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Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta - General Discussion

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Why is Mimi trying so hard to make Stevie's non marriage a thing? Not a single damn does anyone give about that shit. Let it go. Proving them liars will not erase the fact that she had her ass turned up in the air for a buck.

And while I'm being irked by Mimi's story line what is up with these fake apartments? Nikko was bringing her a tray of fake eggs in a fake apartment that had no signs of life at all. No signs of a toddler, no pics, no toys. It's almost like the show breaks into the model apartments in Ryan Homes to shoot scenes.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Tammy seems sweet enough, but I can't understand a damn word Waka says! How the hell is he a rapper?? He seriously needs subtitles.

Mimi looks really stupid acting so pressed over whether or not Stevie and Joseline are really married. Who the hell cares? I guess Nikko is not entertaining enough. He is so creepy looking and just rubs me the wrong way. Bambi did what I would have done which is walk away. But, I don't know if I would have even showed up. Then, again, it was her "boyfriend's" mom asking. Where is Erica??

  • Love 2

Let's hashtag the b.s.



Tammy seems sweet enough, but I can't understand a damn word Waka says! How the hell is he a rapper?? He seriously needs subtitles.


girl you not putting any effort into it.  #triznaeeharder


Mo-nuh? I know you ain't bout wasting paper, but um, we're gonna need a bump to the residential allowance boo boo, all this carrying on showing up to the red roof inn with a handheld?  #notappreciated. 


Where is Erica??


at Montel Williams' n nem getting a payday loan.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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Don't know how to quote or anything yet, but THIS from New York Magazine site on Waka and an interview with Saturday Night Live's Jay Pharaoh:


Q: You probably can't impersonate too many rappers on SNL because a lot of the audience wouldn't be familiar enough with their personalities to really get the jokes. If that didn't matter and you could do anyone you wanted to, who would it be?

A. Waka Flocka. And I want to turn him into a character. I watch him on Love and Hip-Hop. If I could take that guy and put him in a situation, put him at like a KFC or something, that would be hilarious. Like, he's at the front and he can't speak and you can't understand what he's saying, so he's like a foreigner but he's not a foreigner, yo, that's a good sketch. Matter fact, I'm going back to New York and I'm writing that sketch.


Me: too funny!

Mimi is still hung up on Sleazo. All she does is talk about him to the tabloids, on camera, etc. Why do you care that he is married to Joseline? Is it because you never got the same commitment from him whether it's real or not? She was all hypnotized by his beefcake (/Joseline) several seasons ago but now Stebbie is bad in bed and has a small package. Girl, bye.

Next thing we know, Molly the maid turned porn star will be posting photoshopped pics of Stebbie like Karlie Redd did to Benzino.

Rumor has it Stevie J has gone and got himself arrested for failure to pay child support. News reports say he owes more than $1 million. It doesn't say to which baby momma or how many of the mommas. I can't imagine Mimi is missing her money. She certainly would have brought that up on the show.

I wish I knew how to link. I should learn now that we're in a new home.

Why is Mimi trying so hard to make Stevie's non marriage a thing? Not a single damn does anyone give about that shit. Let it go. Proving them liars will not erase the fact that she had her ass turned up in the air for a buck.

And while I'm being irked by Mimi's story line what is up with these fake apartments? Nikko was bringing her a tray of fake eggs in a fake apartment that had no signs of life at all. No signs of a toddler, no pics, no toys. It's almost like the show breaks into the model apartments in Ryan Homes to shoot scenes.

Can we also talk about how unbelievably silly it is that when someone brings you "breakfast in bed" you have false lashes and full make up on.  I get that this isn't a "really reality" show, but come on, at least put on the pretense!  I also think that if I saw Nikko's face first thing in the morning, I couldn't eat eggs or fruit, on a tray or not, I'm just saying, that face is a perfect diet tool.


I just hate that they still have Mimi pretending Nikko leaked her highly stylized, expertly lighted, multi camera "amateur" home video. Girl, bye.

Yeah, at what point does she just let that pretense go?  I guess there is no artful way out of it, but she should stop whining that the tape was "leaked."


I know y'all ain't here for Mimi's #shenettagins!! She has a point about if Joseline and Steebie were married it would be a matter of public record but the minute the refutation is that he's sovereign - - it's a wrap. You're only gonna look as stupid as he does!


