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Two lengthy and in-depth reviews of 417...


jbuffyangel  MARCH 31, 2016 @ 06:36


Arrow 4x17 Review: "Beacon of Hope" (#LadiesSupportingLadies)
Just About Write   7:01 PM

Review: ‘Arrow’ Lights a ‘Beacon of Hope,’ or ‘Die Hard With Robot Bees’
Kevin Fitzpatrick | 11 hours ago

Now, more than ever, superhero fandom feels divided as to whether these colorful characters should embrace a bit of camp charm, or brood through rain-soaked robot voice battles. That’s also admittedly proven an intentional divide between Arrow and The Flash, at least at first, given that Season 4 has aspired to such a brighter “Beacon of Hope” as tonight’s namesake. It’s a novel goal, and as Monday’s Supergirl-Flash crossover demonstrated, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of ridiculous fun, though I’d understand if some fans draw the line at robot bees. Or as Felicity put it, “Die Hard with bees.”

... It all mostly boiled down to either running from robot bees, facing a new complication of robot bees, or spouting tech jargon, as it may or may not have applied to robot bees.
*  *  *
So while Felicity’s immediate future with the team* remains a question mark, it certainly seems as if her absence will be pushing Oliver and Laurel closer together (he groaned, for minutes straight). It makes sense to bring Laurel closer to the foreground after last week’s courtroom battle, though it remains to be seen how well fandom will take to the two growing much further involved, especially after the early disastrous attempts. Tonight, at least, Oliver spiraled to think of saving the city without Felicity at his side, and someone other than Diggle needed to re-purpose Oliver’s struggle to stay in the light.
*  *  *
It seems less and less likely that Arrow will ever return to the dramatic heights of its first two seasons, and I’m less than convinced the new, Flash-influenced “fun” Arrow has proven everything producers hope, though taken on its own, “Beacon of Hope” isn’t worth the derision. It’s an excuse to embrace a bit of the ridiculous that comes from Oliver fighting a robot bee man (that Felicity inexplicably manages to destroy with a lamp, go Felicity?), and lay some groundwork all the while.
*  *  *
How did we have a bee-themed villain and H.I.V.E. in the same hour, entirely unrelated to one another?
Edited by tv echo

Forbes reviewer Erik Kain is getting tedious in his dislike for Olicity - we get it, you hate Felicity now (Question: should I keep posting his Arrow reviews or drop him?)...


Even A Good Episode Of 'Arrow' Is Still Dragged Down By Olicity Nonsense
Erik Kain  MAR 31, 2016 @ 03:11 PM 167 VIEWS

All of this made “Beacon of Hope” a better episode than we’ve seen in a while, but one thing is still really holding it back: Olicity, and its two halves. Both Felicity and Oliver continue to drive me crazy and drag down the show.
*  *  *
I’m not alone in this. Visit the Arrow page over at reddit. Something interesting has happened there. The banner no longer even reads “Arrow.” Not it says “Olicity” and has several images of Felicity—ranging from bawling to her winning grin—bookended by Ray Palmer and Oliver Queen doing bare-chested manly exercises.

Suffice to say, a lot of fans are sick and tired of the direction this show is headed—and while I started to relent a bit earlier this season when Oliver and Felicity came back to Team Arrow and everyone seemed peachy, right now it’s made two of my favorite characters on the show almost unbearable to watch.

Oliver is practically a robot at this point. He either has no emotions or no backbone. He—and apparently everyone around him—all simply take for granted that Felicity is in the right, when clearly she isn’t—or at least not entirely. But Oliver refuses to stand up for himself, refuses to let Felicity go, and refuses to really react at all.

Meanwhile, Felicity is living comfortably in holier-than-thou land. Thea begs her to rejoin the team, to be a “beacon of hope” but Felicity is over all that. Apparently being a hero wasn’t that important to Felicity, and it’s pretty easy to just walk away from it all. So deep and powerful was her love for Oliver, so thorough her conviction for saving the city. Of course, none of the other characters on the show seem the least bit bothered by how quickly she abandons them, or how thin her reasoning for leaving Oliver.

But since it’s Felicity, who the showrunners have deemed the star of Arrow no matter what, she’s the one who stops Brie’s robot-bee-man with just a lamp, some elbow grease, and good old fashioned ingenuity. She rescues the company’s executives almost single-handedly, too. I was okay with Felicity the master hacker; not so much Felicity the Mary Sue.

Edited by tv echo

L.A. Times' review of 417 is largely negative but still thought it "brought a necessary injection of fun to the series after weeks of doom and gloom"...


Arrow's 'Beacon of Hope' is an un-bee-lievably campy effort
James Queally   March 31, 2016

Bee prepared true bee-lievers. For this is an "Arrow" episode with a veritable hive of dramatics as Oliver Queen suffers the sting of having to rely on a new ally to take down a swarm of enemies he can't simply kung-fu his way past, all while having to listen to other characters drone on about his lost love, his one true queen Felicity.

OK, I'll stop now. As long as your promise me you're buzzing with anticipation for ... OK, no really. I'll stop now.
*  *  *
"Bee-con of Hope" (that wasn't even intentional) has enough insect puns to send your ears into anaphylactic shock. The episode's dialog is a maddening swarm of awfulness, and this week's villain is a forgettable Season 1 "Flash" baddie sporting a knockoff Wolverine jacket and honeycomb blouse thing, who commands an army of robot bees.
*  *  *
But, at the very least, I smiled a few times watching "Arrow" this week, and that's something that's been sorely missed. To echo a point our fearless Hero Complex head honcho made about the Flash/Supergirl crossover, we all need a few "aw shucks," palate-cleansing moments here in the nuclear winter of the post-"Batman vs. Superman" world. I was left physically ill by the wannabe noir murderfest I witnessed on the big screen a few days ago, so the more bee puns and Donna Smoak fashion reports, the better.
*  *  *
While the plot's shrug-worthy nature didn't drag down the episode, it still represents a bit of problem. We're 17 episodes in, and "Beacon of Hope" had maybe three scenes of consequence. The A-plot moved Curtis into the Team Arrow fold, which is a nice touch to give the crew a substitute tech wizard while the writers insist on making us pretend Ollicity is no more. Merlyn's theft of Darhk's position in H.I.V.E. was rendered inconsequential by a trailer that gave it away last month. The final reveal that Andy Diggle is still a bad guy was a nice touch, at least, since it will give his older brother something to do again after weeks in the background.
*  *  *
...  Also, Laurel/Diggle/Thea's attempts to play marriage counselor to Oliver and Felicity are just bad. They're an amalgamation of every friend who ever Facebook chatted you to check in after you posted a Morrissey track on the heels of a break-up. No, that's not too specific, or from personal experience, and on an unrelated note, shut up.

