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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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There's a new time travel fic, Forever is Composed of Nows. My first reaction was great, another one, just what's needed. But I went in thinking maybe it will suck or it will push a button. Especially since it's co-written and not finished, and I'm always skeptical about those things. Will the authors manage to gel? Will it ever actually get finished? And if it does, will I care about it by that time? Sadly for me, it worked really well. Barry brings Oliver and Felicity's toddler daughter to the beginning of 2x19, right after the team blows up Applied Sciences. It's a great point at the show, everyone in the first chapter is very much themselves - Felicity, Oliver, Barry, Dig... Well, I'm not sure about Sara. It's not that she's out of character, there just wasn't enough of her there for me to judge. She definitely wasn't not Sara.


The stupid thing's even got me considering scenarios in my head. Because, best thing? Moira's alive at this point. Moira That's My Fondest Wish For You One Day Queen could get the chance to meet her granddaughter. Whose mother is Felicity. Oh. It could have been worse? Also could have been better than the woman who revealed my long guarded shameful secret, but definitely could have been worse considering Oliver's romantic history. And then I imagine her reaction to the kid herself. I'm betting on smitten. Followed closely by proclaiming she would raise the child in her image. Cue Oliver and Felicity. Nooooooo.

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Barry brings Oliver and Felicity's toddler daughter to the beginning of 2x19, right after the team blows up Applied Sciences


I'm sure the author wouldn't go there but my head started trying to understand all the timey whimey implications and if Barry brought their daughter back from the future and let's say was unable to return her to the future, then the daughter conceivably would be there when Oliver and Felicity conceive her and have her and she would be raised along side herself as her Older sister for a few years until then Barry had to bring the younger her back in time.  And then my head exploded.


Edited to mention that I have had good luck with both the authors listed.  (Bre and So_ Caffeinated)  so that's hopeful!  Bookmarked it!

Edited by BkWurm1
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This is heartbreaking, but so incredibly beautiful. Kristina Ortutova is unbelievably talented. Pay close attention to how she matches the lyrics to Oliver mouthing "I love you" at 1:49. It's an Olicity video, but it's about Felicity being the one in the grave. I can only love it so much because I know she won't be the one to die.

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Thankfully EW redid it's rules for Fanfic submission. Originally they included EW taking over full rights to any fan fic submitted to them. Yeah, that didn't go over well. Initially there was a cry for a boycott. They changed them to the writer retaining rights to it (whatever rights a fan fic writer has, lol) but it's probably a good idea to read the small print anyway.

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Thankfully EW redid it's rules for Fanfic submission. Originally they included EW taking over full rights to any fan fic submitted to them. Yeah, that didn't go over well. Initially there was a cry for a boycott. They changed them to the writer retaining rights to it (whatever rights a fan fic writer has, lol) but it's probably a good idea to read the small print anyway.

That's why I will never submit anything to Kindle Worlds, or whatever Amazon's fanfic thing is called, because they then retain rights to anything you've written, even if what you've written isn't fanfic.

Also, one of the first comments is kinda on point:

Herein lies the paradox: You want to embrace, or at least appear to embrace fan culture, but you don't seem to have budged an inch from believing that we're a hoard of dumb, hyperenthusiastic lunatics.

"How extreme are you" and "Fan confession" feel like a pair of traps you set to catch freaks, and it breaks my heart that people might actually participate and be subject to your thinly veiled gawking.

You have no idea how fanfiction culture works, at all. Not only are the events that lead up to 50 Shades being possible ridiculously specific and will likely never transpire again, nobody in the fandom sphere WANTS it to transpire again. It also had nothing to do with being actively discovered by an outlet, and certainly not this one. Fifty Shades of Grey: The Reddit Origins Essay, Look it up.

At the end of the day I don't think y'all will ever see the more sober, imaginative, artistic, smart side of fandom. Both because you'll never really look for it in a meaningful way, and because they sure as sh*t won't come to you when you act like this.

I mean, if I felt like wrangling with picture submission here, I'd put in the Admiral Ackbar IT'S A TRAP!.gif

I kind of think this sort of thing is headed for Dramatic Readings, so thanks but no thanks.

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This fanfic has been updated with a new chapter. It's an AU Olicity fic, Felicity is a trauma surgeon & Oliver is a wounded soldier. The writing of all the characters, especially Tommy is great!


The most recent chapter is amazing & heartbreaking at the same time. As someone who has said goodbye to family members in the service multiple times (thankfully they are fine), it hits close to home.

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I've been reading that one on AO3, it's very well written and an entertaining story even if the characters are only superficially Oliver, Felicity, Roy, Diggle, etc


Superficial is the right word. I read the first two chapters, I think. Before Roy and Tommy turned up, and I wasn't really that interested in continuing it.

The time travelling child fic is ruining me though. I wonder why she didn't react to Sara and Dig, does she not know either of them or was she just overwhelmed? And I was so excited about Moira turning up in the last chapter but then I got to thinking that there is a huge possibilty about the bigger things in the original timeline still happening and the possibility of

her dying to protect Ellie

suddenly looms large.

