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All In With Chris Hayes - General Discussion

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I don't get when it became good practice of law for lawyers on a case, to give interviews. Shouldn't everyone STFU and save it for the courtroom?

I don't expect jail time and I don't think it's warranted, but I want him fined and sent to anger management. I want it on the record, his assault. Donald's campaign of thugs need to be brought to heel ( shout out Hillary Clinton) damn right, thugs need to be heeled I don't care what color the come in.

You know what I'd like to know? When they talk about responsible coverage on Trump:

What's the ethnic make up of the people Trump has employed over the years?

I mean he says he'll get jobs back, but what about his record over the years?

He's a businessman and has had the ability to employ hundreds of thousands maybe millions? Who exactly has he employed?

This is the record I want to know about.

He isn't bought, but has he bought politicians? If so, he's part of the problem. Unless he bought them for the greater good as in what they could do for communities in NYC. What exactly did he ask for in return for all the money he's contributed to politicians over the years?

And no credible journalist, the response is not, that facts don't matter to his base because the entire electorate is NOT made up of that thug's base. Where's your integrity? So because the truth doesn't matter you're not going tell it, run it on loop. Instead you'll run this thug's lies on loop?

Then you wanna question politicians on their integrity?

Chris is pretty OK, but this network overall is still not doing their job.

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Thank you Chris Hayes, you are the first reporter to get how this Hillary supporter's common sense works when it comes to all the "crimes" she's committed. 


Sorry, you just can't investigate someone for 20 plus years and continue to come up short, and I who have a fucking brain, not call a foul on all of it.


Money, resources, law degrees, the power of law on their sides, privileged white men who hate her and still......LOL, no, just no.  She's just not that good and why do the investigations seem to stop? If she's such a criminal....Where were these investigations to put this "danger to the American people" away when she was senator of NY and Secretary of State? She's had two official positions in government since serving as First Lady and nothing.  Oh that's right, they were "building" their investigation.


You can question her judgement on the email server, but I pause on even that one since the gov't system has been hacked into, in which I got a damn letter that some of my information was exposed, yet Hillary's back closet server was hack proof.  Sure wish they had stored my info. on her system incompetent asswipes. They just can't stand that she did something they didn't know about, whatever. 


You can question her judgement on the Iraq vote, Lybia, Bengazi, but Bengazi should be about best practices, and not trying to prove that Hillary was rubbing her hands in evil glee at our servicemen and ambassadors dying.


All the rest they can fuck off with.

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Wow.  That was an "intense" discussion.   Hee, they even kept talking through an entire break.  But you just don't mess with Barney Frank on this issue.  Or really any issue but especially banking.



Yeah, Barnie Frank is a great surrogate. He argues point for point and doesn't back down. He is a surrogate that should be seen more on her behalf, he and Carville. James Carville cracks me up, he stopped just short of saying "bullshit" the other night when he was on this show. When I saw him, I was like, that's what's missing, seriously missing.


Where the hell has he been?


Some of her surrogates suck because they don't seem to have handle on the details and I would like them to stay off camera. Howard Dean does his job pretty well in speaking for her. Brian Fallon, Karen Finney are OK, but the rest that I've scene, I'm usually like WTF? Stopped with your grinning and get your talking points out forcefully and be direct. Be ready to firmly argue, and stop with the shit eating grins with nothing to back them up.

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Frank was working my last nerve, while Reich started the discussion patiently waiting for his turn to talk, I thought Frank was doing his best Bill O'Reilly impression, acting like volume, interrupting and continuing talk after you've said what you were going to say. Reich started interrupting when it was clear Frank wasn't going to let Reich made a point uninterrupted but Frank was clearly not in the mood to have an actual debate. I got nothing out of that segment.

I'm getting increasingly frustrated with Barney Frank.  He won't let anyone else talk.  I didn't see this particular exchange but I saw him on Lawrence's show with Nina Turner and he wouldn't let her talk.   He was on Bill Maher and he wouldn't let the republican blowhard talk either.  Even in that instance (where I liked it) he was bordering on rudeness.  I'm for Hillary myself, but Barney Frank is becoming obnoxious.  


I can't stand Nina Turner and I personally heard her loud and clear. I died laughing  when she brought up slavery in one exchange a week ago with Frank and at the begin of his response he said something to the effect of, "I don't know what that was but it would take me a week to unpack it, hilarious."  


