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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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Since I know Brandi from the show and don't know Joanna, I'm fairly partial against Brandi.  Still, from reading all of those terrible gossip

sites, here's how I read it:


Brandi opened her mouth.  Joanna said she didn't like it.  Brandi continued.  Joanna decided to file a lawsuit to shut Brandi up.  Brandi said, "NOBODY tells me what to do" and kept up with the insults, adding a fish to the last big one.  Joanna deserves to win the suit.  Brandi deserves to have to pay.  End result:  Brandi learns that sometimes some people CAN tell her what to do (or what not to do).  This, of course, is all MHO and not based on much knowledge!  :)  I just hated to show my ignorance by saying nothing!

Edited by Lura
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Since I know Brandi from the show and don't know Joanna, I'm fairly partial against Brandi.  Still, from reading all of those terrible gossip

sites, here's how I read it:


Brandi opened her mouth.  Joanna said she didn't like it.  Brandi continued.  Joanna decided to file a lawsuit to shut Brandi up.  Brandi said, "NOBODY tells me what to do" and kept up with the insults, adding a fish to the last big one.  Joanna deserves to win the suit.  Brandi deserves to have to pay.  End result:  Brandi learns that sometimes some people CAN tell her what to do (or what not to do).  This, of course, is all MHO and not based on much knowledge!  :)  I just hated to show my ignorance by saying nothing!

Joanna didn't file the lawsuit right away, she had her lawyer send Brandi a C&D letter first. All Brandi had to do was keep her mouth shut about Joanna, nothing more than that. She, Joanna, didn't demand a public apology nor any apology, nothing, just for Brandi to STFU and Brandi, who really thinks she can do no wrong, underestimated Joanna's PRIDE, anger and determination. Brandi lit the match, Joanna gave her an extinguisher to put it out but Brandi decided to throwing gas on it was a better idea! LOL Brandi is such an idiot and did this to herself.

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Lura-what makes this interesting is Joanna liked Brandi and her candor and probably the fact she use to model. Joanna was headed over to meet Brandi at a Bravo "upfront event" and Yolanda stopped her and according to Brandi, Yolanda claimed Joanna broke up her marriage. Brandi then proceeded to tell one of the most unhinged RH on the Miami show, Adriana. During the Miami Reunion Adriana through the allegation out and claimed it came from Brandi. Brandi just happened to be a guest that night on WWHL and commented about the situation. (of course Brandi had no way of knowing if it were true.) http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/joanna-krupa-strikes-back-at-brandi-glanvilleAt the time she was on WWHL she changed the story and tried to backpedal and say that Yolanda and Mohamed were great. So then Joanna Krupa tweeted Andy and Andy passed it on- "no wonder her husband left her." So Brandi responed with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s79oJJ-8F9k There was a huge response especially from Mohamed and Lisa V., who both denied the statement. Mohamed was pretty angry and Yolanda just came back with only the two of them know for sure.

So a year later she is on the special one on one with Andy Cohen and she brings up Joanna Krupa again and the odor. http://www.eonline.com/news/607795/brandi-glanville-asks-andy-cohen-about-joanna-krupa-s-allegedly-smelly-vagina-and-leann-rimes-housewife-future

This is what triggered the lawsuit and kept the anger going. Brandi thought it would all blow over and then lost the initial battle having the case dismissed. http://www.eonline.com/news/607795/brandi-glanville-asks-andy-cohen-about-joanna-krupa-s-allegedly-smelly-vagina-and-leann-rimes-housewife-future

Here she is taking on Giulana Rancic and hitting below the belt:

