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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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Lisin, I get such a kick out of Giggy when he tries to navigate those slippery floors at Villa Rosa.  He sort of scoots around and can't get any traction.  Sometimes, I think it's the only exercise he gets.  Of course, in frou-frou BH, ladies don't have those dogs to give the dogs exercise.  They're a fashion statement on four legs. 


Bastet, I love your black cat in your profile pic!  I had one, too -- a black cat, that is.  They're smart.  They wouldn't be caught dead being carried around town!

Edited by Lura
  • Love 2

Sounds like Lisa jumped the gun declaring victory last week.  Jury awarded waitress $100,000.00.  http://m.tmz.com/2014/06/17/lisa-vanderpump-villa-blanca-punitive-damages-sexual-harassment-jury/


Last week Lisa was declaring victory this week she has to write a check.  Of course she claims she is appealing.  Only one reason to do that-there must be a parade of new plaintiffs waiting for this verdict.

More detailed information


As TamaraTattles.com first reported last week, Lisa Vanderpump’s tweet about truth and justice prevailing in her two year court battle with a former waitress who filed hostile work environment and other charges against the restaurant in civil court, was completely misleading. Today, a jury awarded punitive damages that were based on the evidence presented in court that Ken Todd destroyed the taped surveillance of the alleged abuse by assistant manager Michael Govia. Lawyers for Villa Blanca seem to alternately claim no abuse occurred and/or that this was an isolated incident. However, TamaraTattles.com has discovered at least one other case of wrongful termination by Villa Blanca that was quietly settled out of court.

Click through for the testimony from today’s proceedings.


It seems that the jury felt that the testimony by Andrew Morrison, the general manager of Villa Blanca at the time of the incident, stating that Ken wanted to be sure that the footage did not get released to the media was sufficient evidence to prove malice intent. Morrison also testified that Todd did not want to make any accommodations for Bustillos after she reported the harassment by Govia.


Reading the deposition on the Tamara Tattles site, Lisa and Ken could have saved themselves the trouble if they had simply paid the waitress for her two missed days of work ($300), and scheduled her shifts so that she wasn't on when this Michael character was on. But nope; they wanted to railroad the girl, and ended up having their business in the streets. Oh, and now they have to come out of pocket $100,000. Hubris, thy name is Vanderpump-Todd.


Also, what is with Ken thinking that people should be lucky to breathe the same air he breathes? For Rocio and then in the deposition when the general manager brought the behavior to his attention, Ken said something about the waitress being lucky she worked for him.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 3

Reading the deposition on the Tamara Tattles site, Lisa and Ken could have saved themselves the trouble if they had simply paid the waitress for her two missed days of work ($300), and scheduled her shifts so that she wasn't on when this Michael character was on. But nope; they wanted to railroad the girl, and ended up having their business in the streets. Oh, and now they have to come out of pocket $100,000. Hubris, thy name is Vanderpump-Todd.


Also, what is with Ken thinking that people should be lucky to breathe the same air he breathes? For Rocio and then in the deposition when the general manager brought the behavior to his attention, Ken said something about the waitress being lucky she worked for him.

I am appalled at ken and pandora's attitude of talking about this girl as if she should consider herself lucky by having the enormous fortune of working for them, they must have really bought their own hype. I do believe that ken destroying that video surveillance is why the jury is punishing him with such huge amount, to teach him that he is not above the law.

If Ken saw that video, and the jury believes he not only saw it but ordered to be erased, it baffles me that he didn't immediately fired his manager, after all who would want to risk this kind of lawsuits, they only. Fired him when this girl brought up the lawsuit against him. It really speaks volumes about Ken, Pandora and ultimately Lisa and the way they think and treat their help.

  • Love 2

I am appalled at ken and pandora's attitude of talking about this girl as if she should consider herself lucky by having the enormous fortune of working for them, they must have really bought their own hype. I do believe that ken destroying that video surveillance is why the jury is punishing him with such huge amount, to teach him that he is not above the law.