She's full of shit, slavery? As a descendant of African slaves myself, although they weren't slaves in this country, please, at least bring up Jim Crow/Civil Rights Struggle. Slavery?  Slavery was ended via a war, not the slaves protesting in the streets and playing the long game to make change. And yes Nina Turner, you can be damn sure that Obama IS running for a third term. And if he has to, he'll have to put up with Bernie which is a hell of lot better than whatever the hell is on the other side of the aisle, but he wants the Democrat in Clinton. I love it the way Bernie surrogates like her try to walk a fine line in NOT criticizing Obama who damn sure leans towards Clinton a hell of lot more than Sanders. 


I too am one who believes Obama would have chosen a Garland type for the Supreme Court no matter what, because I see Obama as a moderate. I guess "Buyer's Remorse" is right for the left to the left and then even more to the left voters. He is progressive on all social issues only, but no way do I think he agrees with free college, nor breaking up the banks, until they show signs of failure and then Dodd Frank is applied. 


It's ridiculous, you can't run a country even remotely equally for ALL the people including the "evil" that the extremely far left think are the wealthy, yes, they too are citizens, unless you try to run it from the center on some issues.


I don't like extremes on either side, and I absolutely do not want anyone to feel like a second class citizen, so if that means going left on social issues, then so be it. But the rest of it, no, no, press the pause the button please and find some middle ground.


By the way Hayes, I was not at all offended by what Bill Clinton said, like I said, I have absolutely no sympathy for any gang member over the age of 18 ruining poor, black struggling communities. But I know that some less than honorable law enforcement have used the bill as candy in their hands to persecute non violent drug addicts in those communities, while having empathy for the drug addicts in white communities. So with that, he did fuck up when it came to signing that crime bill which a bunch of black caucus congressmen and women also strongly supported. Yes the buck stops with him that's what happens when you are the leader of the free world, but tell the complete story. Again the campaign to make the Clintons, Hillary even more so look like evil incarnate is all bullshit to this voter and I see through it.

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I'm getting increasingly frustrated with Barney Frank.  He won't let anyone else talk.  I didn't see this particular exchange but I saw him on Lawrence's show with Nina Turner and he wouldn't let her talk.   He was on Bill Maher and he wouldn't let the republican blowhard talk either.  Even in that instance (where I liked it) he was bordering on rudeness.  I'm for Hillary myself, but Barney Frank is becoming obnoxious.  


I think it would be a fair statement to say that there has never, never been an appearance by Nina Turner where she didn't dominate the discussion and have more than her share of time to speedtalk and get all her talking points out. She can filibuster better than any Republican and I saw her doing the same on Lawrence's show. It's tougher to do against Barney Frank because he's the master of sharp retorts and not letting people interrupt him. He doesn't suffer fools gladly and when it comes to Sanders and his surrogates and their rote planks about Wall St and banking, no one is better than Barney in cutting through the bs and putting facts out there. I love him.

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To be clear, I was not defending anything Nina Turner said (and she does speed talk).  I love Barney Frank, too.  He does cut through all the bs and has the facts.  He's extremely sharp witted.  I didn't notice Nina Turner interrupting him, though.  And I have noticed Barney Frank interrupting in a way that seems like he didn't get  his fair time to talk and my observation is that he did get his fair talk time.  My comment was only on the interrupting and not on anything that was said. 


In fact, now that I'm thinking of it, I hate when these shows have two guests of opposing views and ask them to react to each other.  It's like they're asking for a slugfest.  This is why I love Rachel most of all because she either has no guests or she has an intelligent discussion with one guest.  There's none of this having two people try to talk over each other. I'm getting tired of having the surrogates of the two candidates on at the same time.

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To be clear, I was not defending anything Nina Turner said (and she does speed talk).  I love Barney Frank, too.  He does cut through all the bs and has the facts.  He's extremely sharp witted.  I didn't notice Nina Turner interrupting him, though.  And I have noticed Barney Frank interrupting in a way that seems like he didn't get  his fair time to talk and my observation is that he did get his fair talk time.  My comment was only on the interrupting and not on anything that was said. 



Yeah, I think Barney might be getting a little cranky(er) these days because he's frustrated at how misinformed Sanders' surrogates are about his signature legislation, and banking in general.

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when she brought up slavery in one exchange a week ago with Frank and at the begin of his response he said something to the effect of, "I don't know what that was but it would take me a week to unpack it, hilarious."

