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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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Lisa is no more a revisionist about Brandi than Kyle is about Adrienne. They all tend to back peddle and they all tend to only see what the other has done/said about them but not their comments and at the very least, they minimize their own words/actions. All of them do it, Lisa, Kyle, Brandi and Yolanda and if the newbies are on next season, I have no doubts that they will do the same thing.


And Yes, IMO, Lisa was the first to allow Brandi full entry into her world and Brandi was desperate to enter into 1 of the original HWs world, it was the only way she would be able to keep her Bravo job and Lisa was the only one willing to open the door all the way. The others either kept their doors closed/locked or only open a few inches with the safety chain still in place. If only Lisa knew then what she knows now, but then again, Kyle did know then and see where she was by the end of last season. LOL 

I think Kyle realized Kim has been "sharing" with Brandi and Kim saw that she knew! That is why their relationship is still strained/bad to this day.

I do believe by both the comments Kyle and Brandi made on the show this season that there friendship is one that never gets off the ground.  I have a friend that follows them on twitter pretty regularly and she claims Kyle is busy all the time and not everything she does is film worthy.  So as far as these two needing to foster their friendship it seems rather strange when Kyle and Brandi both have a ton of friends why they would spend significant time trying to get into each other's lives.  Add Lisa's experience last year and there just isn't enough of a benefit to Kyle to let Brandi in.


I do agree that Kyle is probably dreading what Kim has come up with in her heart to hearts with Brandi.  Kim's feelings of resentment or abandonment by Kyle may be real to her but for someone who insists and continues to insist on absolute secrecy in her life can she not see how dangerous it is to let a loose canon like Brandi rummaging around in her life and the life of her sister?  Kim needs to save the venting  for AA and stop trying to even the score with these other women.  I don't think Kim intentionally tries to out others secrets but I do think she is very easily manipulated by Brandi in getting worked up and thinking it is okay.  One thing is for certain Kim will always feel superior to Brandi-that was something she was having a hard time carrying off with Lisa V., Lisa R, Eileen, Adrienne Maloof, Camille Grammer, Joyce or even her own sisters.   


I do think Brandi continues to enjoy a relationship with certain tabloid writers-how else would they have her phone number?  So with Brandi scowering the internet looking for items and her tabloid contacts I am sure she has developed quite a dossier on each new housewife and potential new housewife.

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I do believe by both the comments Kyle and Brandi made on the show this season that there friendship is one that never gets off the ground.  I have a friend that follows them on twitter pretty regularly and she claims Kyle is busy all the time and not everything she does is film worthy.  So as far as these two needing to foster their friendship it seems rather strange when Kyle and Brandi both have a ton of friends why they would spend significant time trying to get into each other's lives.  Add Lisa's experience last year and there just isn't enough of a benefit to Kyle to let Brandi in.


I do agree that Kyle is probably dreading what Kim has come up with in her heart to hearts with Brandi.  Kim's feelings of resentment or abandonment by Kyle may be real to her but for someone who insists and continues to insist on absolute secrecy in her life can she not see how dangerous it is to let a loose canon like Brandi rummaging around in her life and the life of her sister?  Kim needs to save the venting  for AA and stop trying to even the score with these other women.  I don't think Kim intentionally tries to out others secrets but I do think she is very easily manipulated by Brandi in getting worked up and thinking it is okay.  One thing is for certain Kim will always feel superior to Brandi-that was something she was having a hard time carrying off with Lisa V., Lisa R, Eileen, Adrienne Maloof, Camille Grammer, Joyce or even her own sisters.   


I do think Brandi continues to enjoy a relationship with certain tabloid writers-how else would they have her phone number?  So with Brandi scowering the internet looking for items and her tabloid contacts I am sure she has developed quite a dossier on each new housewife and potential new housewife.

 Kyle has always said that she was "trying to get to know Brandi" but Brandi has said several times that she and Kyle were friends on her podcast and in interviews. Kyle and Brandi, along with Camille, were hanging out together 2 years ago, it started after Adrienne was fired. Kyle produced something where she had both Camille and Brandi act in it as well as going out to bars/restaurants and dancing, all after that season ended which, IMO, helped fuel the idea that Kyle and Brandi got together to bring Lisa down last season. They then kept going out as a 3 some after the last seasons reunion, same type of places, and they were photo'd together by the paps several times so I can see where Kim thought Kyle and Brandi were friends. This palling around together happened for more than just 1 off season and I would think they would have realized they would not be friends after a few outings let alone 2 years but this is just my opinion.


 I suspect (all speculation on my part here)  that Kim is using Brandi as her "truth cannon" and has aimed her directly at Kyle. I don't think Kim ever let go of the humiliation she felt when Kyle out'd her in the limo or that she expresses concern about her sobriety on camera and is using Brandi to teach Kyle a lesson. It may have started last season with the attack in PR on Lisa. It was Kim and Brandi that would not shut up about the tabloids at the beach or at the dinner. Was it Kyle that Brandi kept smiling at while everyone had a go at Lisa during that dinner or was it really Kim? It would make sense for an angry/hurt/vengeful Kim to attack Kyle in the 1 area that she is most proud and most vulnerable, her marriage, as pay back for revealing Kim as an alcoholic/addict. Sisters can be vicious and I have no doubts that the Richard sisters are with each other more so and more often than most sisters.