Overall, "Beacon of Hope" provides just enough humor and silliness to stop the bleeding of the last few "Arrow" chapters. Now, if the show can just remember how to make the serious stuff entertaining again, we might have some hope down the home stretch.
*  *  *
Time for your weekly "Who's in the flash-forward coffin" power rankings: 1) Quentin, 2) Diggle, 3) Thea, 4) Zach Snyder (a boy can dream).

  • Love 1

The #DCTV Secrets of ARROW: Ep 4.17 "Beacon of Hope"
By Amy Ratcliffe  Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Curtis had his own suspicions about the identity of the man behind the Green Arrow mask. He thought it was Neal Adams in Data Processing at Palmer Tech. Of course, Neal Adams is a creator known for writing and illustrating iconic DC stories starring Batman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and many others. His most famous Emerald Archer series is probably the Green Lantern/Green Arrow team-up comic he collaborated on with writer Dennis O’Neil. However, if you’re looking for something to read right now, we’d suggest his brand new Superman miniseries, SUPERMAN: THE COMING OF THE SUPERMEN.
*  *  *
Damien Darhk leverages whatever advantages he can and used Monument Point to connect with Amar. The city arrived on the map in JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #44. It's near Washington, DC and was wrecked in that series by the villain Scythe. The JSA helped put the city back together and soon called the town its home; Jay Garrick even served as mayor.
*  *  *
Curtis is overwhelmed by everything about Team Arrow. His enthusiasm helps make up for him calling the lair the Arrow Cave and calling Oliver G.A. Fans often use the "G.A." nickname when discussing Green Arrow, and in the comics, Green Lantern occasionally uses the abbreviation for his pal.

Yet another reviewer having fun with bee puns...


Arrow Season 4: 12 Big Questions After ‘Beacon Of Hope’
James Hunt  31 March 2016

I can’t bee-lieve this episode. Honestly, after watching it you’ll be buzzing, because it wasn’t really like any episode of Arrow we’re used to seeing, bee puns or no bee puns (but most definitely the bee puns).

Aside from that particular brand of humour, the episode itself was a hive of activty. It may not have been Ah-Muzen, but it was a thoroughly ridiculously and enjoyable romp that finally seemed to make good on the promise of Season 4 being lighter and funnier than previous years. Hey, it only took them 17 episodes!
*  *  *
It’s a stark contrast to the Oliver we’re seeing in the present, as he has no qualms about killing them, but how will their attempts go down? Obviously Oliver will make it out of the flashbacks, though quite what scars (emotional and physical) he’ll pick up aren’t clear yet, but what about Taiana. I can’t really see her making it out of things alive, unfortunately, because that would be way too happy for Oliver.
*  *  *
Although his personality is very different to Oliver’s he makes for a good fit for Team Arrow, because he is essentially like Felicity in Season 1, and if she’s staying away then he is certainly a capable stand-in, and it wouldn’t be a surprise to see him join the team in this role more often going forwards.
*  *  *
Ah Malcolm Merlyn, the character on Arrow you can never work out. He’s the big bad who wants to destroy the city, then he’s the MIA father who wants to reconnect with his daughter, only to turn her into a killer. Then he’s a part-time ally of Team Arrow and also the leader of a secret organisation of assassins, back in conflict with Green Arrow, the worst dad in the world, and helping Damien Darhk. ... Now, he’s, what, exactly? He’s still got an affiliation with Darhk, but it seems that he’s taken on a bigger role within H.I.V.E. as well....
*  *  *
A whole season of Felicity separate from Team Arrow isn’t really going to work though, so surely she’ll have to rejoin them at some point? After all, she’s part of the OG team, and the show needs to do something to reestablish her place there, though how and when (she still looks very cold towards Oliver in the flashforward to the post-grave scene) is more difficult to predict.


Matt Mitovich pays more attention to Felicity than we thought

Arrow Recap: To Bee a Hero — Plus: Malcolm Makes a Shocking


Green Arrow – recovered from the bee that was replicating itself inside him – shows up with a dart outfitted by Curtis to unleash a virus. But it’s ultimately Felicity who defeats the bee-man by electrocuting him as Curtis hacks the buggers and takes down Brie. This kind of hero life is not for the champs, though. Felicity tells Thea she’s sick of the fighting and violence. She became part of the team to make a difference — and she can do that by turning Palmer Tech into a beacon of hope. As for Curtis, he earns Oliver’s respect, but doesn’t seem to want a permanent position on Team Arrow. “I saw enough to know that this is where I belong,” he says to his husband at home.

Edited by statsgirl

I've decided to drop Forbes reviewer Erik Kain from my regular media checklist.  I don't mind when reviewers write something that I disagree with (reasoned debate is healthy), but I don't want to help promote their articles/webpages when they make no sense whatsoever and rely on reddit(!) to make a point.  Then you lose all credibility with me. However, if any of you wish to keep up with Erik Kain's Arrow episode reviews, here are the links - enjoy!...



Edited by tv echo
  • Love 7

Jessica Breaux's negative review of 417 (in addition to what I quoted, she's also unhappy with Oliver, Brie Larvan and Donna in this episode) - she seems to have forgotten that Oliver left Ivy Town and returned to Star City because Thea and Laurel came to him for the Arrow's help, that Felicity gave him the choice to stay in Star City and said she'd happy whereever he is, and that he chose to stay in Star City...