If Ken saw that video, and the jury believes he not only saw it but ordered to be erased, it baffles me that he didn't immediately fired his manager, after all who would want to risk this kind of lawsuits, they only. Fired him when this girl brought up the lawsuit against him. It really speaks volumes about Ken, Pandora and ultimately Lisa and the way they think and treat their help.

I pretty much considered the Todd/Vanderpump restaurant empire ripe for litigation when Lisa declared it was her business where her bartender put his dick.    She and Ken have a total lack of awareness and concern for providing employees with an appropriate work environment.


Glad to see someone got to get answers to the questions from the Todd/Vanderpumps.

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I pretty much considered the Todd/Vanderpump restaurant empire ripe for litigation when Lisa declared it was her business where her bartender put his dick.    She and Ken have a total lack of awareness and concern for providing employees with an appropriate work environment.


Glad to see someone got to get answers to the questions from the Todd/Vanderpumps.


I am just now reading about this, someone mentioned Tamara Tattles blog so I went there and read the depositions, it is very telling.

Bottom line none of this would be happening if Ken would have taken the waitress allegations seriously instead of being so dismissive and that little snippet from Ken and Pandora about "she is lucky she is working for us" rubbed me the wrong way. They do think that they are better than this hard working people, they do think that they can get away with a lot of things just based on their income.


I however wondered why didn't they fired the offending manager? if Ken was shown the tape evidence, why didn't he follow his own safe regulation guidelines? this manager Mr. Gebia probably had a lot of dirt on the Todd/Vanderpumps because there is absolutely no way that an owner would have risk as much as the T/V have risked for this guy, especially in light of his verifiable misconduct.

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I know I am going straight to hell, but I am absolutely loving that Lisa's balloon is getting deflated a bit. The Beverly Hills ladies clearly were not clever enough to succeed in exposing the "real" Lisa, but at least now someone other than Pinky gets the last laugh. Even though I don't love any of the other cast members per se, I believed their gripes about Lisa. I hope this somehow makes it onto the show.

  • Love 5

I know I am going straight to hell, but I am absolutely loving that Lisa's balloon is getting deflated a bit. The Beverly Hills ladies clearly were not clever enough to succeed in exposing the "real" Lisa, but at least now someone other than Pinky gets the last laugh. Even though I don't love any of the other cast members per se, I believed their gripes about Lisa. I hope this somehow makes it onto the show.

It might.  Lisa has returned.  http://tamaratattles.com/2014/06/20/lisa-vanderpump-finally-stops-pretending-she-might-not-return-to-rhobh/


I bet Lisa and ken do not want to talk about it.  Difference between this and the Mauricio rumors-this is a real life incident.  No one will be to hard on her as most of them employ people-except Brandi.


Unless Lisa really appeals, which it sound silly if she does, this will have ended by the time she actually starts filming, so Brandi would have to pull another, "So Kyle tell us about the transgender story in the tabloids that happened weeks ago before we started filming" like she did last season.

I hope Lisa takes her own advice and "puts it to bed" and moves on and returns to the old Lisa who is witty and fun and doesn't wimper.

Edited by maraleia
FYI-changed term to transgender per standards of correct terminology

Unless Lisa really appeals, which it sound silly if she does, this will have ended by the time she actually starts filming, so Brandi would have to pull another, "So Kyle tell us about the transgender story in the tabloids that happened weeks ago before we started filming" like she did last season.

I hope Lisa takes her own advice and "puts it to bed" and moves on and returns to the old Lisa who is witty and fun and doesn't wimper.

They should be filming any day now. Some outlets have already reported that some of the girls have started filming already. The story will still be very fresh. Forget Brandi. My hope is that Kyle very casually asks Lisa something about it on camera, making Lisa go into it and defend herself. Or just ignore it, whichever way she decides to play it. Either way it gets attention on camera. You know, Kyle could just be a good friend and address "the elephant in the room" on camera much the same way Lisa did for Kyle last year. I am sure Lisa won't mind, right?

  • Love 9

LOL. cooksdelight!  I'd hate for you to jump ship and stop watching because I love your witty posts! 


