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The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value

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Recipe for being called on your shit: On a public platform, add a classic imbalance of power and money to a dominant male-subordinate female workplace relationship. Serves two. Enjoy!

Given the intention and sentiment in Mika's first two books, the very public evolution of their verbal slap and tickle since Week One, and the many personal interviews which layer by layer slowly revealed how "their love" came about - the hypocrisy and sense of entitlement is what chaps my hide.

The perfect example is that they don't show up in the studio every week, let alone every day. Something is askewww (thank you, Lewis Black) when special dispensation of such magnitude is granted only to some of the show's personnel. WTH, why should anyone in the MJ lineup schlep into the city every morning? Why don't Willie, Kasie, Katty, Barnicle, et al work from home - in another state? Willie should do Today AND MJ from home. If it's acceptable for Him and Her to work from a remote location it should be acceptable for anyone in the MJ stable to work from a remote location. 

After going in numerous directions that never took hold, Mika's 20-year career was in the toilet, she'd been fired again, that time by CBS, and all she could get was doing the overnights at MSNBC. After 20 years in the biz she wasn't even working swing shift, she was on graveyard doing 60-second headline summaries and lead-ins to reruns of earlier programming. After 20 years of floundering from one market and one job description to another she found "success" while having a sexual relationship with her direct supervisor who was personally paying for her on-air wardrobe. It's your basic feminist nightmare. 

Is anything even remotely similar found when tracking the careers of others in TV network and cable news? Were there maybe a couple of publisher/reporter clutches over the years, altho minus the shameless plugging of side projects? That rings a bell.

Someone posted recently about the show gelling because Mika came on board but that isn't accurate because the pre-Mika Scarborough Country had a successful four-year run at 9pm - with three+ years of it occurring before she was even a gleam in Joey's eyes. He jumped on the early morning slot after Imus fucked up and created a vacancy and he offered her the co-host slot the night before the debut of MJ. (After, according to him, watching her do headlines and lead-ins on his bedroom TV for awhile). BTW, he pitched it as a three-hour live show, not two hours plus a mashup. Ahem. 

She shrills shills an income-generating national platform exhorting women to Know Their (professional) Value while telling them to not even have drinks with their co-workers because it could be misconstrued. What was misconstrued when - while they both were married - he was buying the stilettos and sexy sheath dresses she wore every day? When for years they took those frequent weekend trips tied to "something" of interest on the his show? When they did the show in sunnies and hangovers and the previous night's attire on a lawn across the way from the WH? Is there another female on-air presence who went bare legs and stilettos in the air next to her fully clothed and seated male co-host, in a reputable national magazine? (Which VF was at that time). 

They're so far up their own asses that they did one show in pajamas and another one while they were residually amped and intoxicated. Who does that and expects to be taken seriously? Nicolle Wallace? Chris Jansing? Don Lemon? 

The hypocrisy displayed by these two is similar to finding out that prominent animal protection activists have been nailing cats with BBs and wrist rockets every weekend and now demands that everyone should just get over the revelation of their true inclinations. 

Edited by suomi
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The reasons I dislike Joe and Mika are inequivalent and unrelated.  Joe is a privileged frat boy whose trajectory should have ceilinged at being the #1 car dealer in a rural part of the panhandle.  He's a salesy salesman too confident beyond reason - a hallmark of a great sales person.  He likes fun.  He likes things to revolve around him, and so in ways he's manipulative and overbearing.  Aaand, that's it.  That's the alpha and the omega of Joe.  It's simple.  He's an asshole; sometimes charismatic, and at times fun, but on balance insufferable.  Dude glides through life.
He put archived footage of himself into his own DDay video package.  He made himself the lead singer/guitarist of the world's shittiest dad-band.  He won't talk to Rachel Maddow.  It's all very simple.  He sexed up his co-worker (presumably encouraged her Louboutin/sheath dress period, plastic surgery, huge boobs, exercise, mania to be sexually appealing), and seduced her.
"Who me, worry?"  Just Joe being Joe

Mika... whew.  Mika is like if a dumpster fire was spinning plates with smaller dumpster fires on them, on a unicycle on a tight rope, over a dumpster fire.  It's too big of a chore to peel her psychological/emotional onion.
She's in the wrong industry.  She needs serious therapy.  She's dishonest about who she is.  She holds no core beliefs.  And all of that is fine.  Probably applies to me too.  But, she's a hypocrite, she's judgmental, she's petty, and she is insufferably smug about her accidental "success."