Arrow “Beacon of Hope” Review (Season 4, Episode 17)
Jessica Breaux    March 31, 2016

When I sat down to write about this week’s Arrow, I tried to think of a couple of good things to start with. After staring at a blank screen for about ten minutes, I realized that there weren’t a couple of good things for me to say about this episode. In fact, the longer I sat, the more confused I became about the horrible mess I’d just watched. I really wish I had better things to say about this episode, but I really don’t. The only good thing to come out of this episode was that we spent a little more time with Curtis. I fell in love with Curtis the moment we met him at the beginning of the season, and my love and appreciation for him has only grown every time he shows up. One of the reasons I love him so hard is the fact that he’s a hero. Oftentimes people think that being a hero means you have to be on the front lines of battle, but that’s not entirely true. And there are many different kinds of battlefronts. Curtis is a hero because every time someone needs to stand up and do something, Curtis stands up. Curtis is a hero because he thinks about other people before he thinks about himself. Curtis is a hero because even though he’s scared, he still does what needs to be done. Curtis could’ve sat back and waited for the police to solve the problem, but he didn’t. He knew he had a way to get some help, and he went for it. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Curtis either. Yes. He was ridiculously excited about finding the bunker and Team Arrow, but he was also terrified. Which was a totally appropriate response to everything that happened. It probably didn’t help that Oliver was a world class jerk either.
*  *  *
Then there’s Felicity. I’m not sure what the powers that be are doing with Felicity’s character, but whatever it is, they need to stop. Right now. Felicity used to be the highlight of the show for me, but what they’ve been doing with her lately has made her tedious. For one thing, the only reason that Oliver and Felicity are back in Starling City is that’s what Felicity wanted. At the end of last season, Oliver chose Felicity. He chose to walk away from his superhero job. He wanted to get married and live out the rest of their lives in Ivy Town with Felicity burning the omelettes. Felicity is the one who was working with the team behind Oliver’s back. Felicity is the one who insisted they move back to Starling City. Felicity was the one who claimed she was slowly going out of her mind in Ivy Town. So now I don’t understand why Felicity is acting as if Oliver is the one who dragged her back to a life she hated. That’s not even remotely how it happened. Thus, it makes it pretty impossible for me to feel sorry for her woe is me routine. I get that you don’t want to be taken hostage and/or shot at on a daily basis. That would suck. But at the same time, it is the life that Felicity chose for herself. She knew what it was before she convinced Oliver that they needed to move back. The only thing that’s changed now is that she and Oliver are broken up, and she doesn’t want to work with her ex. If that’s the case, then just woman up and say so. She doesn’t get to blame “the life” any more than Oliver does.
Edited by tv echo

Yet another reviewer comparing 417 to The Flash and giving glowing praise about Curtis (scored this episode a 9 out of 10)...


Arrow 417 Review: “Beacon of Hope” Abuzz with Bee Puns and Shtick
By: Alisha Bjorklund April 1, 2016

This week’s Arrow episode borrowed more than just a villain from The Flash. . . it took on its counterpart show’s light and fun tone, which is always refreshing from Arrow‘s usual moody, broody tendencies. Brie Larven is out of prison and has her eyes set on Felicity Smoak’s spinal implant. So she sends her army of robot bees (How did she manage to make so many? Where did she keep them while in jail?) to Palmer Tech and . . . surprisingly, what ensued was pretty much madcap comedy. Let’s begin with my pick for MVP: Curtis.
*  *  *
Oh, Curtis, how I loved you in this episode. He was the true beacon of hope with incredible acting and comedic timing. Watching him stumble his way into the Arrow Cave and discover everyone’s secret identity, while un-bee-lievable, was still such a delight to watch.
*  *  *
Team Arrow is still metaphorically walking on egg shells when it comes to Oliver and Felicity. We didn’t see much drama from the power couple this week, but their relationship is still a hot topic of discussion. And although they’re not together anymore, Oliver is still doing everything he can to protect Felicity, regardless of the circumstances. Unfortunately for him, that led to getting infected by Killer’s Bee’s little drone.

Oliver doesn’t resort to shtick so much as a default persona. More specifically, his tendency to be growly and angrily bite people’s heads off for not taking things seriously (this time directed at Curtis). Let’s face it, who hasn’t Oliver chewed out? Meanwhile, Felicity was her typical resourceful self and even used a random object to fight the baddies. Last season it was a tablet, this season a lamp.


Randy Dankievitch's extremely negative review of 417 (this guy seems to hate Arrow so much that I don't know why he's still watching the show)...


Arrow Ep. 4.17, “Beacon of Hope” is a thoroughly pointless hour
Randy Dankievitch   March 31, 2016

In case you didn’t realize what the title of the episode was, Felicity, Thea, Oliver, and company are right there to deliver the title numerous times throughout the hour. And, as Arrow is often want to do, it talks a lot about “beacons of hope” without really establishing any particular reason why this is a conversation again; in the wake of Darhk’s imprisonment, Arrow tries to replace the physical void Damien’s absence leaves the show with a whole lot of talk about breakups, and why what Team Arrow does really matters. Except this is really a story about an unstable woman who tries to infiltrate the technology of the 1%-ers to save herself from paralyzation – and one Arrow has absolutely no interest in developing as any kind of meaningful story.

