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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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Huh, that's quite interesting that Stephen had asked about Oliver and Felicity. I wonder how "early on" it was and at what point during the first season the showrunners went from "Absolutely not" to picking that particular lane before Season 2 began (if that's what happened).

Going by their interviews at the end of S1 I'd say they decided in March(ish). I am curious as to when SA asked that question.

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Thanks for pointing that out. I assumed they were paraphrasing.

I do like the idea of SA asking so early about their characters getting together. He was ahead of the curve.

I think he really wanted it to happen. That boy has been fanboying the relationship from the beginning. Just the way he handled talking about EBR & her first appearance with going to producers.

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Laura Hurley compares the respective journeys of Oliver Queen and Barry Allen...


zexyafrosnatcher asks:
Hi Laura. I really enjoyed your discussion about who is more of a hero between Daredevil and Arrow. I find myself in the same situation whenever people compare Barry Allen and Oliver Queen. Their journeys are so different that whenever people hate on Oliver my hand shoots up like Hermione (do you approve this reference?).  For example, in the Flarrow crossover when Oliver told Barry he’s lost so many people and Barry hit back with “and I lost my mother” I went yeah buuuuuuuut. And I don’t want to get into what losing a parent at a tender age can do to ones psyche (I mean Batman…) But I also don’t feel like the two stories should be compares in that way. Barry lost his mum, but still had his dad believing in him and loving him AND he had another support system in Joe West and Iris. Oliver repeatedly lost people he cared about, who acted as his support system for 5 years and was mentally and physically damaged over and again. I mean different situations folks. I’m not trying to down play Barry’s pain, but I’m super uncomfortable even comparing their respective journeys.

Laura Hurley   Sep 5, 2015 9:14 pm

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Laura Hurley takes on the S4 trailer (warning - here be spoilers)...


Arrow: The good, the bad, and the ugly of the Season 4 trailer

Laura Hurley  September 6, 2015 3:41 PM MST


Once again it was good analysis of the trailer. Totally agreed with the ugly.


Here is some of my fave shots of shade from the "bad" section

"Lance burned his tongue on coffee one time and it hurt for the entire day? Definitely Oliver’s fault."


"On one level, there’s some sense in Laurel abandoning the wig. After all, her hair has been growing progressively more blonde as the seasons have passed; why fuss with securing a wig when there’s lipstick to apply and buckles to buckle? On that one level, of course giving up the wig makes sense"

She did forget about the matching nailpolish though. Afterwards, she did make compelling arguments for keeping the wig, which had me shaking my head wondering how I was agreeing that the wig actually makes more sense than her long hair without a wig. At the end of the day though, I still think she should just tie it up. But we can't have a female superhero without blowing long locks, that would just be sacrilegious.

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It would also make it harder to disguise the stunt double.

Honestly, I'm all for Laurel losing the wig though. I know it's not even remotely practical for identity concealment, but I hated that platinum blonde atrocity with a passion. I can't even begin to take her seriously when she's wearing it.

Edited by Starfish35
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5 Major TV Characters That Were Initially Meant to be Guest Roles
by Sandra Perez 6h ago

Felicity Smoak

Olicity fans, can you imagine a world without Felicity Smoak? Who would Oliver Queen be with? Don’t say Sarah or Laurel, because Felicity is the only one meant to be with Oliver. Emily Bett Rickards signed on to play Felicity Smoak thinking she would only be on Arrow for an episode or two. According to production, once they saw Rickards and Amell on-screen together they knew it was love at first sight! Erh..you know what I mean!


Felicity was quick to win our hearts. And slowly but surely, she took over Oliver’s heart as well. We can’t wait to see what Season 4 has in store for these two because the trailer looks amazing! As dark as Arrow is sometimes, Felicity has always delivered that much need humor to the series. Missed the Season 4 trailer? Check it out here.

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From 4YourExcitement in the UK, ten reasons why O&F could be next season's Couple-On-Top (I've listed just the bullet points below, but the whole article is great)...


Verena Cote | September 4, 2015


1. They Have the Support of a Large and Passionate Fanbase
2. They Developed Organically
3. Their Chemistry is off the Charts
4. They Are Sexy as Hell
5. They have the Ability to Communicate Solely Through Looks
6. They Continue to Make Star(ling) City a Better Place
7. Their Relationship is Founded in Friendship
8. They Make Each Other Better
9. They Fight for Each Other
10. They Win Awards …

Edited by tv echo
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Media sites really seem to be into lists lately

They get lots of clicks because people want to see what the 5 or 10 or 15 points are, especially if you have to click on to a new page for the next point. That helps with ad revenue since each new page = new pair of eyes.

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I don't know if this was posted yet but this sounds interesting:


Amell said, "The fundamental part of the season, that nobody is really going to understand until they see the premiere, is that we do something in the premiere that we've never done in the history of the show. The actor who portrays the DC Comic superhero 'Arrow' in the series, further said, "It does something for the remainder of the season that there's going to be a constant jeopardy in the show, even if times are good. It's a really interesting technique. I think it promotes a good story. I think it will pique people's interest."
Edited by Guest
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That is the kind of simple but well-done stunt I would very much like them go get back to. Instead of a bunch of dudes fighting in the dark, moving as fast as my grandfather, wearing the same outfits so you have no idea what's going on. Oh, and entirely missing each other with a sword that's played as having gone into their guts.