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I think Joanna is more functional than Brandi, she is less of a hot mess. But she is a nasty piece of work. For me, the final straw was in the final Miami reunion. Joanna said some very nasty, hurtful things toward her former BFF Lisa about her not being able to conceive children. They were severe low blows, and had nothing to do with their argument. She also made insinuations about Lisa's drug use which had nothing to do with anything. I felt it was Brandi level of hurtfulness. But the reason why I have very little sympathy for Joanna in all of this is that she did instigate the whole thing by tweeting, "Now I know why Eddie left you," or something to that effect. The fact is that Brandi did not initially make all of this public, that horrible Adriana did. Andy did ask Brandi about it on WWHL, and Brandi should have kept quiet, but she instead answered the question in typical fashion. But Brandi had been quiet about the whole thing until then. I do believe Yolanda told her that about Joanna. So, then Joanna fires back with the comment about Eddie leaving her. Again. it's just such a nasty low blow. That is what instigated the pussy comment from Brandi. I want to be very clear: I am in no way condoning Brandi's behavior, or justifying it, or siding with her. It's just that I don't see Joanna as a victim. She goes for the jugular, even with people she once "loved." She played her part in creating this mess. That said, I did not realize Joanna sent Brandi a C&D letter, it really was stupid of her to keep talking about it if that were the case. I think they both suck, and I hate to think of Joanna "winning" at anything. And I say this as someone who initially kind of liked Joanna in her first Miami season.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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I think Joanna is more functional than Brandi, she is less of a hot mess. But she is a nasty piece of work. For me, the final straw was in the final Miami reunion. Joanna said some very nasty, hurtful things toward her former BFF Lisa about her not being able to conceive children. They were severe low blows, and had nothing to do with their argument. She also made insinuations about Lisa's drug use which had nothing to do with anything. I felt it was Brandi level of hurtfulness. But the reason why I have very little sympathy for Joanna in all of this is that she did instigate the whole thing by tweeting, "Now I know why Eddie left you," or something to that effect. The fact is that Brandi did not initially make all of this public, that horrible Adriana did. Andy did ask Brandi about it on WWHL, and Brandi should have kept quiet, but she instead answered the question in typical fashion. But Brandi had been quiet about the whole thing until then. I do believe Yolanda told her that about Joanna. So, then Joanna fires back with the comment about Eddie leaving her. Again. it's just such a nasty low blow. That is what instigated the pussy comment from Brandi. I want to be very clear: I am in no way condoning Brandi's behavior, or justifying it, or siding with her. It's just that I don't see Joanna as a victim. She goes for the jugular, even with people she once "loved." She played her part in creating this mess. That said, I did not realize Joanna sent Brandi a C&D letter, it really was stupid of her to keep talking about it if that were the case. I think they both suck, and I hate to think of Joanna "winning" at anything. And I say this as someone who initially kind of liked Joanna in her first Miami season.

Joanna went along with the comment as a joke initially but Brandi could not stop.  Brandi is still treating it like a frivolous lawsuit and I guess she is hoping that if she loses the damage award will be little to nothing.


I believe what Joanna said about Lisa was she was partying at the wedding.  Lisa took that to mean Joanna was implying she was using drugs.  Until Lisa said something I just assumed it was the drinking Lisa we had seen form time to time throughout the season.   It came off to me that Lisa had a guilty conscience.   Joanna, much like a certain OC RH, does not realize people going through medical issues do not want to hear laypeople's opinions or what they read on the internet.  Joanna had said that people getting ready for in vitro should not drink wine.  I think Lisa was overly sensitive and Joanna is clueless about woman and infertility issues.  You can never say anything to a woman struggling with fertitlity.


Joanna lost Lisa as a friend and I still find Lisa annoying. She always wants to be part of whatever group is popular.  I am happy she and Lenny are getting their baby.  Joanna's problem with RHOM is she is not only bi-coastal she also works in Poland and she really wasn't a good friend to the local ladies.  She could hang with Lea in LA but didn't put a lot of energy into Miami.  I guess it doesn't matter because Miami is now defunct and Brandi is without a job on RHOBH.

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Didn't want to quote Zoeysmom so we have a huge piece of text to move through, but all this time later and  I never understood why anybody never took Adriana to task for her part in the situation...

At the time the reunion was aired, Adriana did get flack for spreading gossip, especially gossip she heard from Brandi. LOL


That said, Brandi is the one that took this too a whole new low with her smell comment about Joanna on WWHL. Joanna's response was to send her a C&D letter only after Brandi repeated the comment a second time on WWHL and then Brandi kept throwing down the insult anytime she could. Going so far as to send Joanna a fish dinner at a restaurant, Brandi pretty much admitted to doing it on twitter after denying it at first. IMO, Brandi ASSumed that because she was still a HW that the clause about not suing other HWs was intact. She forgot that Joanna was no longer a HW and that she was never protected from slander lawsuits from HWs on other HW shows, only from those on the same show she was on.

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Ha, I started to flip to that movie a while ago when I was flipping the guide. I wanted to see if it was a new movie or a throwback to the 70's type movie. I miss everything!


And she had not one, but TWO scenes! I had seen the movie before, but I may not have paid attention that she was in it. I think it was from 2013, so she was BH then, right?

