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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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She SAYS she's anti bullying, but rarely does or says anything about it unless it's in an interview. I wish she did campaigns and stuff like SA does for his own causes... Unfortunately instead of coming off as genuine, she more comes off as fake.

I know she participated in the Red Nose and the T-Shirt one, but I don't remember her really campaigning for it.

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I know she participated in the Red Nose and the T-Shirt one, but I don't remember her really campaigning for it.


I guess if she felt so strongly about it she would mention it more than once or twice. I would appreciate and respect her more if she did tbh. 

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The lack of effort made it seem like it was more advertising for HER then the charity. Which is sad.

Also not a fan a celebrity putting their own face on shirts. I'm including SA in that statement too. But at least he puts in loads of effort.

Edited by Chaser
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Not surprisingly, I strongly disagree with #1 (btw, his description of how Olicity came about is inaccurate, as evidenced by plenty of EP comments previously posted in this forum)...


7 Big Improvements Arrow Still Needs To Make


7.  Cut Down on the Members of Team Arrow
6.  Figure Out How to Use Malcolm Merlyn
5.  Bring Back the Training Sequences
4.  Improve the Pacing of the Flashbacks
3.  Make the Fight Scenes Better
2.  Strike a Consistent Tone
1.  Ditch Olicity

Edited by tv echo
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Discusses Arrow, The 100, Game of Thrones and TWD...


Examining the Sustainability of Misery-Driven Shows
By Robert Dougherty Mar 09, 2016 01:30 PM

This reviewer has spent over a year lamenting how Arrow will not stop driving itself with plot twists, arcs and other developments meant to keep Oliver Queen and others miserable. Season Three as a whole was powered by very little besides piling on darkness, to the point where only changing it in the final half-hour was unconvincing. In fact, it has now led to the return of pointless darkness ruining an otherwise light Season Four, again proving Arrow cannot cut the cord on keeping Oliver miserable, or on not giving him actual ways to fix it.

The show runners have insisted it is part of Arrow's DNA to keep Oliver as someone who sabotages himself. Sadly, it is well past time to do something else with him for more than just one half-season. Such is the problem with all other misery-driven shows that can't seem to do anything truly different and have long-lasting light against the darkness.
*  *  *
Despite having eight episodes left this year, odds are they’ll just have the death of a major character and one big gesture of truth heal the Oliver/Felicity rift, instead of really digging deep to have Oliver face real treatment and confront his mental issues for good -- so that the nonsense of a fake son lie or anything else that stupid can never ever happen again.
*  *  *
As it stands, the show cannot be trusted to do such things that would close the door of Oliver making the same old mistakes, no matter if it turns Felicity into a doormat and a sitcom wife for taking him back over and over anyway. If they did, they might actually have to be creative and original for future seasons.
*  *  *
But that is the trap of shows that drown in darkness. They can stay afloat for two or three seasons, yet eventually they need more to say about their worlds and characters other than how miserable and dark they are. Arrow hit that wall in its Season Three, and now The 100 is making the exact same mistake in its own.
*  *  *
Such shows were necessary once to counter the safe, sentimental and glossed over dramas that powered TV for decades. The era of dark TV and anti-heroes had a real purpose once, by taking television into a more complex and uncompromising age. But now that it has served its purpose, the cure is starting to look much worse than the disease.

Edited by tv echo
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March Makeovers: Can ‘Arrow’ season 4 return to its season 2 glory?
Matt Carter  March 5, 2016

How to fix them – The biggest thing that “Arrow” should consider is either scrapping the flashbacks, or at least establishing a connection between past and present earlier so that there is not so much sitting around and waiting to see how they matter. This frees up more screen time for Laurel, Thea, and others if they just get rid of them. Meanwhile, get Felicity and Oliver together and married, that way their relationship can just be and they can take on problems as a unified front.

One other thing we’d love to see? A little more of Walter, or at least someone connected more to Oliver’s past. You can’t bring back Moira, but we’d like to see some more connections to his past beyond just people his own age and Malcolm Merlyn. (We are happy that he’s going towards full-evil again.)

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Not surprisingly, I strongly disagree with #1 (btw, his description of how Olicity came about is inaccurate, as evidenced by plenty of EP comments previously posted in this forum)...


