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Endless Supplies of Gas and Other Nitpicks: It Doesn't Make Sense

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I remember having to walk through those trays of disinfecting goo returning from Canada. Weird.


When I flew to New Zealand in the early 1980s, a couple of cute Kiwis boarded our plane and sprayed us all down with some sort of fogger/aerosol disinfectant mist.  I was freaked the fuck out.

  • Love 4

Also, my sister was barred from giving blood for the longest time because she'd had beef insulin one time 20 years before.  Finally they actually traced the insulin and managed to prove it wasn't made in the UK, and she was able to donate.  Also, I once sent marshmallow fluff to a friend in Australia (in a box of US goodies for him to get an idea of what junk we ate) and they confiscated it due to some ban on US eggs.  It's weird how many things we can block at the borders, but we can't block humans from carrying diseases.  I'd have freaked the heck out if someone had sprayed my plane/person with anything!


The fact that we can't block diseases at borders is why the Zombie Apocalypse will spread.  Walking through trays of disinfectant and stopping beef and eggs from crossing borders sure as heck won't stop it, no matter how it's transmitted.  (Unless it's transmitted through eggs, in which case Australia may be ok...)

  • Love 3

Two good nitpicks from "The Distance" (season 5, episode 11):


I worked in the steel industry for 20 years, so it caught my ear when Aaron mentioned that they had cold-rolled steel beams supporting their walls. An odd way to describe the beams if you're not in the industry. And, by the way Aaron, hot rolled steel is used to make I-Beams. Cold rolled is more expensive and is used in applications where a very good surface is required (like exterior painted automotive parts).


Also, he worked in Niger and pronounced it "NI-ger" with a long I. Certainly in all the time he was there someone must've told him it is pronounced "nee-ZHER". So I don't know if those were two things the writers threw in to tip us off that Aaron is making stuff up, or was it just a case of the writers not doing their homework.


At the risk of giving myself away as a photography geek, wouldn't it be a lot easier to find a solar (or dynamo) battery charger and a tablet (doesn't even have to be an ipad) than the assorted supplies needed for film photography (film, photo paper, chemicals - all of which expire over time, plus an enlarger)? All you have to do is loot an electronics store (which is the kind of place most other people would not bother to loot in a zombie apocalypse). If you're someone who routinely travelled to third world countries with an NGO, you might have the dynamo/solar power battery charger already in your camping kit.


  • Love 3

Brought up in other threads, but pick a hair styling theme and stick with it, Show! 


We get (nearly) perfectly coiffed hair on a good number of people, and the rest look they've never wore a style any different than a "grimy, sweat-soaked mess of a hornet's nest" look.  I know its a personal choice thing for each person (character), but how is it believable to see one half the cast be well groomed and the other half look like they've never met a brush or a pair of hair clippers in their whole lives, or that getting their hair trimmed is a serious breach of strict religious mandates?


Aaron should have said, when looking for Rick, "Or, as he's known in most circles; the 'Grizzly Adams look-a-like wanna-be'."

I honestly came to this thread to bitch about this very thing. Suddenly Rick's beard is huge, but most of the other guys don't grow facial hair at all, or in Abraham's case seem to spend time shaving and styling it. The women are getting their eyebrows waxed SOMEWHERE, and are clearly wearing mascara (even Lizzie wore it).


Another thing that drives me mad is this: if I were in the ZA, I'd raid a department store for yoga pants. Tight jeans seem like the last thing you'd want to wear in sweltering heat and while running around stabbing ex-people in the head. But hey, that's just me. I'm all about the comfort.

  • Love 9

I honestly came to this thread to bitch about this very thing. Suddenly Rick's beard is huge, but most of the other guys don't grow facial hair at all, or in Abraham's case seem to spend time shaving and styling it. The women are getting their eyebrows waxed SOMEWHERE, and are clearly wearing mascara (even Lizzie wore it).


Another thing that drives me mad is this: if I were in the ZA, I'd raid a department store for yoga pants. Tight jeans seem like the last thing you'd want to wear in sweltering heat and while running around stabbing ex-people in the head. But hey, that's just me. I'm all about the comfort.


Daryl's all about the jeans.  He needs them pockets.  How else he gonna store them earthy worms for later when the hunger hits and there's nothing else to chow on?

  • Love 2

I'd raid a department store for yoga pants. Tight jeans seem like the last thing you'd want to wear in sweltering heat


More comfortable yes, but how would Michonne's ass be properly showcased in yoga pants?


RE: Kiwis


For a second I thought you were talking about the flightless birds.