It seems to me that the Sanders campaign sends Turner out with their "newest" attempt at a talking point, always, because she's so good at steamrolling a point a view when she's against a Clinton surrogate (they did this a while ago with a quote from a town hall in India where Clinton as Secretary of State was talking about outsourcing and how it was getting talked about badly here in the US in the middle of the 2012 campaign - as if outsourcing to India is going to stop any time soon - it disappeared after one day).  The slave thing, I wonder if that tangentially comes from Michelle Alexander who while not an official Sanders surrogate/supporter is against the Clintons.  I think of her book The New Jim Crow in which she squarely places fault on the 1994 Crime bill, which of course Sanders voted for but we're not supposed to remember or notice that.


Yeah, I think Barney might be getting a little cranky(er) these days because he's frustrated at how misinformed Sanders' surrogates are about his signature legislation, and banking in general.

He is, most definitely. Especially when it comes from a state senator with zero knowledge of the details involved.


Turner can be a powerful advocate but I think her real strength is in advocacy against voter suppression. She does remind me of Wasserman Schulz in some ways though.

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I thought it was interesting when Jane Sanders said that those who know Bernie the best, trust him the best (or something like that) because that doesn't seem to be that true with his fellow members of Congress.  Because very few of them have endorsed him (8 in the House and no current Senators - only two retired).  I wish Chris had asked her about that when she said it.

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I thought it was interesting when Jane Sanders said that those who know Bernie the best, trust him the best (or something like that) because that doesn't seem to be that true with his fellow members of Congress.  Because very few of them have endorsed him (8 in the House and no current Senators - only two retired).  I wish Chris had asked her about that when she said it.


Yeah, and she was going on and on about his election wins as mayor of Burlington. Good grief, that was 35 years ago and Burlington's a small city of what, 40,000 people? And Vermont has what, something like 600,000? It really sounds like both he and she are totally out of their league.

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I agree about all the softball stuff to Jane Sanders.  I was going to mention With All Due Respect (although, in general, that show is useless anyway).  I wonder if it's because she's the spouse that she gets such kid glove treatment.   I know she's part of the campaign and should be asked more follow up questions but I think they are trying to show her a measure of respect.  I think it's really part of Bernie's strategy (or hers) to send her out on these interviews knowing she will probably not be grilled very harshly.

I thought it was interesting when Jane Sanders said that those who know Bernie the best, trust him the best (or something like that) because that doesn't seem to be that true with his fellow members of Congress.  Because very few of them have endorsed him (8 in the House and no current Senators - only two retired).  I wish Chris had asked her about that when she said it.



I think he is trustworthy.


But he's also trusted to NOT to fall in line because he's not a true card, carrying Democrat. He sides with them on many an issue, but he doesn't play the game. It's all or nothing with him. I'm pretty sure his rating for compromising is pretty low and that's why he doesn't have the endorsements. If there is one thing in a bill he doesn't like, seems like he'll chuck the entire bill and not vote for it. I know I saw on one of these MSNBC shows, a clip where it said that he and Ted Cruz had the lowest rating for compromising on capital hill. As in he's get an "N" for Needs Improvement at the very least when it came to working well with others on the Hill. While we all know Ted gets and F, he doesn't just chuck bills, he doesn't even consider them and he shuts down the government. 


For me, this is not what I want in my president. I actually want someone who is going to play the game a little. I actually want someone who is going to make deals which means they ARE going to have to compromise. Compromise, which means not getting everything you want and prioritizing.  Bernie didn't want to sign the bill for immigration reform way back when which seemed like they could have gotten it passed. They claimed there were enough Republicans on board. He claimed that he spoke with a Latino group that said, the bill had something in it that didn't protect workers and said that they were treated as slaves. OK, don't know if I buy that entirely, but I do buy that this was even more so about him feeling that those jobs should be going to American citizens. The question is do Americans want those jobs?  No, they don't, well, let me speak for myself, I don't. Yeah, the work that requires one to work in the fields all day picking crops. I remember HBO showing a documentary and employers/farmers saying that they couldn't get Americans to apply for these jobs, that they couldn't handle the work. Yep, they showed them on payday, when they would go to the check cashing places and then send what money they could home to their families. The money that evil Drumpf wants to now tax.  Fine you want to tax them, provide them a path to citizenship so they can pay taxes just like the rest of us, but don't act like they aren't providing a service that is hard to find from most of the citizens in our country.  Because they are, I'm not trying to do that work and it needs to be done.



Another weak interview with Jane Sanders where she gets away with falsehoods.  That was two aired on MSNBC today, same thing on With All Due Respect.  Jane Sanders is getting the tRump treatment regarding the truth.

I was disappointed with Chris.

Yeah, she seems to be all over the place and making me turn the channel each and every time.