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15 hours ago, neona said:

But like... just in terms of minutes per hour, is the "pawing" really that much? I kinda feel like if it's a big deal and if people are obsessed about it, it's too much.... But to normal people, is it really so overwhelming? If they were actually "pawing" at each other (they don't. post a clip if you wish to contradict that) wouldn't people just stop watching? And in my view, this was virtually NON-EXISTENT before they got married. The only time I've seen it vaguely referenced was on SNL.

Like I said, if for three hours they can't act like professionals, then perhaps this line of work isn't for them.  It's not just viewers, the other people at MSNBC, the cast of SNL, print journalists, etc. all noticed the behavior.  

Here's the clip you're asking for.  They even admitted they crossed a line.  And it was prior to the wedding. 


How you feel about Joe & Mika is fine, but I don't think those of us who feel differently need to be taken to task over our opinions.   Hope we can all agree to get along and move on. 

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16 hours ago, neona said:

As women we are constantly exposed to assumptions and guesswork from all angles about our decisions and motivations.

You... realise you did exactly this, at length, in your first post on this subject, right? Lol

16 hours ago, neona said:

I guess my main issue is why Mika, and Mika's face, personality, affinity for plastic surgery, choice in clothing, etc., is so disproportionately blamed for the breakdown of the Trans-Atlantic alliance, while men's centuries-old warrior affinities and inclinations are left in peace.

Mika is making money off opining on these very things. That’s what KYV is. She’s bringing up cosmetic surgery, hair, looks, policing how women dress and when/how/who they meet up with for drinks after work, etc. She’s putting herself in that realm. Hell, she just had an article on KYV about her plastic surgeries. 

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Well.  All I can say about my distaste for Meeka is that I just cannot stand her.  I would not be able to stand her if:  she was in my circle of carpool moms; if she was the Girl Scout cookie mom (I was..horror); if she lived next door; if she was my next door neighbor; if she was my cubicle neighbor; if she was in my social circle; if she was room mother for my kid's elementary years; if she was either of my kids' teacher; if she was the receptionist at any medical office I have visited; if she was married to my husband's best friend and we had to see one another socially; if she was an Avon Lady.   

At this point I could care less how she delivers the news, whether or not she knows her value, whether she has had a boob job, a dye job, who her parents are/were, how her marriage is, how much she weighs, what she eats, how much she exercises.  Who she likes, does not like, whether or not she fake-baby likes, whether she has cats, chickens, dogs or hamsters.

I have considered not posting anymore because I just...wait for it...cannot stand her and I regret that it shows and shines.  I just love watching snippets of the show and then coming here and seeing what everyone posts.

Someone way more talented than me (I?) should come up with a Dr. Seuss-like way to put all of my above; I do not like her Sam I Am.  

Footnote:  I used to sometimes read Dr. Seuss to the elementary schoolers.  When I would get home Mr. Kemper would tell me I was talking in a sing-song voice.  There are worse things.

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I hope my above post wasn't too strong; I have felt kind of bad at maybe how my post of a few days ago (or was it last week?) was perceived; I wanted people to know that it was not meant to be .  It was just a silly observation on why we all seem to dislike Meeka so much...we have such fun poking at her.  And that's it!  And to those who don't mind her so much or like her...I get it.  I love Nicole Wallace...not everyone does.

In these times of daily upsets it is nice to come here, observe and sometimes laugh.

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8 minutes ago, Kemper said:

And to those who don't mind her so much or like her...I get it.  I love Nicole Wallace...not everyone does.

In these times of daily upsets it is nice to come here, observe and sometimes laugh.

I agree! I don't watch the show that often, but I always come here to see what everyone has to say.

And speaking of Nicole--I was no fan of hers when she was on MJ. I didn't like her at all. But now, hers is the only show on MSNBC that I watch every day. She's a great host; she keeps her show moving without slighting any of her guests. (I didn't notice that Michael Schmidt wore fleece, though. I though he always wore that black jacket with the turned-up, Count-like collar. Is that jacket fleece?)

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On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 6:49 AM, Landsnark said:

Mika... whew.  Mika is like if a dumpster fire was spinning plates with smaller dumpster fires on them, on a unicycle on a tight rope, over a dumpster fire.  It's too big of a chore to peel her psychological/emotional onion.
She's in the wrong industry.  She needs serious therapy.  She's dishonest about who she is.  She holds no core beliefs.  And all of that is fine.  Probably applies to me too.  But, she's a hypocrite, she's judgmental, she's petty, and she is insufferably smug about her accidental "success."

Exactly.  Bravo my friend!