Save for Curtis’ first run as New Tech Person on Team Arrow, “Beacon of Hope” is an hour of television flailing for purpose, shoving in awkward conversations about breakups to liven up the return of Brie Larvan, arguably the worst of The Flash‘s season one baddies....  The lack of inventiveness is on full display, from Brie’s punch lines, to the absolutely lifeless fighting scenes, and the thoroughly pointless flashback that continue to hold absolutely no weight of any kind, a story that only becomes more pointless on a weekly basis (this week: Oliver and Reiter stand in a dark room and fight for five seconds! WOW, thanks Arrow!).
*  *  *
Ultimately, “Beacon of Hope” can never escape its own weightlessness; and for 42 minutes, completely personifies everything that’s gone wrong with Arrow this season. Darhk’s become a silly Big Bad (here, Arrow basically copies Daredevil‘s s2 episode with Fisk, to much lesser effect), characters only seem to talk to each other about how much Team Arrow means to them, or provide a running commentary on the state of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship in any given moment – and of course, those absolutely pointless flashbacks, which through 17 episodes, have been nothing but absolute nonsense, bringing mysticism into the Arrow world in perhaps the goofiest, most thoroughly overwrought and preposterous ways possible (wow, he can’t be shot by bullets? How intriguing!). Don’t let the noise of Brie’s bees or Oliver’s sad face whenever someone remotely references Felicity fool you: there’s no excitement or meaning to be found in “Beacon of Hope”, arguably the most superficial, empty-headed episode Arrow‘s offered in this clumsy and largely ineffective fourth season.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

HeroesandHeartbreakers' positive review of 417...


Lighten Up: Arrow 4x17 Olicity Heart-to-Heart
MARILYN PORTER   MAR 31 2016 12:00PM

Last week was a major downer, with the breakup of Oliver and Felicity crushing our hearts. This week, they’re still broken up, but the tone of the episode was much lighter. And I, for one, was glad for it! A break from the angst is always appreciated....
*  *  *
Curtis’ wide-eyed wonder at the “Arrow Cave” was completely hilarious. Oliver was grumpy about his excitement, wanting to know why Curtis was there. Then, once Curtis offered to help the team with the tech side of things with Brie Larvan, he hounded Curtis to stay focused. But as grumpy as he was, I enjoyed watching him riff and pun and giggle over everything. More Curtis, please!
*  *  *
... Except now Oliver has a bunch of dead robot bee larvae inside of him that he’ll get to pass over the next few days. Have fun with that, Oliver. Consider that your punishment for lying about your son.
*  *  *
Oliver chews Curtis out for being excited about what they’re doing. He gets a little too mean and Laurel pulls him aside to talk him down off his rage-face. He tells Laurel that, with Felicity, he was happy for the first time in eight years. She asks why he came back then (you mean, other than the fact that you asked him to, Laurel?) and he says it’s because Felicity thought they could be together and save the city. Laurel reminds him that the reason he lost Felicity isn’t because she couldn’t handle the saving the city, the darkness, but because of the choices Oliver made, the lies he told. She urges him to change how he does things, that he’s a beacon of hope for the city but he should save some of that hope for himself too.
Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

4YourExcitement's positive review of 417...


Verena Cote | March 31, 2016

After a whole lot of dramatic and angsty episodes, this week’s Arrow goes back to what it does best. #4.17 “Beacon of Hope” does not only use the full potential of the characters’ comedic sides (especially Curtis, Felicity and Donna were outstanding), but also brings back a familiar foe from The Flash, and she is out for blood. We’re buzzing with anticipation.
*  *  *
Last episode ended with Felicity leaving Team Arrow. We have had several configurations in the past, but all of them included the blonde genius. With her gone, the change in the atmosphere is palpable. The episode opens with a huge sparring session in which Oliver does not hold his punches. While he pushes his team mates to be better and work harder, he does not necessarily use the most sensitive approach. It is Laurel that eventually talks to Oliver about his situation and the break up. This results in a bunch of sweet scenes and it is lovely to see Laurel, a character that had been more than problematic in the past, move on and grow up as a person. The friendship between them nowadays seems genuine.
*  *  *
Even though Curtis is battling a nasty cold, he can’t not help with the situation at Palmer Tech. With the help of the phone that Team Arrow provided him with after helping with Ray’s rescue mission in the beginning of the season, Curtis finds his way to the not-so-secret lair. His reaction is definitely one very similar to the one we would have if we ever got to see the inside of Team Arrow’s base of operation. He is quick to fill the hole that Felicity left and jumps at a chance to help the team, technology-wise. We knew he would be a valuable addition to it, and without any technical support the rest of the team would be pretty lost. He may not be a full member of the team just yet, but we don’t doubt that we will see him again.
*  *  *
The girls learn the real reason for the woman’s insistence: she has a tumor wrapped around her spinal cord which, when removed, will leave her paralyzed. Unfortunately, after gaining access to the blueprints of the bio-chip, Brie also realizes that Felicity’s coding seems familiar and the attack soon becomes personal. Even though Oliver comes to the girls’ rescue, it is Felicity that saves herself by electrocuting the “bee-man”. And because we’re a sucker for any and all Olicity action, we can’t help but swoon over Oliver’s “You never, never have to thank me”. Meanwhile Curtis takes over control of the bees and Brie, suffering from more than just a few stings, lands in the hospital.

One of our favorite scenes occurs at the end of the episode, as Thea and Felicity share a very meaningful talk about wanting to change the world. While Thea begs her to come back to the team, Felicity decides to find another way to change the world for the better: use the technology at Palmer Tech to help others. We can’t help but hope for more scenes between these two. We love female friendships, they are so very underrated.


fangirlish's positive review of 417...


‘Arrow’ 4×17 Review: ‘Beacon of Hope’ (And the Return of the Bee-Yotch)
MARCH 31, 2016