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The time travelling child fic is ruining me though. I wonder why she didn't react to Sara and Dig, does she not know either of them or was she just overwhelmed? And I was so excited about Moira turning up in the last chapter but then I got to thinking that there is a huge possibilty about the bigger things in the original timeline still happening and the possibility of

her dying to protect Ellie

suddenly looms large.


The wait between chapters is killing me. I loved when Moira showed up, except it brought up all my bitterness that the Show killed her off.

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I love the time-traveling kid fic, I really, REALLY do. I don't like nitpicking, but I really could not understand why Felicity would go to Queen Consolidated as a safe place? Or why Moira would be looking for Oliver there? I do like the two of them interacting, though. I can't wait for the next chapter. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I love the time-traveling kid fic, I really, REALLY do. I don't like nitpicking, but I really could not understand why Felicity would go to Queen Consolidated as a safe place? Or why Moira would be looking for Oliver there? I do like the two of them interacting, though. I can't wait for the next chapter. 

Habitual driving, I guess? One time when I was super stressed I drove to my usual spot at college just because being in the zone of driving to a familiar spot gave me some comfort, but, eh, it's really for plot reasons to give a reason why Felicity would run into Moira somewhere, and vice versa for Moira being there. I never mind contrivances in anything as long as they give me neat scenes, and I did like them interacting as well. I wonder if Thea's going to get on this too. 


I wonder why she didn't react to Sara and Dig, does she not know either of them or was she just overwhelmed? And I was so excited about Moira turning up in the last chapter but then I got to thinking that there is a huge possibilty about the bigger things in the original timeline still happening and the possibility of

her dying to protect Ellie

suddenly looms large.

I'm loving her inadvertent truth bombs, so I'm kind of wondering what she would even say about Diggle. I was going with overwhelmed since she hadn't even directly interacted or talked to anyone who wasn't her mom or dad at that point, but this is just me trying to over-analyze a fanfic. And I totally thing that that's what's going to happen down the line.


Weirdly enough, I think that this is the first kid story that I actually immediately liked, and I think that the two authors really balance each other out well. It's a good thing that they've got this one mapped out pretty well so far, so it will at least be consistently updated (even though it makes waiting for a week loooonnnnnnng) for a good but. 

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Yeah, I put down the drive to QC down to habit as well. She just wound up there and then sort of went with it. And Moira, I suppose, doesn't have that many places to look for Oliver, does she? There's Verdant, but that's Thea's domain and she's pissed at both of them at this point so Oliver presumably wouldn't be there.

I just can't wait for Oliver to turn up home and see how he tries to spin fathering a child during the years he was supposedly stranded on a deserted island. And I neeđ a full on Lion King scene with Moira raising Ellie heavenwards and chanting.

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I can buy the driving there out of habit, but I just can't buy her going in, and using her company computer to look for a place for them to go, LOL. They knew Isabel was working with Slade at that point - no matter how frazzled Felicity was or how habitual the drive was, I just don't believe she'd be that stupid - she ruled out other places since she thought Slade could find her there, then she takes the kid to the one other place he'd be likely to go, haha. Ultimately I don't care, and it didn't make the story less enjoyable for me - just a nitpick.

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You're completely right. I admit I was too caught up in Moira and the Queen ladies' interactions to even connect the dots. Felicity could surely access someone else's computer and not her own once at QC so that they would be harder to track down. I wonder if anyone commented on this so maybe the writers can include something in the next chapter. Oliver freaking out and Felicity possibly saying that she rectified her absentmindedness by leaving a false trail on her computer before they left the building?

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The wait between chapters is killing me. I loved when Moira showed up, except it brought up all my bitterness that the Show killed her off.

I feel the same way.... I usually do not do time travel & kids, but with these authors it was worth a shot... And boy am I happy I decided to take it. MQ being helpful to FS is also really great... I hope they keep MQ being helpful. As grey & morally complex as MQ was, I do believe that she had a good heart - I think she just made bad decisions & choices and could be misguided.


The time travelling child fic is ruining me though. I wonder why she didn't react to Sara and Dig, does she not know either of them or was she just overwhelmed? And I was so excited about Moira turning up in the last chapter but then I got to thinking that there is a huge possibilty about the bigger things in the original timeline still happening and the possibility of

her dying to protect Ellie

suddenly looms large.

I didn't even think about her not responding to Dig. EEK now I'm concerned... I didn't think her not responding to SL was odd, because with SL traveling through time in LoT, I feel like SL will not be a part of OQ's future in a way that his 3y old child would know her. But Dig... Ellie should know Dig!!!


Oh my goodness... now I really need Mon's update!!

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I thought it was odd that MQ was looking for OQ in QC... But I just thought its a little late when I was reading and perhaps I can't remember the s2 timeline that well. So I just chalked it up to me being a little fuzzy on the time line. I also was using the story to bribe me through some boring work I had to do for my job, so I wasn't over analyzing the story last night. .


