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S01.E05: Damaged

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After Detective Lance arrests Oliver for murder, Oliver tells Moira the only lawyer he’ll allow to represent him is Laurel. Laurel takes the case which puts her at odds with her father. Oliver offers to take a polygraph in front Detective Lance but things get tense when Lance asks him if anyone else was on the island with him. Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke.



I really enjoyed this episode. I was so glad to see Walter realize that there were truly TRULY sinister things going on. And of course, anytime John Barrowman shows up, I'm happy. Was this the first episode that we saw the 'Deathstroke' mask? (I think I'm right in what I'm calling it, but if I'm not, I know someone will let me know! ;)  )



Oliver Queen: Do we have a legal meeting or something? 'Cause, I have friends over.


Yao Fei: [speaks Mandarin]

Oliver Queen: What does that mean?

Yao Fei: You will die badly.


Laurel: Nothing can ever happen between us.

Oliver: I know

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Yao Fei is not one of my favourites but I love that line.


It was a clever plan, Oliver, but how did you know that Diggle would a) know you are the Vigilante by then; b) continue to work with you; and c) be willing to play Arrow?  Good for Diggle for calling him on it.


I think this was a very good episode for Laurel, other than the part about not knowing who Oliver really is that is.  A nice scene when she asks to see his scars.  I don't understand why it was such a big deal for her that he didn't blip on ever having been to Iron Heights.  I can't remember most of the field trips I took in high school. (And what school takes their students to a prison for a field trip?)  At least it confirms that they were in high school together.




Laurel: Nothing can ever happen between us.
Oliver: I know

sigh  Until she starts obsessing about him again and he starts thinking they could be together.


I really liked seeing the Walter/Moira interactions because both actors are so good. It's too bad that's all over now.

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Ah, yes, the first episode where I really started to ask, WTF is this show doing with Laurel?


But first, some better things:


1. Walter. Awesome throughout. Totally chill with Quentin, totally insisting on an attorney, totally offering what assistance he can to a stepson who isn't exactly embracing him, quietly investigating his wife, still feeling impressed that his wife can so calmly tell Quentin to get the hell out of his house.


2. Loved Tommy's "maybe this party isn't a great idea…" bit.  Did a lot to change Tommy from total party dude to someone who could actually think.


3. "Of course I care. The mission comes first."  Wow, they planted the seeds for this really early, didn't they?  And hee on the Batman reference right after that.


4. You know, I still don't know how they found/why they bothered to find the boat. But let's move on.


5. "No thank you, I'm not crazy." "Finally, something we agree on."


6. Poor island Oliver, getting so close to normal food and sodas. AND THEN.


7. And once again, Thea and Oliver are a more convincing couple than Laurel and Oliver.


8. John Barrowman!


9. I really liked the intercutting between the polygraph test and Oliver's torture on the island.


10. I love how Oliver's entire plan is to make sure lots of people see him at the party so that everyone knows he's not the Hood, and then spends most of the party in his room hiding from people.


11. But much better, I love the way Diggle calls Oliver on all of this. It's great.


And now Laurel:


She's actually pretty good in her first scene with Moira. And THEN.


1. Number of times Laurel fails as an attorney in this episode alone, three: 1, failing to inform her own client that she will be representing him. 2, failing to consult with her client about whether or not he would be willing to wear a GPS device. 3, after telling Oliver, her father and us that Oliver can't possibly be the killer, assuring Oliver that a plea bargain which will force him to admit to killing people is a "gift" – Laurel, if he didn't kill these people, as you keep telling us he didn't, why should he go to a psychiatric facility to be treated for something he didn't do, especially since this will now be on his record? How is this defending the innocent?


2. Number of times Oliver says that Laurel knows him better than anyone else, one.  

(Bad enough the first time. Now that I know how often this will get repeated, auugh.)