7 Big Improvements Arrow Still Needs To Make

BY CONNER SCHWERDTFEGER  21 HOURS AGOhttp://www.cinemablend.com/television/7-Big-Improvements-Arrow-Still-Needs-Make-123347.html


7.  Cut Down on the Members of Team Arrow

6.  Figure Out How to Use Malcolm Merlyn

5.  Bring Back the Training Sequences

4.  Improve the Pacing of the Flashbacks

3.  Make the Fight Scenes Better

2.  Strike a Consistent Tone

1.  Ditch Olicity

Didn't read the article, but I agree with the list with one very important clarification to #1. They do NOT need to ditch Olicity. But they do need to ditch Olicity drama. It's counterproductive to the story and character development. It goes against the actors natural and enjoyable chemistry. And on top of it the writers suck at writing it.

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Didn't read the article, but I agree with the list with one very important clarification to #1. They do NOT need to ditch Olicity. But they do need to ditch Olicity drama. It's counterproductive to the story and character development. It goes against the actors natural and enjoyable chemistry. And on top of it the writers suck at writing it.

You have a good point, but that's not what the writer argued. To save you the trouble of reading the article, the writer called Olicity fanservice, claimed it came out of nowhere in season 3, and preferred the comic canon Oliver/Canary romance, whether it was Laurel or Sara. Same garbage that's been debunked over and over again.

Edited by lemotomato
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You have a good point, but that's not what the writer argued. To save you the trouble of reading the article, the writer called Olicity fanservice, claimed it came out of nowhere in season 3, and preferred the comic canon Oliver/Canary romance, whether it was Laurel or Sara. Same garbage that's been debunked over and over again.

But that was organic!
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You have a good point, but that's not what the writer argued. To save you the trouble of reading the article, the writer called Olicity fanservice, claimed it came out of nowhere in season 3, and preferred the comic canon Oliver/Canary romance, whether it was Laurel or Sara. Same garbage that's been debunked over and over again.

Thanks for taking one for the team and reading the article! it looked click bait. Plus I'm still actively trying to not read Arrow articles on principle until the show/writers stop being stupid.

So yes I was just basing my opinion on the list and not the writer's thoughts, points or perspective. ~ which is why I made sure to state that I didn't read the article. The author might be delusional but its a solid list with that one caveat I made to #1.

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and preferred the comic canon Oliver/Canary romance, whether it was Laurel or Sara. Same garbage that's been debunked over and over again.


Any sister will do, really, as long as the ~SANCTITY OF COMIC BOOK CANON~ is preserved.


So gross.

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Yeah I agree with the list but not with what goes a long with the list.


7.  Cut Down on the Members of Team Arrow

Laurel needs to find her own team or be a lawyer or be in the grave. Thea needs to go to college or get a job. Or Hang out with Sin and Roy again. Leave a chunk of team arrow's mission OTA missions.


6.  Figure Out How to Use Malcolm Merlyn:

Malcolm needs to die this season. 


5.  Bring Back the Training Sequences

I miss the training. It was important to see and understand the heroes by how they train. It was fun to watch too.


4.  Improve the Pacing of the Flashbacks

We need characters we can care about or Oliver needs to be sent to a boot camp where all we do is see him training in s5 until Bratva can be s6. And the show can be 6 seasons long.


3.  Make the Fight Scenes Better:

Remove Laurel and Thea from chunks of the fight and there you go....


2.  Strike a Consistent Tone:

I like the mixed tone. I want consistent characters -though ones who learn from their mistakes.


1.  Ditch Olicity

Olicity has been fine when it's been on. It's the angst from Oliver's mind space and his decisions that make it a problem. Oliver needs to go to Therapy. Laurel and Oliver never felt Organic. They were forced by comics. Sara and Oliver felt Organic to me but not in this is the Forever love. They were always too similar. Like Caity Lotz recently said 


“I think Sara needs to find out who the f**k Sara is and have a relationship with herself and feel at peace with herself before she can really be there for someone else.” When it happens, though, the actress knows what kind of partner Sara needs. “Somebody who can call her out on her s**t and is tough enough to deal with her stuff, but then soft enough to help soften her.” 


The back half of that quote is what Felicity does for Oliver. Imo. Oliver just needs some mental health help to make himself whole. Imo.



Didn't read the article, but I agree with the list with one very important clarification to #1. They do NOT need to ditch Olicity. But they do need to ditch Olicity drama. It's counterproductive to the story and character development. It goes against the actors natural and enjoyable chemistry. And on top of it the writers suck at writing it.