“Beacon of Hope” was a thrilling hour of television that saw the return of Felicity’s unbee-lievable nemesis with enough bee puns and pop culture references to make you grin like a dork. Like, for real I’m still recovering from the fact that Oliver Queen has read Harry Potter and made a pop culture reference.
*  *  *
This episode focused on heroism and representing a beacon of hope in a world where sometimes it might be easier to just accept the darkness for what it is. We saw that with Felicity as she tried to escape that darkness and with Oliver as he nearly lost himself in that darkness once again. But ultimately that heroism prevailed and showed while it’s still possible to have hope in a world of darkness.
*  *  *
But let us bask in the glory of an episode that had me feeling all of the Felicity feels, Curtis feels, Olicity feels, Thelicity feels, and feels about David Ramsey’s massive arms. Seriously, can Diggle’s costume just be him in a wife beater or, um, shirtless?
*  *  *
Felicity also mentioned something interesting about now being out of “that life” and seeing the world differently. While Felicity may be content right now with having a life that isn’t almost always on the line, this is just like when her and Oliver were away during summer hiatus. Eventually that desire to protect the city will return as it did in the season premiere. There’s only so long that Felicity can hide from her destiny, and it sounds like she might be returning under the not-so-best circumstances with next week’s big death. But Felicity can’t change the fact that she’s a hero, and that whatever happens that part of her will always remain unfulfilled when she’s not living her destiny.
*  *  *
It was only a matter of time before Mr. Terrific joined the forces of Team Arrow, and it took his protective instincts and intuitive skills for him to make his grand introduction. When Curtis saw that Felicity was in danger – stuck at Palmer Tech surrounded by those robotic bees – he immediately leapt into protective mode as he tracked down the Green Arrow to help her. This was where we began to see the heroics within Curtis as he gradually grows into Mr. Terrific. ... When Felicity walked away from Team Arrow last week – albeit temporary, as we know – it was setting up Curtis’ position as a Team Arrow freelancer. And it certainly didn’t disappoint. From the moment the elevator doors opened and Curtis walked into that bunker it was simply magic. Curtis literally fanboyed over learning the identities of the Green Arrow, Spartan, Black Canary, and Lance all the while geeking out over the amazing tech Felicity-style. Echo Kellum breathes life into this fan-favorite character that never has to try too hard to come off as relatable and lovable. Curtis is one of those characters who is so easy to love and yet it’s never really enough for someone as amazing as him.
*  *  *
Following last week’s heartbreaking focus on Oliver and Felicity’s (temporary) separation it was interesting to see where these two characters went without each other. There was obviously a part of them missing – clearly gone with the other person. But this episode gave me hope for Oliver and Felicity’s relationship and reunion by season’s end.

Make no mistake, Oliver and Felicity will get back together. They are the epic love story of this superhero drama that breathes life and emotion into a show that cannot exist as a nonstop action movie. But this is television and television craves drama like we crave Stephen Amell shirtless.
*  *  *
While Oliver and Felicity didn’t interact until near the end of this episode, when they did interact it was meaningful. When Felicity’s life is on the line you know damn well that Oliver is going to do whatever it takes to save her. While these two might not be together at present, it’s clear they will always love each other.

Also when they’re in danger their first instinct is to protect each other. Felicity saved Oliver and Oliver saved her. “You never have to thank me,” Oliver told her. Because it’s never a question. He would give his life for her every time.

So while the two aren’t exactly mending fences just yet, they do seem to be heading in the right direction. Felicity began to see Oliver show why she can trust him again. It was subtle and clearly he still has a far way to go, but it was a start. And if there is any couple that will get there it’s Oliver and Felicity.


Is Curtis Replacing Felicity On 'Arrow'? The Team Just Recruited A New Tech Genius

Look, I'm super bummed that Felicity has made the decision to leave the group. (Anyone who's suffered from a boy band breakup knows what I'm talking about.) But I can't deny that I'm kind of loving Curtis as a member of the team. Between his childlike excitement and the fact that he makes pop culture references when he's nervous, he really is proving to be like a guy version of Felicity or at least very reminiscent of the oh-so comical Cisco on The Flash.

Of course, no one can ever really replace the amazingness that is Felicity, but whether she comes back or not (and I'm pretty sure that she will), he will definitely make a great addition to the team. Plus, he's even managed to handle his first Oliver temper tantrum, which only further proves that he has what it takes to be a vital member of this hardcore vigilante gang. And hey, maybe he'll even be able to convince Felicity to come back. After all, if they're this good with technology separately, just imagine what they'd be like working together in the lair. (Some might say, they'd be terrific.) Those Star City criminals wouldn't stand a chance.

Edited by tv echo

Happy April Fools' Day!...


‘Arrow’ Spoilers: CW Confirms Batman For Season 5? Jensen Ackles Will Star As Bruce Wayne
Fashion & Style  April 1, 2016

"Arrow" co-executive producer Marc Guggenheim revealed in a now-deleted tweet that "Supernatural" star Jensen Ackles is slated to appear as the Dark Knight in season five.

"Great news, everyone," he wrote. "The CW announced Jensen Ackles will be playing the Caped Crusader soon!"
*  *  *
A source close to Ackles also took to Twitter and revealed that the "Supernatural" star is excited to play the role of Batman in the DC television universe.

The source added that Ackles is "thrilled" about the opportunity and can't wait to suit up as Batman.


However, did you forget what day it is? Happy April Fools' Day! This information is not true at all. Gotcha!

Edited by tv echo

This Mammoth Gamers article discusses Quentin, Thea, Laurel, Donna, Curtis and Diggle - remember, this thread should not mention any spoilers (unless you use spoiler tags)...


Arrow Theory: Who is Six Feet Under?
by Jess Johnson on April 1, 2016

Well this season has been a bunch of sunshine, kittens, and rainbows hasn’t it? We got to see the end of Olicity and thankfully it wasn’t because Felicity was the one in the box. So which leads to the big season mystery if it’s not Felicity in the grave then who is it?

*  *  *
Laurel Lance aka Black Canary:
Given the end of Olicity and all the touching heart to heart scenes she gets with Oliver it’s pretty clear the writers are sticking with DC canon where Green Arrow and Canary get together then eventually get married so this earns her a hall pass from death.
*  *  *
There you go I have ruled out all of the people that are definitely not in that grave so that just leaves one person:

John Diggle aka Spartan:
Darhk said it best ‘you don’t kill your enemy but take out the person they love’ and who doesn’t love John? Also this character has the most to lose he’s a husband and a father to one, possibly two (as shown in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), children. He is Oliver’s brother in arms and has been since the beginning, he is friends with Barry and worked with him to take down King Shark. Plus given the reveal that John’s brother Andy is Darhk’s Ace in the Hole it’s safe to assume that it this will be the end of Spartan. Why him you ask? Simple if you want to shock and surprise your viewers the most you go after the person most unassuming and they will be totally blindsided. Before anyone says ‘it’s because he’s black’  please re read the facts I stated above. The loss of John would completely devastate Team Arrow he is the team’s lynchpin, their rock. He was the one that took lead when Oliver decided to give up wearing a mask and go off to play house with Felicity so it all makes perfect sense for Darhk to take out John and perhaps force Andy to prove his loyalty to HIVE once and for all.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1

Incidentally, I've read a few reviews over at MoviePilot where the reviewers are also convinced that it's the permanent end of Olicity and that the show is rotating back toward a future Oliver and Laurel reunion in order to follow comic canon.  Also, Diggle is their number one suspect for the grave. Coincidentally or not ;), their comments on Felicity in 417 are nicer for a change.