Brandi's connections with several tabloids makes me question if she also gets paid for the information she passes on to them....another source of income for Brandi?

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 Furthermore they probably know that Brandi is a draw for the franchise and getting rid of her has its risks unless another provocateur / firebrand / drama queen is waiting in the wings. On a side note, I do think that Brandi has crossed over into toxicity, and for that reason the producers should be beating the bushes to cast someone else of her ilk and then fire or demote Brandi.


Superficially, Denise Richards has had similar behavior as Brandi.  Denise says "fuck" in every other sentence.  On her old reality show, she stripped naked in front of the cameras to get a spray tan.  She used to stick her foot in her mouth a lot, and had some public drunken moments.  One negative story involved Denise throwing or knocking a laptop over a ledge, and injuring someone.  She's very capable of being provocative.


Denise has a lot to like, as well.  Her mother died a few years back, and her father was living with her for a while.  She has a close relationship with her sister.  She's great with her kids, and has lots of pets - including a pig who lived in her backyard.  I'm nervous that if she was cast, Charlie or his loser ex would attempt to horn in on the show.  Also, following her divorce to Charlie, she took a lot of heat and most of the blame.  She kept her mouth closed for years.  Now people realize that Charlie was crazy, and we've seen Denise take in his twins.  On some gossip sites she's practically been sainted.  Would she want to put herself out there again and risk tarnishing that image?


If so, I think she would be a good replacement for Brandi.  Problem is she's in her forties, and that doesn't add in diversity to the cast.  Another forty-something white actress.

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Brandi wants to be the next Chelsea Handler.  Wouldn't on of the pre-requisites be that Brandi would have to be funny?  http://www.inquisitr.com/1798847/brandi-glanville-and-eddie-cibrian-update-plus-the-rhobh-star-wants-her-own-talk-show/

If any potential guest of her podcast reads this.....she may not have too many agreeing to do her show!


“I’m really enjoying the process. It’s nice to be able to speak your opinion, get your side of it out. I use it as a way to clear up a lot of stuff because I read things about me everyday. It’s really freeing and nice to interview other people, get them comfortable, and then go in for the kill! I’m really enjoying it and hoping it will turn into something more. My dream is to one day have my own talk show. That is something I would really love to do, a nighttime talk show like the Chelsea Handler show.”



Ummm, I did not think a talk show host's job was to "go in for the kill"! Does she understand anything other than going at/after others?


Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1798847/brandi-glanville-and-eddie-cibrian-update-plus-the-rhobh-star-wants-her-own-talk-show/#dfzZSsJIToJ5txxb.99

Edited by WireWrap
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My knee jerk reaction is to agree with you but Theresa and Joe have really hurt a lot of unseen people whereas Brandi has only hurt a couple of well heeled Housewives as reprehensible as events seemed at the time. I did think her attacking Joyce was the worst thing she did and the tampon string is pretty hard to unsee. Brandi and T seem about equal in the embarrassing their kids so that's a draw. I do think there's some slut shaming with regard to Brandi that can be hard to look past but I really can't imagine all the local vendors' families the Giudices have hurt willfully and that trumps anything Brandi has done. They're all pretty bad...

The way I see it though is that the Juicys did not set out to hurt anyone. Greedy, stupid, selfish. Yes. But i never got the impression that they sat down filling out loan docs while saying "and we'll stiff this guy and screw that guy, let's take him for a million". They thought of themselves and themselves only. Compared to Brandy who actually sits down and conspires to hurt people. Whether is slashing tires, making false claims against co-workers, planting fake stories about cheating allegations against friends. Her goal in life is to hurt whoever she feels has wronged her. Or who won't do what she wants (wine throwing). Brandi is mean and malicious in addition to being a drunk and a slut. The Juicys are idiots and criminals but I don't believe for a minute are as black hearted as Brandi.

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The way I see it though is that the Juicys did not set out to hurt anyone. Greedy, stupid, selfish. Yes. But i never got the impression that they sat down filling out loan docs while saying "and we'll stiff this guy and screw that guy, let's take him for a million". They thought of themselves and themselves only. Compared to Brandy who actually sits down and conspires to hurt people. Whether is slashing tires, making false claims against co-workers, planting fake stories about cheating allegations against friends. Her goal in life is to hurt whoever she feels has wronged her. Or who won't do what she wants (wine throwing). Brandi is mean and malicious in addition to being a drunk and a slut. The Juicys are idiots and criminals but I don't believe for a minute are as black hearted as Brandi.

I think Teresa's greed and the fact she thought she should be the only one to benefit financially from the show was hurtful.  I agree Teresa wasn't bright enough to actively plot against her co-stars she had Kim D. and the producers do that for her.  Brandi comes off as the brains behind her schemes.

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The way I see it though is that the Juicys did not set out to hurt anyone. Greedy, stupid, selfish. Yes. But i never got the impression that they sat down filling out loan docs while saying "and we'll stiff this guy and screw that guy, let's take him for a million".

Tell that to all the creditors they stiffed. Or the tenants of their apt. buildings who lived in dangerous conditions. It wasn't just the banks. They knew they were hurting people. They were just too selfish to care.