I've considered myself to be the last Lisa holdout, but this latest case has me thinking that there really is something going on with Lisa, and she isn't Ms Perfect after all.  I hope this thing does make it onto the show, but there's a legal question on my mind.  Since Lisa claims to be filing an appeal, doesn't that mean that the case is still active and can't be discussed?  I know next to nothing about legal matters, but this one crossed my mind.


First, there was the lawsuit over the PUMP property, and now one over harassment.  I'm beginning to think that there are two things I've learned from this show: 1) Never own a restaurant.  2) Lisa and Ken (and even Pandy) are much, much tougher than I realized.

  • Love 2

Is Ken getting a touch of dementia?  I've heard frequently that Ken was an extremely successful entrepreneur before Lisa ever came along.  I've heard speculation that he's a little burned out from excessive drugs when he was younger.  I'm questioning this due to the article linked above, which states two strange things.  When questioned, Ken was unable to say whether he or Lisa was the manger of Blanca Investments, LLC, and also testified that he and Lisa are the sole members of that corporation - which is untrue.


I've never been Ken's greatest fan, but I can't see him playing stupid and deliberately making himself look confused.

Is Ken getting a touch of dementia?  I've heard frequently that Ken was an extremely successful entrepreneur before Lisa ever came along.  I've heard speculation that he's a little burned out from excessive drugs when he was younger.  I'm questioning this due to the article linked above, which states two strange things.  When questioned, Ken was unable to say whether he or Lisa was the manger of Blanca Investments, LLC, and also testified that he and Lisa are the sole members of that corporation - which is untrue.


I've never been Ken's greatest fan, but I can't see him playing stupid and deliberately making himself look confused.

This might explain some behaviors even on the show. I still think it was weird when Ken started explaining to the housekeeper that she was a privileged person. Now I hope she has quite a comfortable income and perhaps she shouldn't have made a request while on camera, but he handled it so badly (considering cameras were rolling). 

I wonder about this issue, are Ken and Lisa the sole owners of Villa Blanca? I thought she had a partner


On her website she is listed as the designer but no mention of owners. If they have a partner we haven't heard or read the name of him/her on any of this legal procedures so I am itching to know if they make this dumb decisions on their own or if they are in big time trouble for this latest events.


If anybody can find if Lisa has any partners for VB please post here, thanks

Lisa and Ken own the corporation that owns Villa Blanca-no partners.


Lisa and Ken through their own corporation own the controlling interest in SUR.  Nathalie and her husband own the minority.


This information cam from their liquor licenses.  Don't know who owns PUMP.

Here is the liquor license: http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/LQSData.asp?ID=19373864


Boy Ken and Lisa create a corporation and then have the stockholders as their own corporations.


Lisa and Ken own the corporation that owns Villa Blanca-no partners.


Lisa and Ken through their own corporation own the controlling interest in SUR.  Nathalie and her husband own the minority.


This information cam from their liquor licenses.  Don't know who owns PUMP.

Here is the liquor license: http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/LQSData.asp?ID=19373864


Boy Ken and Lisa create a corporation and then have the stockholders as their own corporations.



Thanks, so they have nobody else to blame but themselves. I find this whole issue so utterly ridiculous, that girls was not asking for anything outrageous, 300 dollars and to fix her schedule , they thought they can railroad her and look at all they are going through.


Can they be so delusional to think that the laws do not apply to them? I am quickly doping a search on everything that Cedric said about them, I am going to have to read to his statements with a new set of eyes.

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Just for you Leroux--an assortment of Cedric Martinez stories:


Cedric explains being tossed from the Season 2 Reunion-  I will look for the story with the e-mails between Cedric's manager and the show's producer:


BTW it was these rumors of Adrienne going broke that started the war between Lisa and Adrienne.



Cedric was just a prop much like Giggy.  Brandi took his place but unlike Giggy she bit back.