At the time the reunion was aired, Adriana did get flack for spreading gossip, especially gossip she heard from Brandi. LOL


That said, Brandi is the one that took this too a whole new low with her smell comment about Joanna on WWHL. Joanna's response was to send her a C&D letter only after Brandi repeated the comment a second time on WWHL and then Brandi kept throwing down the insult anytime she could. Going so far as to send Joanna a fish dinner at a restaurant, Brandi pretty much admitted to doing it on twitter after denying it at first. IMO, Brandi ASSumed that because she was still a HW that the clause about not suing other HWs was intact. She forgot that Joanna was no longer a HW and that she was never protected from slander lawsuits from HWs on other HW shows, only from those on the same show she was on.

Brandi is the one bearing the brunt of the false security that RH ASSumed they were immune from lawsuits because of their contracts.   Their contracts provided protection mostly for Bravo and the production company.  In recent interviews Brandi is now stating SHE is the one who decided to throw wine,  slap Lisa because she thought she was making good TV.   In the past it seemed as if she was doing a Tamra and saying-that is what I get paid to do.  What makes Brandi's case unique and why it is being tried in Florida is they are using the fact the original comment was broadcast over the internet and taking advantage of a new law in Florida that makes it easier for Joanna to win.  Brandi claims that she has offered Joanna money but Joanna doesn't want money (I find this a stretch), my guess is Joanna wants a lot of money and knows if Brandi gets a decent judgment against her Joanna will be attaching any contracts Brandi lands. 


As much as Brandi wants the world to believe that she and Bravo mutually agreed to her not returning and she is welcome back to Bravo any time, this lawsuit may be her undoing.  For the vocal few who thought her a breath of fresh air and a Lisa Vanderpump who was fully willing to exploit Brandi's unfiltered approach with the other RH she had issues, it worked until she tried to be the tail that wagged the dog.  Just saying constantly that she does not lie and stating untruths about others stopped working for her.  Brandi is trying to blame victim that as a single mother (just so much wrong with that comment) she is the victim of big money legal machines bankrupting her.  It worked accusing Maloof  (no lawsuit or letter was ever generated to Brandi by Maloof) and got Maloof off the show and she tried getting Lisa and Kyle embroiled and they  realized what she was doing and resisted taking the bait.  Now she is stuck with a pretty swimsuit/lingerie model whose career she adversely influenced  and won't back down.  I am usually not sympathetic to reality TV stars and others talking smack but I do believe this has put a bit of  a in the Nene Leakes and Tamra Barney of the reality world and their ridiculous mouths.  These ladies are now being held to a standard that holds them accountable for off show comments. 

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  I can see clearly now all the things that I missed (including Gabby Giuliana) and more.  It all makes so much more sense now.  Boy, Brandi really doesn't know when to keep her lips latched, does she?  

Brandi can't keep either set of lips closed. That is why she faces lawsuits and received an STD.

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Brandi out to lunch with Yolanda and Kim  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3247129/Brandi-Glanville-shares-picture-social-media-showing-reunion-Kim-Richards-Yolanda-Foster.html  Please remind me why Bella is a supermodel?


Brandi and an exclusive interview with Mr. Real Housewife, second only to Tamra in pot stirring: http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/09/24/brandi-glanville-i-dont-care-what-they-say-exclusive/  Brandi has a new show starting in November and a development deal with a great network and she sells T-shirts and shit and is working on her third book.  In other words Brandi is looking for work.  Oh and her wine is doing, "amazingly."

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Geez, I don't know whether to laugh or cry over that picture of Brandi looking like a cross between a duck-billed platypus and a member of the ape family.  That faker must spend hours in front of the mirror practicing expressions, each one more ridiculous than the last.

Edited by Lura
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Brandi out to lunch with Yolanda and Kim  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3247129/Brandi-Glanville-shares-picture-social-media-showing-reunion-Kim-Richards-Yolanda-Foster.html  Please remind me why Bella is a supermodel?


Brandi and an exclusive interview with Mr. Real Housewife, second only to Tamra in pot stirring: http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/09/24/brandi-glanville-i-dont-care-what-they-say-exclusive/  Brandi has a new show starting in November and a development deal with a great network and she sells T-shirts and shit and is working on her third book.  In other words Brandi is looking for work.  Oh and her wine is doing, "amazingly."


Not only does she look ridiculous but her name is spelled incorrectly in the headline ("Glavnille").  I'm guessing she has a bargain basement publicist who doesn't bother to make sure these planted pieces are done right.  She is just sinking ever so slowly, isn't she?