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A million years ago Truman Capote over shared about a whole bunch of his society gal pals in a published thingie.  The most infamous incoming scud was the one he shared about the Paleys.  Bill was married to Babe Paley, super socialite of the NY stratosphere and Truman's super bestie for years.  So Truman, with his best writing days long gone and a couple of addictions killing him, shares in print that Babe had told him of coming into their bedroom, a Paley bedroom, and finding Bill's mistress' blood all over the sheets.  Not from murder but from coitus. 


That was the end of Truman in NY society.  La Cote Basque is the name of the collection.  That was the end of him -- he was shunned and basically drank and drugged himself to death. TMI long ago style.


Not that Brandi comes close to Capote in anything other than self-promotion.  The very idea that a slut pig like this can get away with calling out another fame whore's situation and odor and still maintain a job and a place on the airwaves just makes little has changed and how everything has changed. 


So, go, Joanna, with your ill-advised lawsuit and bring it on behalf of someone or other and if Andy Cohen gets called up, I would love it.

So so true...the rich and famous don't care to have their dirty laundry exposed. Love your Capote story! :D

Wonder if Kyle would ever forgive her sister Kim if she shared Richards' family secrets with Brandi. If Kim was under the influence (even sober) who knows what she might blab to impress Brandi. Kim is looking for love in all the wrong places if she confided in Brandi. Brandi can't help but spill out the first thing that comes to her head if she feels threatened. I believe Brandi is compulsive and blurts stuff out without any thought of the consequences. She even blurts out lies she's told by third parties. Eventually this personality trait will leave her without any friends. I wouldn't be surprised if even Kim realizes Brandi's friendship is just too sizzling hot to handle.

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Kyle has always said that she was "trying to get to know Brandi" but Brandi has said several times that she and Kyle were friends on her podcast and in interviews. Kyle and Brandi, along with Camille, were hanging out together 2 years ago, it started after Adrienne was fired. Kyle produced something where she had both Camille and Brandi act in it as well as going out to bars/restaurants and dancing, all after that season ended which, IMO, helped fuel the idea that Kyle and Brandi got together to bring Lisa down last season. They then kept going out as a 3 some after the last seasons reunion, same type of places, and they were photo'd together by the paps several times so I can see where Kim thought Kyle and Brandi were friends. This palling around together happened for more than just 1 off season and I would think they would have realized they would not be friends after a few outings let alone 2 years but this is just my opinion.

I suspect (all speculation on my part here) that Kim is using Brandi as her "truth cannon" and has aimed her directly at Kyle. I don't think Kim ever let go of the humiliation she felt when Kyle out'd her in the limo or that she expresses concern about her sobriety on camera and is using Brandi to teach Kyle a lesson. It may have started last season with the attack in PR on Lisa. It was Kim and Brandi that would not shut up about the tabloids at the beach or at the dinner. Was it Kyle that Brandi kept smiling at while everyone had a go at Lisa during that dinner or was it really Kim? It would make sense for an angry/hurt/vengeful Kim to attack Kyle in the 1 area that she is most proud and most vulnerable, her marriage, as pay back for revealing Kim as an alcoholic/addict. Sisters can be vicious and I have no doubts that the Richard sisters are with each other more so and more often than most sisters.

Brandi's connections with several tabloids makes me question if she also gets paid for the information she passes on to them....another source of income for Brandi?

Bingo...the more I think about it WireWrap...your speculation sounds right on target! Just like LisaV used the "truth" cannon Brandi against Adrienne. Now Kim is using Brandi's (BS) truth cannon against her own sister. Kim and LisaV both get to keep their hands clean while Brandi (just a tool) gets the blame. Duh Brandi...not again!

The speculation that sister Kim holds a deep seeded grudge against Kyle also seems plausible. This indeed could be what Kim's motivation is...to take her sister down for past slights.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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Brandi wants to be the next Chelsea Handler.  Wouldn't on of the pre-requisites be that Brandi would have to be funny?  http://www.inquisitr.com/1798847/brandi-glanville-and-eddie-cibrian-update-plus-the-rhobh-star-wants-her-own-talk-show/


  I think she aspires to be the female Howard Stern. She needs to realize that to do that, you can't react like a three year old when someone doesn't like you. You laugh at them, like Howard. He adores getting folks riled up. And I say this as no fan of the guy.

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Brandi wants to be the next Chelsea Handler. Wouldn't on of the pre-requisites be that Brandi would have to be funny? http://www.inquisitr.com/1798847/brandi-glanville-and-eddie-cibrian-update-plus-the-rhobh-star-wants-her-own-talk-show/

Why? Chelsea isn't very funny ;)

But, yes I agree Brandi is not funny, even less than Chelsea.

And most importantly Brandi can dish it but she cannot take it.

Edited by imjagain
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So so true...the rich and famous don't care to have their dirty laundry exposed. Love your Capote story! :D

Wonder if Kyle would ever forgive her sister Kim if she shared Richards' family secrets with Brandi. If Kim was under the influence (even sober) who knows what she might blab to impress Brandi. Kim is looking for love in all the wrong places if she confided in Brandi. Brandi can't help but spill out the first thing that comes to her head if she feels threatened. I believe Brandi is compulsive and blurts stuff out without any thought of the consequences. She even blurts out lies she's told by third parties. Eventually this personality trait will leave her without any friends. I wouldn't be surprised if even Kim realizes Brandi's friendship is just too sizzling hot to handle.