3. Number of times Laurel proves that she doesn't know Oliver better than anyone else, three: 1, when she says in the courtroom that helping people out isn't Oliver's style. 2, when she says Oliver wrecks fancy cars and dates models, but doesn't kill people (why were you dating him, Laurel?) 3, Laurel, admitting on screen that she didn't even stop to wonder what could have happened to Oliver.


4. Number of people making critical comments or expressions about Oliver and Laurel's relationship, four/six:  Moira (although she later says Oliver is still smitten with Laurel), Walter, Quentin (reminding us again that Laurel's sister is dead because Oliver took her on the boat), Oliver (reminding us that he killed Sara by taking her on the boat), Laurel (explaining that her parents actually divorced because of Oliver), Oliver again (telling Laurel that she should hate him), Laurel again (telling him that she did hate him)


5. Awkward moments between Oliver and Laurel, four. 1: the entire polygraph test, 2: their mutual attitudes when she shows up at the party (Oliver, YOU requested the polygraph test, remember? Why take it out on Laurel? Laurel, YOU just found out he was tortured on the island. WHAT IS THIS?) 3: Oliver taking his shirt off. 4. Oliver and Laurel kissing. 5. Laurel running out of the room right after they kiss. 6. Laurel responding to Oliver's "I don't eat! Sleep! Or shoot arrows at anyone!" with "Well, we're clearly still attracted to each other but bye now."


6. Number of continuity issues in Oliver's bedroom scene, one: Laurel was last in his room in Halloween, 2005? So, Oliver was on the island

well not really

for five years. The show started in 2012. So I thought that the Queen's Gambit took off in 2007?  So, Laurel never came into Oliver's room for two years and I am expected to believe in this relationship? I realize that was a writing/continuity error but the fact that nobody picked up on it doesn't bode well. (The whole timing of Laurel's "my father turned to the law and I followed" is also a little off, but oh well.)


The thing is, Laurel has two really nice scenes here – the one with Moira, and the one at the end with Quentin. This is one of her better episodes, I think. Bonus for not getting kidnapped, attacked or having her house broken into all episode. Yay Laurel!


But I remember wondering what on earth was going on here when I first saw this episode – mostly because it is extremely rare for either a will they/won't they or an on again/off again relationship to kiss by the fifth episode, and I was going, uh, this seems early, but mostly because the episode was putting them together while simultaneously telling me in multiple scenes just how terrible these two were for each other. Watching it now, my main explanation is that the writers wrote this after getting the fan feedback for the pilot, and at least wanted some of the issues acknowledged.

Edited by quarks
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This is one of my favorite episodes. Even though I feel like I say that about every episode.  I love get this party started Oliver and Oliver with the thingee on his ankle. Still ticked off to this day about Oliver trying to play Diggle.  I think the writers should have used the dynamic that Laurel and Oliver had in the courtroom more than doing straight forward drama with them in the show. I like how they give us a window of what is happening with Oliver through the polygraph and speech to Laurel without it being overwhelmingly sappy. Still don't understand why Laurel dated him when she keeps alluded to the fact that she knew he was no good. Not just dated but had some kind of long term relationship.

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Still don't understand why Laurel dated him when she keeps alluded to the fact that she knew he was no good. Not just dated but had some kind of long term relationship.


Mhm. Maybe this is something that will be addressed in s3. You know, 3 seasons the charm to finding out what the hell Laurel saw in Oliver Queen.

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I feel like I start out every episode post saying how much I love Diggle and this time is no different.  "I don't like being played"  and "Oliver, I don't care what you say to other people, but I am not the guy you lie too" Go Diggle!.


I just really love how Walter and Moira react to Detective Lance.  "We're sorry for what happened to your family Quentin, but get the hell out of my house"  And Moira also had a great line to Malcolm.  "If anyone in my family gets so much as a paper cut, I'll burn you to the ground."


Don't leave Walter.  

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
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The thing that always stands out to me about this episode is the sheer idiocy of the Oliver/Laurel/Tommy situation encapsulated so succinctly. Laurel and Oliver kiss, and Laurel admits that there is still attraction there, but she's not going to let herself fall for it. So what does she do? She goes and starts dating the one guy in Starling City who she knows will involve spending time with Oliver Queen in social situations. His best friend.


