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Living Single - General Discussion

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OK so if it isn't obvious, Maxine Shaw is one of my favorite characters in any show ever. Erika Alexander was just so consistently brilliant in her portrayal of Max.

Abrasive, laid back, messy, sloppy, entitled, and lazy she was. But she was also intelligent, ambitious, loyal, snarky, independent, sexually liberated, and gorgeous. I think the writers nailed her and I just loved watching her.

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Due to insomnia, I'm currently watching the episode entitled "there's got to be a morning after" when Maxine and Kyle wake up in that struggle recliner that Overton dragged in off the street. I just wish they could have hooked up and stayed together. It would have been cool to see a couple that was still compatible without being so lovey dovey like Overton and Sinclair.

Ugh. Maxine and Kyle. I mostly watched this in syndication but they are easily one of my OTP's and a big influence on how I write and respond to romantic couples in fiction. That's a wonderful thing and a terrible thing. I looked up the episodes they appeared in on other shows. It kind of kills me that they couldn't just give them their happy ending. But then, that's also kind of Kyle and Max.

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When I watched this series back in the 90s as a teenager, I wasn't crazy about Max.  I've been rewatching the series, and that's totally changed.  Max is hands down my favorite, and Erika Alexander was definitely the comedic lynch-pin of the show.  That said, I'll stand in my dark corner of never, evah being a fan of Max and Kyle as a couple.  Didn't like them back then, and still don't.  I never thought TC Carson was attractive, either. 

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Overton and Synclaire could be too much, but I much preferred their dynamic to Max and Kyle's.  I'm catching up with the series via Hulu, and there was an episode in season 2 where Max hooks up with her boss, a man with whom she had a one-night stand in the past.  Erika Alexander had great chemistry with Phil Morris, and Max still managed to be her funny self.  Alas, it ended by the end of the episode. I found the constant insults between Max and Kyle tiresome. 

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Ok, so I asked ridethemaverick many moons ago to start a thread on this, one of my favorite shows ever and then I promptly disappeared! Life threw some curve balls but I recently discovered this crazy little Bounce station and their resurrection of Living Single (also I see VH1 is showing it as well)... so I just had to de-lurk to say how much I adore this show!  No matter what is going on in my life, watching an episode or two is guaranteed to put a big smile on my face, as well as a longing to go back to the "90's kind of world" the show depicts. 

I think Erika Alexander can do no wrong and her portrayal of Maxine is the centerpiece for me.  I also think Kim Fields' Regine is a riot but she also gives her some depth that, for me, elevates her from being merely a material girl. 

Is the scuttlebutt true that there could be a reunion in the works?  Please, please, please let this happen!

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I don't care if I'm just talking to myself, but I just have to get these fashion/style observations off my chest:

1.  Kim Fields looks stunning in just about every hairstyle, wig, weave, hairpiece she puts on her head! She really is quite beautiful!

2.  Despite what I just said and the fact that her hairstyle essentially never changed, I think I liked Erika's hair best of all.  Normally I go all OCD if I see random strands of hair in someone's face but I found hers rather endearing.

3.  Hair-wise, Synclaire & Khadijah were usually meh, though I did like it when Queen Latifah wore braids which I thought brought focus to her stunning face.

4.  As for clothes, overall I preferred what Max wore, most especially a mustard yellow jacket with fringe which showed up in a couple of episodes.  Take out the shoulder pads and I'd wear it in a heartbeat!  Last week she wore a pair of brown and white Bruno Magli shoes that I once owned and cherished so I was amused to see them and wondered whatever happened to my own pair...

5.  I know Regine was supposed to be a fashionista but her clothes are not to my taste though she generally looked good in them.  I had a dear friend who had a similar wardrobe and she was savvy in buying Chanel-esque outfits for a fraction of the cost and Regine reminds me of her.