So hard to figure out what Brandi's looking to get out of all this, isn't it?  I can't imagine that if I were looking to snag a rich dude, I'd be wanting to alienate gatekeepers like David Foster, Mohammed H., and even Eileen and Co.  Maybe she wants more than a man to marry up to.  Which I guess should make us proud -- snicker -- but such a weird way of going about it.  Folks tolerate Howard Stern because I dunno but a woman trying to be Howard?  Good luck with that. 


Answered Prayers-La Cote Basque ... The Capote stories used fictitious names but the society folk and many many other readers recognized the players.  There are different accounts of the bloody bedsheet story.  It was made worse by the fact that he outed that Paley's menstrual tryst was the wife of the then Governor of New York.  Can you imagine?  Puts malodorous privates to shame, really, but just so so so crass and, back in the day, career killing.  There are different accounts of who said what to whom but a few of his biographers believe that Babe herself confided the story to him and so there's a whole other level of betrayal at work. 


Brandi's certainly reckless as hell.  Re Kim -- I've know folks to be in rehab for many many months -- some six months.  A couple of priests I met in the 80s were in rehab for a year -- at a special facility in Maryland.  I used to go visit them -- Whiskey priests.  The Kim-Brandi association would have me up at night and consulting with attorneys on the sly if I were Kyle.  And most definitely thinking about a long term break from my sister. 


Looking for love in the all the wrong places is right!


So agree that Chelsea Handle, Whitney Cummings etc -- neither of them at all funny.  I do wonder sometimes if Brandi is looking, begging to be Bravo fired in order to be free to write the ultimate expose on the RHs franchise.  That might set her up for life. 

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So hard to figure out what Brandi's looking to get out of all this, isn't it?  I can't imagine that if I were looking to snag a rich dude, I'd be wanting to alienate gatekeepers like David Foster, Mohammed H., and even Eileen and Co.  Maybe she wants more than a man to marry up to.  Which I guess should make us proud -- snicker -- but such a weird way of going about it.  Folks tolerate Howard Stern because I dunno but a woman trying to be Howard?  Good luck with that. 


Answered Prayers-La Cote Basque ... The Capote stories used fictitious names but the society folk and many many other readers recognized the players.  There are different accounts of the bloody bedsheet story.  It was made worse by the fact that he outed that Paley's menstrual tryst was the wife of the then Governor of New York.  Can you imagine?  Puts malodorous privates to shame, really, but just so so so crass and, back in the day, career killing.  There are different accounts of who said what to whom but a few of his biographers believe that Babe herself confided the story to him and so there's a whole other level of betrayal at work. 

Brandi's certainly reckless as hell.  Re Kim -- I've know folks to be in rehab for many many months -- some six months.  A couple of priests I met in the 80s were in rehab for a year -- at a special facility in Maryland.  I used to go visit them -- Whiskey priests.  The Kim-Brandi association would have me up at night and consulting with attorneys on the sly if I were Kyle.  And most definitely thinking about a long term break from my sister. 


Looking for love in the all the wrong places is right!


So agree that Chelsea Handle, Whitney Cummings etc -- neither of them at all funny.  I do wonder sometimes if Brandi is looking, begging to be Bravo fired in order to be free to write the ultimate expose on the RHs franchise.  That might set her up for life.

Yep, Brandi sure burned her bridges to the BH rich & influential crowd. Between that and her well publicized STD she'd have a tough time snagging anyone. It also must have put a crimp on her fund raising potential while on CA...bummer.

Good luck to her getting her own talk show...I don't listen to Howard Stern though I gather he's very popular and has made a very good living. You never know what might come her way if she can stop being other people's truth cannons. Brandi could learn a valuable lesson by reading Capote's biography.

I agree Kyle gotta worry what skeletons in the closet sister Kim released to her BFF Brandi. I can't imagine how nervous Kyle must have been to film with Brandi...not knowing what hellish accusation will pop out of her mouth next!

A book about all the ins and outs of being a HW would certainly make Brandi a rich woman. With a few years under her belt a tell-all book would certainly be a best seller. Worth Brandi getting fired from Bravo...I believe so. A movie or TV series might follow...now that would scare the heck out of the other BHs HWs :D :D.

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Yep, Brandi sure burned her bridges to the BH rich & influential crowd. Between that and her well publicized STD she'd have a tough time snagging anyone. It also must have put a crimp on her fund raising potential while on CA...bummer.

Good luck to her getting her own talk show...I don't listen to Howard Stern though I gather he's very popular and has made a very good living. You never know what might come her way if she can stop being other people's truth cannons. Brandi could learn a valuable lesson by reading Capote's biography.

I agree Kyle gotta worry what skeletons in the closet sister Kim released to her BFF Brandi. I can't imagine how nervous Kyle must have been to film with Brandi...not knowing what hellish accusation will pop out of her mouth next!

A book about all the ins and outs of being a HW would certainly make Brandi a rich woman. With a few years under her belt a tell-all book would certainly be a best seller. Worth Brandi getting fired from Bravo...I believe so. A movie or TV series might follow...now that would scare the heck out of the other BHs HWs :D :D.