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Thank you Chris Hayes for covering this underlying theory that still lingers in the back of my mind, that I have never been convinced that Trump was actually trying to win. First and most important is, there is no way in hell he's trying to live in DC, no way. I just crack up imagining him screaming that he can't get out of this "thing" and who the hell else is there left to offend, they won't let me go...WTF?!

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I'm glad that Chris showed the clip of Kaisch goysplainning our own religion to the group of Jews yesterday. I was trying to explain it to my Mom but you really had to see it to see the look of "are you an idiot" that they had on their faces.  Seriously, does he know anything about the Jewish religion.  Explaining to a group of Jews the week before Passover just how the Jews got to Egypt?  And, asking them if they know who Joseph, Jacob, Joshua etc are?  And trying to downplay Moses.  That is basic Judaism 101.

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I'm glad that Chris showed the clip of Kaisch goysplainning our own religion to the group of Jews yesterday. I was trying to explain it to my Mom but you really had to see it to see the look of "are you an idiot" that they had on their faces.  Seriously, does he know anything about the Jewish religion.  Explaining to a group of Jews the week before Passover just how the Jews got to Egypt?  And, asking them if they know who Joseph, Jacob, Joshua etc are?  And trying to downplay Moses.  That is basic Judaism 101.

A political journalist from NY was on With All Due Respect and he was making fun of it and said that the joke is, Kasich was wasting his time because the Jewish sect he was visiting doesn't even vote Republican. He was talking about how the candidates except for Trump and Clinton, don't really understand what they are doing in NY, they don't get the politics there at all.

Chris, do your research! You are going on and on and on about money in politics and you're repeating over and over again Sanders' specious accusations against Hillary and her fund raising. How about checking into holier-than-thou Sanders problems with his fundraising, how he's ignoring the FEC's demands for answers to their questions about his campaign's reports and the contributions he's received, how many thousands of contributors have gone over their legal limit but Sanders is still accepting more, how some of his contributions are highly questionable like over 220,000 individual submissions from one postal zone in DC in one day when there are only 600,000 people in that zone in total.


Chris allows himself to be bamboozled and talked over by the hyperactive Sanders campaign operatives and he isn't asking questions that might get some interesting answers. But Chris is no worse than the rest of the media who aren't doing any research and aren't asking pertinent questions either.

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Chris, do your research! You are going on and on and on about money in politics and you're repeating over and over again Sanders' specious accusations against Hillary and her fund raising. How about checking into holier-than-thou Sanders problems with his fundraising, how he's ignoring the FEC's demands for answers to their questions about his campaign's reports and the contributions he's received, how many thousands of contributors have gone over their legal limit but Sanders is still accepting more, how some of his contributions are highly questionable like over 220,000 individual submissions from one postal zone in DC in one day when there are only 600,000 people in that zone in total.


Chris allows himself to be bamboozled and talked over by the hyperactive Sanders campaign operatives and he isn't asking questions that might get some interesting answers. But Chris is no worse than the rest of the media who aren't doing any research and aren't asking pertinent questions either.


Well, you've done your research.


You think Hayes is bad, Lawrence O'Donnell isn't much better, he seems to be putting quite a few of his toes onto the Hillary is corrupt bandwagon. I'm sure he'd chalk it up to honest journalism. But once again, the insinuation that she did something wrong/unlawful in giving paid speeches when she was NOT serving in the Senate, isn't good journalism. 


I love how MSNBC has been running the Clooney interview on loop but seem to mostly replay the part of the interview where he agrees with Bernie, not the part where he explains where the money is going.  I like how no one is talking about all the money Bernie gets from the tech industry. They're big business aren't they?They don't have a special interest? They aren't your little one person, one vote, 27 dollar folk.  And how come no one has asked just who all these online contributors are? 


LOL, it's probably Republicans contributing all the money, because they want him to win the nomination for sure. 


I almost want him to win the nomination so the Republicans can tear his socialist ass to shreds. 

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I didn't see all of it, but I thought Chris Hayes' coverage of Prince's passing was by far the most respectful, heartfelt and knowledgeable coverage that we saw yesterday. I was hoping they'd replay it at 11 so I could see the whole thing, but NOOOOOOO! We got a repeat of that assbag/gasbag Brian Williams and his Prince special report, like he'd ever listened to Prince before yesterday.

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I really appreciated Chris' interview of his childhood friend ‎Lin-Manuel Miranda, today is the big day I suppose.