I could totally see why FS in her frazzled state might show up at QC, esp if Ellie had to use the bathroom for the reasons people listed above. It did seem a little plot convenient. And now that I'm nitpicking I wonder why they just couldn't stop at Big Belly Burger... because they have food & restrooms. Also it would have been more ironic if MQ was just randomly showing up in BBB and bumping into FS. However, if I'm writing a story, I can see why putting it in QC may make it more suspenseful because it did up the ante that while reading I really did wonder who might catch them. If they had chosen a less dramatic or neutral pit stop, it would not have been as suspenseful.

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 Also it would have been more ironic if MQ was just randomly showing up in BBB and bumping into FS. 


Was BBB where Oliver took Moira in S1 for a burger? If so, you know she low keys there at least once a month, but usually makes her driver take the drive thru.

Edited by calliope1975
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I think it was a case of they needed to stop somewhere for a bathroom and Felicity realized they were already at QC so oh well.  I supposed it was soon enough after Oliver losing the company that it was possible Felicity still had security access (which I guess she did) and I can buy if Moira was desperate she would go and look for Oliver at the company.  Someone has to clean out his desk sometime.


The part that is killing me is that they are now going to the one place that Slade has cameras ALL OVER! 

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I think it's a measure of the quality of that story that we're discussing it so much.


I think they've done a good job of addressing the time travel issues (Felicity knows Oliver is alive because if Slade had killed him, Ellie would fade away as she never had been conceived).    I assume Ellie doesn't know Sara because Sara died but she should know Diggle.  I hope.


but what really got to me was Moira and how great it would have been to have Moira not only know her grandchild but to bond with Felicity over the lengths they would go to to keep their child safe.

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I totally buy that Felicity could get in, just not that she'd try it knowing that Isabel was working with Slade.

And I thought about the cameras too! I wonder if Oliver will figure out they're there sooner and having to play to them will be part of a trope or what.

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I thought about the cameras too. Maybe Ellie will find them sooner than OQ. Since I'm assuming with the genetic blend of FS & OQ, that child is going to be wicked smart and strategic thinking even at 3.

I think im more excited for mon's update than weds return :/

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I thought about the cameras too. Maybe Ellie will find them sooner than OQ. Since I'm assuming with the genetic blend of FS & OQ, that child is going to be wicked smart and strategic thinking even at 3.


Plus, the cameras are situated more at her eye level than Oliver's. That would be a neat twist. Also, we can't ignore that she's not even four and already received training. I wonder at the age difference between her and Sara Diggle. Maybe Sara's her mentor at the Baby Badass class set up by Lyla.


And I'm definitely putting more thought into what will happen here than on the show.

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Which fic are you all talking about...I'm intrigued!

kismet just posted the link as I was about to. It literally looks like a fic that you would never want to read, but it is some how like the best new fic I've read recently.

Edited by way2interested
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way2interested, I cannot agree more. Especially about looking like the a fic you wouldn't want to read. My first reaction upon reading the description was basically this:




And yet...

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Regularly posting a new chapter each week is actually wonderfully quick and prolific and yet I'm greedy and want it all RIGHT NOW!


To pass the time, I read So Caffeinated's earlier story, "Actions Speak Louder than Words" Chances are it's had a recommendation here before but in case not, It's an AU set in early season three where THE date happened, but Oliver never lost his company and Lyla is still pregnant and Sara is alive and Thea is still in "Europe".  Oliver is still certain they can't be together, but after a very pleasant kidnapping, when the GA comes to "rescue" Felicity, someone happens to catch proof that Felicity knows the GA and sells the pictures to all the media outlets.


It's a fantastic read and the character's voices and behavior is always spot on.  Only 16 chapters long.  http://archiveofourown.org/works/3373358/chapters/7378355

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One of the only fics that allowed me to really enjoy Laurel Lance and Sara Lance at the same time. The writer does a brilliant job of contrasting the two in a way that meshes well with what I've seen on the show. One of my favourites, if not my favourite.

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I try not to read WIPs, but I caved and read the time travel with a kid fic and now I hate you all because I'm going to be climbing the walls waiting for updates *sigh* I adore Ellie. She's precocious but not too precocious. I love the info nuggets she drops ("Is that like Queen Inc.?"). It's an interesting time in Oliver/Felicity's relationship when UST was at its peak. The authors seem to be having a lot of fun with this.

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There's a new abuse/rape-fic (it's appropriately marked). Set in S2, Felicity's been with an abusive boyfriend for a year. IMO 100% out of character. Not only that Felicity would stay with an abusive guy for a year, but also that in the first few paragraphs of the first chapter Oliver sees a handprint bruise on her arm and he just sends her home with some magic herb cream. Cause yeah, he'd do that.


I'm not reading it, obviously, just warning.




One of the authors is a well-known angst writer, IMO angst that makes a mockery of both plot and character just for AAAAAAAANGST, but that's JMO.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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