I am not sure the lawsuit Bravo/NBCU would file after she wrote that book would allow her to become "set for life" though! LOL No doubt that there is a non disclosure clause in all of the HW's contracts. If there is a time limit on it, say 10 years after the last HW episode airs, I doubt she would be the first HW to get a book on the show to press, IMO, that book will be written by Andy himself. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I am not sure the lawsuit Bravo/NBCU would file after she wrote that book would allow her to become "set for life" though! LOL No doubt that there is a non disclosure clause in all of the HW's contracts. If there is a time limit on it, say 10 years after the last HW episode airs, I doubt she would be the first HW to get a book on the show to press, IMO, that book will be written by Andy himself. LOL

What a shame her book would be juicy with stuff none of the other wives would think of disclosing. The woman has no filter...Joanna (RHOM) being a prime example. By the time she finishes her involvement she'll have a few enemies to write about.

Darn your right, all the HWs probably have a contract that spells out a certain amount of time must go by before they can write a book about their HW experience. That may be the method to her madness in blabbing about every nasty thing she can about her HW enemies on the air, lol.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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Yeah, but half of it would be lies :P

:D...Brandi's truth cannon has run out of ammunition...no more truth just all cannon :D :D

She better watch it cause sometimes those cannons backfire!!! ;)


Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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I don't know.  Simon and Alex disclosed a LOT of stuff, both in blogs, and on her podcast.  Maybe there are some things they aren't allowed to say, but those two have said a lot about behind the scenes shenanigans. 

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:D...Brandi's truth cannon has run out of ammunition...no more truth just all cannon :D :D

She better watch it cause sometimes those cannons backfire!!! ;)



Unfortunately, after TPTB read that letter, they high-fived each other, then immediately called Brandi and gave her a bonus. 

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There must be some sort of policy adhered to by publishers because Brandi said she had to obfuscate to the point  non-recognition her sexual conquest in her second book.  So I am at a loss for the standard.  I do think Brandi tends to take say Lisa V.'s feelings about someone such as Adrienne and pretty much decide on her own to twist it to fit her own.  The things Brandi was saying in the back of the limo to Jennifer at the end of Season 3 to Jennifer about Mauricio, Paul and Adrienne were appalling much rooted in opinion and supposition.   So I think Brandi is headed down the road with Kyle-Kim is mad at her so Brandi feels like she can say anything she wants about Kyle.  There may come a point before the end of the season that Brandi goes to far and Kim backs away from her-but don't count on it. 

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Unfortunately, after TPTB read that letter, they high-fived each other, then immediately called Brandi and gave her a bonus.

That's exactly right...Brandi Glanville delivers...the more shit she stirs the more Bravo TV and Andy love her. She verbally & physically fights with Kyle, throws wine at Eileen, slaps the show favorite LisaV right across the face and flirts her way across the TV screen with married men.

Bet this season will earn her a huge bonus next year. If non of the gals are talking to her...all the better...they'll hire a few of her friends part time. We see a hot mess but they see viewer ratings rising. Look at all the pages here we talk about her, lol.

Brandi is all over this season and it looks like she continues dragging Kim by her side.

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Apparently (and obviously) from the blogs, Kyle and Kim are not in a good place with one another.  And family members up until the last two episodes aired have only 'heard' about what went on.  Now that they have seen the episodes, I wonder if they, especially Kim's kids, are going to see Kim's side in a different light.  I think Kim's kids and Kathy are going to be the only people who can influence Kim to back away from Brandi.  From what I've heard on message boards, etc., Kim's kids love Kyle and Mauricio so it will be interesting to see what happens.


Of course, the other side of the coin is what Brandi may say in the future and her so called loyalty to Kim.  I have no doubt that this friendship is going to explode at some point.  Hopefully, neither one will be invited back for next season and then Brandi won't give a crap about Kim.

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Shocking....Celebrity Apprentice Recap: Salinas native Brandi Glanville emerging as threat to win


I watched the last CA On Demand and it was as if I was watching a different person...is Brandi putting us on? What do you think? This has to be more than just sober on her part.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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Andy Cohen will never write a real book about anything truly truly true concerning the addictive RH series in any city at any time for any reason unless he himself gets canned and his lawyers and accountants give him the go ahead.  He will continue to peddle the super soft soap all the way down the line including his latest edition -- the Carrie Bradshaw oooppps Andy Cohen diaries.  Bye, Felicia. 


He will also continue to be the lamest of Reunion hosts because he's bought and paid for, giving cover to whomever is securing ratings for the season.


Brandi, on the other hand, who knows what she will or will not do?  She's a kamikaze pilot who somehow manages to survive every time. If anyone were to find a way to circumvent all the usual rules and regulations, I wouldn't put it past her. What's the old saw -- God protects drunks and fools?


And just to add that although she can look like hell when we just see her wandering around, she cleans up nicely.  A buddy of mine and I were having a huge laugh fest on Saturday night, getting on YouTube and watching her craziness on WWHL with AC and Mark Consuelos when the original Joanna odor problems came about and were struck by how ridiculous the claim is -- really?  a body part that is what it is, child -- and what a fantastic looking creature she is once the hair and make-up people get a hold of her.  