My first reaction was no, Tony Nominations are announced tomorrow, not today.  I have to remember that not everything revolves around Broadway :-)

I'm glad that Chris pointed out just what the NFL is really about - so if you are accused of rape - not a big deal..first draft choice.  But a video of someone smoking pot - you just move down the draft list.

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That's right Joy Reid, you got it, as always. 

They just don't like that they can't get Trump under their thumb. But make no mistake, they love what he stands for. But still, they like to think they are better than him because he hasn't been a member of their "club." So they like to look down their nose on the orange, haired chimp from Queens, NY as if they are better than him, but they're not.  He is one of them, they just refuse to look in the mirror, so they don't have to admit this fact. 

And why are you, David Brock, on this show giving up what you've got going on in your head strategy wise? Surprise me please. I don't want to see him on any shows going forward giving the Trump camp a heads up, stupid. Just run the freaking ads. and get the damn surrogates ready. These people talk too damn much.

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49 minutes ago, BookElitist said:

⬆  Oh,geez ❗  I was screeching the same thing--"Please, just shut it and do it. Stop gloating and giving away your game plans/strategies ❗"

I didn't see that particular segment but usually they preview their attack strategies to get reporters to do some of the negative attacking for them for free by talking about the attack plans and thus amplifying the eventual ad buys.  It's part of creating the negative "narrative" for your opponent.

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4 hours ago, rab01 said:

I didn't see that particular segment but usually they preview their attack strategies to get reporters to do some of the negative attacking for them for free by talking about the attack plans and thus amplifying the eventual ad buys.  It's part of creating the negative "narrative" for your opponent.

Yeah, I get that, but if the liberal media really wants to give the democrats free help, stop taking call ins from the chimp and covering his KKK rallies in their entirety. Each and every one of these assholes on MSNBC, well the ones that air before 8 PM keep talking about how he's changed politics BULLSHIT.  He needed a lot of help to accomplish the gutter  that he's created and MSNBC has knowingly helped him.  

They keep defending themselves, as if they've asked him the tough questions, and maybe I missed it when they actually asked him to explain where the money is going to come from to cover his "plans."  Where exactly is the money going to come from to deport all these immigrants exactly?

Again what is the ethnic make up of the people he employs around this country? He's claiming he'll bring back jobs, well he has a jobs record he can run on right now? I'd like to know exactly who he employs and for what?  I wonder how many working class white men has he actually contracted to say do construction on his buildings. Are ALL of his employees making living wages? Do they all have the ability to unionize? Where are his products being manufactured? I want to hear this shit CONSTANTLY by every damn credible news network. He's been in a position to help working class white communities. Has he?  I don't see anyone asking about  or repeating at  nauseum like they do on Clinton's speeches and emails, that he has one if not two, fraud cases going on for that fake university. Only Lawrence and I believe Chris Hayes have covered it in any detail. Hell, HBO's Real Sports and VICE have both done reports on how Trump's businesses have oppressed and damn near enslaved workers/citizens in other countries. Again, BULLSHIT, I don't need to see David Brock, he can be effective enough off screen and like I said, I don't want to keep seeing him talking strategy on air. What I want is for Chris Matthews on down to do their job and comment specifically on Trump's dirty hands as much as they comment on Clinton's speeches and her email server. I'm not hearing any of it, I only get real details from 8-11  PM on this network. 

Another excuse they use is his supporters don't care, again, BULLSHIT. They know damn well we're, well I am not talking about his hardcore supporters. They talk about them as if they comprise the entire fucking electorate so why bother?  Then they also try to beef up/cosign as Trump being this all time historic figure who has changed politics, so how can Clinton withstand his power. Again, BULLSHIT start talking more about powerful Hillary. And, how on earth will the orange haired chimp be able to topple a woman who,many a man and woman has tried to unsuccessfully bring down time and time again for 20 plus years.

Again, Chris Matthews and the rest have a hard on for Trump, I don't need to see David Brock, I need them to help expose what Trump knows to be true, he does have "little hands" and they could if they did their damn job. Instead, there continues to be a fanboy/girl sound to their reporting. 

Although I will give Matthews one note of credit for getting Trump to give specifics on his abortion "policies" and use of nuclear weapons. He gets a lot of points on that interview but it's been a long election season and will continue to be, so what have you done for good political journalism lately?

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Chris Hayes, please do not torture yourself by ever inviting anyone from the Trump camp on your show. Those low, class idiots in his camp would argue that the color blue isn't really blue and that the media and everyone is lying about it. It's pointless. Please don't torture your viewers.