Or motorcyle jousting.

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That is the kind of simple but well-done stunt I would very much like them go get back to. Instead of a bunch of dudes fighting in the dark, moving as fast as my grandfather, wearing the same outfits so you have no idea what's going on. Oh, and entirely missing each other with a sword that's played as having gone into their guts.

Or motorcyle jousting.

Me too. I miss the simple beauty of the S1 stunts.
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SA got a "CHEERS" in next week's TV Guide Magazine "for his heroic WWE debut. After a social-media war of words with pro baddie Stardust, the longtime wrestling fan put his muscles where his mouth was by taking on the fighter... during last month's SummerSlam event.  And he didn't even need backup from Diggle."

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Top 10 TV premieres to be excited about this fall

9. “Arrow (2012 – present) ended last season with a glorious and romantic resolution, leaving viewers wondering what happened after “happily ever after.” The CW sometimes gets a bad rep, but “Arrow,” based on the story of DC Comics’ Green Arrow, is one of its most decent shows. “Arrow” begins Oct. 7 at 8 p.m
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SA got a "CHEERS" in next week's TV Guide Magazine "for his heroic WWE debut. After a social-media war of words with pro baddie Stardust, the longtime wrestling fan put his muscles where his mouth was by taking on the fighter... during last month's SummerSlam event.  And he didn't even need backup from Diggle."

I must have watched the fight a couple times, particularly the bit where he does a kick up, which he's never done on the show, so I thought he couldn't - come to think of it, when you have a quiver strapped to your back, it isn't practical to do moves which start with lying on the ground.


But it's my favourite move (Buffy used to do them all the time), so I've been drooling over those few seconds.

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The quiz is inaccurate about the child. I agree his child's gender has never been discussed. If we are being technical, the show has not even declared that OQ is a father. We know that MQ paid the girl to go away, but what happened to the actual baby is a mystery. It's heavily implied that he is a father, but there is no onscreen confirmation in the present day. The woman could have had another child by another man at another time. All we know is she is a mother.


Also, the Shado question threw me - wasn't she studying at Med School? Either way, I still think my answer for her was correct as that is the role she played on the show. What she did before the island is not of as much importance as what she did on the island/in show.

Edited by kismet
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I can't remember her mentioning her job outside the island but the other day I was reading her wiki and it mentions her as a lawyer so that was clearly on my mind. Maybe all these answers come from The Arrow wiki?


Thanks for finding that! i have no memory of her law training or her occupation as a lawyer ever coming up on any episode of Arrow. So maybe Wiki found its info  from an earlier character draft or perhaps comics. Unless, I'm completely wrong or it was 1 throwaway sentence. This wiki link is the first I ever heard of Shado being a lawyer.

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Shado was a lawyer, Celina Jade talked about it in a few interviews. I thought it was mentioned early on in S1...that she was a civil rights lawyer in China but, I could be wrong.

Here's one interview from S1.


In the show, she said she was pre-med at something like Shing Zao University.

Broken Dolls, 2.3. "Back in Xingjian I was pre-med."

Edited by AyChihuahua
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In the show, she said she was pre-med at something like Shing Zao University.

Broken Dolls, 2.3. "Back in Xingjian I was pre-med."

But what did they say in S1? Was the pre-med thing a goof/continuity error to serve the plot? Was she pre-med before her father disappeared and then became a lawyer while fighting for/trying to find her father?

All I know is that Celina Jade has said in several interviews that Shado was a lawyer.

There's also this interview although I can't seem to get it to open but this one she talks about Laurel/Shado having a connection (for Oliver) because they're both

Sep 26, 2013 - I recently spoke with Celina Jade, who plays Shado, a love ... TVRage: Do you think Oliver might make a connection between Shado and Laurel, because they' re both lawyers, right?

It was from tvrage.com but the site seems to be offline. Edited by Morrigan2575
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The wiki says lawyer, the actress says lawyer, the quiz says lawyer...I would say at some point in time in S1 it was revealed that Shado was a layer.

That's fine, but in the show she said she was pre-med. I mean, that is a direct quote that she said in 2.3, and the point of the quote is that she knew what she was doing with the Japanese soldiers' bones.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Someone told me it was in Unfinished Business so I'm about to do a rewatch.

Thanks for looking! Maybe she was pre-med & a lawyer, that's an absolute possibility. I just remember more about her being pre-med than her ever mentioning being a lawyer. But a lot of stuff gets cut from shows, so maybe they had plans for her being a lawyer and then it got shelved or brushed over. Honestly, at the end of the day I thought it was an odd question to be part of the quiz since the show focused on her being a martial arts experts, looking for her father and survival techniques. Out of all of the stuff that could be on the quiz I thought that was an odd choice.

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