6. Again, Synclaire & Khadijah were meh to me with a few exceptions -- the long black dress with a scoop neckline that Khadijah wore on her date with Alonzo was terrific on Queen Latifah.  I understand that Synclaire's somewhat bohemian looks were meant to reflect her loosey-goosey airheaded innocence but I thought Kim Coles looked better in more tailored clothing.

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On 2/15/2018 at 12:05 PM, peacheslatour said:

I think Regine's mother's fashion sense affected her more than she would ever admit.

Yes, true! I have to admit I liked her mom's  tacky clothes - not that I would ever wear them - but the wild colors and over the top pattern combinations really reflected her personality and Chip Fields carried them off well. (I think she's a terrific actress.)

Speaking of over the top, one of my favorite guest stars in one of my favorite episodes is Jenifer Lewis as "Delia".... I loved the way she trilled "Rrrregine" and broke down "Kha-di-JAH".  She seemed to have a blast in over-acting that part (another terrific actress).

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I just watched that episode! Jennifer Lewis was hilarious. 

I don't know if a reunion is happening, but I recently saw something on Twitter that indicated Erika Alexander wasn't interested.  Can't say I'm surprised. Rewatching this series as an adult has me wondering about some of the BTS dynamics.     

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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Oh shoot!  Without her, what's the point?  I don't do Twitter so do you mind sharing what was said?  I could swear I heard/read somewhere that this was a real possibility but maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part!

eta: oh my gosh you guys... in searching for info on a reboot I found The BFF Chronicles on YouTube... check check check it out.  This is probably old news to many of you but Erika and Kim C. had a little YouTube series and the second episode features TC Carson singing "My Funny Valentine" which of course brings to mind one of the all-time hysterical Maxine moments where she's hyperventilating, sweating, shredding napkins and darn near fainting as Kyle sings directly into her face.  Whatever one's opinion of his singing, I have to say I was super impressed he didn't crack up during that scene -- he was a real pro! Trying to link and hope it works:

Edited by Flashflood
to add new info
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On 3/1/2018 at 1:31 PM, Flashflood said:

Oh shoot!  Without her, what's the point?  I don't do Twitter so do you mind sharing what was said?  I could swear I heard/read somewhere that this was a real possibility but maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part!

It was from someone at CNN - here's the tweet, and a screenshot:



I saw that youtube series a couple of years ago - all too brief.  I hoped that they would continue the series.    

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Thanks so much for providing that info!  That's very disappointing, isn't it?  I realize she has other irons in the fire and some actors don't like to go back but, as a fan of the show, I was really selfishly hoping this would come to fruition.

On a random note, have I lost my mind or did they alternate Kim Coles and Queen Latifah as the first billed in the opening credits? 

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Yes, they did alternate in the opening credits, but based on production order, not necessarily the order they aired.  When I had an episode guide, I had to look up all the production codes for the episodes.  I noticed that if Latifah or Kim appeared first in consecutive episodes, it meant they weren't airing in production order.  (Yes, I have too much time on my hands.)  On a side note, I hate how TV One airs the repeats strictly in production order, because that doesn't always make sense for the storylines.  Like they'll show a bunch of season 4 episodes where Kyle and Max are sneaking around before they show "Back in the Day" (Khadijah getting an award), which takes place before that, just because they filmed that one later.  And they did the opposite with Different World when they had it, not bothering to put the finale LAST because they wanted to leave everything in the order it aired (or was supposed to air).

Edited by KWalkerInc
"the" is not the same as "they"
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On 3/5/2018 at 5:34 AM, KWalkerInc said:

Yes, they did alternate in the opening credits, but based on production order, not necessarily the order they aired.  When I had an episode guide, I had to look up all the production codes for the episodes.  I noticed that if Latifah or Kim appeared first in consecutive episodes, it meant they weren't airing in production order.  (Yes, I have too much time on my hands.)  On a side note, I hate how TV One airs the repeats strictly in production order, because that doesn't always make sense for the storylines.  Like they'll show a bunch of season 4 episodes where Kyle and Max are sneaking around before they show "Back in the Day" (Khadijah getting an award), which takes place before that, just because they filmed that one later.  And they did the opposite with Different World when they had it, not bothering to put the finale LAST because they wanted to leave everything in the order it aired (or was supposed to air).