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7 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

I didn't even watch the majority of the show and saw him just completely cut her off at least twice.  Should be a fun afternoon for those two.

I recorded it because I thought there might be a segment I wanted to see, I thought I read Spielberg was going to be there.   But it sounds like it was the same cluster fuck as usual, just this time on the beaches of Normandy instead of the basement in Jupiter. 

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50 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Ahem . . . long delayed honeymoon . . . so gross.

I didn't even watch the majority of the show and saw him just completely cut her off at least twice.  Should be a fun afternoon for those two.

It is gross.

And God knows they won't be there tomorrow. They need a day off after all that heavy lifting.

Edited by stormy
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How frequently do you think other MSNBC shows, now or ever, will cut up Joe's DDay extravaganza and use the footage?  My money is on never, ever, ever. 

I could stomach about 45 seconds of those two clowns, and everything was the "est."  "Bestest! 🙂 "  "Movingest 😞 "  "Solemnest 😞 "  "Inspirationalest 🙂 " 100% hyperbole, 200% of the time!   It's how you can tell they're great journalists.   Exaggerating emotion really sells the story.

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16 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Not a mention of Mika as a woman warrior.  The show is brushed aside, mostly correctly, as "the bombast of Joe Scarborough."  

OT, but I have to disagree with this characterization:


And while all five women are decidedly less opinionated (at least on air), than Maddow, O’Donnell, et al,

I really like Nicolle's show (I have finally forgiven her for sucking up to Mika), but she's no less opinionated than Rachel.  And both of them are good at covertly expressing their opinions through their guests and their material, rather than overt declarative statements. 

Actually, rather than preening as her alleged mentor, Mika would do well to start taking lessons from Nicolle.

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54 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

really like Nicolle's show (I have finally forgiven her for sucking up to Mika), but she's no less opinionated than Rachel.  And both of them are good at covertly expressing their opinions through their guests and their material, rather than overt declarative statements. 

Agree.  I don't notice "fist pounding" I realize the prime time is more open to opinion that leans left, but it's usually based in fact, as in "yes I believe women and minorities should have rights". 

Warriors just get the job done, they don't post videos about how sad they are without sugar and how happy they are now that they have to buy larger bras online. 

While looking up Oakville's comment about Joe's parents running beauty pageants (JFC it's true) I found an article from 2010. Remember the "Mika don't make me backhand you" when she laughed at him being called a journalist, and the time she was mugged and Joe said "we give her $5 every night so she gets home safely". 

Nine years later and the sexism hasn't really changed much, has it?  Leopards don't change their spots, loud mouth dopes don't either. 


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32 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Nine years later and the sexism hasn't really changed much, has it?  Leopards don't change their spots, loud mouth dopes don't either. 


The article mostly lets her off the hook and paints her as a victim of Joe's sexism, only mildly chiding her for not pushing back.  

I'm somewhat curious to imagine how Joe would behave with a female co-host with whom he was not in an intimate relationship.  And how far she would tolerate his bullshit.  Probably a lot like when Rachel Maddow called him out on his crap.


On her personal website, a picture of Brzezinski’s red high heels is captioned: “I click my heels three times to get a word in edgewise with Joe.”

Of course it always begs the question, why would a woman marry someone who bullies and disrespects her?

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I was just thinking the same thing. How could you marry someone who from day one has treated you so poorly?  

This is true for most of us; but I still think she is the "boss" off-air. She is maybe the Trophy Wife for him (third time's the charm) and rules the roost at home.  That would explain the chicken-keeping. 

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2 hours ago, Kemper said:

This is true for most of us; but I still think she is the "boss" off-air. She is maybe the Trophy Wife for him (third time's the charm) and rules the roost at home.  That would explain the chicken-keeping. 

She dumped her chickens off on someone else because they aren’t in Florida, and she moved her housekeeper who took care of them down to Florida. They were just another fad for her, lasted about a year. 

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

This is true for most of us; but I still think she is the "boss" off-air. She is maybe the Trophy Wife for him (third time's the charm) and rules the roost at home.  That would explain the chicken-keeping. 

They have to have the most toxic relationship I have seen a long time (and that includes mine with my ex which was pretty yucky).  I do agree that Meeks has the off-air control and Joe has the on-air control.  If you watch them closely and think about it, it's pretty gross but I think both of them are willing combatants in this battle and each probably blame the other for any residual fallout.  This is not going to end well for either of them.

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7 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I was just thinking the same thing. How could you marry someone who from day one has treated you so poorly?  