Edited by tarotx
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7 Big Improvements Arrow Still Needs To Make




7.  Cut Down on the Members of Team Arrow

6.  Figure Out How to Use Malcolm Merlyn

5.  Bring Back the Training Sequences

4.  Improve the Pacing of the Flashbacks

3.  Make the Fight Scenes Better

2.  Strike a Consistent Tone

1.  Ditch Olicity


Yeah, I agree with @tarotx. The list is mainly correct but the only thing they need to ditch with regards to Olicity is the pointless drama. We don't need to see the back and forth now that they've been together in a committed way. I'd much rather they keep them together and just let them be a solid couple in the background. They can have their ups and downs in an episode or two but throwing drama at them for the sake of drama is just dumb at this point and doesn't work with their chemistry or easy friendly dynamic. 

Edited by Guest
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I also don't agree with the tone thing. He said that Arrow seems afraid to go dark. There's been a freaking grave hanging all over the season. A major character has suffered a serious injury. What more dark do you want?

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I don't think the problem is the misery, I think the problem is Arrow's plot-driven nature. The kind of grimdark angst Arrow does is terribly clichéd and predictable, there's no exploration of actual feelings, so it's all very superficial and trite. The term "misery porn" applies perfectly, because it's all underwritten and hyper goal-oriented like actual porn. The money shot is the point. Except on Arrow the money shot is someone dying.

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I don't think the problem is the misery, I think the problem is Arrow's plot-driven nature. The kind of grimdark angst Arrow does is terribly clichéd and predictable, there's no exploration of actual feelings, so it's all very superficial and trite. The term "misery porn" applies perfectly, because it's all underwritten and hyper goal-oriented like actual porn. The money shot is the point. Except on Arrow the money shot is someone dying.

That's exactly it. I am not a fan of S6 of Buffy, but it had a point and a perspective and allowed for a lot of character exploration. With very few exceptions (Tabula Rasa and OMWF jump to mind), I almost never rewatch any S6 episodes, because I don't like grimdark stories, but it was never misery porn, bc the money shot wasn't the point. It was a season of grimdark character exploration with a little plot, rather than grimdark PLOTPLOTPLOT with a teensy bit of character stuff.


I think Guggie is just not a good storyteller. He may be good at the technical showrunner stuff, and he's written a couple one-off decent episodes, but overall his storytelling abilities, esp over a season, just absolutely suck. I SO wish he'd go somewhere else.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I don't think the problem is the misery, I think the problem is Arrow's plot-driven nature. The kind of grimdark angst Arrow does is terribly clichéd and predictable, there's no exploration of actual feelings, so it's all very superficial and trite. The term "misery porn" applies perfectly, because it's all underwritten and hyper goal-oriented like actual porn. The money shot is the point. Except on Arrow the money shot is someone dying.

I agree with all of that, my comment was reffering more to what that article said:

"In many ways the show continues to struggle with its identity; the writers want to capitalize on the success of their more cheerful sister program The Flash, but in doing so fail to remember the spirit of Arrow. While Season 3 definitely leaned a little too close to an overbearing, depressing tone, Season 4 has overcompensated and become too afraid to get dark. Season 2 of Arrow kept things serious while still finding time for appropriate levels of humor; that’s where we need to get back to."

I don't think that's true.


I can't believe there's an actual new promo shot for Felicity!

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Trying not to be bitter that even in her first promotional poster in years Felicity still has to carry around Curtis (at least his T Sphere invention including the graphic overlay being about that invention).

Lovely picture though.

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Trying not to be bitter that even in her first promotional poster in years Felicity still has to carry around Curtis (at least his T Sphere invention including the graphic overlay being about that invention).

Lovely picture though.


Same. It was Curtis' tech that saved PT, and now her only (?) promo photo involved a Curtis invention too. I would like something for Felicity that is just about Felicity and not something that involved one of the men on the show... 

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I questioned that choice as well. Why have her holding something that is associated with another character?

I mean, yes, the pic is beautiful, and yay, new Felicity promo shot (for the first time in how many years?). But I really wish they hadn't had her holding one of Curtis' T-Spheres. :(

ETA: and I hadn't even noticed the overlay is also about the T Sphere. Argh. Give her something of her own, damnit.

Edited by Starfish35
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Curtis would probably be nothing without Felicity right now. She's the one who helped him keep his job, she gave him the freedom to do what he wanted with his tech, she believes in Curtis enough to help bankroll his inventions. Yes, Felicity is helping Curtis, but she's not doing it for the sake of helping a man, she's doing it to keep her company afloat. 