Edited by zoeysmom

Zoeysmom, I guess we never know when our minds are going to play tricks on us.  When I first read a sentence in your post, I thought it said, "Cedric is just a poop, much like Giggy is."  Apparently, in my mind, I thought of Cedric as a poop AND a prop!  The same might be said about little Giggy!  I suspect, though, having tweeted her victory and then lost the lawsuit, Lisa may be feeling like the biggest poop of all.

Edited by Lura

The attached article is interesting, even while I know there are factual errors (like Ken's age). I understand the part about the statements Lisa and Ken made about their LLC to be true, because they were addressed by the judge.  Is it possible that these people are really so detached from their business? They seem like fairly rudimentary issues to be knowledgeable about to me.  And how about the fact that their company is worth so little? Is this surprising to anyone else? 


Interesting to note that Lisa has not condemned this article or the information on Twitter. Last year she went after Radar hard several times, especially when they were repeating the bankruptcy story that Brandi was talking about. Funny that they wouldn't say anything about this one. I think this one makes them look worse than one about them filing for bankruptcy 15 years ago. 



Can someone explain something to me. I keep reading here that Lisa knew she was coming back because she was under contract. But, I thought that the first contract is for 3 years? Wouldn't her contract have been up and she could have declined to come back when offered another? I just want some clarification because I keep seeing comments that Lisa was only pretending to debate whether or not to come back to get her fans in an uproar, but it seems completely plausible that she would want to really think about whether or not to come back since she had already completed 3 years on the show. Is the initial HW contract longer than 3 years, and therefore Lisa knew she was obligated to come back? Or, is it in fact 3 years and she was trying to decide whether to sign a new one?

Those that hate Lisa will say she has an unbreakable contract.


However, there have been other Housewives in all the franchises who've quit the series.


I don't think Lisa was actually going to quit the show but I can see how the thought might have crossed her mind. She has her own spinoff to promote herself and wouldn't need to deal with Trashbox Brandi and Yolanda trying to steal her tiara.

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Can someone explain something to me. I keep reading here that Lisa knew she was coming back because she was under contract. But, I thought that the first contract is for 3 years? Wouldn't her contract have been up and she could have declined to come back when offered another? I just want some clarification because I keep seeing comments that Lisa was only pretending to debate whether or not to come back to get her fans in an uproar, but it seems completely plausible that she would want to really think about whether or not to come back since she had already completed 3 years on the show. Is the initial HW contract longer than 3 years, and therefore Lisa knew she was obligated to come back? Or, is it in fact 3 years and she was trying to decide whether to sign a new one?

I have also heard they sign a 3 year deal initially. Who knows what each contract looks like after that? It wouldn't be unusual for them to get more money if they sign a multi-year contract. Perhaps after S3 Lisa signed a 2 or 3 year deal? She might have signed a longer deal to get VPR, or to get the Executive Producer title.  


I would imagine that if Lisa (or anyone else) wanted to get out of their contract they probably could, but it might be expensive.  The rumor about Lisa's contract began in large part based on what she said in the interview below, which was that she had thought about quitting, but that she was under contract. I assumed well before I read this interview that this was the case. She had just made too much of a big deal about her betrayal in her blogs, in interviews, and on Twitter. It was a constant rant about how badly she had been treated and that she didn't know if she could take it anymore. It always looked like a ploy to get her fans all up in arms and remind Bravo of how popular and necessary she was, even if they knew she wasn't going anywhere.  If you just wanted to leave, then just leave. Why all the drama? Lisa is at the heart of it a Reality TV star. She might have been something else once before, but this is what she is now. Some folks thought she was more of a full-time Restaurateur when the cameras went away, but that was pretty much debunked during the legal proceedings when she and Ken admitted they weren't that involved in the businesses.  On this show she gets to be the grand dame, but on VPR she is something else entirely, and the look is not a good one. I could never imagine that the VPR image was the one she wanted to leave with the audience. Lisa was never going anywhere. 



Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 2

So is it possible that her contract was extended when she got VPR? Or are some housewives offered a much larger commitment their first time out? Or is the 3 years thing just not true? All of it is so confusing.

