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Amanda To The Rescue - General Discussion

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This is my favorite new rescue show, and I look forward to watching it every week.

Duncan the 2 legged boxer is the Poster Dog for resiliency.  He is just so damned happy, and runs like the wind!

I love that Bullfrog claims all the puppies as his own, and cares for them so diligently.  He is a hoot.

It was such a relief to find out that Jade's new dog, Rogue, is going to be OK, after she lost her first crested prematurely.  And it's nice to know that Groot won't be getting any worse.  That little hydrocephalus puppy was too cute. I'm glad she found a good home.

Amanda and her family are amazing.  She is so good with special needs dogs; her vet tech training has served her well.

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This was a good episode since the previous one had all of us crying for little Splat. Watching Splat was hard but that is something that we all need to see. I am sure that you have heard the phrase "we can't save them all but we will save all we can". Not all rescue stories have an happy ending, many are sad. I have been active in rescue work since 2002. The day I stop crying and caring is the day I need to step away.

Amanda and her family are something else. i can't imagine how hard it would be to deal with special needs dogs day after day. She sure has found a keeper with G.

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I've only watched the first episode. Appreciated Amanda's brief explanation of how the shelters are learning to work together. There used to be a show where a Mississippi woman would transport a lot of animals to the northeast, where it appears there was more demand for them. Kind of a supply and demand deal. With all of the natural disasters, US shelters are getting better at this kind of teamwork.

I hope more pilots donate their time transporting animals. Great way for them to keep up their flying hours. My shelter rescues pets from a nearby large airport - meaning when the airline travel goes badly - and I've daydreamed about a flying service that transports animals safely and humanely.

I was anxious knowing that the two dogs with broken bones were not in the animal ER. I hope they were getting pain meds during the days it took to rescue and transport them and get them to the vets. They were handled a lot.

I hope Amanda's operation thrives and she and her family don't burn out. My older friend runs a sanctuary for old dogs and she's kind of on fumes at this point.

Edited by pasdetrois
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

I've only watched the first episode. Appreciated Amanda's brief explanation of how the shelters are learning to work together. There used to be a show where a Mississippi woman would transport a lot of animals to the northeast, where it appears there was more demand for them. Kind of a supply and demand deal. With all of the natural disasters, US shelters are getting better at this kind of teamwork.

I hope more pilots donate their time transporting animals. Great way for them to keep up their flying hours. My shelter rescues pets from a nearby large airport - meaning when the airline travel goes badly - and I've daydreamed about a flying service that transports animals safely and humanely.

I was anxious knowing that the two dogs with broken bones were not in the animal ER. I hope they were getting pain meds during the days it took to rescue and transport them and get them to the vets. They were handled a lot.

I hope Amanda's operation thrives and she and her family don't burn out. My older friend runs a sanctuary for old dogs and she's kind of on fumes at this point.

I remember watching that show about the Southern lady who transported dogs to the Northeast some years ago.  I am glad that more rescues are networking in this fashion.

I know there is an organization for pilots with private planes who are willing to transport rescue animals - it's called Pilot N Paws.  I recall seeing an episode (I think it was Dr. Jeff?) where a pilot transported a little puppy for surgery, and he ended up falling in love with the pup and adopting it.

I was worried about the dogs with broken bones as well, but since Amanda is a vet tech, I'm sure she was on top of pain management during transport. 

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2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I've only watched the first episode. Appreciated Amanda's brief explanation of how the shelters are learning to work together. There used to be a show where a Mississippi woman would transport a lot of animals to the northeast, where it appears there was more demand for them. Kind of a supply and demand deal. With all of the natural disasters, US shelters are getting better at this kind of teamwork.

I hope more pilots donate their time transporting animals. Great way for them to keep up their flying hours. My shelter rescues pets from a nearby large airport - meaning when the airline travel goes badly - and I've daydreamed about a flying service that transports animals safely and humanely.

I was anxious knowing that the two dogs with broken bones were not in the animal ER. I hope they were getting pain meds during the days it took to rescue and transport them and get them to the vets. They were handled a lot.

I hope Amanda's operation thrives and she and her family don't burn out. My older friend runs a sanctuary for old dogs and she's kind of on fumes at this point.

Bless you for the work that you do😇😇

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This is now my favorite show.  I don't know how Amanda stays so upbeat with all the things she sees.  I'm looking forward to seeing the next episode where she goes to PR to do some rescuing.

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Another great episode, although it was heartbreaking to see so many animals in need in Puerto Rico.  I am looking forward to seeing how the 5 little dogs she brought back are faring next week.  I liked seeing how involved the camera crew was with the rescue; bringing back dogs as their carry-ons was so cool!

I'm sure that with all her social media followers, much more help was sent to Puerto Rico and, I hope, SCAR.  I was impressed that Amanda was able to raise $74,000 for the PR rescue efforts.