Now, I'm no expert when it comes to romantical things, but even I know that trying to get over feelings for someone is not really helped when you're exposed to them on a semi-regular basis. 'Hey, Laurel, we're having dinner with Oliver tonight. That's okay, right?' 'Oliver's coming over to watch the game', 'there's a party at Oliver's this weekend. It'll be a blast.' Hmm. I wonder if it might be difficult for Laurel to deal with that lingering attraction and the temptation she clearly feels for Oliver, if she's continually expected to spend time with Oliver. Sigh.


Anyway, the saving grace was that Oliver never really seemed to give a shit what Laurel was up to, until the required end-of-season romantic shenanigans.


The other thing that stands out is the scene after Oliver is attacked in the mansion, and they cut to him on the couch, with Thea sitting next to him, seemingly stroking his thigh. Boy, the chemistry between SA and WH was kind of messed up in the first half of season 1. And the blocking and directing clearly didn't help affairs. There was more heat in their scenes together than in anything Oliver/Laurel, and it wasn't even supposed to be there!

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Anyway, the saving grace was that Oliver never really seemed to give a shit what Laurel was up to, until the required end-of-season romantic shenanigans.


This really bothered me because it was thrown in at the end of the season. Oliver and Laurel had to hook up, so let's make Tommy super insecure (as if he wasn't already) and allow their triangle, that in my opinion was never a real triangle, come to a head when Tommy sees the two of them together through the window. The whole time Oliver and Laurel were making out I was thinking oh I can't believe this is happening. I couldn't get into that because it was so gross and repulsive. Poor Tommy.

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Tommy was such a nice guy and unlike Oliver, he really respected Laurel. He didn't deserve what Laurel and Oliver put him through.  

Oliver showing up at Laurel's when he knew Tommy loved her is possibly the douchiest thing he did all season.


quarks, your outline of the Laurel reactions made me laugh.  

And the point about how she followed Quentin into the law after Sara's death but she was studying for the LSATs before Oliver and Sara left.

 And then I started wondering ... since Katie Cassidy is a method actor, how does she deal will all the back and forth? It's not like she can play just the scene she's doing at the time like another actor could..

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I don't imagine it's easy to play a character who is so inconsistent. Maybe KC had to just settle on her own interpretation and try to play it that way, no matter what the lines or storyline that episode. And maybe that's why some of what she says and still believes about Laurel or Laurel/Oliver doesn't seem right to us. Because they're not, based on what we've seen.


The scene where Dig calls Oliver out on playing him was one of the first that really clicked with me. That relationship, as I said, feels real and solid. I was invested in Dig calling Oliver on his shit, and Oliver learning to trust and appreciate someone. Plus, it's just a relief to see him be himself with at least one person on the show.

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I have NEVER seen this show other than one or two episodes that feature Barry Allen because my sister has a thing for him.  I watched the first two seasons of Flash and the two seasons of Legends of Tomorrow, so I am not unfamiliar with the Arrowverse.  I decided to finally try to watch Arrow, because as much as I enjoy LoT, it is really quite silly.  I popped in here to say that I love Paul Blackthorne, especially when he had hair on his head.  I could tell in episode one or two that he was very fond of his drink, and the actor sold that dissolute alcoholic image without slurring his words or drinking anything and here we finally see his daughter dragging him away from a bar. So well done, PB. Always wondered about the Laurel hate, and I think now that although the writing for her was not stellar, a better actress might have made it work better.

Edited by Goldmoon
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• Laurel’s arrival in the courtroom was pretty awesome! I saw it coming, but the camera work and the music really made it work for me. Laurel continues to be one of my favourites. 

• Is it bad that I find the island flashbacks super boring and don’t really care about them? 

• The Diggle/Oliver dynamic works so much better for me now that he knows Oliver’s secret. Go Team Arrow! 