So I don't buy the notion that Felicity is just being tangled into a storyline about another man which is why i'm okay with her holding the t-sphere. And who knows? Maybe it'll be important at a certain point in the season. We all know Felicity has a new goal she's going to try to accomplish.

Edited by wonderwall
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I can't remember but do we know for sure that Curtis creates the TSpheres on Arrow? Perhaps FS is the one that discovers and designs them, while Curtis is the one that uses them. I know comic canon is different. But have they established who designed the working spheres yet?

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Curtis would probably be nothing without Felicity right now. She's the one who helped him keep his job, she gave him the freedom to do what he wanted with his tech, she believes in Curtis enough to help bankroll his inventions. Yes, Felicity is helping Curtis, but she's not doing it for the sake of helping a man, she's doing it to keep her company afloat.

So I don't buy the notion that Felicity is just being tangled into a storyline about another man which is why i'm okay with her holding the t-sphere. And who knows? Maybe it'll be important at a certain point in the season. We all know Felicity has a new goal she's going to try to accomplish.

This isn't about the story in the show though. This is a promotional image featuring a charater.

Diggle, Oliver and Thea all got promo images released during SDCC none of them include items from other charaters.

Roy championed Laurel joining the team but her promo poster doesn't have her carrying Roy's quiver. Diggle is Oliver's Yoda yet Oliver doesn't have a Spartan helmet in his hand. Same with Thea and Barry and all the other masked heroes.

This is a Felicity issue. She can't be a part of the Superhero fight club poster and when we finally do give her one she has to share.

It annoys me.

But I don't want to bring others down who are excited about it. I just feel like it needs to be remarked upon when she gets slighted this way. Otherwise, they'll think it is perfectly fine to continue to do it in the future

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I can't remember but do we know for sure that Curtis creates the TSpheres on Arrow? Perhaps FS is the one that discovers and designs them, while Curtis is the one that uses them. I know comic canon is different. But have they established who designed the working spheres yet?

Yes, they've already been shown in the show as one of Curtis's inventions. I think we saw them most recently when he used one during the fight with Roy.

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I have to politely disagree with the complaints about Felicity holding the T-sphere. It's a piece of tech that her company made and she is all about the tech. Also, it looks good? Part of me thinks it's more about the aesthetic than the meaning of it, you know? Basically it looks much better than her just standing there holding nothing.


And while I hope that it doesn't become something like the Felicity propping Ray incident of s3, I actually don't mind that Felicity will likely help Curtis become a hero because they've made that part of who she is. She helps people become better than they are. I love that about her. 


Honestly, we've waited so long for a promo pic I really can't complain when we finally get one, and not just any old picture but one that looks like thought and effort has been put into it for a change. Even the background is just so Felicity. I'm actually impressed for a change! Haha.

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Yes, they've already been shown in the show as one of Curtis's inventions. I think we saw them most recently when he used one during the fight with Roy.

Thanks! Guess I was just hoping they could be about her.

The pic was nice but I guess I would have preferred her holding her tablet or at least something directly connected to her not just PT.

Edited by kismet
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This isn't about the story in the show though. This is a promotional image featuring a charater.

Diggle, Oliver and Thea all got promo images released during SDCC none of them include items from other charaters.

Roy championed Laurel joining the team but her promo poster doesn't have her carrying Roy's quiver. Diggle is Oliver's Yoda yet Oliver doesn't have a Spartan helmet in his hand. Same with Thea and Barry and all the other masked heroes.

This is a Felicity issue. She can't be a part of the Superhero fight club poster and when we finally do give her one she has to share.

It annoys me.

But I don't want to bring others down who are excited about it. I just feel like it needs to be remarked upon when she gets slighted this way. Otherwise, they'll think it is perfectly fine to continue to do it in the future


I respect your opinion. I just respectfully disagree :)


I think Felicity has an important role on the show, and that's to help people realize their full potential. She is the backbone of the team. That's who she is. 


As for others having their own thing in their promo pics, the others don't share the same role Felicity has. They're not the backbone of the team, they don't help other peopel realize their fullest potential... I think this is another thing that makes Felicity unique and I'm okay with that. 

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You know, I've waited a long time for a Felicity promo pic, so I'm not going to bite the hand that feeds by quibbling about what items are used in said picture. For all we know Felicity ends up using a t sphere at some point. I'm just happy that we have a picture.

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The pic was nice but I guess I would have preferred her holding her tablet or at least something directly connected to her not just PT.