I thought the same thing and got a mental image of them stalking unto the plane and spraying everyone with liquid feces.:O

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 5

Another thing that drives me mad is this: if I were in the ZA, I'd raid a department store for yoga pants. Tight jeans seem like the last thing you'd want to wear in sweltering heat and while running around stabbing ex-people in the head. But hey, that's just me. I'm all about the comfort.

Ideally, I'd want to raid an REI for some nice lightweight hiking pants. They protect you from the sun, but are just baggy enough to keep you from crotch-rot. They usually are treated with SPF and some are convertible to shorts. Lots of pockets - you know, for storing your acorns and worms.

Just watching those ladies in their tight pants...ugh. All I can think of is the struggle to peel those things off when they need to pee. Gross.

  • Love 10

Ideally, I'd want to raid an REI for some nice lightweight hiking pants. They protect you from the sun, but are just baggy enough to keep you from crotch-rot. They usually are treated with SPF and some are convertible to shorts. Lots of pockets - you know, for storing your acorns and worms.

Just watching those ladies in their tight pants...ugh. All I can think of is the struggle to peel those things off when they need to pee. Gross.

+10,000 to all of this. Plus, the skank-ass smell from the crotches on those jeans must make them gag. I had a bad cold last week and didn't shower for four days. I washed with a wash cloth, used wet wipes liberally and changed my nightgown daily and I still grossed myself out.

  • Love 6

Ideally, I'd want to raid an REI for some nice lightweight hiking pants. They protect you from the sun, but are just baggy enough to keep you from crotch-rot. They usually are treated with SPF and some are convertible to shorts. Lots of pockets - you know, for storing your acorns and worms.

Just watching those ladies in their tight pants...ugh. All I can think of is the struggle to peel those things off when they need to pee. Gross.

EVEN BETTER!! It's just so absurd (and transparent) to have them all in tight jeans. 

  • Love 4

I noticed that MIchonne's pants are so skin-hugging that they had those "They're too tight!" creases in the back of the legs even when she was standing up. She must have to be greased or shoe-horned into them every day. If it's so comfy to wear super tight pants 24/7, why don't the men do it?

  • Love 6

Ideally, I'd want to raid an REI for some nice lightweight hiking pants. They protect you from the sun, but are just baggy enough to keep you from crotch-rot. They usually are treated with SPF and some are convertible to shorts. Lots of pockets - you know, for storing your acorns and worms.

Just watching those ladies in their tight pants...ugh. All I can think of is the struggle to peel those things off when they need to pee. Gross.


You just stole my plan.  I have an REI store near work and it's the first place I plan to raid, come the za.  Tents, sleeping bags, freeze-dried foods, water filters and clothes.  You name it, they've got it.  And some real nice items that can be used as weapons as well.

  • Love 5

Herschel's leg was farther away from the heart than Tyrese's arm, so the extra whatever that is transmitted via bite that accelerates death got to the heart more quickly and spread to his...brain? more quickly.

Totally my own interpretation - but I was under the impression Tyreese's death was more due to massive blood loss, than him succumbing to the virus.


Here's how you stop it - kill all humans.  Not a bad idea, but I think we'll eventually hit on a virus that will do just that, and Earth will have a chance.  I just think it will be something much more easily transmittable, like measles or the flu.

Hey - it worked for hoof-and-mouth disease.

  • Love 3

More comfortable yes, but how would Michonne's ass be properly showcased in yoga pants?


RE: Kiwis


I thought the same thing and got a mental image of them stalking unto the plane and spraying everyone with liquid feces.:O

That's the thing that bugs me.  The men are wearing what you'd expect, but the women all have to have skin tight jeans that lift and separate their backsides, lots of cleavage, skimpy tank tops.  It's not realistic. I'd think they'd all be dressed for protection and comfort.  I guess there's a certain demographic that isn't watching a zombie horror show unless the women are looking hot, though.  *sigh*

  • Love 6

At some point, they have to run out of walkers, right? I know the dead outnumber the living but our band of survivors and others are shown dropping every walker they see. If there were a concerted effort to really clear an area and the elements take their toll, eventually their numbers just fall back and the living can reclaim things. I have a hard time thinking that sheer numbers will win the day if folks can catch their breath and regroup.

  • Love 1

It's just so absurd (and transparent) to have them all in tight jeans. 


I don't know about that, because despite what we see on TWD, I doubt a human could bite through heavy denim jeans. Oh, I'm sure they could draw blood, but I don't see human teeth going through the jeans, so no worry about turning from a bite on the legs/ass.