I think Lisa said that because no one else on the cast gave a damn about her coming back.  Lots of bravado in saying, and saying it repeatedly, "I shall not return for another year", "the season was horrible," "there are people I can never forgive."  Reality is her restaurants are doing marginally well, there is one lawsuit she lost, with other more serious ones in the well.  Lisa needs the fan types from RHOBH to frequent her restaurants and this is Lisa's time to shine, after decades of an acting career put on hold.


E! Network did a special on Lisa, had her host the news several times, every time same thing about how she was so mistreated.  At some point I think the audience got tired of her whining.  Their contracts are easy to break-just don't perform-Kim Richards has taken it to an art form.  I don't know if they sign a new contract every year with a three year tail or if they actually allow the contract to run out.  It would seem they negotiate for more money each year. 


I find Lisa and her antics exhausting.  

  • Love 3

So is it possible that her contract was extended when she got VPR? Or are some housewives offered a much larger commitment their first time out? Or is the 3 years thing just not true? All of it is so confusing.

I don't think that all of the contracts necessarily look the same. Someone asked Andy about contracts once, and I am paraphrasing here, but he said something like "which contract, they are not all the same".  I heard the 3 year deal from Carlton after she was let go. She was trying to position it as a good thing, saying that she had been tied to a 3 year contract by Bravo, and that now she was able to do other things. 


I think it is probably similar to contracts in my real area of passion - sports. Everyone on a team doesn't have the same contract, even though they play the same number of games and attend the same number of practices. Each member of the team has a different contract that is dependent on their individual worth. Many times a player may have a contract that will be extended before it reaches it's conclusion, should the team be afraid they will look elsewhere when their contract expires. I think that it became clear by S2 that Lisa was the star of the show. She wouldn't have gotten VPR if that wasn't the situation. They knew they had a star on their hands and I wouldn't be a bit surprised to hear that she got an extension on whatever contract she had signed. I also firmly believe that VPR is tied in some fashion to the BH show. If Lisa is not a member of the Real HW's any longer, the appeal of VPR tends to be diminished.  I think VPR is a much bigger deal to Lisa, as it is pretty much a 4 month marketing campaign for her restaurant each year. Even if she did the show for free, the value of the marketing could never be overstated. Now of course she is using VPR to promote Pump, another huge marketing score for her. I don't think any of these things would be possible if she weren't a Real Housewife. 

  • Love 1

Lisa was in The Comeback season 2 premiere! It was actually a pretty funny parody of last season's main storyline. Lisa accuses Valerie of planting tabloid stories about her family at a staged lunch tete-a-tete and Valerie, oblivious to the necessity of playing along, storms off set and quits the show. Lisa even says, "well, it has to be you or Kyle who planted the stories. Are you saying it's Kyle?"


Vis-à-vis contracts, I'm pretty sure Bravo can't literally compel the Housewives to perform for them; they can, however, prevent the ladies from appearing in any sort of similar competing programming (say, a reality show on another network) within the time frame of that contract. This is not to say that the administration can't create legal expenses for these women if they choose to quit, but those repercussions would vary from a huge problem (Teresa Giudice) to a minor headache (anyone with real money). Case in point: Lydia McLaughlin peaced out from season 10 of Orange County a very short time before filming began. Production didn't find a replacement until almost two months into filming, which took more than double the customary length. That's not an insignificant convenience, but I don't believe the threat of a comparably small legal snafu has the same menace for someone like Lydia as opposed to the Giudices because a) she can afford the consultation fees from her attorneys who b) realize that they can argue she is ultimately not obligated to participate.


Do I think Lisa's tweets and ambivalence were just posturing? Absolutely. But a primary Wife quitting her installment of the franchise and still retaining her spin-off is not unprecedented; Kim Zolciak did just that, all the while behaving way more uncooperatively with her castmates and producers than Lisa V.