Because that was what she wanted.  She wanted him and what he could bring to her profile.  Anybody that could admit to dropping her newborn baby down a flight of stairs would have no trouble rationalizing her relationship with Joe.

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8 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I was just thinking the same thing. How could you marry someone who from day one has treated you so poorly?  

Sometimes, depending on how you were raised or other factors, it translates as being loved. The role is familiar and it feels right. People love you by treating you poorly and you love them by accepting it. 

She has mentioned being neurotic a couple times but the jury is out on how truly aware she is capable of being. He has snapped at, snarled at  and belittled her in ways that absolutely defied what is acceptable, by any measure. In public! 

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9 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

And here it is.  Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

1 hour ago, Landsnark said:

Andrea Mitchell is like "who?" Love how that article subtly trolls Mika.

Well, she had to mention herself because the LA Times surely did not. 

Andy Lack "believed reporting should drive the dayside hours, with the nighttime serving as the home for more opinion-led content." Oh, really? MJ is dayside and driven by bombast. Island of misfit toys. 

Edited by suomi
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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Oh good you saw it! I did too last night but didn't have time to post it.

Passive aggressive much Meeks?  Why drag Yasmin into your black hole of jealousy? 

Exactly.  This is why I will never think this woman has any good thoughts for anybody else but herself as this was quite possibly the most selfish thing I have ever seen in public for all to see.  Co-opting a terrific article about her co-workers to somehow make it be about her.

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12 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:
2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Oh good you saw it! I did too last night but didn't have time to post it.

Passive aggressive much Meeks?  Why drag Yasmin into your black hole of jealousy? 

Exactly.  This is why I will never think this woman has any good thoughts for anybody else but herself as this was quite possibly the most selfish thing I have ever seen in public for all to see.  Co-opting a terrific article about her co-workers to somehow make it be about her.

Wondering how long before Joe wields his power and gets her a cover story in New Yorker. 

Or is Mad Magazine still in publication?  

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Heard Brian Williams last night refer to "people" who praise a person who: read a speech written for him and behaved appropriately toward WWII veterans,  as "patronizing".

Who could he have been talking about? 😎  

Five daytime anchors and the host of the 11 pm show officially on Joe Scarborough's shit list. 

This party is gonna be off the hook. 

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9 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

Not like it hasn't been done before by someone...

You mean, this?  😁  I'll have you know she has earned her Time cover!  We worked hard on every interview and it took me 15 minutes or so to photoshop her into this and change the headings! 

kitty cover.jpg

Edited by teddysmom
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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 11:38 AM, teddysmom said:

Heard Brian Williams last night refer to "people" who praise a person who: read a speech written for him and behaved appropriately toward WWII veterans,  as "patronizing".

Who could he have been talking about? 😎  

Five daytime anchors and the host of the 11 pm show officially on Joe Scarborough's shit list. 

This party is gonna be off the hook. 

So apparently he now agrees with Brian Williams (via Ignatius)?

I am not on Twitter; but I can read all the replies to the The Twins posts.  I agree with the poster above; why on earth do these two (and probably many other celebs and politicians) put themselves out there for people to poke fun (and that is putting some if it mildly) at them?

The ultimate ego trip is thinking you are so important that we cannot wait to hear what you think about almost anything.  Why set yourselves up for the vitriol that comes back at you.  (I am not saying that the vitriol is a bad thing😃 )  They must have much thicker skin than I have; I would probably take the nastiness personally and obsess and worry over it.  

My children are pushing me to get a Twitter account; I told them that if I did I would not tell them and would make sure to have a "name" that they would not recognize.  My rants and strong opinions are something that they roll their eyes at.  Don't care...I've earned my stripes.  As have we all.

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So glad to know that the ex-Mrs Hoffer is now married to the means of indulging her champagne taste. KHV*

They do say "Marry the first time for love and the second time for money."

*Know His Value


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Edited by suomi
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7 hours ago, XOQueens said:

Mika posted a lot of photos from France. Strange she didn’t get any of her fillers dissolved after her revelation about no more Botox or plastic surgery. In fact, it even looked like she had fresh. 🤔 

Oh thanks for this xoqueens, I have to go take a look as last night all she had was the celebration of her one year anniversary with her wedding dress.  Seriously, I was half expecting her to wear it on the air today.

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6 hours ago, suomi said:

"summer resort of notable and fashionable people

I especially like the picture of Joe on the beach with that towel draped around his neck and her purse plunked in front of him.  I guess that's his permanent job now, purse protector.

That shot of her standing in the doorway wistfully looking out into the distance . . . hee!  I honestly don't know how both of their egos can fit into one room at the same time.

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