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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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So much for that one glass of vodka. Kim's strategy for the Dr. Phil show just looks worse and worse. She was arrested and booked, and her blood was tested. Did she really think the drugs wouldn't be disclosed?

I gotta say - the huffing is pretty shocking. Don't you have to be pretty desperate to resort to that? Her condition is BAD. But I don't think there's any way she's a meth user. First of all, meth is highly addictive, much more so than other drugs. There's no way she could've filmed the season addicted to meth. Kim swore she was never drunk or high "on the show," and even though we viewers know otherwise, she did seem lucid some of the time. Secondly, meth use takes a huge toll on you physically, especially your skin, hair, and your weight, and outside of sun damage, Kim looks good.

I think there is probably an explanation-I would think Kim is probably not a huffer.  I have read where the e-cigs may contain the substance mentioned.  These stories just get more and more outlandish at every turn.

I've said many of times with you all Kim is an experimental type of girl. Whatever is going to get her high she will use. Patches, pills, toluene, weed, alcohol, coke. I bet shes low on cash toluene, weed and alcohol are her go-twos. When she has cash pills, coke are her baby.

Just like what I said yesterday this family can stop saying alcohol is her problem. No, all substances is her problem!

Kim is not exactly broke-she is making mid six figures on RHOBH.  I don't think it is a lack of cash that keeps her from the quality stuff. I cannot find where anyone ingests toluene-it is a cleaning agent.  There is something off with this story.

Edited by zoeysmom
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I think there is probably an explanation-I would think Kim is probably not a huffer.  I have read where the e-cigs may contain the substance mentioned.  These stories just get more and more outlandish at every turn.

True, but I think the larger point is that the toxicology report debunks Kim's oft-told lie that her only addiction is alcohol. No one with a brain ever believed that, but Kim kept the lie going.

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Kim was more of a cocaine lady.  Meth isn't real prevalent in their social circles-why use meth when you can afford coke?  I think they probably found turine in her system which is in Rockstar and Redbull.  Toluene is a cleaning solvent.


When Kim checked into rehab they would be testing her for all drugs including nicotine and caffeine and perhaps turine to get an idea where she operates.

Is it possible that this is what sent Chad over the edge, meth?

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Kim is not exactly broke-she is making mid six figures on RHOBH. I don't think it is a lack of cash that keeps her from the quality stuff. I cannot find where anyone ingests toluene-it is a cleaning agent. There is something off with this story.

Her toxicology report stated she had another substance in her system and Toluene. Either shes been huffing or sniffing brake fluid


True, but I think the larger point is that the toxicology report debunks Kim's oft-told lie that her only addiction is alcohol. No one with a brain ever believed that, but Kim kept the lie going.


Edited by BlackMamba
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I cannot find where anyone ingests toluene-it is a cleaning agent.  There is something off with this story.

You don't ingest it, you inhale it, or rather, the fumes. That's what gives you the high.

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RADAR is now reporting she lost her dog suit

Not a very big judgment. The judge only awarded her medical bills which amount to $4k? That is not very much. I had medical bills that came to close to $20k when I had surgery on my hand.

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Not a very big judgment. The judge only awarded her medical bills which amount to $4k? That is not very much. I had medical bills that came to close to $20k when I had surgery on my hand.

I think it said the default judgment was for $8k - of which around $4k was for medical expenses. Not sure what the other $4k was for. Court costs, maybe? I'm also not sure if the friend/plaintiff Kay's injuries required surgery. Not to be confused with the other dog bite victim, Alexia!

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When I was in the Marines meth was popular. I was a cook and had to be at work at 3.30 AM. I always wondered why others had so much energy. They managed to work and do meth for very long periods of time. They didn't becomw addicts or look like  the meth heads  you see on the internet.

Yes, some of them got caught and kicked out of the Marines. Kim could function and  use meth.    

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I think the both lost if Kay doesn't get attorneys' fees.

It is Taurine and here is some information on this: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/dangers-of-taurine/


I don't think they would confuse Taurine with Toulene.

There just has to be something more to this story. 


Hey before I saw the story I was trying to come up with something likely to appear in her bloodstream. 

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Things they will find in Kim's blood/urine/hair:

-turtle oil

-the house keys to the goddammed house

-whatever drug makes one wear the blouse with the bow (mescaline?)

-jordan almonds (often used as wedding favors)

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 Kim could function and  use meth.    

Shhh. Kim might hear you. 


I'm starting to slowly become convinced. Five years is a long time though to be into that shit without showing serious signs I would imagine so I'm still inclined to believe that she's more of a take what she can get type. OTOH, as Brooke mentioned in frustration, Kim is fucking picky so I can totally see her being very specific about the kinds of drugs that she thinks she needs and that meth might (hopefully not?) fit the bill. Anything is possible with this woman though. 