Those two are so not married!  I wonder if Benzino was in on it, because while "Hip Hop Weekly" may not be on the same journalistic level as Newsweek or US News and World Report, or OK! Magazine its still no good to not do some simple fact checking.  LOL @ "i'm a sovereign" - hey man, if you can sell that to Joseline, more power to you!


Still not sure why Mimi is concerned, it just makes her look like she is jealous and desperate.  Given that she is pretty, I would normally say she could do better than Stevie and Nikko, but she is so annoying and irritating that I'm not sure she can.

  • Love 2

Are ya'll watching this?  Am I the only one shocked to hear Wacka's mom say she had 5 sons?  Someone had sex with her five times or she had sex with five different dudes, either way, yikes.    In all seriousness, I can't imagine what it is to lose a child and to suicide at that. 


Why can't any chick on this show simply end a conversation with no words? what's wrong with simply giving the other woman your ass and heading for the bar as though you're unconcerned? 


The Bambster and Scrappy are done.  Show of hands, who's shocked?  lol.


I wonder how JohnnyGillFace feels about Karlie saying she likes little dicks.   bwah!

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I am waiting for the next episode, when we see Karlie Redd tell Young Joc about the bar scene, and see just how little a fuck he gives! Also, why did she repeat that shit as though someone asked her "Huh? What you say?" "I feel sorry for you when Joc see you! I feel sorry for you when Joc see you!" Bitch we heard you the first time!

Erica, you're too pretty to be acting so ratchet! Fuck that, Im going to say, WRETCHED, you know damn well Benzino was talking to Karlie!  Did being filmed with Scrappy make her look more intelligent, or is she just bucking for more camera time? Are her and O'Shea, the model, arguing over her not giving him gas money in the previews?!?!?! I need answers!

Edited by Fairlily26
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I am waiting for the next episode, when we see Karlie Redd tell Young Joc about the bar scene, and see just how little a fuck he gives! Also, why did she repeat that shit as though someone asked her "Huh? What you say?" "I feel sorry for you when Joc see you! I feel sorry for you when Joc see you!" Bitch we heard you the first time!

Erica, you're too pretty to be acting so ratchet! Fuck that, Im going to say, WRETCHED, you know damn well Benzino was talking to Karlie!  Did being filmed with Scrappy make her look more intelligent, or is she just bucking for more camera time? Are her and O'Shea, the model, arguing over her not giving him gas money in the previews?!?!?! I need answers!


I hate when women get into fights for grown men, especially ones that aren't even there.  Why should he want to get into a fight for Karlie Redd?  And who is Young Joc even supposed to fight?  Is he supposed to fight Althea, a woman?  Of course not.  Is he supposed to fight Benzino for kicking Karlie out when he was protecting his girlfriend?  Why should he want to fight Benzino over that, if someone had come to Young Joc's club and got into a fight with Karlie, she would expect him to kick them out!  And I know Althea threw the first drink, she wasn't in the right, but what in the world is Young Joc supposed to do?!??  Why should Young Joc put himself in a situation where he could get beat up, or even worse put in jail?  If Karlie Redd is such a boss, she can fight her own battles, she shouldn't need a man to do it for her.  


Is THAT what they were fighting over in the previews for next week????  I sure hope thats it, because there could be nothing more amusing than a grown woman giving a grown man gas money.  I know times are tough, and the economy isn't where it used to be, but if you're a model asking for gas money, you need to get a second job son!

  • Love 1

Those two are so not married!  I wonder if Benzino was in on it, because while "Hip Hop Weekly" may not be on the same journalistic level as Newsweek or US News and World Report, or OK! Magazine its still no good to not do some simple fact checking.  LOL @ "i'm a sovereign" - hey man, if you can sell that to Joseline, more power to you!

That makes way more sense to me than trying to believe Benzino is cool with just taking Stevie and Joseline's word for it! Maybe he shoulda just asked them for the wedding date LOL.

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Stevie J faces 1mil child support rap


Maybe instead of giving Mimi boob job money from Joseline's leftovers he could have gotten some to his kids?? :) I know everyone knows Mimi gives and gives and deserved it but... [/sarcasm]


(To link, it's similar to a quote, use this format minus the *)

[*url=link]Steebie get that dough![/*url]


  • Love 1
girl you not putting any effort into it.  #triznaeeharder


LOL!  ScrapSpeak kills me! 




