean, I would love for a limited TV run of XF starring DD and GA and Mulder and Scully.  Even just a one-time TV movie (I know we've talked about this either here or on TWoP in the context of XF3).  So I'm totally on board if that happens.  But I don't think either David or Gillian would be on board for a full-on series and if they're thinking of bringing it back as an actual series, that would mean reboot with a new cast.  And I don't even really have words to describe how opposed to that I am.  

Edited by smrou

I just hope there will be good writing and DD and GA on board. Anyone know what Vince Gilligan is doing at the moment?


The last movie, in my not so humble opinion, was absolutely terrible and bored and annoyed the hell out of me. My sister and I, both ardent fans were sitting in the theater looking at each other wondering what the hell was happening and why it was happening, and I'd rather not have another experience like that.


I think there have been numerous shows inspired by the X-files in one way or another, so whatever that would be, it would just be another one of those.


So, I think, either do it right with the originals, or not at all. There is a lot to rewatch where I know it's good, so I'm not so super-excited about the prospect of a new movie.

Edited by supposebly

I know a lot of you really didn't like the last movie, but tbh, I didn't mind it. Was it award winning? No. But was it crap, no. It wasn't as good as the show in its prime, but I'm not ashamed to have seen it.

As for the reboot, I really hope that they don't screw things up.


Originally posted by supposebly


I just hope there will be good writing and DD and GA on board. Anyone know what Vince Gilligan is doing at the moment.

The last movie, in my not so humble opinion, was absolutely terrible and bored and annoyed the hell out of me. My sister and I, both ardent fans were sitting in the theater looking at each other wondering what the hell was happening and why it was happening, and I'd rather not have another experience like that.

I think there have been numerous shows inspired by the X-files in one way or another, so whatever that would be, it would just be another one of those.

So, I think, either do it right with the originals, or not at all. There is a lot to rewatch where I know it's good, so I'm not so super-excited about the prospect of a new movie.

What did you find that was so bad about it?

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I know a lot of you really didn't like the last movie, but tbh, I didn't mind it. Was it award winning? No. But was it crap, no. It wasn't as good as the show in its prime, but I'm not ashamed to have seen it.

I liked the second movie quite a bit. But I also love thrillers and prefer the MOTW standalone stories. I think my first experience with IWTB helped, too—I watched IWTB and FTF before I watched most of the TV show. Since I had no real expectations about what would happen or what would be resolved, there was no disappointment. I'm still really fond of both movies for this reason.


If they screw this up, I'll just pretend that it didn't happen. I do that a lot with this show ;)

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