If you get her to just shut up or put her on mute, forget what you know about her, and concentrate on what she still has to offer as a model, then bingo.  She's too thin for sure for comfort and etc but those legs don't lie -- She could still model in print if she wanted to and actually, screwed up as she is, would give the Hadid girls a run for their money.  If modeling is about the extremes these days, as it has been for awhile, don't know why she's not pursuing it.  I don't like her and she has kind of messed up her face but she's still very striking and beautiful. 


I would've gotten in deep with Mohammed some seasons ago and tried to get him to pimp me out to some super rich guy -- in the same way Mo "introduced" Yolanda to David Foster.   Off the screen and into the Scrooge McDuck giant swimming pools of cash.


I didn't think her denim dress to the back to school night was all that bad either.  Bit too short etc but hell getting through BTSN used to be a chore for me.  What killed it was that she looked as though she hadn't taken that shower and gotten herself together.  

Edited by copacabana
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Shocking....Celebrity Apprentice Recap: Salinas native Brandi Glanville emerging as threat to win


I watched the last CA On Demand and it was as if I was watching a different person...is Brandi putting us on? What do you think? This has to be more than just sober on her part.


I'm pretty sure that this season's CA was delayed an unusual amount of time from shooting to airing. Could it be the Brandi of season 2/3 that we see in CA (so current airing of CA == Brandi around the time of filiming season 3)? Then there was a tipping point that occurred before season 4, and what we see now on RHOBH, is where she's at now in her life:  a drunk.

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CA was filmed in March-April (maybe May) of last year. Long before they started filming this season's BH.

Thanks. That probably explains the drastic differences (people say - I don't watch CA) between her behavior and apperance between the two shows. Well that, and the presence of alcohol

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She ducked out on one challenge on CA (that we've been shown) due to having an "anxiety" attack. Donald was feeling sorry for her and all the problems she's had so she got a pass. She's getting a very good edit on that show, not the no-holes-barred that we see here on BH.

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She ducked out on one challenge on CA (that we've been shown) due to having an "anxiety" attack. Donald was feeling sorry for her and all the problems she's had so she got a pass. She's getting a very good edit on that show, not the no-holes-barred that we see here on BH.

Agree, she is getting a fantastic edit. We also have to remember she is "working" not just attending dinners and parties and consuming boxes and boxes of wine.

IMO Brandi isn't different on CA just shown in a better light and not drunk while working her tasks. She still makes snide shitty remarks, but she has been given a pass by many.

Edited by imjagain
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She ducked out on one challenge on CA (that we've been shown) due to having an "anxiety" attack. Donald was feeling sorry for her and all the problems she's had so she got a pass. She's getting a very good edit on that show, not the no-holes-barred that we see here on BH.

Teresa Giudice came in 5th and she was pretty much comatose throughout her run on Celebrity Apprentice.  Some non-felon RH needs to place fourth or better to just get rid of the stigma that Teresa is the highest placing RH. 


Maybe Donald feels sorry for Brandi being the victim of adultery since he is a carrier.  Brandi is smarter than usual though-no cracks to Kenya about being a pageant person.  Wise move on Glanville's part.  Maybe I don't watch enough of the show but I have yet to see any genius on Brandi's part.  She seems to excel at mediocrity.

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And, she knows how to cozy up to the right people. Leeza Gibbons seems like a smart, level headed woman. She is in Brandi's corner,( like Lisa V and Yolanda). Somebody should warn her, about not telling Brandi any family secrets ;)

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I saw this tweet and now there is an article about it http://www.inquisitr.com/1807825/rhobh-star-brandi-glanville-proposes-new-housewives-spin-off-due-to-wwhl-burn/


Does it (the tweet) make sense to anyone?  I don't get the cookbooks reference.



And, she knows how to cozy up to the right people. Leeza Gibbons seems like a smart, level headed woman. She is in Brandi's corner,( like Lisa V and Yolanda). Somebody should warn her, about not telling Brandi any family secrets ;)

Does Leeza Gibbons have a job?  I guess she is hoping for a stellar performance on Celebrity Apprentice to help her career.  Certainly she is not hoping to endear herself to millions by hanging out with Glanville.  Maybe she is hoping for a gig on E!.

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I saw this tweet and now there is an article about it http://www.inquisitr.com/1807825/rhobh-star-brandi-glanville-proposes-new-housewives-spin-off-due-to-wwhl-burn/

Does it (the tweet) make sense to anyone? I don't get the cookbooks reference.

Does Leeza Gibbons have a job? I guess she is hoping for a stellar performance on Celebrity Apprentice to help her career. Certainly she is not hoping to endear herself to millions by hanging out with Glanville. Maybe she is hoping for a gig on E!.

IDK about LG and if she is working. I just meant Leeza is very good on the tasks and Brandi certainly benefits by having LG in her corner. I'm sure she helps Brandi if she can.
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I saw this tweet and now there is an article about it http://www.inquisitr.com/1807825/rhobh-star-brandi-glanville-proposes-new-housewives-spin-off-due-to-wwhl-burn/


Does it (the tweet) make sense to anyone?  I don't get the cookbooks reference.



Does Leeza Gibbons have a job?  I guess she is hoping for a stellar performance on Celebrity Apprentice to help her career.  Certainly she is not hoping to endear herself to millions by hanging out with Glanville.  Maybe she is hoping for a gig on E!.