I wonder if bad press makes celebrity dealers feel anxious.

Things they will find in Kim's blood/urine/hair:

-turtle oil

-the house keys to the goddammed house

-whatever drug makes one wear the blouse with the bow (mescaline?)

-jordan almonds (often used as wedding favors)

Don't for get the melon juice and chicken salad.

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Shhh. Kim might hear you. 


I'm starting to slowly become convinced. Five years is a long time though to be into that shit without showing serious signs I would imagine so I'm still inclined to believe that she's more of a take what she can get type. OTOH, as Brooke mentioned in frustration, Kim is fucking picky so I can totally see her being very specific about the kinds of drugs that she thinks she needs and that meth might (hopefully not?) fit the bill. Anything is possible with this woman though. 


Well, yes. I don't see her using meth regularly for 5 years. I see her using it like I saw it used in the Marines. They used it if they had to work early, or didn't get enough sleep. They would also use it if they had been out partying an drinking the night before and had to work the next morning. I can see Kim going for it on occasion if she needed to get through a long day after partying. And it lasts a lot longer than cocaine, which is a quicker fix that lasts a shorter time .  I believe it's cheaper too. 

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I don't know that Kim is picky when she is using, although that might be a part of her personality in other areas. Remember her crawling around on the floor of the SUR bathroom, and in the limo while high on something. Plus, she can rationalize anything. She probably thinks that snorting horse tranquilizers doesn't hurt if she puts her hair in a pony tail before hand.

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Kim's brain is fried anyhow. Shes can't even explain her thoughts or make one bit of sense thanks to the years of drug abuse shes parttaken in.

This is why she needs to do a whole 90 days. Because not only shes a straight up functioning addict, but there is some mental issues going on too.

I wondered how much did Dr Phil know of Kim's drug history before the toxicology report but wasnt allowed to say anything because of "Kim's team" probably told him off limits or keep it to a minimum. But he did make the gesture of the paint can when she describe her vodka intake. And Chad might have done the same when he said "you do this too".

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Whitney Houston balked when being asked if she did crack, but it ended up being true.


Meth could be Kim's choice in between paychecks. No matter, the girl is hitting some hard shit, not just liquor and pills. If she can't admit to getting liquored up, I doubt she will admit she ingests other drugs.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Is it possible that this is what sent Chad over the edge, meth?

I think Chad's issue is depression.  Usually you don't go into an inpatient psychiatric facility for drugs-you go to rehab.  I would think if he had big drug issues he would go to a dual diagnosis center.

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Some speculated that Kim was into huffing in season two when she told the "funny" story about how she had been "accidentally" using air freshener or something like that as breath spray.


I can believe that in her younger days Kim wouldn't be picky about drugs but I don't know why she would use something like meth when she can probably get her hands on prescription drugs, marijuana and probably even cocaine, and if she really gets hard up she can raid her cabinets for household products to huff to get high.


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Does Kim enjoy all this publicity surrounding her arrest/sobriety/rehab? Because if she went to rehab and is taking it seriously, or wants people to think she's taking it seriously, why would she allow herself to be photographed out and about, with pics posted on social media?

Makes me less convinced she really went. Or it's a spa-type place with zero treatment credentials. Or luxe sober living.

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I said this from the beginning-Kim should be doing an out patient program.  This isn't an in patient rehab Kim is a patient in.  I wonder if any of Kyle's kids went to the shower?


My suspicion is that Kim's program / treatment is a sober living model as opposed to a rigid, inpatient one.  I also think that if she had gone to the place Dr. Phil wanted her to go it would've been a similar set up.

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Some speculated that Kim was into huffing in season two when she told the "funny" story about how she had been "accidentally" using air freshener or something like that as breath spray

I remember that! I remember thinking how weird her story was, but I also didn't know what huffing was, so now it makes sense.

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I remember that! I remember thinking how weird her story was, but I also didn't know what huffing was, so now it makes sense.

Does anyone really believe Kim was a long time huffer? Because they have a life expectancy of about three years.  Having said that here is an official government story about inhalant and everyone will recognize the universal one they chose to use:  https://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/pubaf/pr/2002/bnlpr041502.htm


My suspicion is that Kim's program / treatment is a sober living model as opposed to a rigid, inpatient one.  I also think that if she had gone to the place Dr. Phil wanted her to go it would've been a similar set up.

Then it someplace she should be for a couple of years-not months.

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Then it someplace she should be for a couple of years-not months.


I don't know if Kim needs to be "admitted" for that long but she needs to be on a treatment plan where she is tested and in the care of / supervised by professionals for two years at least.

Edited by quinn
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Does anyone really believe Kim was a long time huffer? Because they have a life expectancy of about three years..

I don't know, ZM, but they did find toluene in her system. Not sure what else it could be. And it certainly puts Poker Night in a more believable context vs. *one* pain pill.