From Brandi thread, in reply to PhilMarlow2


After watching four seasons and sifting through all the on-camera drama as well as the off-camera articles & tabloids, I've come to personally conclude that Lisa is probably a stealth bitch behind the scenes, that all the women know & see it, and that they resent the fact that Lisa continually comes up smelling roses with the viewing public; I think the women keep trying to go after Lisa to expose the very real stuff they see going on and somehow Lisa has been wily enough to avoid public backlash (which is really bizarre to me since I personally think there have been several examples of Lisa's over-the-top machinations caught on camera).


I think they all tried to manipulate their image, and the jealousy comes from Lisa's ability to do it well. I have no illusions when it comes to anyone in this cast, so I can't fault Lisa for being better at the game.  If anything, I find it entertaining.  They are all selling an image, and I find their hatred of Lisa's ability to do it better ridiculous. There is just no way Lisa is the only cast member who is working behind the scenes.


But, the rest of the cast has done a bang up job trying to sell that image of Lisa. Unfortunately, they came off as jealous and petty in the process.

  • Love 7

After watching four seasons and sifting through all the on-camera drama as well as the off-camera articles & tabloids, I've come to personally conclude that Lisa is probably a stealth bitch behind the scenes, that all the women know & see it, and that they resent the fact that Lisa continually comes up smelling roses with the viewing public; I think the women keep trying to go after Lisa to expose the very real stuff they see going on and somehow Lisa has been wily enough to avoid public backlash (which is really bizarre to me since I personally think there have been several examples of Lisa's over-the-top machinations caught on camera).


It seems to me the women's beef with Lisa is valid - but they just make such a mess of things trying to expose her. They should probably just be patient and let Lisa hang herself at some point (which I think might happen this season if Lisa overplays the victim card - think Heather DuBrow in the OC - if you cry foul too much over tiny slights, it can turn the public against you).



PhilMarlowe2- That story about your friend's meeting with Lisa sounds very similar to how she behaved on the Late Late Show last season. I remember seeing her appearance and found it jarring how often she kept trying to direct the conversation to the topic of her being victimized on RHOBH. It struck me as oddly self-obsessed because Lisa always seemed clever and self-aware enough to read the pulse of a room, and during that interview it was obvious Craig Ferguson had no idea what she was referring to and didn't really care. Yet she kept harping on the minutae of HW drama, when, despite that, Craig still seemed entertained/charmed enough by her that she could have moved onto any other number of subjects and come across in a more favorable light.


I'll second your take on Lisa. I won't vilify her for it, but I do agree with your assessment on why a lot of the other HWs seem to dislike her. Didn't Marisa Zanuck say as much? I seem to recall her having been pretty complimentary of everyone off screen with the pointed exception of Lisa. Marisa had basically said she was taken aback by how dismissive Lisa was once the cameras were off and that Lisa wouldn't even acknowledge or talk to her when they saw each other at other functions when the cameras weren't there. Marisa might have been awful for reality TV, but I'm inclined to believe her account of interacting with the HWs behind-the-scenes.


So while I'm sure some jealousy at Lisa's getting her own show/being a fan favorite might play into their dislike, I suspect it has more to do with resentment of her off-camera attitude juxtaposed with on-camera persona.

  • Love 3
I think they all tried to manipulate their image, and the jealousy comes from Lisa's ability to do it well. I have no illusions when it comes to anyone in this cast, so I can't fault Lisa for being better at the game. 


I understand what you're saying in theory, but honestly, with a lot of these women, I think what you see is what you get. Meaning, I feel like if I were to meet Kyle or Kim or Brandi or Yolanda in real life, or see them interacting off camera, it would pretty much look like what we see on TV. Any manipulation on their part is their real everyday manipulation (for example, do I think Yolanda is full of shit with her domestic goddess act? Absolutely. But do I think she acts the same way in real life? Absolutely). Whereas I get the sense with Lisa that the face she shows in private is often different than the face shown on camera. KFC mentioned in the post above Marisa Zanuck's interview where she said she was shocked how Lisa literally wouldn't acknowledge her off camera. As much as Brandi can be full of shit, I kind of believed her in the reunion last year when she said the reason why she doesn't get mad at Yolanda's concern for her (as opposed to Lisa) is that Yolanda is the same on camera as she is off camera and therefore Lisa's concern felt like posturing for TV. Kim has said the same things regarding Lisa's on-camera concern for her sobriety.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 5