  • Love 1

That's the thing that bugs me.  The men are wearing what you'd expect, but the women all have to have skin tight jeans that lift and separate their backsides, lots of cleavage, skimpy tank tops.  It's not realistic. I'd think they'd all be dressed for protection and comfort.  I guess there's a certain demographic that isn't watching a zombie horror show unless the women are looking hot, though.  *sigh*

Beth had to die.  She was wearing a polo shirt!


I can see jeans for more protection from bites, but loose fitting jeans would be better - harder to get a grip.  You could have a walker just hanging on to the fabric by its teeth.  

  • Love 6

I don't know about that, because despite what we see on TWD, I doubt a human could bite through heavy denim jeans. Oh, I'm sure they could draw blood, but I don't see human teeth going through the jeans, so no worry about turning from a bite on the legs/ass.

That certainly doesn't explain the tank tops.


Maybe they should find a Harley Davidson store and wear all leather? Sure it would be hot...especially since they never actually seem to have to deal with winter, or am I forgetting something? Even in Georgia it gets chilly and rainy in the winter but I can only picture them hot and sweaty.


They're in DC now so if we don't see some 'surviving outdoors in the snow" episodes it would be pretty silly. 

  • Love 4

Yes, but remember that Dale got gutted by a walker's hand, so who knows what their teeth can go through. 


This is the reality thread, where we discuss the reality of the ZA, and why I specifically said that I didn't think a human could bite through thick denim. Because as we all know, walkers on the show get magical powers whenever the plot requires it. As you mentioned Dale's death, where a walker who is nothing but a bag of rotting flesh who suddenly gets talons of steel and kung fu grip to allow them to eviscerate a man with their bare hands. Or how walkers are shown as slow clumsy shambling mindless being most of the time, but when the plot needs drama, a walker can suddenly move with total stealth and pounce with catlike quickness to spring out on someone and surprise them. Or how a walker can out grapple a large athletic adult male (Tyrese) to bite them. Against magical TWD walkers we'd all do best to 'opt out', because there would be no countering them.

  • Love 2

Just watching those ladies in their tight pants...ugh. All I can think of is the struggle to peel those things off when they need to pee. Gross.



+10,000 to all of this. Plus, the skank-ass smell from the crotches on those jeans must make them gag.



 It's just so absurd (and transparent) to have them all in tight jeans. 



I noticed that MIchonne's pants are so skin-hugging that they had those "They're too tight!" creases in the back of the legs even when she was standing up. She must have to be greased or shoe-horned into them every day.


I've been waiting for someone on the show to make a creepy remark about how they wouldn't starve if they could eat all the camel-toe in the vicinity; I just can't decide if that would be said by Eugene or Abraham.

  • Love 6

Maybe they should find a Harley Davidson store and wear all leather? Sure it would be hot...especially since they never actually seem to have to deal with winter, or am I forgetting something? Even in Georgia it gets chilly and rainy in the winter but I can only picture them hot and sweaty.

They're in DC now so if we don't see some 'surviving outdoors in the snow" episodes it would be pretty silly.

The show is filmed May–November, hence the lack of weather. The companion show's set in LA, so same deal.

"Them" had the most weather ever—rain & a tornado.

Edited by editorgrrl
  • Love 1

Great. And then FPP would turn out to be as terrified of camels as he is of everything else that moves, and would scream and blubber until thousands of zombies overwhelmed them all.

And Carol would start to reminisce about how Ed could be a lot of fun sometimes, and Glenn would confess to Rick about how Maggie went first but he didn't do it back,

and Eugene would volunteer to do quality assurance and everyone would go uh, eeuuw and change the subject.

  • Love 3

I wasn't sure what thread to ask this question on. So.


Can anyone tell me if Sasha still has those night vision goggles? You would think something like that could be so useful in a ZA, and really not that heavy to put in a backpack (hell she could fit those in the pocket of that army jacket.)

Please don't tell me they got left behind at the church.

The last thing we saw was Beth's body being carried out of Grady. Then it's a road trip when we resume. They couldn't have gone back to the church to get the rest of their stuff?

Help me out here. I'd love to see the night vision being used again.


I bet if she asked Aaron, he has some.

  • Love 2

Good point. Those goggles would be really useful. I saw Abraham, I think, lug around a pretty big bag when they were on the road. Some had backpacks? They could have put them in there with stuff they recovered from the church, although they didn't seem to carry a lot with them. Hell, I would have gotten an umbrella or something against the sun.

Do the goggles need an energy source? I guess they might re-charge them in the ASZ.

  • Love 1

I was wondering where - if you could choose - would be he best area to hang out in the ZA. I guess an island with a boat would be ideal but also probably occupied by bad humans. Florida with it's giant buzzards and gators munching on all that rotten meat. Maine or Wyoming - Do TWD freeze and when they thaw are they in even worse shape and rot faster. (Ever smell an unplugged freezer)


Maybe a high spot surrounded by gators?