Agreed.  A tablet would definitely be Felicity's weapon of choice - would still look just as cool.

I do like that her chair is visible in the photo.


Edited by ComicFan777
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Just think that somewhere in the universe, someone is crying for the opposite reason. How dare they give Felicity one of Mr. Terrific T-Spheres?

Schadenfreude, my friends. :)

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Just think that somewhere in the universe, someone is crying for the opposite reason. How dare they give Felicity one of Mr. Terrific T-Spheres?

Schadenfreude, my friends. :)


LMAO that's even better. I like those kind of tears. Haha.

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Honestly, I am really glad that Felicity's got a new promo (especially because it looks like they put more effort into it than Oliver's which I find hilarious). It is an amazing promo, and the first time I saw it I was shocked it wasn't fanmade - which just goes to show how good it is. 


I am a bit miffed that Felicity is holding one of Curtis's T-Spheres, but that's only because it feels like since Curtis has been introduced Felicty's technological capacity has been reduced slightly, particularly two episodes ago where they had her give Curtis a problem that she solved in the very first episode she was in (as a side note, is it kind of weird that Felicity is suffering from the same as Oliver, having to take a backseat to make others look good?). I also don't think it's fair that it's Felicity's role to help other people reach their potential, and not reaching her own, and that the promo was about that rather than Felicty's own skills. 


I've no doubt that they did this because it mainly looks cool, because it definitely really does, and I do still really love the idea behind it. It is an absolutely stunning promo, and certainly the best to come out of the Arrow team for a very long time. But I can love it and be critical of it at the same time, it's what I do with the rest of the show (when I'm not laughing at the utter stupidity of some of the stuff).

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 I also don't think it's fair that it's Felicity's role to help other people reach their potential, and not reaching her own, and that the promo was about that rather than Felicty's own skills. 


I guess it's just me but I don't see Felicity not striving to reach her own potential either considering what we saw in LoT where Felicity owns her own company "Smoak Tech", Harrison Wells telling Felicity he foresaw great things from her. I think what's great is that we're at the beginning of Felicity finding her true potential considering she now has the means to realize it (what with being the CEO of PT). I'm quite zen about this IDK. Maybe it's also a result of EBR saying Felicity has a new goal outside of Team Arrow. I for one am excited. 

Edited by wonderwall
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I can't get hung up on the t-sphere thing. They're going for imagery-- what better way to show that Felicity has the world and technology at her fingertips than to have her holding a cool looking spherical object?


There's so much I love about the new photo. The fact that we've finally got a NEW PHOTO. Felicity is wearing her glasses, which is something that was actually missing from her previous photo shoots. She's in front of her section of the lair. The graphics are tech-y and personalized to her. It's almost everything I could've asked for.

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Curtis' T-spheres could be considered copyrighted material and/or patentable inventions...


As copyrighted material, they would likely be considered the property of Curtis' employer, Palmer Tech:

Works Made for Hire
Copyright law protects a work from the time it is created in a fixed form. From
the moment it is set in a print or electronic manuscript, a sound recording, a
computer software program, or other such concrete medium, the copyright
becomes the property of the author who created it. Only the author or those
deriving rights from the author can rightfully claim copyright.

There is, however, an exception to this principle: “works made for hire.”
If a work is made for hire, an employer is considered the author even if an
employee actually created the work.
The employer can be a firm, an organization,
or an individual.
*  *  *
Definition in Law
Section 101 of the Copyright Act (title 17 of the U.S. Code) defines a “work made
for hire” in two parts:

a a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment
or ....



As a patentable invention, it may depend on Curtis' employment circumstances:

When you create an invention while employed, who owns the right to acquire a patent: you or your employer? The general rule is that you own the patent rights to the invention unless: 

  • you signed an employment agreement assigning invention rights, or
  • you were specifically hired (even without a written agreement) for your inventing skills or to create the invention.

Even if your employer does not acquire ownership under one of these two methods, the employer may still acquire a limited right to use your patent (called a shop right) without paying you. Shop rights are discussed below. Keep in mind that simply because an individual is employed does not necessarily grant the employer ownership of the patent. Each situation must be evaluated on its own set of facts.


Edited by tv echo
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Ahhh. I'm loving this lmfao

He's conveniently forgetting that Curtis was supposed to get laid off from PT in 402. There would be no T-spheres at all if Felicity hadn't stood up for her employees and saved their jobs.

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