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Wow, just wow! Amber had to pick JUST 5 to take home. You know if it wasn't for the flight (17 hours?) she'd have taken as many as she could fit! And speaking of the dogs being put under their seat during flight.....do they have to sedate them or are they barking and whimpering the whole flight? How can they be expected to hold it for that long, there is NOWHERE to let them "potty" as Amanda says. So will every other passenger have to listen and possibly smell them all 17 hours? I cannot imagine the trip in my mind. They do post an update at the end about the dogs and it said all 5 were back safely and ready for adoption. I like that part!

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Once again I'm crying at the end of the episode.  At this point in my life I shouldn't be surprised by what people do to their pets, but I'll never get used to it.  I can't imagine someone just dumping their dog in the jungle.

I loved the women feeding the feral dogs. I've seen feral cat colonies, but I guess I wasn't aware of feral dogs.

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Amanda also manages to crack me up right along with all the crying! Loved her wincing in fear in the car ride up the mountain with all those crazy drivers and the honking. It was the exact same way on the roads in Jamaica! Also the "I know there was more said....but my brain stopped at centipede!"  and the other girl was more focused on snakes? (I think it was those 2)

Then when she was leaving she says just one more kiss....and then after G kisses her she says I MEANT THE DOG! I really like Amanda, really her whole family and crew and if I lived anywhere near her, I'd help her anytime she needed me!

Yes, loved the lady feeding those poor feral dogs too. It is so sad to see the reality after a hurricane.

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Oh forgot about this one: she brought the lady a ton of medical supplies from Chewy.com and since her nickname was pirate....she got her some good pirate booty! That one killed me too.

Here is a neat article about Amanda done 4 years ago, includes a pic of her with HAIR! She is beautiful either way, just wanted to let others see too!


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It was wonderful to see the 5 dogs rescued from Puerto Rico finding their forever homes.  Every single one had a touching story, but I think the teenage boy who fell in love with li'l ole Mr. Rags was so damned sweet.

Amanda has so much love for each and every one of these rescues - her pure heart just shines right through my TV screen.

Chewy Cabin is an awesome improvement for the rescue - now Amanda & Jade can be warm & off the floor when sleeping with some of the new rescues, and there's a great setup for mass intakes.  Plus, Gary gets the separate washer & dryer!  I also loved the painting of Amanda's pack, and the painting of Duncan, the wonderdog.

Seeing Duncan doing anything, everything and even nothing brings a big smile to my face - every time.  I could watch him until the cows come home!

Edited by walnutqueen
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I was doing laundry yesterday and when I walked into the laundry room, I thought of Gary and the dog food in the washer.  Made me laugh again.  Amanda gets so much love but Gary, Beast and Jade should get just as much!  I love all of them!

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This damned puppy mill rescue had me bawling like a baby from the get-go.  The camera crew and producer are ALL IN (how could they not be), and I love the producer who's always crying and just had to save the little chihuahua.  I know he wanted to save them all.

The juxtaposition of showing the worst in humanity - animal users & abusers, and the very best - rescuers like Amanda's family and her crew, is what gives me hope for humanity, and allows me to believe (if only for a brief moment) that the good outweighs the bad.

Scary, scary medical stuff this time.  Sometimes the body just cannot undergo the rigors of anesthesia, and alternatives must be found.  Kudos to the vet who recognizes the limitations, and finds other ways to manage the situation.

Seeing the transformations and adoptions of Marshmallow, Mr. Werthers, and Grandma Joy made my heart soar like an eagle.

Puppy mills (et. al.) must be outlawed.  I'd like to see a moratorium on ALL pet breeding (I know, I'm a radical, but THIS IS A CRISIS). [/soapbox]

Edited by walnutqueen
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We are time shifter TV watchers so I can FF through commercials.  Last night when I started Amanda, DH said "OK, time to cry for an hour".  We love this show so much!  

The Amish are the worst offenders in the puppy mill trade.  They didn't come right out and say it, it was just alluded to in the episode.  After Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania also have a huge puppy mill problem.  

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2 hours ago, dshgr said:

We are time shifter TV watchers so I can FF through commercials.  Last night when I started Amanda, DH said "OK, time to cry for an hour".  We love this show so much!  

The Amish are the worst offenders in the puppy mill trade.  They didn't come right out and say it, it was just alluded to in the episode.  After Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania also have a huge puppy mill problem.  

If you ff thru commercials, it's about 40 minutes of tears.  Which is why I can't watch at night - if I go to sleep after that much crying, I wake with eyelids puffed out to alarming proportions.

That said, this show is something totally uplifting to look forward to in the wee hours of a Monday morning.  GOOD tears, for the most part.