(Again, remember this is a spoiler-free thread...)

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

Incidentally, I've read a few reviews over at MoviePilot where the reviewers are also convinced that it's the permanent end of Olicity and that the show is rotating back toward a future Oliver and Laurel reunion in order to follow comic canon.  Also, Diggle is their number one suspect for the grave. Coincidentally or not ;), their comments on Felicity in 417 are nicer for a change.


(Again, remember this is a spoiler-free thread...)

Of course their comments are nicer now that they think 1) Felicity is leaving and 2) she doesn't pose a threat to their beloved comic canon pairing. 


How much are you looking forward to collecting next week's reviews, tv echo? I think they're going to be... interesting, given how 417 seems to have set up expectations.

  • Love 6

How much are you looking forward to collecting next week's reviews, tv echo? I think they're going to be... interesting, given how 417 seems to have set up expectations.


Honestly, I'm kinda dreading it. No matter who is in the grave, there's gonna be backlash and vitriol.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

You know. .. If you're unhappy with Donna I feel like no matter what the case is your argument is instantly invalid and you're wrong. Because she's perfect.

There was so much speculation and fanfic in which Donna was terrible, like involved with the Vegas mob or some such. At best a deadbeat who brought rando rotating boyfriends home to creep on Felicity. I'm SO GLAD they went with the approach they did. Donna obviously adores her daughter and made sure her daughter knew that, and did her actual best raising her. They didn't retcon the "My mother...she's...my mother" thing, bc Donna is kind of embarrassing (I love her, but for someone like Felicity especially, she'd be kind of embarrassing), so Felicity having some issues with their relationship made sense, but without making Donna in any way a bad person. I think CR's obvious love for EBR kind of bleeds into their performances. They have very believable mother/daughter chemistry and you can just see how much Donna loves Felicity. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
  • Love 14

Jessica Breaux's negative review of 417 (in addition to what I quoted, she's also unhappy with Oliver, Brie Larvan and Donna in this episode) - she seems to have forgotten that Oliver left Ivy Town and returned to Star City because Thea and Laurel came to him for the Arrow's help, that Felicity gave him the choice to stay in Star City and said she'd happy whereever he is, and that he chose to stay in Star City...


Arrow “Beacon of Hope” Review (Season 4, Episode 17)

Jessica Breaux    March 31, 2016



I'm disappointed in her review... I usually agree with her and like what she has to say.


Randy Dankievitch's extremely negative review of 417 (this guy seems to hate Arrow so much that I don't know why he's still watching the show)...


Arrow Ep. 4.17, “Beacon of Hope” is a thoroughly pointless hour

Randy Dankievitch   March 31, 2016


However, if the same scenario/episodes was played out on "The Flash" he'd probably love it (I personally think that S2 Flash has been the worst of all of the DC shows this season although episodes 8 & 15 of Arrow really truly just sucked). IDK why Arrow is stuck in this Catch 22 Hell Zone? If they're funny they're damned if they go for darkness they're damned. I'm at the whatever stage with most of these reviewers because their words are not stopping those who enjoy the show from watching. If bad episodes or bad reviews had any impact on Arrow fans then most would have quit the show after or during Season 3. I just accept Arrow now whether its good, bad or indifferent until they totally turn me off I will continue to watch, maybe this guy should pass his reviewing duties to someone who actually gives a damn about the show because it doesn't seem like he does.

Edited by Ann Mack
  • Love 4

Craig Wack (Pajiba) & Tatiana Torres discuss 416 and 417 beginning at 1:28:00 (you can drag the cursor forward and the audio will pick right up) - they did not cover Arrow last week because Tatiana was at WonderCon...


Agents of GEEK Podcast Episode 22
Posted on 04/01/2016


-- Wow! Craig gave a shout-out to the Arrow forum at Previously.TV!  Apparently he was combing through the internet and came across my transcriptions of their Arrow podcast discussions.  He did not mention me specifically, but just said they were very happy to discover that their podcast had fans at PTV.  He thanked the "Arrow crew" at PTV for listening to their podcasts, doing the transcriptions and linking to their site.  He also said "it felt very meta" that we (I guess, me) were recapping their recaps.  Tatiana said that they love it.  They're cool with it and they both want us (I guess, me) to keep on doing it.  [Craig and Tatiana - You're welcome!  Please keep doing your podcasts! :) ]


-- They first talked about 416 and the fake wedding "to break the hearts of all of us" (per Tatiana).  They didn't think Cupid was a great villain.  Craig noted that they're putting Oliver and Laurel together more and that Oliver is going to Laurel more for "sage advice" - a lot of things that he used to go to Diggle for, he's now going to Laurel.  Tatiana commented that, as she said before, "if they do it [reunite Oliver and Laurel], I quit."  Craig didn't know if the show was going to reunite Oliver and Laurel.  He also didn't know why Laurel would get back with Oliver considering he slept with her sister, unless it's just to follow comic canon.


-- On to 417, which was a "pretty fun" episode (per Craig).  Tatiana hadn't watched this episode yet, so Craig was recapping for her.  Craig said that this episode showed Felicity "in a very strong light" because she didn't wait around to be rescued.  She and Thea effected the rescue of the board members and stayed behind to confront Brie.  Felicity then had a "great conversation [with Thea] at the end of redefining what her mission was going to be."  Craig thought that this would open the door to bring in Curtis as the new Overwatch and then Mr. Terrific on Team Arrow.  He also thought that Felicity will probably return to the team at some point. When Craig mentioned the surprise of Andy Diggle at the end, Tatiana went, "What?!" 