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Explains a lot, actually.

OMG Huffing Girl Intervention. I hope Kim is not this bad but gee..

Edited by BlackMamba
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An article on Yahoo that links to Reality Tea says Kim has 3 charges against her. The only one left off was the trespassing one.

That was mentioned on the previous page.


I remember Allison on that Intervention episode. One memorable episode.

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TMZ: "Alcohol is on the menu, but they’re not worried about Kim relapsing because her drinking is only a problem when she's alone."


Yep. Sure. It's only a problem when she's alone and when the sky is blue and when the grass is green and when water is wet ....


ETA: I searched "toluene" (I have no life) and it came up as a component of freebasing cocaine. That makes more sense to me, and also fits in more with Kim's age/heyday as far as drugs she was likely to be around, but this is pure speculation on my part.

Edited by missy jo
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Are we sure that the remaining charges are all misdemeanors?

That seems awfully light for battery on a police officer.

She kicked a BH cop. Plus it helps shes white and has family in town with money and clout.

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ETA: I searched "toluene" (I have no life) and it came up as a component of freebasing cocaine. That makes more sense to me, and also fits in more with Kim's age/heyday as far as drugs she was likely to be around, but this is pure speculation on my part.

Yes, I'd say cocaine is more probable. But huffing on breath spray is so much more fun to snark on!

Are we sure that the remaining charges are all misdemeanors?  


That seems awfully light for battery on a police officer.

Yes, they're all misdemeanors. She just kicked him as she resisted arrest. It's not ok, of course, but it's certainly not a felony. Esp. in the current climate of police brutality, can you imagine the police calling it a felony?

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Yes, I'd say cocaine is more probable. But huffing on breath spray is so much more fun to snark on!

Yes, they're all misdemeanors. She just kicked him as she resisted arrest. It's not ok, of course, but it's certainly not a felony. Esp. in the current climate of police brutality, can you imagine the police calling it a felony?

It's a felony in some jurisdictions. She's just lucky that it's not where she lives.

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Can you imagine cocaine being a felony in BH?  Why, the entire town would have been sent, along with Princess Paris and Aunt Kimmy, straight into the slammer!   *laughing uncontrollably*  Sniffing breath spray -- that's a new one to me, but then, I don't travel in the right circles. 

Edited by Lura
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Are we sure that the remaining charges are all misdemeanors?  


That seems awfully light for battery on a police officer.

If the officer had been injured, it would have been a felony.


Does anyone really believe Kim was a long time huffer? Because they have a life expectancy of about three years.

I agree with your earlier post that the toluene was probably from electronic or regular cigarettes.  I think the controlled substance could be a prescription med.


She kicked a BH cop. Plus it helps shes white and has family in town with money and clout.

Since she didn't injure the cop, it's a misdemeanor.

I had a visual of Kim wandering around her house with a dog head on looking for the rest of the suit.

Sorry, I blame the pain killers. Kim would kill for what's (legally) on my nightstand right now.

Hahaha!  Thanks for the laugh!  Hope you feel better soon. :)

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So Kim isn't currently staying in a rehab facility, right? This all just has disaster written all over it IMO. 

TMZ: "Alcohol is on the menu, but they’re not worried about Kim relapsing because her drinking is only a problem when she's alone."


Yep. Sure. It's only a problem when she's alone and when the sky is blue and when the grass is green and when water is wet ....


ETA: I searched "toluene" (I have no life) and it came up as a component of freebasing cocaine. That makes more sense to me, and also fits in more with Kim's age/heyday as far as drugs she was likely to be around, but this is pure speculation on my part.

This makes more sense to me too. I was sort of out of the loop on this huffing thing so I had to look that up too. I was aware that people would abuse household cleaning items by inhaling them but I didn't realize that the term was called huffing. I also had no idea how addicting huffing apparently is. Yikes. It seems like that would be a hard one to hide especially if a person wants to take multiple hits throughout the day.


I also can't really see Kim freebasing in somebody else's bathroom. I know it's Kim but surely she'd be too paranoid of getting caught. It does make me wonder again about what she likely flushed when she was at the BHH. 


Good call to the poster who remembered the breath spray thing. Was that in season 2? Would she really share that story knowing that she was essentially outing herself? Hmm. 

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I also can't really see Kim freebasing in somebody else's bathroom. I know it's Kim but surely she'd be too paranoid of getting caught. It does make me wonder again about what she likely flushed when she was at the BHH.

Good call to the poster who remembered the breath spray thing. Was that in season 2? Would she really share that story knowing that she was essentially outing herself? Hmm.

But that's the habit one must break. Im not ruling out anything anymore when it comes to Kim and drugs. The only drug Kim might not do is heroin but hell I just found out you can snort that when I started watching Intervention years ago.