But by all means keep reporting the truth as far as I'm concerned. You're one of three reporters on this sinking network who are worth watching.  Oh, four, I forgot Joy Reid.

By the way, at this point, I think Roger Stone would fake his death and plant pieces of evidence to set Hillary up to take the fall. Yep, he and his buddies are that certifiably unstable. Their level of hate has led them to the dark hole of being mentally unstable.

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This is bullshit, Trump is a businessman who claims he will be able to bring jobs back. OK, well, get to work on his record. Every night there should be coverage on just what his record is and who exactly is he employing, since he's been such a job creator. They say his ties are made in freaking China?  Mexico? Where ever, but it ain't here. So why don't these hacks take a page out of HBO's VICE and Real Sports and actually head on over to these freaking countries and find exactly where Trump's goods are being manufactured and put that shit on news 24/7. Where's the video tape? Then explain why he's full of shit when he says he has to take his business over to other countries because the likes of the Obama administration is making it impossible to keep his business in this country.  Fully explain how it's just a matter of his greed and poor business skills. They talk about these bankruptcies but never in detail and on a consistent basis. The NYT sucks, lazy shits. This latest story is no story at all. He hates women, believe me, I got it. Hillary could be led out in handcuffs and I'll still write her name, die hard Trump fans will do the same for him and so will Bernie supporters. Shit Hillary isn't playing the woman card, these journalist are...She focused on child care, health care, equal pay in response to Trump's sexism. Meanwhile, "journalists"  are picking up the fucking phone which is what passes for investigative journalism, trying to find women to give testimonials on what we already know, that deep down Trump is afraid of women, therefore, his disrespect of them is always right there under the surface ready to pounce.

Again, all bullshit and these hack reporters still making excuses and their network executives wanting Trump to be elected and/or not wanting to shell out the money to do real investigative reporting. 

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2 hours ago, NextIteration said:

Exactly, where is this coverage 24/7?

Bill Maher is definitely right, money in politics? Please, only matched by the money in news media and it's got to go. They are truly no longer in the business of informing the public anymore. 

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There's nothing fresh about Bernie, Hayes.. Like I said before, he's inauthentic. He lacks the courage that it would have taken to run against Obama. Courage, the one thing that a true leader of a movement should have, he doesn't. He is on tape saying that Obama should have been challenged back in 2012 and he doesn't deny this. He still thinks he should have been challenged. So why didn't he do it?  Please, he waits for Hillary.  He's full of it. Why not run back in 2012 like he said, to show the people how the change they were looking for didn't come? Why not run then and try to move Obama further to the left? 

Yeah, he's leading a movement alright. He's a punk, not a revolutionary IMO. 

Courage? Yeah, if you really think the democratic party is that corrupt, then take your "courage" and  break off and run on an independent ticket.  This is how he's always felt about both parties in general which is why he was registered as an independent. So if he had real balls he would have run as such. Don't try coming into someone else's party and taking it over because NOPE we don't entirely agree with your platform.  Stay in your own damn independent party with your movement.

He's full of shit, he sets chaos loose and wants to sit back and say I have no control, whatever.

And yes, that guess was right although he didn't use the word I'm about to, but Jeff Weaver is the thug in the Bernie camp. I've said it before about him, that guy rubs me the wrong way.  

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I'm so excited about Chris' new book - and of course I hit the Google.

He attacked social programs that had only yielded “an ugly harvest of frustrations, violence and failure across the land.” To substitute for these programs Nixon would use tax and credit policy reforms and use the natural mechanisms of the free enterprise system to facilitate black progress. "Black Americans—no more than white Americans—do not want more Government programs which perpetuate dependency. They don’t want to be a colony in a nation." On one particularly important flash point for racial conflict, busing, Nixon seized upon it declaring that it was a mistake to conceive of busing as a solution. Blacks were not being helped by busing, Great Society handouts, or by being soft on crime. Blacks needed jobs, and he would create incentives for private enterprises to invest in the black communities of the nation.

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I liked the interview with Rep, Jeffries. My local station was kind enough to detail the NY state Republican primary results by county. And just as the congressperson contended, those that know Trump best like him least: Trump lost Manhattan. (He took the outer counties by crazy high margins, which, as a former upstater, I have no trouble believing.)

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When  did Chris start announcing the length of the commercial breaks?  I just noticed this Monday and today (20th and 21st), and it makes me crazy.  "We're taking a break for two minutes."  "We will be right back in 60 seconds."  It actually makes me nervous, like I am on a time clock.  I am not hearing this on the other evening shows. 

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