From Brandi thread, in reply to PhilMarlow2


I think they all tried to manipulate their image, and the jealousy comes from Lisa's ability to do it well. I have no illusions when it comes to anyone in this cast, so I can't fault Lisa for being better at the game.  If anything, I find it entertaining.  They are all selling an image, and I find their hatred of Lisa's ability to do it better ridiculous. There is just no way Lisa is the only cast member who is working behind the scenes.


But, the rest of the cast has done a bang up job trying to sell that image of Lisa. Unfortunately, they came off as jealous and petty in the process.

I felt that way for a long time but I just can't get past her going after Mauricio, whether or not there was any truth there. That was just so evil in a Brandi slash and burn way but instead of yelling it Kyle's face she batted her eyelashes and with a hushed seemingly well intended voice put that nastiness out there.

  • Love 3

I felt that way for a long time but I just can't get past her going after Mauricio, whether or not there was any truth there. That was just so evil in a Brandi slash and burn way but instead of yelling it Kyle's face she batted her eyelashes and with a hushed seemingly well intended voice put that nastiness out there.


I really had no problem with her going after Mauricio, mainly because I find him to be incredibly slimey.  It's all about perception, obviously.  I just don't find him to be genuine and after season 3, I was inclined to agree with Lisa's assessment of him. His defense of Adrienne seemed over the top and, well, a bit odd. I guess I would have less of a problem had he even made an effort to defend Lisa against Adrienne's allegations.  From what I understand, Kyle and Lisa have known each other for years.  Kyle and Mauricio admitted at the reunion that they were not close with Adrienne and don't really speak with her.

  • Love 3

I felt that way for a long time but I just can't get past her going after Mauricio, whether or not there was any truth there. That was just so evil in a Brandi slash and burn way but instead of yelling it Kyle's face she batted her eyelashes and with a hushed seemingly well intended voice put that nastiness out there.

The first BH HW that put that idea out there, about Mauricio, was not Lisa but was Camille! She basically said that Mauricio was more concerned about a commission check than anything else, including his wife Kyle! Season 1 fight between Kyle and Camille when Camille said she and Kelsey would no longer use Mauricio as their RE Agent and he got upset at Kyle instead of defending her. That is where that idea came from, not Lisa. LOL

  • Love 4

The first BH HW that put that idea out there, about Mauricio, was not Lisa but was Camille! She basically said that Mauricio was more concerned about a commission check than anything else, including his wife Kyle! Season 1 fight between Kyle and Camille when Camille said she and Kelsey would no longer use Mauricio as their RE Agent and he got upset at Kyle instead of defending her. That is where that idea came from, not Lisa. LOL


How could I forget?  Camille was pretty awful to Kyle in season 1. What was Mauricio's response to Kyle? He wanted her to do whatever was necessary to fix it. He never went after Camille in defense of his own wife. But, Adrienne?  Suddenly he was her White Knight.

  • Love 4

PhilMarlowe2- That story about your friend's meeting with Lisa sounds very similar to how she behaved on the Late Late Show last season. I remember seeing her appearance and found it jarring how often she kept trying to direct the conversation to the topic of her being victimized on RHOBH. It struck me as oddly self-obsessed because Lisa always seemed clever and self-aware enough to read the pulse of a room, and during that interview it was obvious Craig Ferguson had no idea what she was referring to and didn't really care. Yet she kept harping on the minutae of HW drama, when, despite that, Craig still seemed entertained/charmed enough by her that she could have moved onto any other number of subjects and come across in a more favorable light.