Thanks for this well-researched explanation! I seem to remember back at TWoP someone said that Kim C. was supposed to be the star (or she thought she was supposed to be the star) but the show turned into an ensemble situation so I am guessing that they did this alternating thing as a result of some agents' negotiations. 

I think Bounce TV has been pretty consistent in airing the episodes in the proper order, though that still doesn't stop me from being confused about where the Kyle/Max relationship stands --are they sneaking around, who knows, is this the second go-round? etc.  For as many times as I've seen the episodes I cannot keep this straight if I stumble across one randomly.

And thank you peaches for verifying I haven't lost my marbles!

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Latifah & Kim, who both had deals of their own, were originally pitched as the two leads with (Kim Fields) & Erika as their roommates. After some network feedback Maxine was switched to more of a "Wacky Neighbor" while the other three girls continued to live together.

Kyle & Maxine first hookup, sexually, at the end of Season 1. They then go on a single extremely flirty, yet decidedly non-committal, date at the beginning of Season 2, but don't actually begin seriously dating until the end of Season 2, in the aftermath of Kyle accidentally 'saving' Max's life during a botched corner store robbery. They date for most of Season 3, before breaking up toward the end of that Season.  They begin secretively seeing each other again, from the middle of Season 4 until the very beginning of Season 5, when Kyle leaves for London after he & Maxine reach an emotional impasse about the status of their renewed relationship. They reunite, for the final time, in the Series Finale, after they reach an joyful, yet tentative, understanding about their baby.

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34 minutes ago, Dee said:

Latifah & Kim, who both had deals of their own, were originally pitched as the two leads with (Kim Fields) & Erika as their roommates. After some network feedback Maxine was switched to more of a "Wacky Neighbor" while the other three girls continued to live together.

Kyle & Maxine first hookup, sexually, at the end of Season 1. They then go on a single extremely flirty, yet decidedly non-committal, date at the beginning of Season 2, but don't actually begin seriously dating until the end of Season 2, in the aftermath of Kyle accidentally 'saving' Max's life during a botched corner store robbery. They date for most of Season 3, before breaking up toward the end of that Season.  They begin secretively seeing each other again, from the middle of Season 4 until the very beginning of Season 5, when Kyle leaves for London after he & Maxine reach an emotional impasse about the status of their renewed relationship. They reunite, for the final time, in the Series Finale, after they reach an joyful, yet tentative, understanding about their baby.

Thank you Dee! (were you Deedee at TWoP?)

On 1/28/2018 at 4:29 PM, dreamkiller said:

I agree. I downright despise Synclaire in a manner that even I don't understand. I've enjoyed most "dumb" characters on television (Joey from Friends comes to mind), but Synclaire inspires a special kind of hatred for me as I rewatch the series on Hulu. I find nothing about her or her antics humorous.

Every time I find myself enjoying a scene she comes in and ruins it.

There keeps being a commercial for a retirement home that mentions tai-chi as one of the available features, and it always makes me think of when Regine started rifling through the dictionary after they learned that the upstairs couple who kept having sex were senior citizens (who were headed to tai-chi class).

Khadijah:  What are you doing?

Regine:  Looking up tai-chi.  I wanna know what it is and where I can get some.