Funky Dineva had a piece out today how the Puerto Rican princess has spent all her money on coke.


I was like, what money?


Let her tell it, she’s in the studio making hit records every day!  I saw her video for “Been Getting Money” and damn near fainted. 


"Showing ass and titties

Cuz my pussy is fat

In the building"



Edited by vavavoom
  • Love 2

Have Mimi's titties always been that long? I thought she just got a new set, why are they already hanging low? And when did she graduate from the Sheree Whitfield School of Stunted Speaking? All the damn pausing when she talks makes me want to punch her in the damn throat.

Spit it out!


The way Mimi speaks is possibly the worst thing about her.  She is so annoying.  I can totally understand why she fights to stay pretty, because I can't imagine a man wanting to put up with her day in and day out.  The day she loses her looks is the day she needs to collect her requisite 10 cats and eat whatever she wants, because no man is going to want to be with her for the effervescence of her personality.  With the dramatic pauses, the over-dramatic over-enunciation on certain words, and just the naggy message.  Ugh. 


Yeah what is up with that timeline?

Was O'Shea really trying to grab gas money out of Erica's hand?


Yep, like a true boss!  j/k.  but really, I sort of felt bad for him, I mean can you imagine how low you must feel to have to call someone for gas money when you just angrily stormed out of their house?  And to be in such a humiliating and desperate situation in front of an entire crew of TV cameras?  Thats the sort of thing that makes me hope this is mostly scripted.



BTW - is it just me or is Joseline looking a tiny bit manly in some of these scenes?

Why does Karter's grandmother keep french kissing him. See, that's how I know this mess is made up for drama. Ain't no grandma kissing a baby in the mouth with a full face of MAC lipstick. It just don't happen.

And somebody needs to let the writers know they already used the "man pops up on girls vacation" storyline. Jim Jones surprised Chrissy in Miami with an apology and a ring that led to nothing.

Oh! Why was that dude w the purple hair allowed on the girls trip? Is Dirty Money not a thing anymore?

  • Love 2

Why does Karter's grandmother keep french kissing him. See, that's how I know this mess is made up for drama. Ain't no grandma kissing a baby in the mouth with a full face of MAC lipstick. It just don't happen.

And somebody needs to let the writers know they already used the "man pops up on girls vacation" storyline. Jim Jones surprised Chrissy in Miami with an apology and a ring that led to nothing.

Oh! Why was that dude w the purple hair allowed on the girls trip? Is Dirty Money not a thing anymore?



First - I think its the one thing that I agree with Kirk on, the doctor said it was unhealthy, how many times does he have to tell her no?  However, to your point, this feels like a forced "Kirk becomes a good guy again" storyline.  Kirk can barely deliver his lines with a straight face, and sadly every time I see Rasheeda, all I can think of is this....http://youtu.be/rPZEILy3iLs.  Thats right "hot fire out her azz"


Second - Kirk popping up in NO was just creepy, I can't believe that has been a successful move....ever


Third - LMBO at the purple haired dude.....

  • Love 1

LOL!  ScrapSpeak kills me! 





Let her tell it, she’s in the studio making hit records every day!  I saw her video for “Been Getting Money” and damn near fainted. 


"Showing ass and titties

Cuz my pussy is fat

In the building"




I betcha quit all that giggling when the grammy committee calls her up.  


lol.  I can't I can't even keep a straight face through that.


Yeah what is up with that timeline?

Was O'Shea really trying to grab gas money out of Erica's hand?


If this isn't scripted that didn't do that man n'air one ounce a' good.  naa'an one.   Bro either you played a guy who is shiftless and pretty or you are a guy who's loud and broke.   http://gph.is/XIWgE1


Kirk mushing maw-maw in the forehead made me giggle loudly.

Have Mimi's titties always been that long? I thought she just got a new set, why are they already hanging low? And when did she graduate from the Sheree Whitfield School of Stunted Speaking? All the damn pausing when she talks makes me want to punch her in the damn throat.

Spit it out!