Ideally, I'd want to raid an REI for some nice lightweight hiking pants. They protect you from the sun, but are just baggy enough to keep you from crotch-rot. They usually are treated with SPF and some are convertible to shorts. Lots of pockets - you know, for storing your acorns and worms.

Just watching those ladies in their tight pants...ugh. All I can think of is the struggle to peel those things off when they need to pee. Gross.

Find the nearest Tractor Supply and stock up on the Lady Monkey Butt powder. (It's great)

Is this the thread for nitpicking? Because I don't understand who lives in Alexandria. Heath, Scott, and Annie were on a run—that makes sense. Carter appears in the season 6 premiere, explaining he used to work with Reg—I could handwave that. But next episode Dr. Denise appears.

In the premiere, Deanna held a town meeting. Even CDB's elderly neighbors were there, the couple that was so happy to meet Judith. But not the town doctor?

  • Love 1

Is this the thread for nitpicking? Because I don't understand who lives in Alexandria. Heath, Scott, and Annie were on a run—that makes sense. Carter appears in the season 6 premiere, explaining he used to work with Reg—I could handwave that. But next episode Dr. Denise appears.

In the premiere, Deanna held a town meeting. Even CDB's elderly neighbors were there, the couple that was so happy to meet Judith. But not the town doctor?

Yeah, I wondered that, too. Most of the AZW Hats were supposedly on the quarry walker dry run. Then the Unfair Wolves showed up and suddenly there are at least a couple of dozen able bodied (mostly men) folks getting chopped up. Where have all these people been hiding? They sure weren't at that welcome cocktail party. Maybe only the "cool kids" got invited. How many people live there?
  • Love 1

Where have all these people been hiding? They sure weren't at that welcome cocktail party. Maybe only the "cool kids" got invited.

We know that some people chose not to attend the party—like Daryl, Aaron, and Eric. But the town meeting is different. Then again, I don't remember if the kids were there: Judith, Carl, Enid, Ron, Sam, and Mikey. Maybe Dr. Denise was watching them?

Somebody asked in the "JSS" episode thread—where does Enid live?

Alexandria is like Springfield. It is exactly as big as the plot requires.

I know, I should just let it go.

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The thing that I noticed the most, was there actually was a learned & trained psychiatrist in that place, and we're now only seeing her because of the need to be the new 'Town Doc'.


So you're telling me that Deanna never stopped to think, "huh, these people have been through a whole hell of a lot and aren't used to being 'safe'.  Maybe they could use a talk with someone to help adjust a little bit.  And maybe Rick would have been a little better off if he had talked with Denise, before going all caveman on Pete....


Uhhh, yeah.

  • Love 6

Yeah, Deanna sucks. Not only did she put Crazy, Blood-Covered, Feeding Slightly Crushed Raw Acorns To Babies, Punching Folk Unconscious For Showing Pictures, And Don't Even Get Him STARTED On Applesauce... (at least Carol puts it in cookies!) ... Rick in charge of keeping the peace, but she had no interest in telling him what the laws actually were. Nor in telling him who was exempt. 

I do assume that the town shrink was among those who saw the interview vids. Maybe Rick's just triggered off so much of a panic attack that Deanna finally gave up on trying to make her watch the whole thang.

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 5

I do assume that the town shrink was among those who saw the interview vids. Maybe Rick's just triggered off so much of a panic attack that Deanna finally gave up on trying to make her watch the whole thang.


"I have... watched, Rick's interview videos, Deanna.  And here is my wholly professional opinion of how things will go from now on, put succinctly.  *face shows a constipated fear lookWe are So Fucked - and not in the 'pillow talk optional' kinda way."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 2

Yeah, Deanna sucks. Not only did she put Crazy, Blood-Covered, Feeding Slightly Crushed Raw Acorns To Babies, Punching Folk Unconscious For Showing Pictures, And Don't Even Get Him STARTED On Applesauce... (at least Carol puts it in cookies!) ... Rick in charge of keeping the peace


Ha ha! Yeah, I might wanna think twice before enlisting the aid of a wild-eyed, trigger-happy lunatic as peace officer.

  • Love 1

Daryl's all about the jeans.  He needs them pockets.  How else he gonna store them earthy worms for later when the hunger hits and there's nothing else to chow on?

Plus some a those VD pills Merle had lying around.    You never know when someone will badly gash his arm and those VD pills could come in handy.


Really,   I find Norman Reedus to be the least attractive man on the show.     I never got the whole "ovaries bursting"   thing.   

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