Edited by walnutqueen
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 I'd like to see a moratorium on ALL pet breeding (I know, I'm a radical, but THIS IS A CRISIS). [/soapbox]

Right there with you.  Once you walk down the rows of the shelter with dogs and cats on either side of you and they are all pretty much doomed and you have to decide who you are going to rescue that day and who you are going to have leave there to die, if you still think breeding is ok in any form or fashion you have a black, rotted soul.  I don't believe in responsible breeding - I've never witnessed such a thing even from ones that have waiting lists and make you drive across the country to get the puppy and all the things "responsible" breeders are supposed to do.  They are part of the problem, period.  

ETA I love Amanda, she's a badass.

Edited by shirazplease
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3 hours ago, dshgr said:

We are time shifter TV watchers so I can FF through commercials.  Last night when I started Amanda, DH said "OK, time to cry for an hour".  We love this show so much!  

The Amish are the worst offenders in the puppy mill trade.  They didn't come right out and say it, it was just alluded to in the episode.  After Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania also have a huge puppy mill problem.  


I cried through the entire episode.  I do not understand how a religious community can be known for treating animals so badly.  I always wonder if they treat their children in a similar manner?  

We have two puppy mill dogs, so this episode really hit home.  One was a breeder, and it took nearly a thousand dollars of vet care to get her in good health.  She's now twelve years old and has been a wonderful pet.  

Our other dog was part of a rescue when she was just a young puppy.  She's always been happy and healthy, with no idea of the terrible start she had in life.  

It was so good to see those dogs go into loving homes.  They've had the worst, now they most definitely deserve the best.

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1 hour ago, shirazplease said:

Right there with you.  Once you walk down the rows of the shelter with dogs and cats on either side of you and they are all pretty much doomed and you have to decide who you are going to rescue that day and who you are going to have leave there to die, if you still think breeding is ok in any form or fashion you have a black, rotted soul.  I don't believe in responsible breeding - I've never witnessed such a thing even from ones that have waiting lists and make you drive across the country to get the puppy and all the things "responsible" breeders are supposed to do.  They are part of the problem, period.  

ETA I love Amanda, she's a badass.

THANK YOU.  I am not a nutjob, but am annoyed every damned time I see anyone squeeing over their  "planned" puppies/kittens/etc., nevermind the breeders who use lame assed excuses for exploiting their "pure" breeds.  Until there are no more unwanted shelter dogs, breeders can take a flying fuck.

I commend Amanda for taking pups from admitted puppy mill breeders, without disappearing those breeders in the wild woods of the Pacific Northwest.  I'd be a fucking Dateline story.

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I'm pretty sure my dog came from a puppy mill.  My (horrible) 85 year old mother wanted a puppy.  I took her to the shelter, but she insisted she wanted a puppy of a small breed.  She got a Maltese/Bichon puppy from a man that I think is a puppy mill broker.  After 3 weeks, she called me and said "you have to come get this puppy, he's getting on my nerves".  

I still have him and he's a great dog.  My mother is in a nursing home and I don't visit her.

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15 hours ago, dshgr said:

I'm pretty sure my dog came from a puppy mill.  My (horrible) 85 year old mother wanted a puppy.  I took her to the shelter, but she insisted she wanted a puppy of a small breed.  She got a Maltese/Bichon puppy from a man that I think is a puppy mill broker.  After 3 weeks, she called me and said "you have to come get this puppy, he's getting on my nerves".  

I still have him and he's a great dog.  My mother is in a nursing home and I don't visit her.

That doggie gives you the unconditional love you deserve.

People sometimes suck - even if they're related to us.  I'll take the comfort of random critters any day.

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I loved the last 2 episodes with the Hawaii rescue dogs.  Egypt changed from a timid, shut down dog into a bundle of playful energy in an instant!  I can hardly believe she was adopted from a Washington shelter within 48 hours; it really does seem to be a state with less of an overpopulation problem.  The blind puppy (her name is at the tip of my tongue!) found a great home with another blind & deaf dog in the pack.  And little Elliot also found a perfect companion after his heart surgery.  G was adorable when he was driving with Duncan happy in the back seat and Elliot curled up on his lap, and later on his shoulders.  He is such a nice man.   Amanda has an awesome family.

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17 hours ago, Calibabydolly said:

I saw the previews for the new season and it seems her boyfriend is not being shown. I wonder if they split up or he just was not part of the new ad?

Amanda posted a while ago that they had split up and he was no longer there at the rescue.

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I am loving the new season.  I was worried about Groot's seizures, but he seems to be hanging in there.  Garnet is still bossy, and Bullfrog is still trying to raise all the babies.  I do miss seeing Duncan, and hope he is very happy with his Dad.

I'm glad to see that Amanda followed up with her partners in Hawaii and went back to rescue some more dogs.  It is so nice to see the cameramen and producers still loving on all the shelter dogs - they all seem to be big dog lovers.

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Have you noticed how most of the adoptive pet parents she picks are mature, and most have other dogs, often other special needs dogs?  I guess that's wise though. I do wonder about the military families...what if they move or get deployed? Hmmmm...

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