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Lisa R is about three steps lower than Brandi , and my prediction is that she's moving up fast.  Now that Bravo has bid adios to Brandi, I predict that Lisa will close the gap fast.  She loves gossip.  If you notice in interviews like the podcast above, Lisa is constantly saying "I have to be honest" or "I was about to say -- and I have to be honest here...."  A famous man, whose name I forget, once said that if you have to reassure people of your honesty, your word is suspect.  Another man of letters once wrote, "If a man swears that he speaks the truth, beware.   I'm just a bit wary.

Edited by Lura
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Bad news for a lot of viewers: Andy would love to bring Brandi back.

Great post PhilMarlowe2. Thank goodness I didn't sing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead because it looks like Andy has resurrected Brandi!!!

See video below. Remember Howard and his wife, Beth are friends of Brandi.

Edited by talula

Thanks, Phil.  Will wonders never cease?  It makes one wonder who's in charge at Bravo, anyway.  It's crystal clear that they're talking out of both sides of their corporate mouth. 


If this little bon mot of a switcheroo by Bravo is true, it looks like Brandi was telling the truth after all.  Great little game of Egg in the Face.

Edited by Lura
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About Kyle's hands.  Those pics reminded me of this:  I inherited my MIL's diamond ring.  I showed it to my neighbor once and she asked why I didn't wear it.  "Because it's so ostentatious."  She said, "Gurrl, you need to get that thing out of the box and start wearing it before your hands get old and ugly."  LOL  Kyle should put her mother's ring away.


And now a backhanded compliment for Kyle.  I love her hair.  The thickness, the color and it's all hers.  Looking at the pictures and her temples, she's also almost completely gray.  Her colorist does an awesome job. 


As for Kim's feet, lordy.

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Great post PhilMarlowe2. Thank goodness I didn't sing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead because it looks like Andy has resurrected Brandi!!!

See video below. Remember Howard and his wife, Beth are friends of Brandi.

Well, he didn't say that it was a done deal or that we would definitely see Brandi back on the BH show, all he said was that he would love to have her back on. He did point out that NO ONE wanted to film with her, NO ONE. I think production will have the final say whether or not Brandi makes an appearance on the show and I hope they say NO to both Andy and Brandi.

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Well, he didn't say that it was a done deal or that we would definitely see Brandi back on the BH show, all he said was that he would love to have her back on. He did point out that NO ONE wanted to film with her, NO ONE. I think production will have the final say whether or not Brandi makes an appearance on the show and I hope they say NO to both Andy and Brandi.

They have already started filming RHOBH and Taylor Armstrong has been brought back as a friend. According to Lisa Rinna she misses Brandi cause Brandi made her job easier. I think Yolanda was in a recent picture with Brandi so she and Lisa might film with Brandi if brought back for a limited cameo roll. The two new HW might also agree to film with her.

Production of course would have to fit Brandi into the storyline they're developing. Even if they do film with Brandi she might end up on the cutting room floor after editing takes place.


I don't think Andy was talking about this year (the season currently filming). There's now a precedent for ex-Housewives to return (Bethenny, Dina...), so maybe he was talking about future seasons. At least that's how I read his comments. Brandi has burned her bridges with everyone on the current cast, and no one will film with her, but maybe future cast changes will change the dynamic. (I hope not, though. If she returns, I'm out).

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I was listening to the interview as it aired and it didn't sound to me at all like it was something that Andy was dying to do. Howard had just finished discussing how Brandi said that Andy hates her and Andy agreed that she thinks that and talked about some long letter she set him. The rest of it, to me, sounded like a combo of him defending himself against charges of hating a particular housewife (I think the idea of him playing favorites or hating some is not one that he is fond of) and a "never say never" kind of thing. Maybe she will appear at some point in the future but it didn't sound to me like something he was actively pursuing. He definitely highlighted, several times, the fact that absolutely NONE of the other women are willing to film with her. 

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I was listening to the interview as it aired and it didn't sound to me at all like it was something that Andy was dying to do. Howard had just finished discussing how Brandi said that Andy hates her and Andy agreed that she thinks that and talked about some long letter she set him. The rest of it, to me, sounded like a combo of him defending himself against charges of hating a particular housewife (I think the idea of him playing favorites or hating some is not one that he is fond of) and a "never say never" kind of thing. Maybe she will appear at some point in the future but it didn't sound to me like something he was actively pursuing. He definitely highlighted, several times, the fact that absolutely NONE of the other women are willing to film with her. 

I found it telling that he specifically said that NONE of the BH HWs want to film with her. That would include Yolanda as well, otherwise he would have said almost ALL, not all. LOL

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