-- Regarding the flashbacks, Craig said that they were still "useless" and that he was checking his twitter during them.  Craig commented, "If only Ollie could remember things more than 120 seconds at a time." LOL


-- Incidentally, Tatiana's comments on the LoT panel at WonderCon are quite interesting.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 14

Just going to Emergency Awesome's twitter page... And I have to say, I'm extremely glad I don't watch his youtube videos anymore.

Craig Wack (Pajiba) &Tatiana Torres discuss 416 and 417 beginning at 1:28:00 (you can drag the cursor forward and the audio will pick right up) - they did not cover Arrow last week because Tatiana was at WonderCon...


Agents of GEEK Podcast Episode 22
Posted on 04/01/2016


-- Wow! Craig gave a shout-out to the Arrow forum at Previously.TV!  Apparently he was combing through the internet and came across my transcriptions of their Arrow podcast discussions.  He did not mention me specifically, but just said they were very happy to discover that their podcast had fans at PTV.  He thanked the "Arrow crew" at PTV for listening to their podcasts, doing the transcriptions and linking to their site.  He also said "it felt very meta" that we (I guess, me) were recapping their recaps.  Tatiana said that they love it.  They're cool with it and they both want us (I guess, me) to keep on doing it.  [Craig and Tatiana - You're welcome!  Please keep doing your podcasts! :) ]

AWESOME!!!! Seriously though, we're so grateful for your transcribing the podcasts :) Thank you so much!

  • Love 9

Another April Fools' Day joke (from yesterday, typos are from the original source) - Do I detect an undertone of bitterness?...


Arrow's Felicity Spin Off Announced
ComicBookMovie   April 1, 2016

Fans have been asking for this for a long time. The CW announced that fan favorite Felcity will have her own spin off. You might be wondering what will the show be about and how will this connect to the show. Dont't worry,The CW has said that Felicity will be the most important show connecting every DC show.
Edited by tv echo

'Arrow' S04E17: What worked in 'Beacon of Hope'
Laura Hurley  April 1, 2016  4:27 PM MST

What Worked: “Beacon of Hope” likely isn’t going to go down as one of the most memorable episodes of Arrow, but it was ideal for this point in the season. It was a breather after all of the emotional intensity of recent episodes, and it was a bridge from the plot of Oliver’s secret kid to the finale arc....
*  *  *
The most refreshing front on which Oliver was back to form was in the action in the bunker. Arrow hasn’t included a proper training or sparring sequence in a long time; coupled with how everybody and their intern have been able to outfight Oliver in the field, it hasn’t been a great season for highlighting the hero’s skills. Oliver easily besting relative newbies Laurel and Thea while lecturing them on their form was fantastic, and Oliver outmaneuvering the larger Diggle was a reminder of why this series is called Arrow. Oliver fights smart whenever the show remembers that he defines himself by his discipline and has worked hard for his abilities. Watching Oliver work out in civvies always means seeing Stephen Amell pulling off his own stunts, and seeing Amell pulling off stunts makes it easier to suspend belief about what the Green Arrow can do.
*  *  *
The episode did a good job of maintaining an emotional honesty to the Oliver/Felicity breakup without dwelling on either Oliver or Felicity moping their days away. Life in Star City moved on for all the characters, but the love story that has been an undercurrent of the entire season was not forgotten just because Oliver and Felicity ended their relationship. Character writing such as this is what can set Arrow apart from other superhero series that fall into a procedural format and makes Oliver and Co. so very worth watching even when the plot is nonsensical.
*  *  *
The crazy capers of the ladies at Palmer Tech were fabulous. Donna’s comment about needing to invest in comfortable shoes was perfect, and it led into the sight gag of Felicity and Donna in their heels hobbling as fast as they could through the hallways while Thea bolted ahead in her flats. “Beacon of Hope” actually used Donna exactly right; Arrow doesn’t have the right tone for Donna to appear in every episode, but she’s great as a recurring character.
*  *  *
Echo Kellum is excellent at fake-sneezing, excellent at combining clumsiness with athleticism, and excellent at tempering over-the-top enthusiasm with intelligence. He was a solid foil to the regular goings-on in the bunker, and he fit in well enough that bringing him back as a helper to Team Arrow could definitely work in the future.


'Arrow' S04E17: What didn't work in 'Beacon of Hope'
Laura Hurley   April 2, 2016 1:39 PM MST

What Didn’t Work: The flashbacks of Season 4 have by and large been a disappointment. ... Even the moments of sheer ridiculousness – i.e., Oliver being bitten by a shark, Reiter giving Oliver a snazzy haircut, Oliver’s magical tattoo – aren’t enough to make them interesting anymore.

Drawing comparisons to Raiders of the Lost Ark certainly doesn't help, especially considering that Ambiguously Accented Woman is no Marion Ravenwood. The flashbacks feel fundamentally directionless considering that they haven’t been effectively connected to the present in any way not related to the silly transitions. "Beacon of Hope" was the seventeenth episode of a season with only twenty-three episodes, and it’s unlikely that Arrow will be able to salvage flashback arc in Season 4.
*  *  *
Curtis’ interactions with Team Arrow in the bunker were a highlight of “Beacon of Hope,” but the episode allowing him to be the key person in taking down Felicity’s nemesis sold Felicity short and turned her more into a reactive participant than a player in what should have been a very big story for her. In fact, Curtis being the genius to win the day for Team Arrow thanks to his myriad of skills plays into something that this reviewer has taken to calling the Cisco Ramon Standard.

For any who do not watch The Flash, ... Cisco has been written as a master engineer, great hacker, and all around expert in all things intellectual but non-biological. Now, he even has powers. Cisco being able to do just about everything related to tech set a precedent in the Flarrow-verse that has unfortunately begun to affect Arrow.