• I enjoyed the talk between Laurel and Oliver. I appreciate that she was big enough to admit that she only looked at her own pain and failed to consider the pain of others. The kiss at the end was more bleh though. I like Oliver and Laurel individually and would like to see them as friends, but the writing of them as love interests just isn’t working for me. 

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3 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

• Is it bad that I find the island flashbacks super boring and don’t really care about them? 

Prepare to feel that way for the next 110 episodes (minus the handful that are blessedly flashback-free). I think the flashbacks are marginally better in S2, but overall, the flashbacks should have been used much more sparingly than they were.

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6 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Prepare to feel that way for the next 110 episodes (minus the handful that are blessedly flashback-free). I think the flashbacks are marginally better in S2, but overall, the flashbacks should have been used much more sparingly than they were.

They go on for five seasons? I’d been hoping they’d be a feature for the first season only ugh. 

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Sadly, no. There are a season of flashbacks for each year Oliver was gone. I tuned out of the flashbacks during S3 and don't feel like I missed anything important by doing so. 

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Seasons two flashbacks are actually pretty interesting,  and they help the story,  but halfway through season 3 you'll probably start fast forwarding them until season 5.

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Honestly, while not always great, I think season 1 flashbacks actually had a point and informed a lot of the present day story. Fair warning, episode 14 is very flashback heavy, but I thought it was awesome.

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Yeah I didn`t really mind the S1 flashbacks, they made sense from a story perspective and were still interesting enough showing Oliver go from douche bro asshat to start to become the guy we meet in early S1 and made me appreciate SA's differentiation of the two in his acting choices and voice.

I like Damaged. Not a fan of the "big kiss" or the "hints" re BC but I like the Lance interrogation scenes interspersed with Wintergreen's torture. And it shows that however insistent both Laurel and Oliver were that she knew him better than anyone, she really, really didn't and he actually used that fact to manipulate her into doing what he wanted, what a guy. I also enjoy Dig laying down the law about not lying to him or manipulating him. I also love the Oliver/Thea reconnection scenes. Also the fact that Oliver did actually realise the vigilante appearing as soon as he came home from a mysterious time away would raise eyebrows. Quentin should have kept some of the inconsistancies in this episode and some of the other stuff in his mind for longer and not been so shocked about Oliver later on. 

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Felicity did not appear in this episode...

105 (Damaged) – Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. For five years I was stranded on an island with only one goal... survive. Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish... to use a list of names he left me, to bring down those who are poisoning my city. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else."

105 (Damaged) – Oliver asks that Laurel represent him after he is arrested by Quentin Lance for being the Hood:
Walter: “Detective Lance appears to be on some personal vendetta.”
Oliver: “He is. He blames me for the death of his daughter. He also thinks that I dress up in a green hood and shoot people… with arrows.””
Walter: “The important thing is not to say anything until your attorney gets here.”
Oliver: “Fine. I want Laurel.”
(Moira and Walter scoff.)
Moira: “Oliver, I don't think your ex-girlfriend can be counted on to be objective here.”
Oliver: “She knows me better than anyone. She knows that I could never be this guy. Walter, you say Lance has a vendetta?”
Walter: “Yes.”
Oliver: “I think Laurel can get him off of it. He raised her to do the right thing. That includes representing an innocent man. So. Mom. Please.”