Remember she could had got high before she went to Brooke's or at Brooke's. It's possible she could had found Kimberly's air duster for her computer and had a little bit when the other substance was wearing off maybe. Or sniffed some nail polish. Kim is a cerebral addict. It's whatever she can get her hands. Shes probably not addicted to one thing. Kim is going for the high one way or another.

Does anyone know about the episode name/number of the air freshener claim in season 2? Im pretty sure Kim was trying to be "hahaha" but maybe she was confessing then to one of her habits. Bravo-Evolution actually kept that nugget in the episode. Mhmm.

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But that's the habit one must break. Im not ruling out anything anymore when it comes to Kim and drugs. The only drug Kim might not do is heroin but hell I just found out you can snort that when I started watching Intervention years ago.

Remember she could had got high before she went to Brooke's or at Brooke's. It's possible she could had found Kimberly's air duster for her computer and had a little bit when the other substance was wearing off maybe. Or sniffed some nail polish. Kim is a cerebral addict. It's whatever she can get her hands. Shes probably not addicted to one thing. Kim is going for the high one way or another

That's probably wise, lol. 


I initially thought that Chad made a nose gesture indicating cocaine when he said that Kim does "a little of this" and now I'm amusing myself imagining what a gesture to signal that a person had been huffing would look like. 

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Kim is making Brandi look good now. Kim had toluene in her system isnt that what they use in METH.

Maybe. But I dont trust Kyle's strength when it comes to Kim. I hate saying the word, but shes whether weak when comes to Kim. If Kim ever lowers her defenses, even for just a little, Kyle will run back to the abuse like usual. Shes been good with boundaries thusfar but Im feeling pessimistic it's not going to last long. JMO.


I had to go to wikipedia to find out about toluene.  Meth is not mentioned but cocaine is "Toluene had also been used in the process of removing the cocaine from coca leaves..."  Boy, the things you learn in here!


I don't mind Kyle going to the wedding.  It is Brooke's day, not Kim's.  At least not going won't be held against her in future fights with Kim.

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So air freshener claim was in season 2-GAME NIGHT

Here's a recap review done by Hello Giggles

En route to Palm Desert, Kim Richards dropped a bombshell revelation about her breath spray. The bombshell isn’t that post 1993, people still use breath spray; it’s that Kim’s breath spray was not in fact, breath spray but it was in fact air freshener.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, I welcome all of you to freely giggle (hello giggles), because Kim Richards has been walking around, squirting her mouth with air freshener and it took her over a week to discover that it wasn’t breath spray. On a less comedic note, we finally discover the source of Kim’s “you stole my g*ddamn house!” accusation from last season’s epically tragic limo ride, which rocked the foundation of the Richards Sisters relationship permanently.


There’s some news today about Kim Richards, Paris Hilton’s aunt, and Kyle’s very slurry, loopy sister. She’s in rehab again and finally. Kim has seemed out of it this entire season and I’ve often wondered why producers even let her drive. Here’s a clip from The Soup where she seems especially gone. (And here’s alink to another clip where she mumbles and admits that she’s been using air freshener in her mouth for a week.)



Edited by BlackMamba
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I had to go to wikipedia to find out about toluene. Meth is not mentioned but cocaine is "Toluene had also been used in the process of removing the cocaine from coca leaves..." Boy, the things you learn in here!

Well I did a Google search "meth + toluene"... Wikipedia also isnt the best source in the world. I think I put other research on the previous page.

Again she may or may not even be on Meth or any drug for long periods of time. It's whatever she has an urge to do that will give her that high. Air freshener and air dusters for computers can definitely give her the instant high.

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If Kim were a real deal Baby Jane living in a decrepit old house that she'd owned for years, can't you just see her hanging on to all kinds of random shit? A bonnet from Little House, Disney memorabilia, various old scripts, a forgotten stash of quaaludes, statements from a Davis trust, a poster from Tuff Turf, a replica of Dorothy's ruby slippers, a broken vibrator, some ancient bottle of laudanum that she pulls out for special occasions, a shattered family photo, a turtle shell, etc.

Edited by Avaleigh
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Meth could be Kim's choice in between paychecks. No matter, the girl is hitting some hard shit, not just liquor and pills. If she can't admit to getting liquored up, I doubt she will admit she ingests other drugs.


Which might explain why she locked herself in the bathroom - flushing something down the toilet, perhaps?

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If Kim were a real deal Baby Jane living in a decrepit old house that she'd owned for years, can't you just see her hanging on to all kinds of random shit? A bonnet from Little House, Disney memorabilia, various old scripts, a forgotten stash of quaaludes, statements from a Davis trust, a poster from Tuff Turf, a replica of Dorothy's ruby slippers, a broken vibrator, some ancient bottle of laudanum that she pulls out for special occasions, a shattered family photo, a turtle shell, etc.

Im actually seeing the visuals.

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