“Beacon of Hope” showed that Curtis has been set up as the Arrow Cisco, and that absolutely doesn’t work on a show on which the resident genius of more than three seasons has her skills honed to her specific field. Felicity feels realistic in her genius thanks to the gaps in her abilities, but Curtis being written to the Cisco Ramon Standard lessens Felicity’s impact when his bazillion abilities are contrasted with Felicity not being able to do much of anything to save herself in the episode. Felicity is written well; Curtis is written over-the-top, and it doesn’t fit on Arrow the way that it mostly fits on The Flash. Curtis would have been a more relatable character if his expertise had been limited to one area. Instead, Curtis spent the episode out-hacking master hacker Brie Larvan, showing off his engineering skills with the robot bee and indirectly with Felicity’s bio-stimulant, and demonstrating his physical abilities by leaping around the lair Terrifically. Instead of being great at everything, Curtis should have been written similarly to Felicity: exceptional in one particular field and competent in others.
*  *  *
Felicity’s sharing with Thea why she won’t rejoin Team Arrow felt more like the show using her as a mouthpiece to justify the plot rather than an adequate explanation of her reasoning. Felicity has plenty of very valid reasons for wanting to stay away from Team Arrow, but the episode failed to expand on any of them in a way that would hold 100% true to how her character’s motivations have been portrayed in the past. There just wasn’t enough there.
*  *  *
“Beacon of Hope” proved for the second time in Season 4 that Oliver’s sleeveless Green Arrow suit is impractical for more reasons than clunky aesthetics. The robot bee stung him in the exposed skin of his arm. Honestly, Oliver should have just let the swarm go after Laurel instead of jumping to save her. At least Laurel had sleeves.

  • Love 4

If you ever want to read a very positive review of any Arrow episode, just go to Emertainment Monthly (ah yes, 417 certainly did transport us back to the comedic days of S1 and S2)...


‘Arrow’ Review: “Beacon of Hope”
April 1, 2016  Nora Dominick ‘17/

Emily Kinney, who is mostly known for her work as the beloved Beth Greene on The Walking Dead, triumphs in her first episode on Arrow. Since her appearance on The Flash, fans have been clamoring for Kinney to reprise her role. Brie Larvan is the re-imagination of a classic DC villain, Bertram Larvan. This amazing gender-bending role has allowed Kinney to shine and find her first major role post The Walking Dead. Kinney plays the role with a healthy combination of anger and heart. It’s hard to not fall in love with this villainous character. She transposes her Flash character perfectly into the world of Arrow and it was nice to see a somewhat campy villain in Star City. With Brie out of prison, she arrives at Palmer Technology to steal the microchip implanted in Felicity’s spine. This sets up an Arrow episode that is jam packed with bee puns, classic movie inspired lines and enough fighting to hold fans over until next week.
*  *  *
Arrow delivers an episode that will transport fans back to season one and two of the hit DC show. Kinney is an enjoyable villain, Kellum steals the show and Arrow seems to have found its groove. Although the relationships on Arrow are important, this one-off villain episode exemplifies every aspect that makes this show great.
Edited by tv echo

Arrow Season 5: 16 WTF Moments From ‘Beacon Of Hope’
Andrew Pollard   1 April 2016

Larvan says that she’s allowed 30-minute sessions in front of a computer, but this was just absolutely ridiculous. After all, this is a rogue who caused all kinds of chaos during her previous appearance in The Flash, and that chaos was all created from behind a computer screen.
*  *  *
We all know how much of a badass Oliver Queen can be when he’s allowed to be – or, y’know, if he’s having a particularly bad day – and it was awesome to see him demonstrate his skills and proficiency early on in Beacon of Hope.

Deep within the Arrowcave (also just known as “under Ollie’s office”), we see the Green Arrow battling and besting each of the other members of Team Arrow. Whether it was Black Canary, Speedy or Spartan, all were taught a lesson as Ollie took them to school.

This was one of the highlights of this particular episode, and it was a great example of just how far ahead of his Team Arrow cohorts the Master Bowman is.
*  *  *
In terms of the constant problems with Arrow, there’s only one real major issue that’s regularly reared its head since the show first debuted: the characterisation of Laurel Lance.

Whether it’s as plain ol’ Laurel Lance or as Black Canary, Laurel always seem to be the weak point of any and all Arrow episodes. It really is a shame, as the character is such a key one in the comic book world of Green Arrow.

So, with that said, it was surprising, but also pretty cool, to see Black Canary come in useful here, with her Canary Cry utilized in order to nullify the multiplying robotic bees that had taken residence in Oliver Queen’s system.
Edited by tv echo
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If you ever want to read a very positive review of any Arrow episode, then just go to Emertainment Monthly (ah yes, 417 certainly did transport us back to the comedic days of S1 and S2)...




It’s hard to not fall in love with this villainous character.


It's really not. And I was very open to a female villain. Instead she followed Cupid's lackluster appearance last week and I'm left wondering whether Arrow has ever had a truly effective female villain. Moira was terrific, but I wouldn't really paint her as a villain when all is said and done. The Huntress sort of grew on me over her appearances, even if she started of really badly IMO. They didn't really know what to do with Isabel, China White was really just a glorified goon. I mean, who else is there? I'd be hoping for Poppy if the actress was at least marginally close to good. What does it take to get a compelling female villain?

  • Love 2

Another April Fools' Day joke (from yesterday, typos are from the original source) - Do I detect an undertone of bitterness?...


Arrow's Felicity Spin Off Announced

ComicBookMovie   April 1, 2016


Stuff like this just reminds me of what smoakandarrow says over and over again: only talk about what you like, ignore what you don't. Bringing up stuff you dislike still gives them buzz, and inevitably draws a reaction from its fans, who will show up to defend, creating even more discussion. I guess that's good for comicbookmovie.com if they want more page traffic, but not if they want Felicity to get less screentime, 

  • Love 8

Thank you TV Echo! I found the review of Curtis being great at everything so on point. It actually makes me not like that character so much. At least with Felicity we were shown she couldn't hack everything right away and it took her some time on different things. Whereas Curtis he is shown to be so perfect at everything. I like Echo he's a good enough actor. But it was completely over the top.

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