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  I don't think we've ever been exposed to as much surface area before.  Girl wore bras last season.     Regiggling thinking of her going to get her garage opener. 

I totally agree with Kirk about grandma kissing Carter on the mouth--it's not like she's the ONLY one not allowed to do it either. I mean I get she's pissed and hates his guts and wants to get back at him (although I think Rasheeda and Kirk's storyline is COMPLETELY fabricated, with or without grandma's knowledge, and honestly I'm tired of them, more of Stevie and Joseline and Mimi and Nintendo!) but she's endangering that poor baby to do it and that's too petty.


On a different note, wtf Karlie Redd. You run around talking about "I like lil things, lil packages, small can be good too" and then are bewildered when people start assuming you want Benzino back. Like, what ELSE are people supposed to assume?? You like a lil diamond? Oh okay :P The blatant hypocrisy is crazy!! Plus that lil beefcake was more than enough when her boobs were leaking, geez...

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The acting in the last segment of this week's episode was reaching Tyler Perry level of awfulness with Stevie J clunkily delivering exposition about Benzino's family. That's why this show is so bad this year. They keep desperately setting up storylines in the clunkiest way.  Like the Mimi/Nikko storyline would be more interesting if they hadn't had them talk about making one before the supposed leak. There was no point in mentioning it if it wasn't going to "leak."  It's like ho-ish version of Chekov's gun. Same thing with every other storyline where, for some reason,they go out of their to set it up with clunky exposition. Real life doesn't have exposition for the most part. Things just happen.

  • Love 3

I lost all memory of what happened during the show once Benzino decided he was going to go into Performance Art mode to re-enact the drama of his mother passing. Oh Benzino...how low of you.

And again with the staged scenes. Jose and Stevie are in the same house and she never noticed him getting a phone call, packing a bag, putting on a suit and calling for a car service to go be by Benzino's side? Really?

And maybe I'm blocking all memories of Dirty Money telling me about how she was going to get it in with her light skinned girlfriend while her light skinned husband watched or even joined in. I shudder at the thought.

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Sooooooo....exactly how long is Mimi going to keep acting like she wasn't a part of orchestrating the release of her professionally made sex tape?  Because her pearl clutching is getting a little old, and Nikko can't even keep his face straight when talking about it.  I'm almost offended that she assumes any audience is stupid enough to believe that she is an innocent victim in all of this.

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Huh? What? You, you mean...Mimi was in on it?? It wasn't a stolen tape? Oh my stars! They sure fooled me. Except NOT.

I'm so tired of Mimi and her long titty talking heads wondering why everyone feels Freakko (tm Jose) leaked the tape. Bitch please. We can all see you got your tits done and your workout on to be ready for your closeup.

No shade, but own it already.

  • Love 1

Huh? What? You, you mean...Mimi was in on it?? It wasn't a stolen tape? Oh my stars! They sure fooled me. Except NOT.

I'm so tired of Mimi and her long titty talking heads wondering why everyone feels Freakko (tm Jose) leaked the tape. Bitch please. We can all see you got your tits done and your workout on to be ready for your closeup.

No shade, but own it already.


Her diatribe to Ariane was priceless.  "So...you think he was in on it?" "But this is the man I love!"  oh brother.


Nikko can't even keep a straight face anymore.  He keeps breaking out into a smile everytime it comes up.  Priceless.

I lost all memory of what happened during the show once Benzino decided he was going to go into Performance Art mode to re-enact the drama of his mother passing. Oh Benzino...how low of you.


Oh how I loved that scene!  Benzino rushing out of the house, jumping in his Maserati, and slo-mo shaking his head while driving.  This could have been the one storyline that they got right, but instead they have to make a "scene" out of it.


Mimi and her long titty talking heads 



  • Love 2


Nikko can't even keep a straight face anymore.  He keeps breaking out into a smile everytime it comes up. 


It sure doesn't help that Nikko is the strangest looking thing - bubble eyes, confused teeth - he just looks so disorganized about the face.


Mimi tries to act like she's all thug misses, and fails horribly. Her speech pattern is so dramatic and affected. And a sex tape to stay relevant? Girl, I guess...


This show is my guilty pleasure. Scripted as hell, but an enjoyable MESS. The three-way storyline is bizarre, can't wait to see where they go with this one!

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