I'll second your take on Lisa. I won't vilify her for it, but I do agree with your assessment on why a lot of the other HWs seem to dislike her. Didn't Marisa Zanuck say as much? I seem to recall her having been pretty complimentary of everyone off screen with the pointed exception of Lisa. Marisa had basically said she was taken aback by how dismissive Lisa was once the cameras were off and that Lisa wouldn't even acknowledge or talk to her when they saw each other at other functions when the cameras weren't there. Marisa might have been awful for reality TV, but I'm inclined to believe her account of interacting with the HWs behind-the-scenes.


So while I'm sure some jealousy at Lisa's getting her own show/being a fan favorite might play into their dislike, I suspect it has more to do with resentment of her off-camera attitude juxtaposed with on-camera persona.


I think neither theory about Lisa is mutually exclusive. The ladies dislike Lisa for both reasons, in varying degrees depending on the lady - that they are a.) jealous of her fan favorite status (and, for Adrienne, at least, her success at marketing herself) and b.) view her as a manipulative, two-faced, self-serving, superficial stealth bitch. 

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I understand what you're saying in theory, but honestly, with a lot of these women, I think what you see is what you get. Meaning, I feel like if I were to meet Kyle or Kim or Brandi or Yolanda in real life, or see them interacting off camera, it would pretty much look like what we see on TV. Any manipulation on their part is their real everyday manipulation (for example, do I think Yolanda is full of shit with her domestic goddess act? Absolutely. But do I think she acts the same way in real life? Absolutely). Whereas I get the sense with Lisa that the face she shows in private is often different than the face shown on camera. KFC mentioned in the post above Marisa Zanuck's interview where she said she was shocked how Lisa literally wouldn't acknowledge her off camera. As much as Brandi can be full of shit, I kind of believed her in the reunion last year when she said the reason why she doesn't get mad at Yolanda's concern for her (as opposed to Lisa) is that Yolanda is the same on camera as she is off camera and therefore Lisa's concern felt like posturing for TV. Kim has said the same things regarding Lisa's on-camera concern for her sobriety.


I will give you Yolanda. I honestly believe that she believes her shit doesn't stink and what you see is what you get.  Just because someone doesn't realize they are an ass doesn't mean they should be admired for, well, being an ass.


I have no problem believing that most of these women are putting on an act. But, if they aren't, so what?  Kyle, Kim, Taylor, Adrienne, Brandi and Yolanda come off as pretty terrible.  If that is the real them, then I'm not about to give them credit for displaying their awfulness.  Keeping it real isn't an excuse for being insufferable.

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How could I forget?  Camille was pretty awful to Kyle in season 1. What was Mauricio's response to Kyle? He wanted her to do whatever was necessary to fix it. He never went after Camille in defense of his own wife. But, Adrienne?  Suddenly he was her White Knight.

No one vilified Camille for calling out Mauricio, no one vilified Mauricio for outing himself either but OMG!!!! How dare Lisa! lol I really think Kyle turned against Lisa because Lisa became a fan favorite for doing very little in the beginning, she just allowed the others, including Kyle, to show their true colors to the viewers.

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I think the others are so ham-handed in trying to trap Lisa.  That tea party at Lisa's was supposed to be Taylor exposing Lisa "If you can't be my friend then don't be my enemy!" And it turned out with Lisa flipping the script and becoming Taylor's champion and Camille stomping out in a fabulous huff.  And last season, with Lisa seemingly caught out in being snide with Kyle over the "Portia is the other woman," and Brandi accusing her of telling her to bring the tabloids, Lisa comes out looking ganged up upon.  They scheme and scheme and they just aren't good at it.  They just aren't smart. 


I like Lisa when she is strong. I am sick of her playing victim.  Boo tricking hoo Lisa - own up to being snarky and move on.  

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I really think Kyle turned against Lisa because Lisa became a fan favorite for doing very little in the beginning, she just allowed the others, including Kyle, to show their true colors to the viewers.

I agree.  This was Kyle's show and Lisa became popular and got the spin-off.  Their attitude toward Lisa changed dramatically between season 1 and season 2. It was jarring.


Look, I don't think Lisa is lily white. I just find hypocrisy irritating.  And, that's what I see with this cast. 

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