Hmmm, maybe Brandi is seeing things we are not, like maybe her job at Bravo is ending? She has been going in on Andy rather hard IMO, especially considering that he still retains the power to fire her behind!


Maybe Leeza is angling to become a BH HW and thinks that Brandi is her ticket in? LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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She's outta her ever-lovin' mind!

It’s really freeing and nice to interview other people, get them comfortable, and then go in for the kill!

That's EXACTLY what she's whining about Andy doing to her. A Top Chef Housewives? LMAO!!! I can see Tom and Padma rolling their eyes now. Andy appears on that show once a year as a guest judge, and he's laughed at by the serious food folks who watch the show (me being one of them).

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IDK about LG and if she is working. I just meant Leeza is very good on the tasks and Brandi certainly benefits by having LG in her corner. I'm sure she helps Brandi if she can.

I agree both Geraldo and Leeza have an advantage because of their news backgrounds.  Leeza is very polished and my money is on her to win it.  


I do think it is sweet of Leeza to help Brandi and I assume she will be a guest soon on Brandi's podcast.

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I think it started with Kathy Griffin, who uses it in a "fan" sense, since "her gays" have kept her alive, buy her records, books, go to every live show they can, etc.  She's basically saying "my gays" in a "my gay fans" sense, not as if they are her pets, and she tailors many of her jokes to and for them.  She's also a huge champion of gay rights.  I'm not sure if Cher has ever said it, but she would be another one that, if she did, it would not offend me, since the "gay fans" really support her career.


The housewives that do it make me sick because they do use it in a demeaning "pet" way, and it's condescending.


I also think it may have started to be popular with "Sex and the City" since both Charlotte and Carrie had their very close gay friend, so it became trendy to say "my gay husband" ala Jill Zarin and many others.  It was never done in a pet way on S&TC either.  These HWs have perverted it.  Blech.

My gay friends used to refer to me as their "hag," and I always thought it was funny. Still do.

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Just reiterating a previous Mod Note:


With regard to the question of spoilers for Celebrity Apprentice, here's how we're going to deal with that. The same way we deal with any show outside of it's forum. So, for future reference, we request you tag "big" spoilers outside of any shows forum. If you wanted to talk about a death on Sons of Anarchy in the Walking Dead forum for some reason, we'd request you tag the death and note "Spoilers for SoA" so in this instance we request you tag who got fired and which team lost for any discussion of Celebrity Apprentice, that being said I'd also like to remind everyone that both teams do go to the boardroom prior to finding out who lost, so simply saying that X happened in the boardroom wouldn't spoil the results. Again, when in doubt, tag it, but also consider finding a way to talk about it without indicating the results. That shouldn't be too difficult. Moreover, if you want to have in depth discussions of what happened on Celebrity Apprentice I'd suggest going to that forum and discussing it there. Thanks! PM me with any questions or concerns.


Some posts have been deleted because they didn't follow this advise. From now on, just talk about CA in the CA topic if you want to be safe. Otherwise Spoiler Tag it! It's the nice thing to do! 

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So I watched Brandi last night and there is just something so very sad about her.  I guess she goes to a party she is specifically excluded from because she feels that for filming purposes this year she was excluded from the cool European vacation Yolanda and Kyle enjoyed, the Lake Tahoe get away, the Cabo trip for Lisa and Ken, the Turkey and Italy trips for Yolanda and David.  Poor Brandi didn't even get a Palm Springs or Medford Oregon invite.  So as her last life she attached herself to Kim and knowing Kim is absolutely the worst partner in crime set her sights low and decided to try and take Kyle out-since it didn't work last year with the Dream Team why not try it again with Kim and make it really hurt.


Whatever the reason Brandi hates Kyle so, and I do believe that Brandi with her lower middle class upbringing, cannot stand it when she sees a person she feels superior to having what she wants.  Her general attack is they are phony.  Well that backfires because Umanskys are now certifiably rich, they weathered Brandi's attempts to break them up or in the alternative insult Mauricio to the point they left the show (Brandi calling Mauricio a coward-after he apologized), Kyle is a good mom, and she just isn't a bad friend to anyone.  It had to hurt when she saw Yolanda and Kyle getting pedicures and doing a Lady Gaga video, and traveling together in Spain, Mauricio and Yolanda sharing jokes and yachting stories.  All Brandi could squeeze out of Kyle was a hike and then blindsiding her with a call to Lisa that was designed to give Lisa the impression that she was really good friends with Kyle and that Kyle was betraying her.


So whatever last night was about be it visiting Kim and convincing her Kyle isn't there for her (I bet Kyle visited Kim everyday in the hospital) because at some point Kim felt abandoned when Kyle took her family on vacation.  Brandi doesn't give a rip if Kyle was there or not to listen to Kim's blither -Brandi probably didn't listen to it, all Brandi could do is find the one person who could make Kyle feel bad about taking a vacation as part of the show-that would be Kim.  Neither Brandi or Kim will admit to it what they are jealous of-they will continue to have the viewers feel bad for Kim because Kyle wasn't there for her.  I think it is pretty safe money that Kim would never take the time to e-mail Kyle if she just needed someone to listen (e-mail because Kyle was in Europe). 