I am excited that all seasons have finally been released on DVD!  I had all of season five and almost all of season four off of FOX (rather than syndicated) already, but only a few episodes from seasons 2 & 3.  I had a question about an end credits scene from the season 2 Thanksgiving episode, "Thanks for Giving."  There is a scene where the characters are in the living room, sleeping off dinner.  Max gets up and tries to steal a turkey leg from Darryl (Heavy D), but he hangs onto it and starts eating even though he is still asleep on the couch.  When I recorded this episode from FOX (not on the original airing, but on Thanksgiving night a couple years later), they just had a black screen with the credits scrolling and theme playing, so I was wondering if this scene aired originally or is something new for the DVD.  I know that in season 5, when FOX didn't care about the show and stopped showing end credits scenes, there was one for the '60s girl group dream episode with the cast trying to sing along loudly with Chaka Khan and causing her to crack up as she sings "Sweet Thing" that used to air in the syndicated version though it wasn't on the original airing.  (That is on the DVD for season 5, along with some outtakes from "Reconcilable Differences" that didn't air originally.  That was a nice bonus, but then I kept hoping they'd do that for other episodes, especially the series finale, but it was just the theme/scrolling credits.)

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In honor of the 25th anniversary of the show's debut (which is actually next Wednesday), TV One is going to show a marathon of every episode.  It begins on Friday, August 24 at 3 PM Pacific (I think 6 PM Eastern, I never know with these cable channels whether there's a three-hour difference or not because it varies) and runs through late Sunday.

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Sorry for multiple posts, but I was just wondering what MTV2 is thinking with their completely random airings of the episodes.  I am glad they are showing LS, especially late at night when I can see it, but it's just weird for the season 2 premiere to air BEFORE the season 1 finale that featured the Kyle/Max cliffhanger.  I can figure out what episode is airing pretty quickly, but it still confuses my brain.  They had just finished airing all the episodes in order in a week or two, so I don't know what prompted the change.

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It's also rather insulting to the writers of the show.  They work to put together long-running storylines and then the channel decides to just toss that aside like they think every episode is interchangeable.  From the listings on the cable menu, it looks like MTV2 shows My Wife and Kids in the correct order, but jumps around with The Wayans Bros.  I hope they will at least work in some season 4 episodes of LS at some point.  Even if they noticed a drop in ratings at a certain point when they ran the episodes in order those first two weeks, it wouldn't matter now that they're jumbling them all anyway!  Logo also annoyed me somewhat when they ran the show because they skipped maybe a third of the episodes.  It was funny when they would show "Love Thy Neighbor" and it ends with To Be Continued as the ladies fight over Hamilton Brown, and then they never showed the conclusion.  That was probably particularly frustrating for anyone watching for the first time.  I think Logo did that with a lot of series.

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Once Kyle left the show I lost interest in the show. Tripp was just there, he was boring, not a lot of chemistry with the rest of the cast IMO.

Synclair was just a little much for me. There were some episodes I could take her and some episodes I just couldn't. In that episode where she went to audition for an infomercial and she was cast as an audience member and Max got the main role, Synclair was just being unprofessional. Sitting in the audience with a whole lot of attitude. I was like you have to take it on the chin and be professional.

I did love Kyle's fashion though. He always dressed to kill.

Regine's mother's fashion was something else alright lol. 

One of my favorite scenes

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I'm really glad that MTV2 is still airing this show on a regular basis, and there were even some episodes in the afternoon today.  It just always bugs me though when they cut a line that I am used to even from previous syndicated airings, although there are other lines they have stuck back in.  Like when Khadijah is getting ready for her one-on-one game with Denise Hatcher and is confident that she can win, but Denise shows up and dunks.  They immediately cut to commercial, even though it would have taken all of two seconds to show Khadijah's pained "I'm gonna lose!" that is supposed to conclude the scene. 

When they quickly scroll the credits across the screen during the final scene of each episode to save time, it's funny how often they list the guest stars for the wrong episode.  I guess they don't think anybody cares if the info is accurate or not?

"Great Expectations" was one of the episodes that aired this afternoon, and I always find it so cute that Kyle is so determined to try to protect Max by dancing with her as Khadijah sings "I Will Survive" so that she won't be subjected to Goldie, and she doesn't really seem to mind either.  Of course, the bouncer kicks him out, leaving Max to dance with Goldie, and then she gives Kyle's number to Goldie, but still...

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