105 (Damaged) - Laurel sees Oliver's scars, and they kiss for the first time since Oliver returned to Starling City:
(Oliver and Laurel enter Oliver's bedroom.)
Laurel: "Wow. I can't remember the last time that I've been in this room."
Oliver: "I can. Halloween 2005. We were getting ready for Tommy's party."
Laurel: "Ah. Yes. I wore those horrible fishnets."
Oliver: "I thought you looked good."
Laurel: "Listen. I just wanted to come by and apologize for my father's behavior today. During the polygraph."
Oliver: "You don't have to apologize for him. He has the right to feel any way that he wants."
Laurel: "It wasn't just Sara, Ollie."
Oliver: "What do you mean?"
Laurel: "After Sara died, my father threw himself into his work. I think that's part of the reason that I'm an attorney. He ran to the law and I followed. But my mother couldn't. So she left him. Left us. Look, I'm not trying to tell you this to make you feel bad or worse. I just - I really want you to understand him."
Oliver: "Why don't you hate me? You should."
Laurel: "I did. For so long, I did, Ollie. But after today I realized that I was so focused on what happened to my family that I didn't even stop and wonder what could have happened to you. I didn't know about the torture. Or your scars. What happened to you on that island was far more than you deserved. And I was wrong that I didn't ask you before, but I'm asking you now. I need to know. I need to see."
Oliver: "Are you sure?"
Laurel (nodding): "Yes.)
(Oliver unbuttons his shirt, and Laurel looks.)
Laurel: "How did you survive this?"
Oliver: "There were times when I wanted to die. In the end, there was something I wanted more."
(They kiss. Laurel pulls away and leaves.)
Oliver; "Laurel, you don't have to go."

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105 (Damaged) - DELETED SCENE: In the SCPD interrogation room, an arrested and hand-cuffed Oliver confides in Diggle:
Oliver: "I come back into town [unintelligible word] the Hood guy starts firing arrows at Starling City's privileged elite. Diggle, sooner or later, somebody was going to make the connection. I needed to take the question off the table, but... on my terms."
Diggle: "Okay. Well, congratulations, you got yourself caught. What's next on your master plan?"
Oliver: "I got all the angles covered."
Diggle: "Um-hmm. Oliver, your mother and your sister are going out of their head because they love you, man. Something tells me that's an angle you don't have covered."

105 (Damaged) - DELETED SCENE: Tommy expresses concern to Oliver about testifying:
Young Woman Wearing Mini-Skirted Police Costume: "You're under arrest, Mr. Merlyn." (Hand-cuffs him)
Tommy: "Oh, guilty as charged. These might come in handy later."
Oliver: "You know, for a guy who just got hand-cuffed by a super hot chick, you don't look very happy. Tommy. Something is on your mind. Talk to me."
Tommy: "If this arrest thing goes the distance, I'm going to have to testify. And somebody's bound to ask me if I saw the guy in the hood who rescued us from those guys who tried to kidnap you."
Oliver; "Yeah. So?"
Tommy: "So... I didn't see any guy. All I saw - all I saw was you. Okay? I came to, just for a little bit, and I saw you running away."
Oliver: "So you want to know what happened. (Tommy nods) I came to, I saw all the guns and I panicked. I ran away to save my arse and I didn't say anything to the police because I didn't want you to know that I'm a coward. And I'm a lousy friend, okay?"
Tommy: "No. Ollie, don't beat yourself up. I mean, please, the truth is, if I had been the one to be able to get free, I probably would've hauled ass too."

105 (Damaged) - DELETED SCENE: Quentin tells Laurel that Oliver passed his lie detector test:
Quentin: "Oh, hi."
Laurel: "Hi. Listen, um, I just came to apologize. I never should've agreed to represent Oliver. I guess on some level I wanted you to confront this... and move on."
Quentin: "You might be overestimating my capacity for personal growth."
Laurel: "Well, I don't know about that. You did save Oliver's life."
Quentin: "Yeah, well, for a second, I was thinking about letting the guy kill him."
Laurel: "No, you weren't. That's not who you are."
(Quentin shows her some papers.)
Quentin: "Results of the Queen lie detector test. They confirm he passed."

Edited by tv echo
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105 (Damaged) - DELETED SCENE: In the SCPD interrogation room, an arrested and hand-cuffed Oliver confides in Diggle:


105 (Damaged) - DELETED SCENE: Tommy expresses concern to Oliver about testifying:


105 (Damaged) - DELETED SCENE: Quentin tells Laurel that Oliver passed his lie detector test:


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