If Kim writes a blog this week she will need to address (or not) the pretty terrible things Brandi said about Kyle in her talking heads and what she said to Kyle.  Kim is under the impression that there is some other issues between Kyle and Brandi-is this something Kim is privy to by being BFFs with Brandi?  If so, would it not be wise to give her sister the heads up that Brandi is angry because of XYZ. . . or is just something that Brandi has sworn Kim to secrecy?  I see this best buds forever allegiance between Brandi and Kim lasting until Season 6 contracts are passed out and then nothing.  Kim will be too embarrassed to admit she has been had and Brandi just won't care because it will be all Kyle's fault.

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LOL, she was getting slammed on twitter last night! The theme of it was that she can dish it but she can not take it.....which is very, very true.


Brandi claims she is a giant asshole on RHOBH and does not let her son watch it: http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/04/brandi-glanville-im-giant-hole-real-housewives-beverly-hills/  Here is an idea-don't behave like a total asshole. 

Or most of all. . . .the books she writes.

If she is telling Jake that she is just "acting" then why not let him watch? I suspect it is because he will see that his mom is not "acting" but is being her normal deluded, drunk, self medicated vulgar self?  I wonder if she allows him to listen to her Podcast? ))shudder((

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So I watched Brandi last night and there is just something so very sad about her.  I guess she goes to a party she is specifically excluded from because she feels that for filming purposes this year she was excluded from the cool European vacation Yolanda and Kyle enjoyed, the Lake Tahoe get away, the Cabo trip for Lisa and Ken, the Turkey and Italy trips for Yolanda and David.  Poor Brandi didn't even get a Palm Springs or Medford Oregon invite.  So as her last life she attached herself to Kim and knowing Kim is absolutely the worst partner in crime set her sights low and decided to try and take Kyle out-since it didn't work last year with the Dream Team why not try it again with Kim and make it really hurt.


Whatever the reason Brandi hates Kyle so, and I do believe that Brandi with her lower middle class upbringing, cannot stand it when she sees a person she feels superior to having what she wants.  Her general attack is they are phony.  Well that backfires because Umanskys are now certifiably rich, they weathered Brandi's attempts to break them up or in the alternative insult Mauricio to the point they left the show (Brandi calling Mauricio a coward-after he apologized), Kyle is a good mom, and she just isn't a bad friend to anyone.  It had to hurt when she saw Yolanda and Kyle getting pedicures and doing a Lady Gaga video, and traveling together in Spain, Mauricio and Yolanda sharing jokes and yachting stories.  All Brandi could squeeze out of Kyle was a hike and then blindsiding her with a call to Lisa that was designed to give Lisa the impression that she was really good friends with Kyle and that Kyle was betraying her.


So whatever last night was about be it visiting Kim and convincing her Kyle isn't there for her (I bet Kyle visited Kim everyday in the hospital) because at some point Kim felt abandoned when Kyle took her family on vacation.  Brandi doesn't give a rip if Kyle was there or not to listen to Kim's blither -Brandi probably didn't listen to it, all Brandi could do is find the one person who could make Kyle feel bad about taking a vacation as part of the show-that would be Kim.  Neither Brandi or Kim will admit to it what they are jealous of-they will continue to have the viewers feel bad for Kim because Kyle wasn't there for her.  I think it is pretty safe money that Kim would never take the time to e-mail Kyle if she just needed someone to listen (e-mail because Kyle was in Europe). 


If Kim writes a blog this week she will need to address (or not) the pretty terrible things Brandi said about Kyle in her talking heads and what she said to Kyle.  Kim is under the impression that there is some other issues between Kyle and Brandi-is this something Kim is privy to by being BFFs with Brandi?  If so, would it not be wise to give her sister the heads up that Brandi is angry because of XYZ. . . or is just something that Brandi has sworn Kim to secrecy?  I see this best buds forever allegiance between Brandi and Kim lasting until Season 6 contracts are passed out and then nothing.  Kim will be too embarrassed to admit she has been had and Brandi just won't care because it will be all Kyle's fault.

I didn't realize that Brandi got nothing 'special' this season.  She really only does have Kim even though she did try hard to get back in Lisa's good graces.  No one wants to be around her. 


I still don't understand why she hates Kyle so much.  Is she grasping on to Kim so much because she has no one else and Kyle is a threat to this?  I have no idea.

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I didn't realize that Brandi got nothing 'special' this season.  She really only does have Kim even though she did try hard to get back in Lisa's good graces.  No one wants to be around her. 


I still don't understand why she hates Kyle so much.  Is she grasping on to Kim so much because she has no one else and Kyle is a threat to this?  I have no idea.

Would it be too simplistic to say two is company and three is a crowd? I think Brandi has very unrealistic ideas of people's roles in life.  Ken and Lisa became her family because her family lived six hours away, Ken was a knight in shining armor defending Brandi until she became indefensible, Lisa was the perfect friend until she gave Scheana too much attention and stopped calling her when Brandi was having a bad time of it (Brandi who was basking in having a NYT #1 Best Seller), Mauricio is a coward, because he called Brandi out on her crap, Joyce settled because Brandi found 6'0" tall Michael to be too short, Adrienne, Taylor, Camille all became bad friends, Kyle is a bad sister because she doesn't  fit Brandi's idea of a sister-all the while admitting she doesn't have much of a relationship with her sister, Andy is bully.   Eileen and Yolanda lecture her when she gets drunk and screws up.

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